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1、The Institution of Mechanical Engineers孫子兵法孫子兵法Sun Tzus “The Art of War” Speaker: Prof Tin-pui LEUNG, Past President, IMechE Hong Kong Branch孫子兵法孫子兵法孫子兵法孫子兵法世界上最早的兵書、軍世界上最早的兵書、軍世界上最早的兵書、軍世界上最早的兵書、軍事理論著作事理論著作事理論著作事理論著作The Art of War the oldest book on The Art of War the oldest book on military strate

2、gy in the world!military strategy in the world!Author:孫子(Sun Tzu) 即孫武 (Sun Wu),春秋 (The Spring and Autumn Period) 末期齊國 (state of Qi) 人,約與孔子 (Confucius, 551 479 B. C.) 同期。The “Art of War” brought Sun Tzu to the notice of Helu, King of Wu and became his general in 512 BC. For almost two decades, the ar

3、mies of Wu were victorious over their hereditary enemies, the Kingdom of Chu.孫子兵法的層次孫子兵法的層次Gradation of “The Art of War”孫子兵法是從哲理的層面,來觀察戰爭現象,探討和揭示戰爭的規律。From philosophic point of view to observe War and reveal its regular pattern.孫子兵法包含四個層次孫子兵法包含四個層次 : :The four gradations of “The Art of War”1. 戰爭觀念 T

4、he notion of War 一個軍事家,對戰事要有一個基本的態度,是肯定還是否定戰事? 戰爭與政治、戰爭與民心? 勝負的問題、戰爭的性質(正義的,還是非正義的?)。最主要的核心,就是慎戰不要窮兵黷武。A militarist should have his own stand to War. To affirm or to deny? War and politics? Victory or defeat? The nature? The prime importance is to ponder deeply over and not to wantonly engage in mil

5、itary aggression.2. 戰略思想 The military strategya.不戰而屈人之兵 (in defeating the enemy without ever fighting)b.先發制人 (to forestall the enemy)c.速戰速決 (rapidity)3. 戰術思想 The military tacticsa.爭取主動權 致人而不致于人 (Stirs and is not stirred)b.知彼知己 (Know the enemy, know yourself)c.避實而擊虛 (War shuns the strong and attacks

6、the weak)4. 治軍理論 Leading the armya.訓練、調教 (military training)b.紀律、規章制度 (discipline, rules and regulations)c.用將,將領用什麼樣的人 (the commander)d.部隊的賞罰 (Rewards)e.令之以文,齊之以武(Command (troops) with civility, rally them with marital discipline) 用政治教育、物質鼓勵、精神鼓勵來教育軍隊,及用嚴格的軍紀軍法管理軍隊。political education, material rewa

7、rd, moral encouragement and severe military rules and regulations.孫子兵法的意義孫子兵法的意義Significance of “The Art of War”孫子兵法的意義,不完全在它兵法的本身。文化有兩種形態。第一種是很輝煌,很有價值的東西(如甲骨文,對聯、書畫、等等)。第二種是文明形態,如周易、老子、論語,而孫子兵法就是包含在這種文化之中 是活的、生生不息的及給人啟示的。“The Art of War” has been applied to fields well outside the military.十個問題孫子兵法

8、圍繞着十個問題孫子兵法圍繞着十個問題 : :The Ten Questions:1.義與利 (justice and benefit)2.力與謀 (strength and wisdom) 3.常與變 (constancy and change)4.物與我 5.虛與實 (empty and full)6.利與害 (advantage and disadvantage)7.迂與直 (circuitousness and directness)8.勢與節(中庸)(potential energy and moderation)9.全與偏 (comprehensiveness and bias)10

9、.知與行 (understanding and action)孫子運用當中的四個問題Common mistakes in applying Sun Tzus:1.歪曲原意,信口開河 (distorting authors meaning and making promise too easily)2.偏向、簡單化 (deviation and simplification)3.生搬硬套 (indiscriminate copy) 4.誇大神化 (beyond limits of truth)孫子兵法十三篇( (約約59005900字字) )|分別論述了計Laying Plans、作戰Wagin

