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1、 Pre-Reading TaskPre-Reading Task While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task After-Reading Task After-Reading Task Unit Unit 5:5: TextText A APre-Reading TaskPre-Reading TaskText-Related Text-Related InformationInformationPre-Reading Pre-Reading ActivityActivityThe University of ManitobaThe University of

2、ManitobaLets Make a DealLets Make a DealText-related InformationText-related InformationText-relatedText-related InformationInformationThe University of Manitoba:The University of Manitoba: The The University University of of Manitoba Manitoba was was established established in in 1877 1877 to to co

3、nfer confer degrees degrees on on students students graduating graduating from from its its three three founding founding colleges colleges St. St. Boniface Boniface College, College, St. St. Johns Johns College, College, and and Manitoba Manitoba College. College. The The University University was

4、was the the first first to be established in western Canada.to be established in western Canada.The University of ManitobaThe University of ManitobaThe University of ManitobaText-relatedText-related InformationInformation In In 1900 1900 the the Manitoba Manitoba legislature legislature changed chan

5、ged the the University University Act Act so so that that the the university university could could do do its its own own teaching, teaching, and and in in 1904 1904 a a building building in in downtown downtown Winnipeg Winnipeg became became the the first first teaching teaching facility facility

6、with with a a staff staff of of six six professors, professors, all all of of whom whom were were scientists. scientists. By By 1929, 1929, following following the the addition addition of of more more programs, programs, schools, schools, and and faculties, faculties, the the University University

7、had had moved moved to to its its permanent permanent home in Fort Garryhome in Fort GarryText-relatedText-related InformationInformationFrom From its its founding founding until until the the present present time, time, the the University University has has added added a a number number of of colle

8、ges colleges to to its its corporate corporate and and associative associative body. body. In In 1967, 1967, two two of of the the colleges colleges that that had had been been part part of of the the University University of of Manitoba Manitoba were were given given university university status st

9、atus by by the the provincial provincial government. government. United United College, which had been formed by the merging of College, which had been formed by the merging of Wesley College and Manitoba College, Wesley College and Manitoba College, became the University of Winnipeg, became the Uni

10、versity of Winnipeg, and Brandon College became Brandon and Brandon College became Brandon University. University.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformationLets Make a Deal:Lets Make a Deal: This popular television game show was This popular television game show was telecast from 1963 to 1991.

11、On the telecast, telecast from 1963 to 1991. On the telecast, the host selected contestants from the the host selected contestants from the studio studio audience. audience. Often Often members members of of the the audience audience wore wore unusual unusual costumes costumes to to attract attract

12、his his attention. attention. Contestants Contestants brought brought items items with with them them to to trade trade for for prizes prizes hidden in boxes or behind curtains on hidden in boxes or behind curtains on the stage. Prizes could be jewelry, trips, the stage. Prizes could be jewelry, tri

13、ps, money, etc.money, etc.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformationA contestant was given a choiceA contestant was given a choiceof of three three doors doors of of which which one one contained contained a a prize. prize. The The other other two two doors doors contained contained gag gag gif

14、ts gifts like like a a chicken chicken or or a a donkey. donkey. After After the the contestant contestant chose chose an an initial initial door, door, the the host host of of the the show show then then revealed revealed an an empty empty door door among among the the two two unchosen unchosen doo

15、rs, doors, and and asked asked the the contestant contestant if if he he or or she she would would like like to to switch to the other unchosen door.switch to the other unchosen door.Pre-reading ActivityPre-reading Activity Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Before reading the passage, try to answer the Before r

16、eading the passage, try to answer the questions. questions.Now read the passage to learn how one act of kindness Now read the passage to learn how one act of kindness changed everything.changed everything.1. What would you do when you found one of your classmates was in financial difficulty?2. Do yo

17、u know anyone who paid for a student to study at school or anyone who has been paid for at school by others? If yes, please share the story with the whole class.Unit Unit 5:5: Text A Text ATextText A ADetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the Text TextText A A The Gift of a LifetimeThe Gift of

18、 a Lifetime1 1 Although Although I I have have not not appeared appeared on on television television as as the the hosthost of of the the American American game game show show “Lets “Lets Make Make a a DealDeal” ” since since 1991, 1991, not not a a day day goes goes byby that that someone someone d

19、oesnt doesnt recognise recognise me. me. While While I I appreciateappreciate the the fame, fame, I I sometimes sometimes wish wish that that I I were were known known more more for for what what I I do do today. today. I I now now make make more more than than 50 50 charity charity appearances appe

20、arances a a year year and and must must have have raised raised over over $500 $500 million for million for worthwhileworthwhile causes. causes.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task2 2 Countless Countless times times Ive Ive seen seen that that if if you you cast cast your your bread bread upon upon

21、the the waterswaters, , it it will will come come back back hundred-fold. hundred-fold. But But there there is is one one story story in in particularparticular that, that, for for me, me, illustrates illustrates the point. To this day it can still the point. To this day it can still move me to tear

22、s.move me to tears.3 3 On On a a crisp crisp spring spring day day in in 1942, 1942, Max Max Freed, Freed, the the owner owner of of Hercules Hercules Manufacturing, Manufacturing, a a shirt-making shirt-making company company in in Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada, Canada, was was returning returning to

23、to his his factory factory with with a a bundle bundle of of orders orders tucked tucked neatly neatly beneath beneath his his arm. arm. Business Business was was good good and and Max, Max, although although only only 30, 30, was was carving carving out out a nichea niche as a successful businessma

24、n.as a successful businessman.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task4 4 As As he he walked walked to to his his office, office, he he noticed noticed a a young young man man across across the the street street on on his his hands hands and and kneesknees, , scrubbing scrubbing the the front front step

