必修5 unit4 language points

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《必修5 unit4 language points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修5 unit4 language points(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 language pointsBook 5 unit 45. Can I go out on a story immediately? go / come 等动词 + on 表示去做某事 e.g. 他们决定这个夏天去北戴河玩They decided to go on a visit to the seaside in Beidaihe for the summer.6. Not till you are more experienced. 等你积累一些经验了才行等你积累一些经验了才行.Experience, v/n (c经历经历 u 经验经验) experienced adj. 有经验的有经

2、验的,熟练的熟练的,Be experienced in ( at) sth doing sth他对讨价还价(他对讨价还价(bargain)很有经验)很有经验He is experienced in/at bargaining.7. THE FIRST TIME WELL SEND YOU WITH AN EXPERIENCED REPORTER.1) It is the first time + that + have done 第一次做第一次做 (was) (had done)Translation: 这是我第一次去伦敦这是我第一次去伦敦 It is the first time (that

3、) Ive been to London.拓展:It is (high) time + did / were / should do 该(虚拟语气,含有建议的意味)该(虚拟语气,含有建议的意味)2)第一次做某事do sth for the first time3)the first time 名词连词化 第一次 开车 ,我很兴奋.I felt so excited the first time I drove a car. 同:the moment8. ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE SEEN WHAT HE OR SHE DOES, CAN YOU COVER A STORY BY Y

4、OURSELF. 只有等你见了他们的工作之后只有等你见了他们的工作之后,你才能去独自进行新闻采访。你才能去独自进行新闻采访。1)only 修饰状语位于句首修饰状语位于句首,主句采用倒装。主句采用倒装。2)cover 的常见用法的常见用法 3)覆盖遮盖(钱)够支付走完多少里路看完多少页书看完多少页书采访,报道采访,报道谈到,涉及占多少面积谈到,涉及占多少面积9. No need for a camera. 省略句省略句, 原句原句:There is no need for a camera. 拓展拓展1)There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. 没有必要做没有必

5、要做 There is no need to worry about money. 2) in (great)need of sth 需要,需要, e.g. 我很想呼吸一点新鲜空气。我很想呼吸一点新鲜空气。 Im in need of some fresh air. 3)sth is in need 某物被需要某物被需要 谚语:谚语: friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交是真交患难之交是真交 10. FIND + 宾语宾语+ ADJ./DOING/DONE/介词短语介词短语 e.g. 我发现这道数学题很难做我发现这道数学题很难做.found it dif

6、ficult to solve the math problem. 11. eager adj. Eagerness n.热切热切,渴望渴望 be eager for/ about sth be eager to do 12. CONCENTRATE ON (DOING) STH.专心致志,全神贯注专心致志,全神贯注相似词组:Focus onFix one s attention on Be devoted to Be involved in Be buried inBe absorbed inBe bent on +n-ing13. I TOOK A COURSE AT UNIVERSITY

7、, SO ITS ACTUALLY OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO ME.所以它对我有一种特别的吸引力。所以它对我有一种特别的吸引力。1) course 课程课程; 过程过程; 一道菜一道菜take a course 专修一门课程Translation:这个事件改变了历史的进程这个事件改变了历史的进程The event changed the course of history.在过程中:在过程中:in the course of有四道菜的正餐有四道菜的正餐: a four-course dinner 2)actually adv. = in fact 事实上事实上 =as a

8、matter of factTranslation: Actually I find that it is not difficult to learn English. 事实上我发现英语并不难学事实上我发现英语并不难学 actual adj. = real实在的实在的,真实的真实的 Translation:实际成本比我们预料的高得多实际成本比我们预料的高得多 The actual cost was much higher than we had expected.)be of + 抽象n. = be + adj. E.g. Be of use = be usefulBe of + great

9、 +抽象n.be + very + adj.E.g. be of great importance = be very important.14ONLY IF YOU ASK MANY DIFFERENT QUESTIONS WILL YOU ACQUIRE ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW.你只有问许多不同的问题才能够得到你需要知道的信息你只有问许多不同的问题才能够得到你需要知道的信息1.Only if 引导的倒装句引导的倒装句2. acquire vt. 获得,取得,学到获得,取得,学到Translation:1.她认真学习而精通英语。她认真学习而精

10、通英语。 She acquired a lot of knowledge of the English by carefully study.2.我成功地得到两张音乐票我成功地得到两张音乐票I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert.acquisition n. 获得获得,习得习得,获得物获得物15.WE SAY A GOOD REPORTER MUST HAVE A “NOSE” FOR A STORY.我们说我们说,一个好记者一个好记者必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的”嗅觉嗅觉”. have a nose for 有

11、探究和发现事物的能力有探究和发现事物的能力E.g. He has a sharp nose for others trouble. 他能敏锐地发现别人的问题。他能敏锐地发现别人的问题。词组拓展:词组拓展:poke stick one s nose into sth管闲事管闲事have an eye for sth 很能鉴赏很能鉴赏(判断判断);对对感兴趣感兴趣Keep an eye on sb照料某人照料某人have a gift for sth 对对很有天赋很有天赋 16Tell the truth 说实话Tell a lie tell lies说谎To tell the truth 说句实

12、在话Translation:说句实在话,这部电影真的很无聊To tell (you) the truth, the film is really boring.17.FIND OUT THE MISSING PARTS OF THE STORY Sth be gone = be missing = be lost, missing,lost可做定语,gone不行18.HERE COMES MY LIST OF “DOS” AND “DON TS” 倒装句:heretherenowthen.+v.+主语例句:Here lies a dog.这里躺着一条狗There goes the bell.铃

13、声响了注意:代词作主语时,不倒装e.g. Here you are. Here it is.19.MEANWHILE YOU HAVE TO PREPARE THE NEXT QUESTION DEPENDING ON WHAT THE PERSON SAYS. (在此在此)期间期间;同时同时Meanwhile adv. = meantime = at the same time = in the meantimeTranslation: 他们很快就到他们很快就到了,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧了,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧.Theyll be here soon. Meanwhile lets h

14、ave coffee.20.PREPARE:Prepare oneself for to do sth 使某人准备使某人准备Make preparations for sth 为某事做准备Sb be prepared for sth 为做准备Sb be prepared to do sth 为做做准备Prepare sth Prepare for sthThe teacher prepares the exam papers; the students prepare for the exam.21.THIS IS A TRICK OF THE TRADE. 这是我们职业的诀窍 trick n. 把戏,诀窍,恶作剧e.g. I can do magic tricks. 我会玩魔术。 The children played a trick on their teacher. Trick or treat. 万圣节前夕儿童挨家挨户索要糖果等的用语,倘若不过就恶作剧.



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