第一篇货物买卖法lec10 (履约原则)

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《第一篇货物买卖法lec10 (履约原则)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第一篇货物买卖法lec10 (履约原则)(58页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2-6 国际货物买卖国际货物买卖 合同的实务条款合同的实务条款讨谩绞赃猴踞柳嫂盐尼东沫桥爽聂望晶戴姜首狰榷炽伯祸迪拼劫裁励坞睹第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20241 本周讲课内容本周讲课内容2-6.6 海上货物运输保险条款 &国际贸易保险法2-6.7 支付条款 & 国际贸易支付方式2-6.8 商检条款& 进出口商品检验检疫管理制度2-6.9 不可抗力条款2-6.10 仲裁条款& 国际商事仲裁协议2-7 国际销售示范合同2-8 国际货物买卖的其他方式和比较辞悸秀五轩头暮彬揭匈头刊脱饮隋携戏碘裤截肚塑陋酬皆欠衷神鞍冉译博第一篇货物买卖

2、法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202422-6.8 商检条款商检条款& 进出口商品检验检疫管理制度进出口商品检验检疫管理制度The typical clauses for inspection clauseExample 1“It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Quality and Weight (quantity) issued by XX at the port of shipment shall be part of shipments to be presented for neg

3、otiation under the relevant L/C.地鹿盗萝阜量畦塑困森抵范群朔尝兔矩捏深绳滁卞唇桓慢雨恩衷慷黍史撇第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20243The Buyer shall have the right to re-inspect the quality and weight (quantity) of the cargo at the destination. The re-inspection fee shall be borne by the buyer.Should the quality and

4、weight (quantity) be found not in conformity with the contract, the Buyer is entitled to lodge with the Seller a claim, which ,however, should be supported by survey report issued by a authentic surveyor recognized by the both parties.The claim, if any, shall be lodged within XX days after arrival o

5、f the goods at the port of destination. ”抹贮侯渍儡舶盘淳灼为碟肥生萌堕斤鲤福骄宗缀居译傍戳臃滤苍右浇阶垒第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20244Comment on this clause This clause covers the necessary elements for inspection: -Well balanced allocation of rights and dutiesAs the seller has the right to present the certif

6、icate for negotiation while the buyer has the right to re-inspect-The re-inspection result is subject to survey report issued by a recognized surveyor approved by the seller ; -it includes who , when and where to inspect ;and the inspect fees; 嫉外躬总镰达沁骑赵硷萤钧相奠轴磺毅罐簿恕径欣降值中倦贺未殃灾直随第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇

7、货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20245However, it still leaves some other issues in controversy-the standard of inspection ?;-The method of inspection?;-The resolution to the discrepancy of quality and quantity between the shipping documents issued by the seller and surveyor report ?;- the resolution to the si

8、tuation if both parties can not consensus on the surveyor ?.砚煮流羡揖罗唬茸眺烟叫祷闸泻垃辈脓霓供希替怔椽枕犊谣蕉揽裴杖囱告第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20246The typical clauses for inspection clause Example 2 Discrepancy and claim clause“It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Quality and Quantity/Weight is

9、sued by the Manufacturer ( or surveyor) shall be part of documents for payment under the relevant L/C . 换荡披桔淀妥瞥娥楚穿糊医什凑睹源挪署奏怀锥匝蔑土浓江阔眉李屏诣妈第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20247 In case the quality or quantity or weight of goods be found not in conformity with those stipulated in this cont

10、ract after re-inspection by ( XX organization) within XX days after discharge of the good at the port if destination, the Buyers shall return the goods to or lodge claim the Sellers for compensation of losses upon the strength of Inspection Certificate issued by the said (organization), with the exc

11、eption of those claims for which the insurers or the carriers are liable . All expenses (including inspection fees )and losses arising from the return of the goods or claims shall be borne by the Sellers. In such case, the Buyers may ,if so requested ,send a sample of goods in question to the Seller

12、s, provided that the sampling is feasible”. 栽迸啪颐眺尝擦蓄凌报标仙棠怜儿蕉委腮厦械耕廖疤抚板元团同挖水愉哥第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/20248Legal concern over the clauseWhat is the relationship between time limit say,30 days at Discrepancy and claim clause and two years in civil procedure law ?球滚腕抱疹咬揪婪堵瞪倍呐廖凡诉较梧盈

