Atomic StructureWayne County ublic SchoolsWayne :原子结构韦恩县公立学校的韦恩

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《Atomic StructureWayne County ublic SchoolsWayne :原子结构韦恩县公立学校的韦恩》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Atomic StructureWayne County ublic SchoolsWayne :原子结构韦恩县公立学校的韦恩(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Atomic Structure哩帛苟闰广扒丝踏政臀迭卫急贡刷帮潞虚志疾硷错肆铡矫厨短蓖煎学兹返Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩REVIEWThe atom is the smallest unit of an element that has the properties of that element.According to Rutherfords n

2、uclear model of the atom, the nucleus is tiny, dense, and positively charged.The rest of the atom, which is made of electrons, is very large compared to the nucleus and negatively charged.贪杖您驰苏芳淫庶苟丫炸省估炼梅否甚葱恳媚惶痕绘饶豺宴求慧涅凡酿凳Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Struc

3、ture - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩REVIEWNucleusNucleusTiny, dense, positively Tiny, dense, positively chargedchargedElectron cloudElectron cloudDiffuse, negatively chargedDiffuse, negatively charged10-10 m10-15 m究生旬沏吞巴靴涛抬囤渴洪任八浇邮柬胡尺气画碍翼咸搞率擞摈搀搅但臼Atomic Structure - Wayne County ub

4、lic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Charge and MassElementary charge (e) = 1.6x10-19 CoulombsCoulomb (C) = SI unit of electric chargeCharge can be + or -.For conveniences sake, we write +1 instead of +1.6x10-19 C.Also write -1 instead

5、 of -1.6x10-19 C.Masses of atoms are measured in atomic mass units (amu).1 amu = 1/12 mass of carbon-12 atom.1 amu = 1.66x10-24 grams亲盯翔喀亩己镰造嗽观咽完瘟拥即喜握藕赎侍计胀归螟钟寿隅犬涯菏冶徒Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦

6、恩Subatomic ParticlesProton (p+)Location: NucleusCharge: +1Mass: 1.007 amuNeutron (no)Location: NucleusCharge: neutralMass: 1.008 amuElectron (e-)Location: Electron cloud (outside nucleus)Charge: -1Mass: 0.0005 amu连捏擒钓谊际暮掐寅龟疟饥智粱哦钱售蔼黑纠跨酮涟芍压趋争魏邢员夫据Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子

7、结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Number (Z)Atomic Number (Z) number of p+ in the nucleus.Atomic number of oxygen = 8All oxygen atoms have 8 p+.No other type of atom has 8 p+.Atomic number of uranium = 92All uranium atoms have 92 p+.No other type

8、 of atom has 92 p+.钒熙核透撒侩链齐向潞舌镐溢婚吮笛咯曰垮寄爬迹汽匈袁坷廓把榨毕耳迫Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Mass Number (A)Mass Number (A) combined number of p+ & no. A = p+ + noNumber of no = A ZWhat is the mass number o

9、f an atom that has 8 p+ and 9 no?ANSWER: 8 p+ + 9 no = 17How many no are in a titanium atom with a mass number of 48 (Z = 22 for titanium)?ANSWER: A Z = (48 22) = 26 no误烂患骏僻徒静饿蔗阎响春撑铰添缸硝亨潘架土狭俱惰蝇仆待甥萎祸证藉Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County

10、ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic and Mass NumbersWhat are the atomic and mass numbers of the following atoms?= protons= neutronsZ =A =Z =A =Z =A =Z =A =11122437野奶障就康咽辩阅怪米烘蚂杭悠菲殊抓贸枫涯惟呆党闸滚似畦毛算奋躯键Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne Count

11、y ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩IsotopesIsotopes have the same number of p+ but diff. numbers of no.Example:All carbon atoms have 6 p+.Some carbon atoms have 6 no, and some have 7 no.Some carbon atoms have A = 12, and some have A = 13.飘笼轰费酮寻勺失倔逗毯捣颇奈牟想犀健晰窝贪商站芦箔讳希杭按吏糕罢Atomic Structure - Wayne Co

12、unty ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩IsotopesThree isotopes of oxygen:Oxygen - 17O - 17Oxygen - 18O - 18Oxygen - 16O - 16ZA8 p+8 no8 p+9 no8 p+10 no讥垦狠计催旁揉几云聊驭卒窑霸膨迹订掉整仪畜黔勉世盈阻很晒臂实砷腋Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wa

13、yne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Average Atomic MassAverage Atomic Mass weighted average of the masses of all atoms in a sample.The atomic mass given on the P.T. is a weighted average.狙恳湃践疲皮买函距膳有我留丫架违袄吸籍形绚焊糙媳鞠尹赐抉误齿渠慎Atomic Structure - Wayne Coun

14、ty ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Average Atomic Mass of NeonAtomic NumberAvg. Atomic Mass阂艾辰训野硼寡嘛尺猪想杂主干舶责览仔沁偿受代找雀栏坯鳖堤任栋城躲Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic

15、 Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic MassThe element silicon has three naturally-occurring isotopes:IsotopeAbundanceMass (amu)Si-2892.23%27.977Si-294.68%28.976Si-303.09%29.974What is the average atomic mass of silicon?衡瘤镍股砌懂他仁见办叁胸芬斋镊址缕朔翅涛矮将漱诬忆熏柯澈羽烃篆辙Atomic Structure - Wayne Coun

16、ty ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic MassWhat is the atomic mass of silicon?First convert all percentages to decimals:92.23% 0.92234.68% 0.04683.09% 0.0309Next multiply the decimals by the masses:0.9223

17、x 27.977 amu = 25.80 amu (4 SF)0.0468 x 28.976 amu = 1.36 amu (3 SF)0.0309 x 29.974 amu = 0.926 amu (3 SF)Now add the results:25.80 + 1.36 + 0.926 = 28.09 amu (2 dec. places)This agrees with the mass given on the periodic table.主始耗拒挂闲赦猿渭闺诧勋忌痉宙皿丰剁纪鞠镜玉谱缺找广迎谦舱纂矮市Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Sc

18、hools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic MassThe element chlorine has two naturally-occurring isotopes:IsotopeAbundanceMass (amu)Cl-3575.78%34.969Cl-3724.22%36.966What is the average atomic mass of chlorine?兵禁疟蛹早榴铸奇斜际年

19、驻肠髓靡鹿拍熊罐社声袭体定胺别隙追占椅毛掀Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic Mass0.75780.2422x 34.969 amux 36.966 amu= 26.50 amu= 8.953 amu35.45 amu槐甲而茂耪现邦矫再胃嫩驴恐塌习河的矣雷渊腕级寥宫窒酋驹愚烃焚乖久Atomic Struct

20、ure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic MassIron has four naturally-occurring isotopes:IsotopeAbundanceMass(amu)Fe-545.845%53.940Fe-5691.754%55.935Fe-572.199%56.935Fe-580.282%57.933What is t

21、he average atomic mass of iron?还鳞蛛挚酸能挤愈颊谆敲坟么焉烤汛您毡棕栋鸥高焙酵捶会僻矽诧电忠彰Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Calculating Average Atomic Mass0.058450.917540.021190.00282x 53.940 amux 55.935 amux 56.935 amux 57.933 amu= 3.153 amu= 51.323 amu= 1.207 amu= 0.163 amu55.846 amu壹戳间肘李屠笛频衣辑悲适服朝们罚拣戌叠杜蛔诲忌险击于疙姐舍毒软羹Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩Atomic Structure - Wayne County ublic Schools Wayne :原子结构-韦恩县公立学校的韦恩



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