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1、耳 朵 倾 听,眼 睛 观 察,嘴 巴 说 话,用 心 思 考。打一个字?聪六年级下数学思考数学思考巧数线段巧数线段握一握 说一说.小组内的4个同学,每两个握一次手,一共可以握几次?思考:怎样做到不重复,不遗漏,有顺序一共握了:6次1+2+3=6(次) 8个同学可以握多少次呢?我们教室里的40个同学又可以握多少次呢?有没有什么规律?我们可以从2个点开始,逐步增加点数来研究。also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. T

2、heir work in the army before, although the understanding of the material, but also just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but n

3、ot false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not

4、understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective 合作探究 发现规律小组合作要求:连一连,完成表格 说一说你们的发现also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although the understanding of the material, but also just only know f

5、ur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwil

6、ling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective ABalso lack the necessary understanding.Two

7、 is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although the understanding of the material, but also just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little abo

8、ut professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality o

9、f their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective ABCalso lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although the understanding o

10、f the material, but also just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation

11、 of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective AB

12、CD仔细观察这张表格,你能得到什么信息?3个点共连:个点共连:1+2=3 (条)(条)4个点共连:个点共连:1+2+3=6 (条)(条)5个点共连:个点共连:1+2+3+4=10 (条)(条) 根据规律,8个点能连几条线段?问题1234567能用简单方法计算吗?= 28(条)= 834= (17)(26)(35)4 根据规律,你知道15个点能连多少条线段吗?问题123456+14= 105(条) 15个点= 157 按照简单的方法计算,你发现了什么,试着归纳一下。n个点共连成线段:1+2+3+4+5+6+(n-1)再观察再观察2354点数,增加条数和总条数之间有什么联系吗?你还有什么新发现吗?

13、可以发现:3个点共连:个点共连:322=3 (条)(条)4个点共连:个点共连:432=6 (条)(条)5个点共连:个点共连:542=10 (条)(条)n个点共连成线段:个点共连成线段: n(n-1)2n个点共连成线段:个点共连成线段:1+2+3+4+5+6+(n-1)n n(n-1n-1)2 2 今天 我们一共有40个同学,每2位好朋友握手1次,大家一共要握手多少次?1+2+3+.+39=(139)1920=780(次)(次)算一算1+2+3+.+39=40392=780(次)答:40个同学一共要握手780次 同学们,在我们生活中有许多看同学们,在我们生活中有许多看似复杂的问题,我们都可以尝试

14、从简似复杂的问题,我们都可以尝试从简单问题去思考,逐步找到其中的规律,单问题去思考,逐步找到其中的规律,从而来解决复杂的问题。从而来解决复杂的问题。 1. 有几条线段? 举一反三 2.有几个角?321219876453458761+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=(1+8) 4=36(条)(条)982=36(条)1+2+3+4+5+6+7=(17)3+4=28(个)(个)872=28(个)三、巩固深化三、巩固深化1.观察下图,想一想。(1)第7幅图有多少个棋子?第15幅图呢?每幅图各有多少个棋子?1 4 9 16 在数的过程中,你发现了什么?问题1 4 9 1611 22 33 44每行的棋子数行

15、数棋子总数问题1. 第7幅图有多少个棋子?第15幅图呢?7749(个) 1515225(个)2.第n幅图每边有多少个棋子?一共有多少个棋子 ?每行有n个,有n行棋子总数=n n2 2 今天你学到了什么? 从简单开始,有序思考用化繁为简,找到规律复杂的问题要善于退,足够地退,退到最原始而不失去重要性的地方,是学好数学的一个诀窍。不足之处,恳请大家给予批评指正不足之处,恳请大家给予批评指正多边多边形形 边边 数数3456内角和内角和180360540720(1)多边形内角和与它的边数有什么关系?(2)一个九边形的内角和是多少度?多边形内角和(边数-2)180 (9-2)1801260ABCD找规律找规律(1)3,9,11,17,20,36,41,+2 +3 +4 +5(2)1,3,2,6,4,12, +3 + 3 +3 +32 2 2 2 26309816+6 +6 +6 +6



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