25、s steps of of Churchills, Churchills, a a clothing clothing wholesaler. wholesaler. The The boy boy looked looked familiar. familiar. Freed Freed crossed crossed the the street street and and asked asked him, “What are you doing here?”him, “What are you doing here?”5 5 The The 20-year-old 20-year-ol

26、d answered: answered: “I “I work work for for Churchills. Churchills. My boss told me to scrub these steps.”My boss told me to scrub these steps.”6 6 “What “What is is your your name?” name?” asked asked Freed. Freed. The The young young man man told him.told him.7 7 “Is “Is your your father father

27、my my butcher?” butcher?” Yes, Yes, the the youth youth replied.replied.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task8 8 Freed Freed went went to to his his office office and and called called the the butcher. butcher. “I “I just just saw saw your your son son washing washing the the steps steps at at the th

28、e firm firm across across the the street from mine. He seems like an intelligent young man. street from mine. He seems like an intelligent young man. Is that the kind of work hes chosen to do?” Is that the kind of work hes chosen to do?”9 9 “My “My son son wants wants to to go go back back to to uni

29、versity,” university,” the the soft-soft-spokenspoken butcher butcher told told him, him, “but “but I I cant cant afford afford to to send send him.” him.” He He explained explained that that his his son son had had worked worked for for two two years years after after graduating graduating from fro

30、m secondary secondary school, school, saving saving for for universityuniversity. . But But after after a a year year and and a a half half at at the the University University of of Manitoba,Manitoba, his his money money had had run run outout. . Business Business was was poor, poor, and and even ev

31、en though though the the butchers butchers wife wife worked worked two two jobs, jobs, the the family family barely barely scraped scraped byby. . The The boys boys weekly weekly nine-dollar nine-dollar salary salary helped outhelped out tremendously.tremendously.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task

32、1010 “Tell “Tell your your son son to to come come see see me me tomorrow,” tomorrow,” Freed Freed told the butcher.told the butcher.11 11 The The next next night, night, after after finishing finishing his his work work as as a a delivery delivery boy boy and and cleaner cleaner at at Churchills, C

33、hurchills, the the wiry wiry 20-year-old 20-year-old met met with Freed in his factory office.with Freed in his factory office.1212 “Do “Do you you want want to to go go back back to to university?” university?” Freed Freed asked.asked.13 13 “More than anything!” the young man replied.“More than any

34、thing!” the young man replied.14 14 Freed Freed looked looked the the young young man man straight straight in in the the eye. eye. “Ill “Ill put put you you through through universityuniversity. . Write Write downdown how how much much money money you you need need and and bring bring it it back ba

35、ck to to me me tuition, tuition, books, books, everything.”everything.”1515 A A smile smile broadened broadened across across the the boys boys face; face; he he could could not not believe believe this this was was happening. happening. Where Where had had this this guardian guardian angel angel co

36、me from?come from?While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task16 16 The The next next day day when when the the young young man man showed showed Freed Freed his his figures, figures, the the shirtmaker shirtmaker looked looked them them overover and and said: said: “Dont “Dont you you want want something s

37、omething for for yourself? yourself? Dont Dont you you eat eat lunch lunch or or get get the the occasional occasional haircut? haircut? Youll Youll need need some some new new clothes. Add all that in.”clothes. Add all that in.”17 17 Before Before handing handing overover a a cheque, cheque, Freed

38、Freed told told the the young young man, “There are several conditions I man, “There are several conditions I insist uponinsist upon.” .”18 18 The boy sat silently, eyes wide with expectation.The boy sat silently, eyes wide with expectation.1919 “First, “First, you you must must tell tell no-one no-

39、one where where this this money money came came from.” from.” The The boy boy nodded. nodded. “Second, “Second, you you must must maintain maintain top top grades; grades; Im Im not not sending sending you you to to university university to to be a playboy.be a playboy.While-Reading TaskWhile-Readin

40、g Task2020 “Third, “Third, this this is is a a loan. loan. You You have have to to pay pay me me back back every every cent cent when when you you can can afford afford to. to. And And lastly, lastly, you you must must promise promise to to do do this this for for someone someone else else in in you

41、r your lifetime.” lifetime.” “Thank “Thank you, you, Mr. Mr. Freed,” Freed,” said said the the 20-year-old. 20-year-old. “I “I wont wont disappoint you.”disappoint you.”2121 Each Each month month he he visited visited Freed Freed to to report report on on his his progress. progress. At At the the Un

42、iversity University of of Manitoba, Manitoba, he he earned earned high high grades, grades, was was near near the the top top of of his his class class and and was was elected elected president president of of the student body.the student body.2222 Over Over three three years, years, Max Max Freed F

43、reed lent lent the the butchers butchers son son $900. $900. The The young young graduate graduate began began repaying repaying the the debt debt as as soon soon as as he he landedlanded his his first first job job after after university. university. He He sent sent Freed Freed $100 $100 the the fi

44、rst first year, year, $100 $100 the the next next and and the the rest rest the the third year after he graduated.third year after he graduated.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task23 23 Throughout Throughout his his life, life, he he never never forgot forgot the the day day hed hed been been given

45、given the the opportunity opportunity he he needed needed to to succeed. succeed. He He also also remembered remembered the the vow vow hed hed mademade to to do do the the same same for for someone someone else else and and has has since since helped helped several several young young people people

46、 through higher study.through higher study.24 24 There There was was one one promisepromise the the boy boy made made to to Max Max Freed Freed that that he he could could not not keep. keep. For For nearly nearly 30 30 years, years, he he told told no-no-one one the the identity identity of of his

47、his mysterious mysterious benefactor. benefactor. But But he he finally finally decided decided to to tell tell his his story story because because he he felt felt it it would would inspire inspire others others to to help help someone, someone, and and because because he he felt felt that that Max

48、Max Freed Freed deserveddeserved the the recognitionrecognition despitedespite wanting wanting to to be anonymous.be anonymous.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task2525 I I often often tell tell this this story. story. It It reminds reminds me me that that no no ma