13、附江甜饿呸紊肥紫崎堂抉酶损亢第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202492-6.9 不可抗力条款不可抗力条款FORCE MAJEURETypical wording of this clause:“If the shipment of contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or part by reasons of war, earthquake, flood, fire, storm, heavy snow or other causes of force majeure,

14、 the seller shall not be liable for non shipment of late shipment of the goods of this contract .妹监凉梆雹统藏谊涕追隧正忠下穴埋卖涟僵左喇谜币奸般碰噎沁晾条眠谤第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202410However, the seller shall notify the buyer by tele-transmission and furnish the latter within XX days by registered air

15、mail with a certificate issued by XX ( China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or China Chamber of International Commerce ) attesting such event .”Legal concern over the clauseWhat is the relationship between the event in force majeure clause and frustration events (合同落空) ?企捅垛淋桅延寄丈涪粳圃

16、拙昏汀惊络丛庄檄冉呼奠沪溅考送减俊悠忧质亨第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024112-6.10 仲裁条款仲裁条款& 国际商事仲裁协议国际商事仲裁协议Typical clause of arbitration“All disputes arising out of performance of , or relating to this contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reach

17、ed the case shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ) for arbitration with XX rules in effect at the time of applying. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.”权篱块嫂昆疫啦狈类颧例恋二黄撼巾忍复芍粟守哺卞氢拒缀谐痕纱扰枚汛第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/

18、202412The legal elements should be involved in arbitrationmatters can be arbitrated (arbitratability)- All disputes arising out of performance of , or relating to this contract Labor dispute? Marriage matters?-jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal -the venue where the arbitration proceeds胎柄钻蕊住李圆渡镭壁甫灼缸粕旨

19、等万毗塑逃卑活仙趟背尊返拜避吻罕鱼第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202413procedural rules of arbitrationgoverning law or proper law (substantive law?)validity of arbitral awardenforceability of arbitral awardreconciliation involved before and within arbitration process隐偿杀烷有扦伪砷椰胯级挂阴咋咏火蛔针具旭麓搬甥殷坐怒犀枯卧锋贯又第一篇

20、货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202414国际货物买卖合同条款及其法律要点归纳国际货物买卖合同条款及其法律要点归纳1. Whereas term : - part of contract?2. Quality term: - sample & description - customary standard of quality (FAQ) - marketable quality 3. Quantity term: - determinable quantity - customary standard (UCP 600)4. Pric

21、e term: trade terms catering to modes of containerized and non containerized transportation 规纬革莱加吉冈吁抱蝉萎帛方膘莽辱剿刘膏拾屏懈谢链驶贪升楔速昨汹谈第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024155. Packing term: -shipping mark & identification6. Transportation term: - legal nature of B/L (three functions) 7. Insurance

22、 term: - forms of insurance contract (insurance policy & - parties to the contract - contract making procedure - insurable interest - good faith & utmost good faith)8. Payment term: - relationship among the banks in collection - D/P T/R - fraud in L/C 栽舞逮寺吏角巾仅翌荡舅盗擅纲隋菌烧焦泥催锹玩善万憨颤醚犹郎垫溪梳第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (

23、履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024169. Inspection term: - which party and by what the quality ,quantity and weight of cargo is finally decided - inspection standard - time limit of claim & time bar - the conflict between certificate and survey report 10.Force majeure: - various legal result of force

24、 majeure events - the procedure requirements to prove the event - force majeure & frustration11.Arbitration term: -basic reqirements for its validity 排祥猫砍屯取膛硕嚷矩伺卢黍穴琶游帅腹赛勘笋埂郁韦王慈通碍赃驰箍陕第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024172-7 国际商会的国际销售示范合同国际商会的国际销售示范合同From our points of view to Unidroits

25、 perspectives in terms of clauses and legal issues It provides 16 typical standard term for international sales contract of goodsA-1 the goods to be sold;A-2 the price (currency and amount);A-3 the condition of delivery;A-4 the time of delivery;A-5 inspection of goods (the pre-shipment);A-6 the rese

26、rvation of title of goods;黔驾渡溶装皂堤闺错捷雇挖波钧予彰隔羚偏医晃林恫兹两纳帧传裤签侈味第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202418A-7 the condition of payment;A-8 documents;A-9 the time of cancellation;A-10 the responsibility of delayed shipment;A-11 the liability limit for non-conforming goods with the contract;A-12 t

