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1、Leading-inLearning aims 1.You can describe a person by words. 你能口头你能口头描述一个人描述一个人。 2.You can write a short article about a person. 你能你能写一篇描写人物的短文写一篇描写人物的短文。 Describing peopleDescribing peopleA Talk timeA Talk time Guide 1 Remember:Describing a person we usually mention his or her age, build, height a

2、nd anything else special about him or her. 识记:识记:通常描写一个人,我们会提到他通常描写一个人,我们会提到他/她的她的年龄、体型、身高年龄、体型、身高等其他等其他外貌特征外貌特征。 Learning aim To practise describing a person by words . 练习练习口头描述一个人口头描述一个人。 1.She is quite tall and thin. She has long , blonde hair. She wears sunglasses.2. He is very young. He is shor

3、t and heavy. He has short ,brown hair.Activity 1: P42 A1-1 ; P43A1-2 Every student describes these 8 people. Activity 2: One student describes a person, the other students guess. Learning aim To learn how to write a short article about a person. 学会怎样写描述一个人的短文。学会怎样写描述一个人的短文。 Guide 2Remember:The descr

4、ibing people article includes 3 paragraphs. Paragraph 1. Describe the person.Paragraph 2. Describe the persons work. (She is a teacher and she teaches English.)Paragraph 3. Give your opinion about the person . (I think she is very kind.)识记:人物描写的短文分三段写: 第一段描述这个人; 第二段讲述他的工作; 第三段评价这个人。Activity 3 Write

5、a short article about your mother / your father / your teacher. Activity 4书面表达。 假如你是学校剪报社的成员,你要向来校参观的外国来宾介绍指导老师钟老师。以下是介绍要点:1. 钟老师50多岁,但很健康,喜欢剪纸;2. 能剪出各种形状,如人物、动物、花和代表健康吉祥的汉字。去年,她举办过展览,作品很受欢迎;3. 你的评价。要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,表达完整。80词左右。提示词:cut the paper out in diffirent shapes 剪出各种形状,put on/hold a show举办展览,works

6、作品,popular受欢迎的。 _ Miss Zhong is my paper cutting teacher . Although she is over 50, she is very fit and still enjoys paper cutting very much. Paper and scissors are required in papercutting. She can cut the paper out in different shapes, such as a person, animals, flowers and Chinese characters for health and good luck.She put on a show last year. Her works werevery popular. I like her works because they are very wonderful. Homework44th周报周报2nd、3rd 的练习,作文写到作文本上的练习,作文写到作文本上



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