49、tter matter what what we we do do in in life, life, no no matter matter how how high high we we climb climb the the ladder ladder of of successsuccess, , we we will will ultimately ultimately be be remembered remembered for for how how we we helped helped others others less less fortunate fortunate

50、than ourselves.than ourselves.26 26 Theres Theres another another reason reason I I love love this this story: story: I I am am the the butchers son.butchers son. The most precious gift / the best gift one ever has The most precious gift / the best gift one ever hasThe Gift of a Lifetime (the title)

51、The Gift of a Lifetime (the title) Although Although I I have have not not hosted hosted the the American American game game show show “Lets “Lets Make Make a a Deal” Deal” on on television television since since 1991, 1991, people recognize me when they meet me.people recognize me when they meet me

52、.Although Although I I have have not not appeared appeared on on television television as as the the host host of of the the American American game game show show “Lets “Lets Make Make a a Deal” Deal” since since 1991, 1991, not a day goes by that someone doesnt recognise me.not a day goes by that s

53、omeone doesnt recognise me.e.g.e.g. ABC ABC television television hosthost Ted Ted Koppel Koppel observed observed in in a a broadcast broadcast earlier earlier this this year year that that wearing wearing flag flag pins pins was a sensitive issue in this country for journalists.was a sensitive iss

54、ue in this country for journalists. The The film, film, which which details details the the secret secret life life of of game game show show hosthost Chuck Chuck BarrisBarris, , grossed grossed $91 $91 789 789 from from four four theaters in its first weekend.theaters in its first weekend.host:host

55、: n. n. 1) someone who introduces and talks to the people 1) someone who introduces and talks to the people taking part in a television or radio program taking part in a television or radio programe.g.e.g. Beijing played Beijing played hosthost to the 2008 Olympic Games. to the 2008 Olympic Games. E

56、very Every year, year, the the contest contest organizing organizing committee committee chooses a different country or region to be chooses a different country or region to be hosthost to the to thebeauty contest.beauty contest.host:host: n.n. 2) a place or organization that arranges a special 2) a

57、 place or organization that arranges a special event and provides the area, buildings, equipment, event and provides the area, buildings, equipment, or services needed for it or services needed for ite.g.e.g. The The trade trade union union has has made made a a three-year three-year dealdeal about

58、about pay and working conditions pay and working conditions with with the management.the management. After After several several rounds rounds of of negotiations, negotiations, the the two two companies finally companies finally made a dealmade a deal. .make a deal (with someone): make a deal (with

59、someone): to reach a formal agreement, especially in business or to reach a formal agreement, especially in business or politicspoliticse.g.e.g. Fifteen years Fifteen years went bywent by before we saw each other before we saw each other again in Shanghai.again in Shanghai. Time Time goes bygoes by

60、quickly on vacation. quickly on vacation.go by:go by: 1) (of time) to pass, elapse 1) (of time) to pass, elapsego by: go by: 2) to be guided or directed by something2) to be guided or directed by somethinge.g.e.g. Going byGoing by what the witness had said, all evidence what the witness had said, al

61、l evidence pointed to him as the suspect of the robbery.pointed to him as the suspect of the robbery. Women tend to Women tend to go bygo by instinct when making instinct when making decisions.decisions. Although Although I I enjoy enjoy the the fame, fame, sometimes sometimes I I wish wish that tha

62、t I I were were famous famous more more for for what what I I do do today today than than as as a a former game show host.former game show host.While I appreciate the fame, I sometimes wish that I While I appreciate the fame, I sometimes wish that I were known more for what I do today.were known mor

63、e for what I do today.e.g.e.g. There will be nobody to There will be nobody to appreciateappreciate my jokes my jokes when you are gone.when you are gone. Her abilities are not fully Her abilities are not fully appreciatedappreciated by her by her employer.employer.appreciate:appreciate: v. v. 1) to

64、 understand or enjoy the good qualities 1) to understand or enjoy the good qualities or value of someone or something or value of someone or somethingappreciate:appreciate: v. v. 2) to be grateful for something someone 2) to be grateful for something someone has done has donee.g.e.g. He would much H

65、e would much appreciateappreciate it if you could do him it if you could do him that favor.that favor. I dont need any help, but I really I dont need any help, but I really appreciateappreciate your your offer.offer. Now I show up at charity events more than 50 Now I show up at charity events more t

66、han 50 times a year and must have collected / raised overtimes a year and must have collected / raised over$500 million for worthwhile causes.$500 million for worthwhile causes.I now make more than 50 charity appearances a I now make more than 50 charity appearances a year and must have raised over

67、$500 million foryear and must have raised over $500 million forworthwhile causes.worthwhile causes.e.g.e.g. Teaching is a Teaching is a worthwhileworthwhile career. career. It is It is worthwhileworthwhile to explain at length to students to explain at length to students how to use the book at the b

68、eginning of the semester.how to use the book at the beginning of the semester.worthwhile:worthwhile: a. a. important, interesting or rewarding important, interesting or rewarding enough to justify the time, money or enough to justify the time, money or effort that is spent effort that is spent Many

69、times Ive seen that if you do good deeds Many times Ive seen that if you do good deeds without expecting anything in return, you will getwithout expecting anything in return, you will gethundred times more than what you give.hundred times more than what you give.Countless times Ive seen that if you

70、cast your bread Countless times Ive seen that if you cast your bread upon the waters, it will come back hundred-fold.upon the waters, it will come back hundred-fold.e.g.e.g. Nowadays Nowadays few few people people are are willing willing to to cast cast their their bread upon the watersbread upon th

71、e waters. . You You should should make make time time to to offer offer assistance assistance to to anyone anyone who who needs needs it. it. Its Its a a case case of of casting casting your your bread bread upon upon the the waterswaters who who knows knows how how the the favourfavour will will be

72、 repaid.be repaid.cast ones bread upon the waters:cast ones bread upon the waters:to do good deeds without expecting anything in returnto do good deeds without expecting anything in return But But there there is is one one specific specific story story that that shows shows to to me me that that peo

73、ple people do do good good deeds deeds without without expecting expecting anything in return.anything in return.But there is one story in particular, for me, illustrates But there is one story in particular, for me, illustrates the point.the point.e.g.e.g. You should avoid eating fat meat, pork You

74、 should avoid eating fat meat, pork in in particularparticular. . Many adult students, Many adult students, in particularin particular, have an , have an immediate need for spoken language skills.immediate need for spoken language skills.in particular:in particular: 1) especially 1) especiallye.g.e.