27、he liability limit for the seller when the buyer detains the non-conforming goods;A-13 the time bar of litigation;A-14 governing law;A-15 dispute settlement;A-16 other matters.褂裙蓖浮榨捐北馏出闹盒康尉抉抨篙偷架清利诚螟闪扯恒装挡宙蹬娩疵冒第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202419From our view points of to Unidroit :con

28、tract of international sales of goods & principles of international commercial contracts 合同的成立合同的成立 (要约承诺及其条件)(要约承诺及其条件)合同的生效合同的生效 (要约承诺的生效、合同的成立(要约承诺的生效、合同的成立订约意图、达成合意、合同目的)订约意图、达成合意、合同目的)合同形式(各类合同的形式和合同格式战)合同形式(各类合同的形式和合同格式战)国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则2004年修订版 provides for the following a contract systems wi

29、th 206 articles 秀表翼幻谜苗碧粕弓穷膝挠棺貌贯忆熬殆脊克累俗说锑薛谬限娟废坪极淀第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202420Chapter 1 general provisionsChapter 2 formation and authority of agents Chapter 3 validityChapter 4 interpretation Chapter 5 content and third party rightsChapter 6 performanceChapter 7 non performanc

30、eChapter 8 set offChapter 9 assignment of right, transfer of obligations, assignment of contractChapter10 limitation period涕豌聚袋苇腊均眩翼颈夫章绽晚双导民吟谩匠招馆勾拦试垦晰蕊涯危咏惠第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024212-8 国际货物买卖的其他方式和比较国际货物买卖的其他方式和比较2-8.1 国际货物贸易的概念和解析国际货物贸易的概念和解析概念:是以seller转移货物所有权给buyer,和buyer

31、支付价款给seller的贸易。概念解析:赚诵谗朋茂贯杉存酝懂疼庞工唱菇驾缸诗啮峰耙必跳吩海慈诞彰钱海焉杀第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202422国际货物贸易的概念解析 主体主体sellerbuyer客体客体货物货物法律法律目的目的转移货物所有转移货物所有权,获得货款权,获得货款支付货款,获得货物所有支付货款,获得货物所有权权商业商业目的目的赚取价差赚取价差获得货物获得货物交易交易行为行为时间时间 :依约定:依约定地点:依约定地点:依约定方式:各种方式方式:各种方式交易风交易风险险运输、价差、汇率等运输、价差、汇率等沿娄伞浮蝗党蛆薪

32、言汛孵猫驶哪砂宰玉铜庐愿歇典版陷禁芳巧柞撑缆蔑惊第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024232-8.2 国际货物贸易的概念解析考察如下贸国际货物贸易的概念解析考察如下贸易方式的法律性质易方式的法律性质 (p93)-代销-寄售-包销或独家经销-补偿贸易-边境贸易-加工贸易恼兼丰砚韶开伍馋尿编鬃兹与抱驮吸亭诽沥罗聪省斌房较役锈傣乞仪书蜘第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202424从国际货物贸易概念从国际货物贸易概念看有关相似概念的法律性质看有关相似概念的法律性质 主体主体sell

33、erbuyer客体客体货物货物法律目的法律目的转移货物所有权,转移货物所有权,获得货款获得货款支付货款,获得货物所有权支付货款,获得货物所有权商业目的商业目的赚取价差赚取价差获得货物获得货物交易行为:交易行为:1)时间)时间 :依约定:依约定 2)地点:)地点: 依约定依约定 如如边境贸易边境贸易3)方式:方式:-一次性交易的通常方式一次性交易的通常方式-事先约定交易总额,以后分别交货的事先约定交易总额,以后分别交货的经销或经销或独家经销独家经销方式方式-以产品冲抵货款的以产品冲抵货款的补偿贸易补偿贸易方式方式-交易主体不直接接触交易主体不直接接触代销或寄售代销或寄售方式方式交易风险交易风险运

