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1、Lets play a guessing game.11. It is a book. 2. The book can tell the meanings of words.3. It is a book which can tell the meanings of words.21. It is a machine2. The machine can fly very fast.3. It is a machine that can fly very fast.31. He was the first person2. The person invented the lights.3. He

2、 was the first person who invented the lights.41.She was the first woman.2.The woman won the Nobel Prize.3. She was the first woman who won the Nobel Prize.51.He is an actor.2.The actors father is a very famous action movie star.3. He is an actor whose father is a very famous action movie star.61. I

3、t is a tool.2.The tools function is cutting.3. It is a tool whose function is cutting.7What type of clause are the red parts in the above sentences?8 the Attributive Clause 定语从句定语从句9要点预习检测要点预习检测:在复合句中,修饰某一在复合句中,修饰某一_或或_的从句叫的从句叫定语从句。定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词,定语从句。定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词,起起“定语定语”的作用。被修饰说明的的作用。被修饰说明的名词名

4、词、代词代词叫做叫做_。定语从句位于先行词定语从句位于先行词_, 由由“关关系词系词”引导。引导。名词名词代词代词先行词先行词后面后面10关系代词的三大作用1. 连接(主句和定语从句)连接(主句和定语从句)2. 替代(前面的先行词)替代(前面的先行词)3. 成分(在定语从句中要充当一定的成分)成分(在定语从句中要充当一定的成分)He found the book that he wanted.This is the car which he bought last year. 11定语从句三要素定语从句三要素:先行词先行词,关系词关系词, 从句从句先行词先行词关系词关系词从句从句This is

5、 the very book that interests me most.先行词先行词关系词关系词从从 句句12Relative pronouns: who, whomwhich, that , whose 成分成分代替代替主语宾语定语人物人/物whowhowhomwhosewhich (which)whosethat(that) whose131415(抢答抢答)16 指出下面各个定语从句中的先行词、关指出下面各个定语从句中的先行词、关系词。系词。1. The boy who / that broke the window is called Jack.2. The man (whom/w

6、ho) I talked to just now is Mr. Li.3. The car (that / which) he bought yesterday is a second-hand one.4. Harry is the boy whose father is our maths teacher.5. We live in a house whose window opens to the south.17(抢答抢答)18在下列定语从句中关系代词只能在下列定语从句中关系代词只能用用that 1. 当先行词为当先行词为everything, nothing, something,

7、anything, little, few, much, the one 等不定代词时。如:等不定代词时。如: This book contains much / little that is useful. 这本书中有很多这本书中有很多 / 没有多少有用的东西。没有多少有用的东西。 I mean the one that was bought yesterday. 我指的是昨天买的那个。我指的是昨天买的那个。192.当先行词被当先行词被all, each, few, much, every, no, some, any 等不定代词修饰时。如:等不定代词修饰时。如: I have read a

8、ll the book (that) you gave me. 我把你给我的书都看了。我把你给我的书都看了。 There are some jobs (that) men cant do very well. 有些工作男人无法做好。有些工作男人无法做好。 203. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。如先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。如: This is the first film (that) I have seen since I came here. 这是我到这里以来所看的第一部电影。这是我到这里以来所看的第一部电影。 This is the biggest apple (that

9、) I have ever eaten. 这是我所吃过的苹果中最大的一个。这是我所吃过的苹果中最大的一个。21 4. 先行词既指人又指物时。如:先行词既指人又指物时。如: We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools (that) we had visited. 我们访问过的老师和参观过的学校给我们我们访问过的老师和参观过的学校给我们留下了深刻的印象。留下了深刻的印象。 225. 先行词被先行词被the only, the very, the last等修饰时。等修饰时。如:如: Mary is the only friend (th

10、at) I have in Australia. 玛丽是我在澳大利亚唯一的朋友。玛丽是我在澳大利亚唯一的朋友。 She is the very thief (that) the policeman is looking for. 她就是警察正在寻找的那个小偷。她就是警察正在寻找的那个小偷。 The last place they visited was the Summer Palace. 他们最后参观的地方是颐和园。他们最后参观的地方是颐和园。 236. 先行词在主句中作表语,或关系代词在从先行词在主句中作表语,或关系代词在从 句中作表语时。如:句中作表语时。如: This is a dic