75、g. Have you got anything Have you got anything in particularin particular in your in your mind?mind? There is nothing There is nothing in particularin particular I want for my I want for my birthday.birthday.in particular: in particular: 2) special or important2) special or importante.g.e.g. This st

76、ory This story illustratesillustrates how deep-rooted the idea is in how deep-rooted the idea is in Chinese culture.Chinese culture. The story he told about her The story he told about her illustratesillustrates her true her true generosity very clearly.generosity very clearly.illustrate:illustrate:

77、 v. v. to be an example that shows that something to be an example that shows that something is true or that a fact exists is true or that a fact exists Even today, the story can still make me cry. Even today, the story can still make me cry.To this day it can still move me to tears.To this day it c

78、an still move me to tears.e.g.e.g. Whenever I watch this movie, Ill be Whenever I watch this movie, Ill be moved to tearsmoved to tears. . The sight The sight movedmoved all people at present all people at present to tearsto tears. .move someone to tears: move someone to tears: to make someone cryto

79、 make someone cry by working hard, (he) was creating a secure by working hard, (he) was creating a secure position for himself as a successful businessman.position for himself as a successful businessman. was carving out a niche as a successful businessman. was carving out a niche as a successful bu

80、sinessman.e.g.e.g. As As one one of of the the few few independent independent car car manufacturers manufacturers in in China, China, GeelyGeely is is carving carving out out a a nicheniche for for itself itself in in the the fiercely fiercely competitive petitive market. In In this this film film

81、he he plays plays a a businessman businessman from from the the Chinese Chinese mainland trying to mainland trying to carve out his nichecarve out his niche in Hong Kong. in Hong Kong. He He has has carved carved out out a a nicheniche for for himself himself as as an an ABC ABC television televisio

82、n commentator commentator and and is is certain certain to to be be retained retained provided provided the the network network continues continues to to broadcast broadcast Saturday Saturday matches.matches.carve out a niche / career / reputation: carve out a niche / career / reputation: to develop

83、 a position, career, reputation, etc. for oneself to develop a position, career, reputation, etc. for oneself by working hardby working hard he noticed a young man across the street with he noticed a young man across the street with his hands and legs on the ground / crawling on the his hands and le

84、gs on the ground / crawling on the ground ground he noticed a young man across the street on his he noticed a young man across the street on his hands and knees hands and knees e.g.e.g. Suddenly he saw a girl Suddenly he saw a girl on her hands and kneeson her hands and knees, , begging for money.be

85、gging for money. She was She was on (her) hands and kneeson (her) hands and knees, looking for an , looking for an earring.earring.on ones hands and knees: on ones hands and knees: on the floor, with ones hands and lower legs on the groundon the floor, with ones hands and lower legs on the ground Is

86、 that the kind of work hes preferred to do? Is that the kind of work hes preferred to do?Is that the kind of work hes chosen to do?Is that the kind of work hes chosen to do?e.g.e.g. You can hardly imagine that this You can hardly imagine that this soft-spokensoft-spoken nobleman was in fact a thief.

87、nobleman was in fact a thief.soft-spoken:soft-spoken: speaking with a quiet gentle voice speaking with a quiet gentle voice keeping money in order to go to university. keeping money in order to go to university. saving for university. saving for university.e.g.e.g. Every month he put some money asid

88、e to Every month he put some money aside to savesave forfor his retirement. his retirement. Im Im savingsaving this dress this dress forfor special occasion. special occasion.save save for:for: to to keep keep money money instead instead of of spending spending it, it, especially especially in in or

89、der order to to buy buy a a particular particular thing; thing; keep keep or or store something so that you can use it in the futurestore something so that you can use it in the future his money had been used up / he had no his money had been used up / he had no money left.money left. his money had

90、run out. his money had run out.e.g.e.g. Dont worry. He will come back when his Dont worry. He will come back when his money money runsruns outout. . Im afraid we could only hold out for three Im afraid we could only hold out for three more days because our supplies will more days because our supplie

91、s will runrun outout. .run out:run out: to be used up or finished to be used up or finishede.g.e.g. We have to find a way out as well soon We have to find a way out as well soon run run out ofout of food. food. We have We have run out ofrun out of time, so we have to end time, so we have to end the

92、meeting.the meeting.cf.cf. run out of: run out of: to use up or finish a supply of somethingto use up or finish a supply of something the family hardly had enough money to live on. the family hardly had enough money to live on. the family barely scraped by. the family barely scraped by.scrape by:scr

93、ape by: to have enough money to pay for the to have enough money to pay for the things you really need in order to live, but no morethings you really need in order to live, but no moree.g.e.g. The first year in the new house was the The first year in the new house was the hardest, but they just hard

94、est, but they just scrapedscraped byby on a loan from on a loan from the bank.the bank. The couple The couple scrapedscraped byby on their small income. on their small income. The nine dollars the boy earned every week The nine dollars the boy earned every week helped a lot.helped a lot.The boys wee