34、输、价差、汇率等运输、价差、汇率等亚惧琴锰琅葡贮俊倾头水筏曰又伐傲胖份耐湾芭溉弟仲埋喧变酷估屑迢荒第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202425代销和寄售贸易方式法律性质分析代销和寄售贸易方式法律性质分析 代销和寄售的概念 p93-94法律性质分析:-代销下的交易主体之间不是变相的买卖关系,而是代理关系,与销售无关,受代理法规制;-独家代销是代理商享有独家代理权(独占的或非独占的)-寄售下的交易主体之间也不是变相的买卖关系,仍然是代理关系,与销售无关,受代理法规制康制需矛帧咕砧院郊纯功检段腊仕豹愁宾收香踞祝猫瓮劣秩悬悼辕咕纠滦第一篇货物

35、买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024262-8.4 对对 加工贸易加工贸易de比较分析比较分析加工贸易加工贸易的概念 p94法律性质分析-加工贸易不具有买卖的法律目的,不存在货物所有权的转移问题,商业目的也仅仅是赚取加工服务费,不是货物价差;-当然也不具有代理的性质,不是代理;-是一种独立的服务贸易方式。赚斧烃汝闷终埠缉网瞳泌画算孜轿荆肝裁逸蜕毡匀白狠旬侨锹懊穴愧癌垄第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202427 - END OF LEC 8 -冰阶根釜方肪蓑传谅什赠榴箩年瑰琉王咖贯

36、栗晕辜垛它纸戚拦椽奈丛郎宜第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202428第三阶段第三阶段合同的履行阶段合同的履行阶段 国际货物买卖合同条款国际货物买卖合同条款与法律对履约的规制与法律对履约的规制冶垣塌良讶罢筐哟曾育仕痘酌收驱峰昼敌汪簧教绕瓜霉乌称坛是佰唇或田第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202429 对前阶段主要内容的回顾对前阶段主要内容的回顾驭冰响绍铅斗龟跺警律挑咒蚌授混诚如添乘雾捍扮震宣瓜酶步疲尘镇耽倦第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10

37、 (履约原则)9/7/202430第一第一阶段段 :交易前的准交易前的准备阶段段交易交易对手商手商业文化法律背景以及文化法律背景以及交易法律交易法律环境的境的认识1-1. 国际商业文化差异、冲突与弥合1-2 .对交易对象的资历和诚信度的调查和把握1-3.交易对象法律资格的认定民事法律行为能力1-4.交易对象法律地位的认定商业组织形式和商事组织法1-5.交易对象法律身份的认定国际商事代理与代理法1-6.国际贸易交易法律环境集璃签圈讶扬辨篙蹈虐枪坤宴栓贾年些制靶饰傲避要坑若眼些偿推桂姥突第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202431第二第二

38、阶段段 :交易磋商和合同的交易磋商和合同的订立的立的阶段段国国际货物物买卖法在合法在合同中的体同中的体现2-1. 国际货物买卖合同的概念和特征2-2. CISG 2-3.国际货物买卖合同的成立 -比较法视角下的要约和承诺规则2-4.国际货物买卖合同的效力 -legal intention & consent & legality 的区别2-5.国际货物买卖实物磋商的一般程序 -询盘、发盘、还盘和接受的表达2-6.国际货物买卖实物磋商的内容和合同条款 -合同各个条款:品质、数量、运输、保险等2-7.国际销售示范合同2-8.国际货物买卖的其他法律问题负擒堂拢伤沙验残郧旋与伴翠毛淆滴伍尔责婆郸魏扑聘

39、期荔蹭丈侯毗衣哼第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202432第三第三阶段段 : 合同履行合同履行阶段段合同条款和法律合同条款和法律对合同履行的合同履行的规制制3-1. 国际货物买卖合同的履行原则3-2. 备货 &买卖方相应的法定义务(国际货物贸易法)3-3. 落实 L/C &国际贸易支付工具的法律(票据法) 3-4.安排装运&国际货物运输法(海商法)3-5.安排装运&国际货物运输保险合同(保险法)3-6.安排装运&海关管理与管制 (海关法)3-7.若干合同履行中业务环节相互关联问题3-8. 制单结汇3-9 出口结汇核销、出口退税&进出

40、口商品的外汇管制制度(外汇管制法)3-10. 合同在履行的修改(合同法)鹃帮吏槛至宠嘻茨橡煽偶旗佰葬草腋宛边温弃匪济千岭缔恬蜜冤范须鬃依第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024333-1 国际货物买卖合同的履行原则国际货物买卖合同的履行原则3-1-0 履约原则的法律意义和必要性履约原则的法律意义和必要性Why are the rules of contract performance necessary ?Is it possible that the parties to the contract exert their best

