英语周报高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills Task课件 牛津译林版选修11

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1、Choosing a job for yourselfWARMING UP1. While listening to someone talking about his/her job, what aspects are you curious about?2. What other things would you like to know about?Skills building 1:Listening for facts about a jobWhen listening to someone talk about his or her job, you will often find

2、 out certain facts. These include:1. _2. _3. _ _4. _5. _reasons for doing the joblikes and dislikes about the jobinformation such as holidays and training opportunities qualities needed for the jobany other useful informationStep 1: taking useful notes about a job1. What do people in general think a

3、bout a job of a male nurse?2. What qualities do you think male nurses need for the job?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job?Listen and take notes.Why he chose the jobWhat his parents thoughtwanted to have more (1)_ with patients.agreed it was a job that David would be very (2)_ at

4、.timegoodQualities he has for the job likes to (3)_ others very (4)_ and hard-working always (5)_ and (6) _ time well care forpracticalon timemanagesWhat he likes about the job gets to meet a lot of new people (7)_ opportunities flexible time off patients are grateful when they (8)_ wonderful to thi

5、nk what youve helped them get bettertrainingrecoverHe is specialist inlooking after people who have suffered from (9)_burnsSome types of nurses work in factories nurse old people nurse people with (10)_ health problemspainWhat he dislikes about his jobpatients reactionsnot nice to see people in (11)

6、_Sometimes think he is a (12)_ or can not be a nursepaindoctor1. Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others.2. Men have stronger bodies than women.3. Male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still while they receive painful treatment.Read and list the benefits.4. Men see th

7、ings from a different angle than women and bring a male way of thinking to solving problems.5. Having a mix of male and female nurses in a ward also helps create a fun atmosphere, which helps patients recover faster.DEBATE One group talk about the advantages of watching TV, the other disagree and ar

8、gue against the advantages.Skills building 2: persuading people by using positive argumentsUseful expressions that you can use:1. In some ways I agree, but this can2. Sorry, I do not agree. I dont think it is a good idea because3. There are a lot of benefits to4. Just as a coin has two sides, everyt

9、hing has its advantages and disadvantages.5. Times are changing, and there was an article/a TV programme that side6. We think quite differently on this question.7. From my point of view, 8. It is obvious/clear that9. In conclusion, 10. I have found some interesting facts that showStep 2: persuading

10、your parents to agree with your career choiceA sample dialogue:B: Ive been thinking about what I want to do after graduation and decided I want to be a nurse. What do you think?P: Were not sure that we approve. We think its a job for women. Becoming a doctor would be a much better choice for you.B:

11、Times are changing, and nursing is no longer a career only for women. I read an article that says more male nurses are now needed in hospitals.P: Well, do you think you have the right qualities to be a nurse?B: 1. Do you keep a diary every day?2. What do you often write about?3. Which tense do you u

12、sually use?Skills building 3: Writing a diary entryWhen writing a diary, what entries should be often included?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _what happened during the dayhow you felt or how you feel nowyour opinionswhat you think will happen nextwhat you might do nextStep 3: Writing about what happenedWrite a

13、diary entry about what you found out about male nurses and the conversation that you had with your parents.SAMPLE2 AprilToday I found out some facts about a job as a male nurse. Currently, only seven per cent of nursing staff are men and hospitals need more male nurses. I am quite interested in the

14、job and think I am qualified for it. Therefore, I have decided I want to be a nurse after graduation.I had a conversation with my parents about my decision. At first, they were strongly against my choice and tried to persuade me to give it up. They thought that it was a job that better suits women t

15、han men and that I would face many difficulties waiting for me.However, I explained all the benefits of being a male nurse and having more male nurses in hospitals. I even told them some of the facts mentioned in the Nursemagazine written by the head of staff of a hospital.In the end, they said that they agreed with my choice.I felt very happy because they understood and support my decision.I think I will study hard to make myself a qualified nurse. I felt that this is the ideal career for me.



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