95、kly nine-dollar salary helped out The boys weekly nine-dollar salary helped out tremendously.tremendously.e.g.e.g. Hes always willing to Hes always willing to helphelp outout. . When I bought the house, my sister When I bought the house, my sister helpedhelped me me outout with a with a loan.loan. H

96、er relatives Her relatives helpedhelped outout when she was ill. when she was ill. I often I often helphelp Bob Bob outout when he is a bit short of money. when he is a bit short of money.help out:help out: to help someone, especially in a difficult situation to help someone, especially in a difficu

97、lt situation The young claimed that he wanted to go back to The young claimed that he wanted to go back to university very much.university very much.“ “More than anything!” the young man replied.More than anything!” the young man replied. Looking Looking directly directly at at the the young young m

98、an, man, Freed Freed said said to to him him that that he he would would pay pay for for him him to to finish finish his his university university education. education. He He asked asked him him to to write write down down the the amount amount of of money money he he needed needed for for tuition,

99、tuition, books books and and other other things things and bring it back to him.and bring it back to him.Freed Freed looked looked the the young young man man straight straight in in the the eye. eye. “Ill “Ill put put you you through through university. university. Write Write down down how how muc

100、h much money money you you need need and and bring bring it it back back to to me me tuition, tuition, books, everything.”books, everything.”e.g.e.g. Im grateful for those who Im grateful for those who put me through collegeput me through college. . The Hope Project is aimed at The Hope Project is a

101、imed at putting poor students putting poor students through schoolthrough school. .put someone through school / college / university:put someone through school / college / university: to pay for someone to study at school or college to pay for someone to study at school or collegee.g.e.g. Have you H

102、ave you writtenwritten downdown his telephone number? his telephone number? Make sure you Make sure you writewrite downdown every word the every word the speaker says.speaker says.write down:write down: to write information, ideas, etc. on a piece to write information, ideas, etc. on a piece of pape

103、r in order to remember them of paper in order to remember them The boy started to smile The boy started to smileIf we say If we say “A / Someones smile broadens”,“A / Someones smile broadens”, we we mean “He or she starts to smile in a more mean “He or she starts to smile in a more obviously way”.ob

104、viously way”.A smile broadened across the boys faceA smile broadened across the boys facee.g.e.g. A delightful guide was my A delightful guide was my guardianguardian angelangel for for the first week of the tour.the first week of the tour.guardian angel: guardian angel: a spirit that some people be

105、lieve a spirit that some people believe protects and guides them, especially protects and guides them, especially when they are in danger when they are in dangere.g.e.g. He has He has lookedlooked overover your work and has some your work and has some comments to ments to make. She is She is looking

106、looking overover her notes before the her notes before the examination.examination.look over :look over : to examine something quickly, without to examine something quickly, without paying much attention to detail paying much attention to detail Before Before giving giving the the young young man ma

107、n a a cheque, cheque, Freed Freed said said to to him him that that he he had had several several conditions conditions the the young man must accept.young man must accept.Before Before handing handing over over a a cheque, cheque, Freed Freed told told the the young young man, man, “There “There ar

108、e are several several conditions conditions I I insist insist upon.”upon.”e.g.e.g. He came upstairs and He came upstairs and handedhanded overover the key to the key to the house.the house. When we sat down, the waiter When we sat down, the waiter handedhanded overover the the menu.menu. They They h

109、andedhanded the weapons the weapons overover to the police. to the police.hand over:hand over: 1) to give someone or something to someone 1) to give someone or something to someone else to take care of or to control else to take care of or to controlhand over:hand over: 2) to give power or responsib

110、ility to 2) to give power or responsibility to someone else someone elsee.g.e.g. He has resigned and will He has resigned and will handhand overover charge of charge of his office today.his office today. The captain was unwilling to The captain was unwilling to hand overhand over the the command of

111、his mand of his ship.e.g.e.g. He He insisted oninsisted on having a thorough physical having a thorough physical check-up before going abroad.check-up before going abroad. She She insisted oninsisted on finishing the work before the finishing the work before the deadline.deadline.insist on / upon:in

112、sist on / upon: 1) to think that something is very important, 1) to think that something is very important, and demand that you have it or do it and demand that you have it or do ite.g.e.g. He He insistsinsists onon smoking at the bedroom. smoking at the bedroom. They They insistinsist onon playing

113、their music late at night. playing their music late at night.insist on / upon:insist on / upon: 2) to keep doing something, especially 2) to keep doing something, especially something that is inconvenient or something that is inconvenient or annoying annoying You have to repay me all the money I len

114、d to you / You have to repay me all the money I lend to you / to return all the money that you borrow from me to return all the money that you borrow from me when you can afford to.when you can afford to.You have to pay me back every cent when you can You have to pay me back every cent when you can

115、afford to.afford to.e.g.e.g. It is high time that he It is high time that he paidpaid backback the money he owes the money he owes me.me. The sum will be The sum will be paidpaid backback to the bank with interest. to the bank with interest.pay back: pay back: 1) to give someone the money that you o

116、we them1) to give someone the money that you owe theme.g.e.g. He He paidpaid me me backback by not coming to the party. by not coming to the party. I will I will paypay him him backback for this treatment. for this treatment.pay back: pay back: 2) to make someone suffer for doing 2) to make someone

117、suffer for doing something wrong or bad to you something wrong or bad to you The The young young graduate graduate began began returning returning the the money money he he borrowed borrowed from from Freed Freed as as soon soon as as he he got got his first job after university.his first job after

118、university.The The young young graduate graduate began began repaying repaying the the debt debt as as soon as he landed his first job after university.soon as he landed his first job after university.e.g.e.g. He wishes that he could He wishes that he could landland a stable and highly- a stable and

119、 highly-paid job.paid job. My company managed to My company managed to landland that contract at that contract at last.last.land:land: v. v. to get something you need, especially a job to get something you need, especially a job or opportunity or opportunity He He also also remembered remembered the

