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1、终止性动词和延续性动词用法导航n2024年9月7日n叶谋辉一、终止性动词和延续性动词n-How long can I _ this book? -Only two weeks A. borrow B. return C. keep D. lendn此题答案为C。那为什么不选A?n动词有终止性动词和延续性动词的区别:终止性动词,也称为短暂性动词,只能接顺间的时间短语(动作发生于顺间,后就停止);而延续性动词,也称为长期性动词,后接一段时间(动作延长一段时间)n例:I bought this TV set last year.我去年买这台电视机 I have had this TV set for

2、 two years.这台电视机买了两年。n bought(buy)-last year(在某一天买)n had(have)-for two years二、在现在完成时中n1、延续性动词可与表示一般时间的介词短语for或since连用,而终止性动词不可。nI have _ here since 1998. A e B. came C. was D. beenn此题答案为D。现在完成时不用动词过去时,去掉B、C。Come为终止性动词,不加since的时间短语。n请判断正误: I have learned English for over two years. I have bought this

3、 dictionary for three years. nBought(buy)为终止性动词,不可接for时间短语,可用had。 9/7/2024二、在现在完成时中n2、将终止性动词变为延续性动词nHer husband _ for five days. A. leave B. has left C. was away D. has been away comebe here put onwearborrowkeepbuyhavediebe deadjoinbe inget upbe upgoget outbe outfall asleepbe asleepget to knowknowle

4、avebe away fromEnd/ finishbe overbegin/ startbe oncatch a coldhave a cold 二、在现在完成时中n3、用“ago来表示时间状语n延续性动词+For/since 终止性动词+ agon改错:I have bought this book for three years.n I bought this book three years ago. (一般过去时)n句型转换:I have kept this book for a week.n I borrowed this book a week ago.n4、改变句型: “It

5、is/has been+时间短语+从句(从句为一般过去时) “时间短语(作主语)+has/have passed+since从句(一般过去时)nIt is three years since I bought this book. Three years has passed since I bought this book. n三、在 till (until)结构中n We worked until seven oclock yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我们一直工作到七点钟。 We didnt come back until 9:00.直到九点我们才回来。n 从这两个例句

6、,可以明白:在此句型中,延续性动词只能用于肯定式,而终止性动词只能用于否认式。n四、在while或when引导的时间状语从句中n 在while引导的时间 状语从句中不能用终止性动词;而when引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词即可用终止性动词,也可用延续性动词。n When he got to Shanghai, the ship had already set off. 他到达上海时,轮船已经开走了。 When/While we were talking, the bell rang.我们在谈话时,钤响了。五、注意n1、终止性动词完成时的否认式可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,因为终止性动词的这种否

7、认结构构成一种状态,而这种状态是可以持续的。nHe hasnt come here for seven days.他已七天没有到这里来了。n2、终止性动词一般不用于进行时态,当用于“进行时态形式时,那么表示“即将的意思。nSummer holiday is coming near.暑假临近了。n3、终止性动词不可用于How long引出的疑问句中。n判断:我可以借这本书多长时间? How long may I borrow this book? How long may I keep this book?n_ did the old man die? A. When B. How long C. What D. How manySee you next time !



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