高一英语必修1 Unit3Qestion (课件)

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1、No. 29 Middle School No. 29 Middle School 张红张红Period 7-8附加疑问句附加疑问句的构成:陈述句+附加疑问句,主要有以下几种形式:1. 。如It rains cats and dogs outside, isnt it? Youd better stay here tonight.外面在下瓢泼大雨,不是吗?你今晚最好留在这里。 Question tags2. He is not often late for school ,is he?他并不是经常迟到的,不是吗?3. Take this parcel for me, will you/wont

2、 you?帮我拿这个包裹,可以吗?Everyone enjoyed the surprise Christmas party, didnt they?每个人都在惊喜圣诞晚会上玩得很开心,不是吗?He has never been to Europe , has he?他没有去过欧洲,不是吗?他没有去过欧洲,不是吗?He was unkind to say so, 他这么说是不友好的,不是吗?他这么说是不友好的,不是吗?wasnt he?She said that she had returned the book to me, didnt she? But I cannot find it n

3、ow.她说过她已经把书还给我了,不是吗?但是我现在找不到那本书了。 I suppose that he will not come to his best friends birthday party this year, will he?我想他今年不会来参加他最好的朋友的生日会,不是吗?I dont think he is right in lying,is he?我不认为他撒谎是对的,不是吗?You have a beautiful car, havent you?/dont you? 你有一部漂亮的车,不是吗? You often get headaches. I think you h

4、ave to see a doctor, dont you?你经常头痛。我觉得你应该去看医生,不是吗? Dont move the chair, will you?别动那把椅子,好吗?Give me some drinks, can you?给我一些喝的,行吗?一 用附加疑问句完成句子1 Usually after an exam, we have to wait for a week or two for the result of the exam,_dont we?2 Everyone is having a good time at the English party,_arent t

5、hey?3 Give him a hand,_will you?6 The party wont get going at seven,_will it?5 She never seems to care what she wears, _does she?4 I suppose you know everything,_dont you?7 Nobody but Mr White saw the accident, _did they ?8 Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday,_is it?9 He has taken his me

6、dicine,_hasnt he?11 Mary and her parents went dancing just now, _didnt they?10 No one was hurt in that car accident, _were they?1 It seldom snows in winter in Shanghai, _?A doesnt it B isnt it C is it D does itD2 She has already made plans for the summer holidays, _ ?A hasnt she B isnt she C doesnt

7、she D hadnt itA3 Mother loves reading. She never spends time watching TV, _?A does she B will she C has she D doesnt sheAPractice5 I dont think he is right, _?A do I B dont I C is he D isnt heC4 It is the first time that she has been to the United States, _?A isnt she B isnt it C hasnt she D hasnt itB



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