120、 the promise promise hed hed made made to to do do the the same same for for someone someone else else and and has has since since put put several young people through college.several young people through college.He He also also remembered remembered the the vow vow hed hed made made to to do do the

121、 the same same for for someone someone else else and and has has since since helped helped several young people through higher study.several young people through higher study.e.g.e.g. To To make a vowmake a vow is to promise solemnly. is to promise solemnly. The couple The couple made their wedding

122、vowmade their wedding vow before a priest. before a priest.make a vow: make a vow: to make a serious promiseto make a serious promise But he failed to keep one promise that he made to But he failed to keep one promise that he made to Max Freed.Max Freed.There was one promise the boy made to Max Free

123、d There was one promise the boy made to Max Freed that he could not keep.that he could not keep.e.g.e.g. You must You must keep your promisekeep your promise that you will keep it that you will keep it to yourself.to yourself. Apparently the man did not intend to Apparently the man did not intend to

124、 keep his keep his promisepromise. .cf.cf. to make / break a promise to make / break a promisekeep a promise:keep a promise: to do something you promised to do something you promised because because he he felt felt it it would would inspire inspire others others to to help help someone, someone, and

125、 and because because he he felt felt that that Max Max Freed Freed deserved deserved the the recognition recognition despite despite wanting wanting to to be be anonymous.anonymous. . . because because he he felt felt the the story story would would encourage encourage others others to to help help

126、someone, someone, and and because because he he felt felt that that Max Max Freed Freed should should receive receive respect respect and and admiration admiration for for what what he he had had done done even even though though he he did did not not want want others to know his name.others to know

127、 his name.e.g.e.g. You You deservedeserve a rest after all that hard work. a rest after all that hard work. The report The report deservesdeserves careful consideration. careful consideration. One player in particular One player in particular deservesdeserves a mention. a mention.deserve:deserve: v.

128、 v. if someone or something deserves something, if someone or something deserves something, it is right that they should have it, because of it is right that they should have it, because of the way they have behaved or because of what the way they have behaved or because of what they are they aree.g

129、.e.g. The The event event is is a a good good opportunity opportunity for for local local enterprises enterprises to win more market to win more market recognitionrecognition for their products. for their products. His His work work has has never never gained gained the the international internation

130、al recognitionrecognition it deserves. it deserves.recognition: recognition: n.n. praise, respect or admiration praise, respect or admiratione.g.e.g. Her voice was shaking Her voice was shaking despite despite all her efforts all her efforts to control it.to control it. DespiteDespite applying for h

131、undreds of jobs, he is applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.still out of work.despite:despite: prep.prep. in spite of in spite of now now matter matter how how successful successful we we are, are, we we will will finally finally be be remembered remembered for for how how we we he

132、lped helped those those people who are less lucky than we are.people who are less lucky than we are. no no matter matter how how high high we we climb climb the the ladder ladder of of success, success, we we will will ultimately ultimately be be remembered remembered for for how how we helped other

133、s less fortunate than ourselves.we helped others less fortunate than ourselves.e.g.e.g. Women trying to Women trying to climb the ladder of successclimb the ladder of success still encounter discrimination.still encounter discrimination.climb the ladder of success: climb the ladder of success: to mo

134、ve to a better position in your profession to move to a better position in your profession or life; be more successfulor life; be more successfulAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskOutlineOutlineReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureOutlineOutlineA

135、fter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskParas. 1-2Paras. 3-25Paras. 26-27Helping others is a worthwhile and rewarding cause.Helping others is a worthwhile and rewarding cause.The story of Mr. Freed putting a poor boy through The story of Mr. Freed putting a poor boy through college:college:a. Mr. Freed p

136、ut the poor boy through his college a. Mr. Freed put the poor boy through his college study.study.b. The boy did what he had promised to do.b. The boy did what he had promised to do.The reasons why the boy enjoys telling this story.The reasons why the boy enjoys telling this story.Exercise 2Exercise

137、 2 Answer the questions.Answer the questions.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1.Why is the writer often recognised by others?2. What was the young man doing when Mr. Freed first saw him?He was working as a cleaner in order to help support the He was working as a cleaner in order to help sup

138、port the family and earn his tuition fees.family and earn his tuition fees.Because he used to appear on TV a lot as the host of the Because he used to appear on TV a lot as the host of the American game show “Lets Make a Deal”.American game show “Lets Make a Deal”.Exercise 2Exercise 2 Answer the que

139、stions.Answer the questions.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension3. Why couldnt the young mans family support him through college?4. What did Mr. Freed decide to do when he knew that the young man was in difficulty?He He decided decided to to put put the the young young man man through through

140、university, university, paying paying everything everything for for him him to to attend attend college, college, including including tuition, tuition, books, books, and and other living expenses.other living expenses.Because they couldnt afford to. Business was poor, and the family barely Because t

141、hey couldnt afford to. Business was poor, and the family barely scraped by.scraped by.Exercise 2Exercise 2 Answer the questions.Answer the questions.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension5. What were the conditions that Mr. Freed insisted on?6. How did the young man do in the university? Did he

142、meet the expectation of Mr. Freed?First, First, the the young young man man should should not not tell tell anyone anyone where where he he got got the the money; money; second, second, he he must must maintain maintain top top grades; grades; third, third, he he should should pay pay back back the

143、the money money when when he he could could afford afford to; to; and and finally, finally, he he should promise to do the same for someone else in his life.should promise to do the same for someone else in his life.He He did did quite quite well well in in the the university. university. He He earn

144、ed earned high high grades, grades, was was near near the the top top of of his his class class and and was was elected elected president president of of the the student student body.body.Exercise 2Exercise 2 Answer the questions.Answer the questions.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension7. Did