11、tionary that will help you a lot. 这是本对你很有帮助的字典。这是本对你很有帮助的字典。 Dont cheat me. Im no longer the boy that I was three years ago. 别骗我了,我再也不是三年前的我了。别骗我了,我再也不是三年前的我了。 24(必答必答)25Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.1. The earthquake _ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American histo

12、ry.that / which 262. We dont know the number of people _ lost their homes in 1906 earthquake.that / whoFill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.27Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.3. The house _ they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquakethat/which28Fill in th

13、e blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.4 .The person _ you just talked to is Mr. Li.(whom/who/that)29Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.5. Luckily none of the people _ I know were killed in the earthquake .(who/whom/that)30Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or

14、 whose.6. Harry is the boy _ mother is our maths teacher .whose31Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.7.Those pictures _ were drawn by Tom are nice.which/that32Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.8. Those _ will go to the park stay here.who33Fill in the blanks

15、with who, whom, that, which or whose.9. That was all the money _ I had.that3410. They talked for about an hour of things and persons _ they remembered in the school.thatFill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.351.The house _ we live in is very old.2.Those are the shoes _ I lost last

16、week.3.That is the man _ found my handbag.4.Lucy cant eat food _ has chocolate in it.1.5.The car _ my uncle bought last month is very beautiful. which/ that which/ that who/ that which/ that which/ that366. The village _ Guo Peng lives in is very far away.7. The boy _ is wearing the black jacket is

17、very clever.8. I hate people _ talk much but do little.9. The detective found the thieves _ robbed the Bank of Hawaii.10. My aunt works in a university _ has over five thousand students. which/ that who/ that who/ that who/ that which/ that37(抢答抢答)38 1. God help those who help themselves . 天助自助者天助自助

18、者.笑到最后的人才是英雄笑到最后的人才是英雄. 2. He who laughs last laughs best .Translate the following English proverbs into Chinese and then pick out the attributive clauses.393. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man . 不到长城非好汉不到长城非好汉. .知足者常乐知足者常乐. .4. He who is content (满足满足) is always happy.40(抢答抢答)41我

19、喜欢你昨天买的那辆自行车。我喜欢那辆自行车自行车你买昨天I like the bike which you bought yesterday.42刚才说话的那个女孩是我的好朋友。那个女孩女孩说话刚才是我的好朋友。The girl who spoke just now is my friend.43在那边打篮球的那个男孩是我们班长。那个男孩那个男孩打篮球在那边是我们班长。The boy who is playing bascketball over there is our monitor.44你还记得我上次和他说话的那个人吗?你还记得那个人那个人我说话和上次吗?Do you remember

20、the person whom I talked to last time?45那位父亲是医生的学生学习非常努力。那位学生那位学生的父亲是医生学习非常努力。The student whose father is a doctor studies very hard.46定语从句专项翻译裁判把奖项颁给了赢得比赛的自行车选手,并向他祝贺。The judge gave a prize to the cyclist who won the games ,and said congratulations to them.那本书的标题是:“葬身海底的船只”The title of that book is

21、 the Ship which was buried in the sea.47被困在煤矿里两天的矿工们最后得到了营救The miners who had been trapped in the mine for two days were finally rescued.大火摧毁了离这四个街区的两个商店。The fire destroyed two shops which were about four blocks away from here.他拒绝谈起那场灾难带给他的痛苦。He refused to talk about the sufferings which the disaster had brought to him.48我是一名来自于昭阳区一中的学生。am a student who is from Zhaoyang No.1 Middle School.我的家乡是一个位于云南省东北的小镇。My hometown is a small village which lies in the Northeast of Yunnan.洒渔是一个因苹果而著名的地方。Sayu is a place which is famous for its apples.49Goodbye!50



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