10、g of War、謀攻Attack by Stratagem、形Forms and Dispositions 、 勢Potential Energy、 虛實Empty and Full、軍爭The Fray、 九變The Nine Changes、行軍Army on the March、 地形Forms of Terrain、九地The Nine Kinds of Ground、火攻Attack by Fire、用間Espionage等問題。The Art of War The 13 chapters孫子兵法十三篇( (約約59005900字字) )|在這些問題的論述中,提出許多歷久常新的軍事

11、原則,制定作戰計劃,集中兵力,確定主攻方向,善於實施機動,注意密切協同,創造主動態勢,立足於不敗之地。並注意軍事地理、後勤供應、軍隊建設、對敵政策等各重要事項。Many military principles have been discussed in these 13 chapters, including formulation of plans, concentration of armed forces, definite attack direction, availability to change, close coordination and creation of init

12、iative situation. They also pay attention to the military geography, logistics replenishment, modernization of the armed forces and military tactics. The Art of War The 13 chapters計第一|兵者,國之大事。死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。War is a grave affair of state; It is a place of life or death, a road to survival or extinc

13、tion, a matter to be pondered carefully.Chapter 1 Laying plans計第一|故經之以五事,校之以計,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰將,五曰法。道者,令民與上同意,可與之死,可與之生,而不危也;天者,陰陽、寒暑、時制也;地者,遠近、險易、廣狹、死生也;將者,智、信、仁、勇、嚴也;法者, 曲制、官道、主用也。There are Five Fundamentals for this deliberation, for the making of comparisons and the assessing of conditions: T

14、he Way, Heaven, Earth, Command, Discipline. The Way causes men to be of one mind with their rulers, to live or die with them, and never to waver. Heaven is Yin and Yang, cold and hot, the cycle of seasons. Earth is height and depth, distance and proximity, ease and danger, open and confined ground,

15、life and death. Command is wisdom, integrity, compassion, courage, severity. Discipline is organization, chain of command, control of expenditure.Chapter 1 Laying plans計第一|兵者,詭道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之遠,遠而示之近。利而誘之,亂而取之,實而備之,強而避之,努而撓之,卑而驕之,佚而勞之,親而離之。攻其無備,出其不意。The Way of War is a Way of Deception. When a

16、ble, feign inability; When deploying troops, appear not to be. When near, appear far; When far, appear near. Lure with bait; Strike with chaos. If the enemy is full, be prepared. If strong, avoid him. If he is angry, disconcert him. If he is weak, stir him to pride. If he is relaxed, harry him; If h

17、is men are harmonious, split them. Attack where he is unprepared; Appear where you are unexpected. Chapter 1 Laying plans作戰第二|凡用兵之法, 日費千金,然後十萬之師舉矣。In War, . The daily cost of all this will exceed one thousand teals of silver (for an army)|其用戰也,勝久則鈍兵挫銳,攻城則力屈, 九暴師則國用不足。In War, victory should be swift.

18、 If victory is slow, men tire, morale sags. Sieges exhaust strength; Protracted campaigns strain the public treasury.|故不盡知用兵之害者,則不能盡知用兵之利也。Without a full understanding of the harm caused by war, it is impossible to understand the most profitable way of conducting it.Chapter 2 - Waging of War作戰第二|故兵貴

19、勝,不貴久。In War, prize victory, not a protracted campaign.|故知兵之將,民之司命,國家安危之主也。The wise general is a Lord of Destiny; He holds the nations peace or peril in his hands.|其意即為速决 及就地補充給養裝備。 Thats, with rapidity and immediate provisions of supplements. Chapter 2 - Waging of War謀攻第三|是故百戰百勝,非善之善者也;不戰而屈人之兵,善 之善

20、者也。Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting.|故用兵之法,十則圍之,五則攻之,倍則分之。In War, with forces ten to the enemys one, surround him; With five, attack him; With two, split in half.|知彼知己,百戰不殆;不知彼而知已,一勝一負;不知彼,不知已,每戰必敗。Know the enemy, know yourself, an

21、d victory is never in doubt, not in a hundred battles. He who knows self but not the enemy will suffer one defeat for every victory. He who knows neither self nor enemy will fail in every battle.Chapter 3 Strategic Offensive形第四|形Forms and Dispositions和勢Potential Energy在孫子中有明顯區別 are different in “The