145、the young man keep his promise after his graduation from university?Why or why not?8. What is the point that the writer illustrates in this story?Helping Helping others others is is meaningful, meaningful, worthwhile worthwhile and and rewarding. rewarding. Not Not only only will will those those in

146、 in need need be be given given help, help, but but the the helpers helpers will will be be remembered for what they have done for others.remembered for what they have done for others.He He paid paid back back all all the the money money three three years years after after his his graduation graduat

147、ion and and he he helped helped several several young young people people through through higher higher study. study. But But he he broke broke one one promise. promise. He He told told the the story story of of Mr. Mr. Freed Freed because because he he felt felt that that Mr. Mr. Freed Freed deserv

148、ed deserved public public admiration admiration for for his his good good deeds deeds and and that that this this story would inspire more people to help others.story would inspire more people to help others.1. It seems that the writer thinks that helping others is more important and meaningful than

149、 being successful in his own career.2. As a successful businessman, Mr. Freed seemed to look down on people who worked as cleaners.3. The boy had never expected to be given the opportunity though he had been dreaming of going back to university.4. Mr. Freed was not as generous as the boy expected as

150、 he insisted on him paying back the money when he could afford to.5. The gift the boy received from Mr. Freed seemed to have a profound effect on his life, his career and his outlook on life.Exercise Exercise 3 3 Decide Decide whether whether the the statements statements are are True True (F) (F) o

151、r or False False (F) according to the passage. (F) according to the passage.T TT TF FF FT TReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionExercise 4Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks according to the passageFill in the blanks according to the passageReading ComprehensionReading Comprehension One _ day in 1942

152、, on the way to his _, Max Freed, a _ shirtmaker, found the 20-year-old son of his butcher was _ the front steps of a company. Later, when he found that the boy longed to go back to _ but he could not _ to, he decided to _ him through it. He gave the boy a _ covering his _, books and other living _.

153、 But he insisted on several _ for it. First, the boy must not tell _ where the money came from. Second, the boy must maintain _ grades. Third, the boy had to _ back the money when he could afford to.officeofficesuccessfulsuccessfulscrubbing / cleaningscrubbing / cleaninguniversityuniversityaffordaff

154、ordspringspringputputchequechequetuitiontuitionexpensesexpensesconditionsconditionsothersotherstop / hightop / highpaypayExercise 4Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks according to the passageFill in the blanks according to the passageReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionFinally, the boy must promise

155、to do the _ for someone else in his lifetime. Just as he promised, the boy did quite well in the university. _ years after his graduation, he _ all the money he borrowed, and he helped several young people through _ study. But he failed to_ one promise. He told the story of Mr. Freed because he felt

156、 that it would _ more people to help others and that Mr. Freed _ to be known for his good deeds. What the boy got from Mr. Freed not only helped him to fulfill his dreams, but also _ him to help others in need all his life. It is a _ of a lifetime.samesameThreeThreerepaidrepaidhigherhigherkeepkeepin

157、spireinspiredeserveddeservedremindedremindedgiftgiftExercise 5 Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1) Although I have not appeared on television as

158、the host of the American game show “Lets Make a Deal” since 1991 .MEANING: _2) Birmingham is hosting a three-day conference on drugs.MEANING: _3) The college is playing host to a group of visiting Chinese scientists.MEANING: _4) A host of musicians will perform at the festival.MEANING: _Exercise 5 W

159、ork out the meaning of the underlined Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(sword(s) ) in each sentence in each sentenceVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structuren. n. n. n. v. v. n. n. Exercise 5 Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Work out the meaning o

160、f the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1) The next night, after finishing his work as a delivery boy and cleaner at Churchills .MEANING: _2) The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.MEANING: _3) All goods must be paid b

161、efore delivery.MEANING: _4) Husbands are encouraged to be present at delivery and see the baby being born.MEANING: _Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(sword(s) ) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabular

162、y and Structure Exercise 5 Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1) Second, you must maintain top grades .MEANING: _2) The house is large and difficul

163、t to maintain.MEANING: _3) The men maintained that they were out of the country when the crime was committed.MEANING: _4) Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three.MEANING: _Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined

164、word(sword(s) ) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with thethe given words.given words. Change Change the the formform wherewhere necessary.necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary a

165、nd Structure recognition broaden host maintain tuition inspire afford expectation deserve fortunate1. He is now working as the _ of a popular weekend television talk-show.2. By helping young people to attend school, the old man hoped to _ other people to do the same.3. Popular British author, Charle

166、s Dickens family could hardly make ends meet. They could only _ to send one of their six children to school.4. Currently, China is the star of the Asian market and we are all looking with great interest and _ to the role that Chinese market will be playing in the next years in the world.5. A person

167、who fails to have self-respect does not _ respect from others.hosthostinspireinspireaffordaffordexpectationexpectationdeservedeserveExercise 6 Fill in the blanks with Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with thethe given words.given words. Change Change the the formform wherewhere necessary.necessary.Voca

168、bulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure recognition broaden host maintain tuition inspire afford expectation deserve fortunate6. Already well known in France as well as here at home, these authors all enjoy high international _.7. The girls smile _ when she learnt the firm decided to help her t

169、hrough higher study.8. While bigger companies are anxious to _ their reputation, smaller ones are just struggling to survive.9. The students are holding a demonstration in protest against the increase in their _ fees.10. The butchers son was _ enough to have Freed put him through university.recognit

170、ionrecognitionbroadenedbroadenedmaintainmaintaintuitiontuitionfortunatefortunateExercise 7 Exercise 7 Complete the sentences with the given Complete the sentences with the given expressions. expressions. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabul

171、ary and Structurehelp out pay back carve out scrape by look overhand over insist upon put through write down go by1. The government-funded programme is designed to _ poor children _ school.2. The owner of the shirt-making company _ wanting to remain anonymous when he helped the young man out with th