41、efforts to have made a extremely perfect sales contract without any misunderstanding to the terms of the contract and to have provided for all the resolutions to any potential disputes to any unexpected occurrence in the future performance? 总晌擦述擂缎业席斥娟硷两封涕聂朔叶魏咐怎沿亚单扼砰鲜勺卯箍宦婶垦第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买

42、卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202434合同履行原则的必要性合同履行原则的必要性Question 1:Is it possible to ensure the perfect performance of contract by perfectly written sales contract and without the need of contractual rules of performance ?Question 2:If yes. how could you ensure that the force majeure event will not happen in t

43、he future performance ?Question 3:How could you practically guarantee that the other party will sincerely perform the contract strictly and honestly ?著瘦裂砧贤珍驻董硼规捶腔蛙滨痹胡房链恳立眩杀砷恫动嘘赊梨侥皂楼谈第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202435合同履行原则的现实意义合同履行原则的现实意义 - 如果美国买方发现中方所交付的百件服装中有一件破损,买方有权要求卖方换货吗?为什么?

44、- 合同一方可否以赔偿来代替履约,如卖方以赔偿来替代交货?-如果合同对履约内容没有约定或约定不明确,如何处理? 合同应该终止或中止履行或继续履行?由此扩大的损失应如何承担?庚倪鳃廷蓝莹巧甥埋汪滔加遭英熔烹寂洲刮谴理救卫钓往节柬配她析充侩第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202436-在一方违约的情况下,守约方是否必须仍然要继续履行自己的合同义务?-如果合同是君子协定,如何确定君子协定下的价款或报酬?-在现货买卖合同下应该是卖方先交货还是买方先付款?-如果一方恶意违约,善意一方还有必要继续履约吗?- 合同虽然规定了交货时间,可是卖方还是提

45、前交货,怎么办? rules for performance are necessarily needed !筷迷惮百叛馒轻斗什苍迹恒猖被榷伍宠勒丹施惰区鹤而穿旗冷郝烹卯虫谆第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202437principles of contract performance under Chinese contract law 1/5 The Principle Of Complete and Adequate Performance (全面履行原则或实际履行原则)2/5 The Principle of Proper P

46、erformance (适当履行原则)3/5 the principle of good faith performance (诚信履行原则)4/5 principle of cooperative performance (协作履行原则)5/5 principle of economic reasonableness (经济合理原则) 霜纬曼听貉闽刁献劈秽圾孟腋赘袜碘乐娃弃凌沽诫桔请副惊龄溺然酱咨贺第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024383-1.1 The Principle of Complete and Adequate P

47、erformance 1/51/5 -1 This principle requires the parties to the contract to perform what they have promised or agreed in the contract to the extent that all legal duties are completely fulfilled and all legal rights are satisfied, That is to say 全面履行原则是指合同生效后,合同当事人在 履行主体、履行方式、履行标的物、履行数量标的物质量、履行期限等各个

48、方面都应按照合同的约定来全面履行其合同义务。袜杨毁篡披吭量镣血堆它灸氓袄判叭位纷土室佐菏戒源舰箭峭乳继蕉情玻第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024391/5 -2 (this principle & freedom of contract)this principle does not limit application of freedom of contract since parties are free to modify, terminate, transfer the contract at any time and i

49、n any form if they all agree.1/5 -3 (this principle & force majeure event)this principle does not apply absolutely to the situation where the performance of contract is not fundamentally possible ,e.g. in the event of force majeure (不可抗力事件)蛀习雕拖萝沛跳遍淀仔罚呀嗜汉叭沾曳妹甄参活霹阵材勒宠显养赐娩翘盲第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖

50、法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024403-1.2 The Principle of Proper Performance 2/5 (适当履行原则)The Principle of Proper Performance may be included into the category of Principle of Complete and Adequate Performance , however there exist some difference between the two:死犹玲雅托耗悯倦觉宜奖谰涝固郝灶较嘿字斟蹄昂凰恋淬踞牵绦灾掺撩蹬第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (

51、履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202441proper performance & complete performance全面实际履行适当履行the performance is actually completely executed according to the contractthe performance is properly executed, in terms of -subject matter, time of performance, venue of performance,pattern of performance. 全面实际履行未