22、 Art of War”。 形含有形象、形體等義。是指戰爭中客觀,有常,易見的諸因素。Forms and Dispositions involve appearance, form and structure, which are objective and conspicuous factors in a war. |勝可知,而不可為。不可勝者,守也;可勝者,攻也。One can know victory and yet not achieve it. Invulnerability is defense; Vulnerability is attack. |兵法:一曰度,二曰量,三曰數,四

23、曰稱,五曰勝。地生度,度生量,量生數,數生稱,稱生勝。In War, there are Five Steps: Measurement, Estimation, Calculation, Comparison, Victory. Earth determines Measurement; Measurement determines Estimation; Estimation determines Calculation; Calculation determines Comparison, Comparison determines Victory.Chapter 4 - Forms勢第

24、五|勢Potential Energy含有態勢之義,是指戰爭中人為、易變、潛在的諸因素。它指隨機的和能動的東西(如指揮的靈活,士氣的勇怯,等等)。Potential energy involves posture, which is man-made, changeable and potential factor in a war.|故善戰者,求之於勢,不責於人,故能擇人而任勢。The Skillful Warrior exploits the potential energy; He does not hold his men responsible. He deploys his men

25、 to their best but relies on the potential energy.|凡戰者,以正合,以奇勝。In warfare, engage directly; Secure victory indirectly.|奇正Combination of indirect and direct 是指投入實際戰鬥的兵力配置,即按先出、後出、正面接敵與側翼突襲,主攻和助攻等兵力所做的分配。Chapter 5 Potential Energy虛實第六|虛實Empty and Full 是指兵力部署和兵力的相對集中和相對分散。它與奇正不同,奇正是將兵力投入實際戰鬥時所做的戰術配置。 虛

26、實是指通過分散集結的運動變化,造成預先在會戰地點上的我強敵劣。Empty and Full means troop disposition and armed forces redeployment. Trough concentration and dispersion of armed forces, creates a decisive battle in defeating the enemy. |兵形像水,水之形避高而趨下,兵之形避實而擊虛;水因地而制流,兵因敵而制勝。Military dispositions take form like water. Water shuns th

27、e high and hastens to the low. War shuns the strong and attacks the weak. Water shapes its current from the lie of the land. The warrior shapes his victory from the dynamic of the enemy.Chapter 6 Empty and Full軍爭第七|軍爭The fray是指兩軍爭奪會戰的先機之利。The fray means contention for decisive battle initiative|軍爭之難

28、者,以迂為直,以患為利。The difficulty of the fray lies in making the crooked straight and in making an advantage of misfortune.|故迂其途而誘之以利,後人發,先人至。Take a roundabout route, and lure the enemy with some gain; Set out after him, but arrive before him.|善用兵者,避其銳氣,擊其惰歸,此治氣者也,以治待亂,以靜待譁,此治心者也。以近待遠,以佚待勞,以飽待飢,此治力者也。The s

29、killful warrior avoids the keen spirit, attacks the dull and the homesick; This is Mastery of Spirit. He confronts chaos with discipline; He treats tumult with calm. This is Mastery of Mind. He meets distance with closeness; He meets exhaustion with ease; He meets hunger with plenty; This is Mastery

30、 of Strength.Chapter 7 - The Fray九變第八|先秦子書中常見九變Nine Changes一詞。九變述民之所以守戰至死原因有九 。九變實即九地之變。There are nine reasons why people defend fight until death.|聰明的人考慮問題,一定要兼顧利、害兩個方面。In the wise leaders plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together.|凡用兵之法,將受命於君,合軍聚衆,圮地無舍,衢地交合,絕地

31、無留,圍地則謀,死地則戰。途有所不由, 軍有所不擊,城有所不攻,地有所不爭,君命有所不受。In War, the general receives orders from his sovereign, then assembles troops and forms an army. On intractable terrain, do not encamp; On crossroad terrain, join forces with allies; On dire terrain, do not linger; On enclosed terrain, make strategic plan

32、s; On death terrain, do battle. There are roads not to take. There are armies not to attack. There are towns not to besiege. There are terrains not to contest. There are rulers orders not to obey.Chapter 8 Nine Changes行軍第九|着重講行軍中的宿營和觀察敵情兩個問題。Army on the March considers the question of encamping the