172、e money.3. A week _ without any information about the whereabouts of their lost kid.4. I _ his telephone number on a piece of paper, but now I couldnt find it anywhere.5. After several years of hard work, he had _ a nice career for himself as the host of the American show “Lets Make a Deal”.putputth

173、roughthroughinsisted uponinsisted uponwent bywent bywrote downwrote downcarved outcarved outExercise 7 Exercise 7 Complete the sentences with the given Complete the sentences with the given expressions. expressions. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and Stru

174、ctureVocabulary and Structurehelp out pay back carve out scrape by look overhand over insist upon put through write down go by6. When she was short of money, it was her parents who _ her _ with a $500 loan.7. While _ a cheque to the young man, Freed said he must maintain top grades in school.8. The

175、young man kept his promise and _ the money the old man lent him as soon as he landed his first job after graduation.9. He lost his job last month, and the family had to _ on his wifes salary.10. It is a good habit to _ your test paper again before you hand it in.helpedhelpedoutouthanding overhanding

176、 overpaid backpaid backscrape byscrape bylook overlook over1. A. adopted B. measured C. defined D. employed2. A. available B. desirable C. necessary D. reliable3. A. absorbs B. accepts C. engages D. includes4. A. but also B. as well as C. and also D. and as well5. A. in B. on C. by D. to6. A. six-ye

177、ar-olds B. six years old C. six-years old D. six-year-oldExercise 8 Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given. choices given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure What is memory? It can be (1) _ as the capacity t

178、o keep information (2) _ for use when it is needed. It (3) _ not only “remembering” things like numbers or facts, (4) _ involves any changes (5) _ the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is also involved when a (6) _ child learns to swing a baseball.7. A. of B. to C. with D. along8. A. While B.

179、Yet C. Though D. If9. A. plenty B. number C. amount D. figure10. A. acquires B. requires C. supposes D. composes11. A. distinguishes B. differs C. divides D. isolatesExercise 8 Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given. cho

180、ices given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure A large part of a persons memoryis in terms (7) _ words andcombinations of words. (8) _language greatly expands the kind ofthings and the (9) _ of thingsa person can remember, it also (10)_ a huge memory capacity. Itmay well be this capacit

181、y that (11)_ humans, setting them apartfrom other animals.12. A. stay B. support C. remain D. retain13. A. or B. now C. and D. so14. A. from B. with C. to D. over15. A. as B. like C. that D. thanExercise 8 Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Fill in each blank by choosing one o

182、f the four choices given. choices given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureMemory means the ability to (12) _ what we have learnt in our minds (13) _ that we can call it up again for later use. The amount of memory differs a good deal (14) _ persons. It is sometimes thought that people

183、can improve the power of memory by daily practice much (15) _ they strengthen their muscles by exercises with dumb-bells (哑铃).16. A. whenever B. whatever C. however D. wherever17. A. on B. up C. off D. out18. A. Lay B. Spread C. Separate D. Stretch19. A. at once B. right away C. on occasion D. in ge

184、neral20. A. fade B. occur C. reduce D. resistBut (16) _ weak your memory may be, you can make (17) _ for it by attending closely to what you want to remember, and repeating it over and over again. (18) _ the repetition out: it is better to spend a quarter of an hour on four different days than to ke

185、ep working at it for one whole hour all (19) _. This is because peoples memories (20) _ most quickly at the beginning. Yet nothing that has been learnt is ever completely forgotten.Exercise 8 Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four cho

186、ices given. choices given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureExercise Exercise 9 9 Rewrite the sentences by using it.Rewrite the sentences by using it.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureMODEL:MODEL: The weather was so fine that we were able to go for a picnic.The weather wa

187、s so fine that we were able to go for a picnic.It was such fine weather that we were able to go for a It was such fine weather that we were able to go for a picnic.picnic.Exercise Exercise 9 9 Rewrite the sentences by using it.Rewrite the sentences by using it.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and

188、Structure1. Whether they come or not doesnt matter very much.2. He is quite likely to let you down.3. You seem to have taken a dislike to him.It doesnt matter very much whether they come or not.It doesnt matter very much whether they come or not.It is quite likely that he will let you down.It is qui

189、te likely that he will let you down.It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.Exercise Exercise 9 9 Rewrite the sentences by using it.Rewrite the sentences by using it.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure4. I happen to have had some unple

190、asant experiences in dealing with him.5. Which country is technologically superior in terms of space equipment is difficult to tell.6. Whats impossible is that you have found a mistake in a computers arithmetic.It happens that I have had some unpleasant experiences in dealing It happens that I have

191、had some unpleasant experiences in dealing with him.with him.It is difficult to tell which country is technologically superior in It is difficult to tell which country is technologically superior in terms of space equipment.terms of space equipment.Its impossible that you have found a mistake in a c

192、omputers Its impossible that you have found a mistake in a computers arithmetic.arithmetic.Exercise Exercise 1010 Fill in each of the blanks in the sentences with Fill in each of the blanks in the sentences with one of the words or phrases given. one of the words or phrases given.Vocabulary and Stru

193、ctureVocabulary and Structure therefore after all however in that case in other words moreover1. I dont want to buy the house. The price is too high. And _, the house isnt in a suitable position.2. He says he wants to marry Susan. _, he shouldnt be quarrelling with her all the time.3. He has been in

194、 office for only a few months. He has, _, achieved more than any of his predecessors (前任).moreovermoreoverIn that caseIn that casehoweverhoweverExercise Exercise 1010 Fill in each of the blanks in the sentences with Fill in each of the blanks in the sentences with one of the words or phrases given.

195、one of the words or phrases given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure therefore after all however in that case in other words moreover4. The house was in bad repair; _, it was to be sold at a reduced price.5. Dont get discouraged by setbacks, we are new to the work _ .6. You say you took the book without his permission. _, you stole it.thereforethereforeafter allafter allIn other wordsIn other words



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