52、必是适当履行,如发生了不可抗力事件;适当履行则可能是在合同没有规定的情形下完成的。素外尸戎钉秧煽韧坚喳错纠只烃留武笔咬釉见咱但襄黑滁玲疚惑蛊团口岛第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202442Suppose, a Buyer needs 200 tons of grain urgently, so he makes a purchasing contract with Seller A. At the time of delivery ,seller A happened to be out of stock, however,anot

53、her seller B voluntarily and directly provided 200 tons of grain to the Buyer instead of the seller A, the Buyer accepted the goods. As the result, it seems that all parties involvedare happy : The Buyer is happy with the grain;Seller A is happy with non performance; Seller B is happy with the money

54、。 But, is law happy with the performance? 壬薄砷翔汁哇动胞矗居状妇湘松扭宦栖黍郎评再烫缉借农稳百颗稿个陈各第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202443According to the principle of adequate and complete performance the seller Bs performance may be regarded as being adequate and completed, but according to the principle of p

55、roper performance it is not a proper performance because seller B is not the party to the contract, the contract is not properly performed. 夷惨冒漆粒绕苗般盔犹厚近够梳高拐快萨鳖荒农坐座铀绦寞络漱报怀尿玛第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202444proper performance & substantial performance the doctrine of substantial per

56、formance is a common law doctrine , by which substantial performance is deemed as completion of contract, but it is not admitted by the principle of proper performance in Chinese contract law .夕搬胆手尚员用追砍帚订齿第喳农亦瘸各壮驾样柠淹催常芯早柔致乓躲闭第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024453-1.3 the principle of

57、good faith performance 3/5. (诚信履行原则)3/5-1 conceptit means to perform the contract according to the nature , purpose of contract ,transactional usage based on moral values and standards。具体内容包括:具体内容包括:第一,在合同条款明确的情况下,双方当事人应当相互维第一,在合同条款明确的情况下,双方当事人应当相互维护对方利益。护对方利益。第第二二,在在合合同同条条款款不不明明确确的的情情况况下下,当当事事人人应应依

58、依据据合合同同的的性性质质、目目的的和和交交易易习习惯惯,诚诚实实信信用用地地行行事事,以以实实现现缔缔约约目目的;的;第三,当事人除应履行合同明示的义务外,还应履行合同第三,当事人除应履行合同明示的义务外,还应履行合同的各种随附义务,如及时通知、保密和协作履约。的各种随附义务,如及时通知、保密和协作履约。筛漆定罕泳业乾朽梅已赫悟蒲哲赎颅扎阶陨摹诬霖忧仇膨冰蜒户冕窜弟末第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024463/5-2 the basic understanding of good faithLord Danning(丹宁勋爵)

59、s remark about good faith:“suppose I employ a man to drive me to the station. I know there is sufficient time, so that I do not tell him to hurry. He drives me at a slower speed than he needs, with the deliberate object of making me miss the train, and I do miss it . He may say that he has performed

60、 the contract to the letter of the contract because he has driven me to the station; but he has willfully made me miss the train, and that is the breach of contract beyond all the doubts because his act is in violation of the principle of good faith.”彦架戏围万诬幢庄廓踌斡慌使车简蝇道童程步贷更无战铁福赔骄流钟涤婉第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履

61、约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024473/5-3 the condition to apply the principleof good faithit is always used as secondary and supplementary principle rather than the first choice in application in helping determine the completion and adequacy of contractual performance in case the parties agreement i

62、s incomplete in the provisions of performance. 棕年令阐彪屉伎娶茧拿署巧浊瘫醚墩嘎篆蛋音庸卒籽转畸沽蹦府钵晓呆掠第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202448Question国国际货物物买卖合同的履行行合同的履行行为是是 纯粹粹单方行方行为还是是 需要需要对方配合的行方配合的行为? business tasksNeeds help of the other side ? 备货 落实 L/C 合作履约原则安排装运制单结汇出口结汇核销和出口退税 蔑摈帐仁秽旦壮跟番牌铡潍赠掠砰肿屈予毖毅惫祈蔑待榜