33、army, and observing signs of the enemy. Chapter 9 Army on the March地形第十|着重講六種形勢持點不同的作戰地形以及相應的戰術要求。Explanation on the six kinds of terrain as well as the corresponding tactical request.Chapter 10 - Terrain九地第十一|根據主客形勢的不同和深入程度, 掌握士兵心理,誘使士兵前往會戰九地The Nine Kinds of Ground,可分三類:1.從主客形势和深入程度講 from the situ

34、ation and degree of “hosts and visitors”2.從行軍的角度講 from the Marchs point of view3.從會戰的角度講 from the Battles point of view|投之亡地然後存,陷之死地然後生。Throw them into perilous ground, and they will survive; Plunge them into death ground, and they will live. Chapter 11 The Nine Grounds火攻第十二|凡火攻有五:一曰火人,二曰火積,三曰火輜,四曰火

35、庫,五曰火隊。There are Five Ways to attack by Fire. The first is to burn men; The second is to burn supplies; The third is to burn equipment; The fourth is to burn warehouses; The fifth is to burn lines of communication.|故以火佐攻者明, 以水佐攻者強。水可以絕,不可以奪。Fire assists an attack mightily. Water assists an attack po

36、werfully. Water can isolate, but it cannot take away.Chapter 12 Attack by Fire用閒第十三|閒即間,指使用間諜。The use of spies.|所以動而勝人,成功出于眾者,先知也。先知者,必取於人,敵之情者也。Prior information enables (generals) to move and conquer, brings them success beyond that of the multitude. This information can be obtained only from men,

37、 form those who know the enemys dispositions.|故用閒有五:有因閒,有內閒, 有反閒,有死閒,有生閒。There are Five Sorts of Spies: Local, Internal, Double, Dead, and Live.|因閒,是利用敵方的鄉野之民作間諜;內間,是利用敵方的官吏作間諜、反間,利用敵方間諜作我方間諜;死間故意把假情報傳到外面,讓我方間諜得知而傳給敵方。生間,是送回情報的人。Chapter 13 The use of Spies孫子兵法的精粹|在對戰爭的看法上,認為兵者,國之大事,必須認真,全面地加以研究。 War

38、 is a grave affair of state. It is a matter of life or death. Therefore, it must be earnest and study comprehensively.|提出决定戰爭勝負的是五事Five Fundamentals七計Seven Stratagems。|五事即道、天、地、將、法 The Moral Law, Heaven, Earth, Command, Discipline。|七計為主孰有道?將孰有能?天地孰得?法令孰行?兵眾孰強?士卒孰練?賞罰孰明?Which ruler has the Way? Which

39、 general has the ability? Which side has Heaven and Earth? On which side is discipline more effective? Which army is the stronger? Whose officers and men are better trained? In which army are rewards and punishments clearest? Essence of The Art of War孫子兵法的精粹 (續)|道(政治) 為五事七計之首。 “Moral Law” is the hea

40、d of Five Fundamentals and Seven Stratagems.|在戰爭指導方面,提出z不戰而屈人之兵 In defeating the enemy without ever fighting的全勝戰略理論;z以知彼知己 Know the enemy, know yourself為基礎的能攻善守,速戰速勝rapidity的作戰原則;z爭取主動proactive、因情任勢、示形動敵、善用奇正、避實擊虛、靈活應變allow flexibility的用兵方略。Because strives 在治軍上,重將, 重管,重練。要求將帥具備智、信、仁、勇、嚴Wisdom, Integ

41、rity, Compassion, Courage, Severity的條件。Essence of The Art of War (Contd)|對部隊管理要文武兼施both civil and military management,賞罰並重rewards and punishment 。|在軍事哲學思想上,強調人事,注重客觀條件,同時強調指揮人的主觀能動性,做到先知 Prior information 、先勝Victorious First。|故善戰者,求之於勢,不責於人,故能擇人而任勢。 The Skillful Warrior exploits the potential energy

42、; He does not hold his men responsible. He deploys his men to their best but relies on the potential energy.Essence of The Art of War (Contd)孫子兵法的精粹 (續)孫子兵法與現代管理|清晰地解釋管理之論,例如速戰速决rapidity,即是成本效益cost-effective,用低消耗戰略調動redeploy人力manpower、財力financial capabilities、物力material resources。|知已知彼 Know the enem