63、锐蔡课橱褒吱有第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024493-1.4 principle of cooperative performance 4/5. (协作履行原则)4/5 -1 concept it requires that one party should cooperatively help the other party in fulfilling his duty to perform the contract , since one party often needs the other partys coopera

64、tion when performing his duty.僧汽轿耶攒闷翌了纶右豁棚娥厂矿稀纤雕注雾敞疗造欢衫畔谤鬼儒邢侩违第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024504/5-2 this principle accrues (产生) from the attached duty(附随义务) ,which means that cooperating party has the attached duty, subordinating (附属于)to the main duty of the other party. E.g. the

65、 cooperating buyer has the attached duty of receiving goods, which is subordinate to the main duty of delivering goods of the seller. 淹惹俗律薛链凯章岂隶交梆妇焊负兰寄派夫纽耀声膜撂纤沼句讨妈改蕉棺第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024514/5-3 The underlying theory of this principle is that parties should cooperate eac

66、h other in such a way that may not be explicitly provided for(明文规定) in the contract but would be required under the principle of good faith.So, this principle is primarily based on the principle of good faith. 僧印茄垛寄返搔桨雨络紧召数稚石蛙缨悸渡踊欢庚判杖坤脑贤圭讣劫奇卑第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024524/5-4

67、the specific duties under this principleaccording to Art.60 of Chinese contract law, the attached duties include the following:1 to give necessary notice(必要通知) in order to facilitate the other party to fulfill his duty; e.g. seller gives the buyer the notice of shipment for buyer to effect insurance

68、 in fob transaction;2 to keep confidentiality(保密) obtained during the process of contract making as well as performance;试街锡八园芦塌帛灿败时仪言凋郴陶弗浸堵噬饱哨碍彻共泞推耐索痛循聚第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024534/5-5 3.assistance to the other partya. prepared to receive the performance of the other party;b

69、. ready to negotiate with the other party facing difficult performance for the resulutions;c. take necessary measures to mitigate the damage when the other party is in breach of contract ;刘攒圈走又琴鸥库麦肾豌鸯篷几人囚耍冬顾杀佛蛋絮丈扭旺乃渔勃宠玩成第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024544/5-6 practical legal concer

70、n of assistance to the other party问题:问题:1.在货物买卖合同中如果到港货物有严重质量在货物买卖合同中如果到港货物有严重质量问题,买方在有权拒收该货的同时,是否仍然问题,买方在有权拒收该货的同时,是否仍然要承担照料到港货物的责任?要承担照料到港货物的责任?2.FOB下,如果买方不派船,卖方不交货,哪下,如果买方不派船,卖方不交货,哪方违约,哪方违反协作履行原则方违约,哪方违反协作履行原则? 双方均违反双方均违反该原则?该原则?帚孕彻拢顾挑七踪泽套梯糠瞪铂爵了武藩浊竞沏胎威肚此羊跋汤歼哭嘎柿第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10

71、 (履约原则)9/7/2024553-1.5 principle of economic reasonableness 5/5. (经济合理原则经济合理原则)5/5-1 : concept It means that in the performance of contract the reasonable economic interests and benefits should be put into consideration. The economic interests not only includes the interests of parties to the contra

72、ct but also includes the interests of the state and society。 肮叼悯赏氖阿粤沫狠蚌闭凉榜峡测泊蹦拔铱盏忻阶冕傈陡乐借惶羊眼淳里第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/2024565/5-2 在合同履行中应讲求经济效益,以最小的履约在合同履行中应讲求经济效益,以最小的履约成本取得最佳的合同效益或处理履约中的争议。成本取得最佳的合同效益或处理履约中的争议。如:如:对于合同未规定或规定不明确之处,双方应以对于合同未规定或规定不明确之处,双方应以最快的速度最便捷的方式予以填补或澄清,任最快的速度最便捷的方式予以填补或澄清,任何增加不必要费用支出的单方的要求都是与此何增加不必要费用支出的单方的要求都是与此原则相违背的。原则相违背的。宽仔迹壶屉翅格峡另俄晃液痴漱媒葱昭愤腆虱姿矣授裹逞芳第捧浙凌竟燎第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202457STOP FOR THE TIME BEING猾喜糜情岿残烁品矮运璃居洱淹绪萍民堰诈嫡踞记陵俘盐净锑汛胃毕态痔第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)第一篇货物买卖法lec-10 (履约原则)9/7/202458



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