43、y, know yourself的彼,包括局勢state of affairs、市場market、經濟環境economic environment、競爭對手competitors等。|用間篇談探取軍事情報,用在現代管理學,即是搜集資料,收取訊息。To collect information and comprehensive study.|知人善任、辨別人才。孫子兵法談及智、信、仁、勇、嚴 Wisdom, Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Severity 五大人才標凖。Management and The Art of War孫子兵法與現代管理(續)|提出了完備

44、的管理策略,包括下列過程:a completed management strategyz估量形勢、制訂目標、制訂策略、評估策略、實施策略(人力範疇)、實施策略(操作範疇)及策略控制。Estimate situation, making goal, making strategy, appraisal strategy, implementation strategy (manpower), implementation strategy (operation) and strategic controlz充分考慮決定性因素,例如目前的環境、競爭者的形勢、生存策略和有關整體形勢的詳盡資料等。F

45、ull consideration of determining factors, for example present environment, competitors situation, survival strategy and exhaustive material of relevant situation and so on.Management and The Art of War (Contd)主要營商原則|學習戰鬥 Learn to fight|顯示方法 Demonstrates the method|行動正確 Moves correctly|瞭解事實 Understan

46、ds the fact|防備不測 Be prepared|只爭朝夕 Make best use of ones time|作出改善 Make improvement|集中力量 Concentrate the strength|模糊視線 Fuzzy the line of sightBusiness Management借鑒孫子兵法制訂策略(一)The Art of War The 13-ChapterCompetition Strategy(1)Making of PlanFormulate management strategy and assess strength(2)Waging of

47、 WarUse appropriate resources to match up with competition strategy(3)Strategic OffensivePlan competition strategy according to the strength of enemy and ally (4)Forms and DispositionsPonder the offensive and defensive situation, estimate the strong and weak to draw up the goal(5)Potential EnergyMak

48、e use of the advantages to grasp the opportunity and control the changing factors 借鑒孫子兵法制訂策略(二)The Art of War The 13-ChapterCompetition Strategy(6)Empty and FullExamine the business environment to grasp all marketing factors. (7)The FraySettle conflict , reconcile quarrel(8)The Nine ChangesAllow fle

49、xibility(9)On the MarchObserve the situation to deploy of troop(10)Forms of TerrainUnderstand the competitive environment and the adverse effects借鑒孫子兵法制訂策略(三)The Art of War The 13-ChapterCompetition Strategy(11)The Nine Kinds of GroundAnalyze contention conditions, plan offensive strategy and establ

50、ish alliance(12)Attack by FireMake prompt decision, grasp opportunity and destroy enemies morale(13)EspionageObtain intelligence or information relating to enemies|孫子兵法一書所展示的, 是一個全面而詳盡的策略/戰略模式, 它包含以下的層次:The Art of War described the military strategy comprehensively. It includes:z評估當前的形勢 Assess the c

51、urrent situationz構建目標 Set up a goal z構建相應的策略 Set up corresponding strategyz權衡與審議各種策略 Measure and consider all kinds of strategyz實行與人事因素有關的相應策略 Execute human affairs related tacticsz實行與行動有關的相應策略 Execute motion related tacticsz建立戰略性的控制手段 Establish the strategic control method |決策者十分需要通盤考慮所有可以導致成敗之因素,

52、例如自己所處身的環境、對手的虛實、絕地求存的策略, 以及對時勢局面的洞察力。The policy-maker needs thorough considerations to all factors that may lead to success or failure, such as his/her standing environment, enemys false or true, severely strategic plan as well as the insight into current situation.孫子兵法與經商要略與經商要略: :The Art of War a

53、nd the outline of business management|習識實戰 Apply theory into practice|展示方法/門路 Demonstrate the method|做到最好 Achieve well |掌握實情 Grasp the truth|最壞打算 Prepare for the worst case |分秒必爭 Make the best of ones time |精益求精 Strive for perfection|群策群力 Pool the brains and brawn |不露虛實 Not reveal the actual situation經商要旨經商要旨: :Summary of Business Management 謝 謝!Thank You!



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