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1、Unit 5 Period 6 Grammar (2)Adjectives & adverbs: (adj.+ ly =adv.)lHe is always very careful when he drives.lHe drives carefully.lShe can sing beautiful songs.lShe can sing songs beautifully.How can she sing songs?( (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) )表示说话者行事方式的副词表示说话者行事方式的副词,修饰动修饰动词常用来回答词常用来回答“how”问句。问句。大部分由形容词大部分由形容

2、词ly构成。构成。 e.g. quietquietly放在动词放在动词(短语短语)后或所修饰的动词之后或所修饰的动词之前表示行事的方式。前表示行事的方式。A. 定义定义:B. 构成构成: C. 运用运用: How much do you know about adverbs of manners?(方式副词)(方式副词)形容词变成副词的变化规则形容词变成副词的变化规则:1. 大多数形容词大多数形容词ly 构成副词构成副词 careful-carefully, quiet-quietly2.以辅音字母以辅音字母“y”结尾的副词结尾的副词, 要先变要先变“y”为为“i”再再“ly”: 3. 以以“

3、le”结尾的直接去结尾的直接去“e”“y”即可。即可。 terrible -terribly, gentle-gently (im) possible- (im) possibly,comfortable- comfortably, simple- simplyhappily, heavily一部分形容词同时也是副词:一部分形容词同时也是副词: e. g. long, far, high , fast, early, late, hard特殊的形容词变为副词特殊的形容词变为副词 e.g. good- well,truetruly一部分形容词本身就是以一部分形容词本身就是以“ly”结尾结尾,则不

4、能再在词尾则不能再在词尾“ly”,这时可用介词这时可用介词短语的形式来表示方式。短语的形式来表示方式。 e.g. friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, likelyForm the adverbs from the adjectives.1.bad 2.bright 3.clear 4.close 5.correct 6.dangerous 7. generous 8. neat 9. nice 10. pleasant 11. slow 12. soft lylylylylylylylylylylyly1.gentle 2.possible1.easy 2.ha

5、ppy 3.heavy 4.noisy 5.angry+ lygentlypossibly- e + yeasilyhappilyheavilynoisilyangrily- y + ily1.good2.true 3.hard4.fastwelltrulyhardfastBack 1. angry _ 2. bad _3.free _ 4. bright _5. slow _ 6. soft _7. close _ 8. clear _9. heavy _ 10. neat _11. nice _angrily badly freely brightlyslowly softlyclosel

6、y clearly heavily neatly nicely写出下列各词的副词形式写出下列各词的副词形式: :12. noisy _ 13.dangerous _14.different _ 15. careful _16. generous _17. pleasant _noisily dangerouslydifferently carefullygenerously pleasantly18. possible _ 19. terrible _20. gentle _ 21. correct _22. happy _possibly terriblygently correctlyha

7、ppilyComplete the article of Part C2 on P85.lThe sun shone as we got on the school bus. We were all very excited. We talked until Mr Wu told us to be quiet.lWhen we arrived at Beijing Wildlife Park, the zookeeper greeted us . He told us about all the different birds, and we listened . He told us not

8、 to make any noise and not to run. He also told us to walk and not to frighten the birds. lWe saw many different birds at Beijing Wildlife Park and we learnt to tell people about them . brightlyloudlypolitelycarefullyslowlycorrectly1.you can, at Beijing Wildlife Park, 2. close, watch the birds2. to

9、your bird watching place first, walk, quiet3. clear, make sure, from your birdwatching place, you can see4. drop litter, careless, do not连词成句连词成句: (: (注意注意红色红色单词的词性变化单词的词性变化!)!)5. soft, during the watch, you must talk, very6. in the park., birds fly, happy7. the birds, sing, nice8. clear, for you to

10、 write your reports, it is importantl1.At Beijing wildlife park, you can watch birds closely.l2.First, walk quietly to your birdwatching places.l3.Make sure you can see clearly from your birdwatching places.l4.Do not carelessly drop litter.l5.You must talk very softly during the watch.l6.Birds fly h

11、appily in the park.l7.The birds sing nicely.l8.It is important for you to write your reports clearly.Check the answers. (Part C3 on P85.)(bright, careful, cheerful, noisy, healthy, sad)1.The man smells the soup_.2.The little girl is crying _.3.The sun is shining _.4.The man on the radio talks _.5.Pl

12、ants grow _if they get enough water and sunshine.6.The boy is eating strawberries_.carefullysadlybrightlynoisilyhealthilycheerfullyConsolidation: I. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空:1.As the roads are wet, _. (very/drives/he/careful)2.Traffic is busy and _. (are/the/slow/cars/moving)3.We are staying home _. (

13、it/heavy/is/because/raining)4.Bees _ (always/busy/fly around) looking for flowers.he drives very carefullythe cars are moving slowlybecause it is raining heavilyalways fly around busilyII. 连词成句连词成句:(注意单词的词性变化注意单词的词性变化!) 5.The students _. (in/studied/the/library/quite)6.she_. (speak/can/fluent/langua

14、ges/three)7.Mr. Wang is _ (busy/the office/at/working) and will be late for dinner.8.My parents _(looked at/angry/me) because I lied. studied quietly in the librarycan speak three languages fluentlyworking busily at the officelooked at me angrilyIII. 翻译句子翻译句子.(注意区别注意区别形容词形容词和和副词副词用法用法.)1.西蒙是个非常西蒙是个非

15、常细心的细心的学生学生.他写作业一直很他写作业一直很认真认真. Simon is a careful student. He does his homework carefully.2.我们都有一个我们都有一个幸福的幸福的家家,名字叫中国名字叫中国.我们过得很我们过得很幸福幸福. We have a happy family called China. We live happily.3.如果你吃得如果你吃得健康健康,你就会健康你就会健康. If you eat healthily, you ll be healthy.4.那个小孩很那个小孩很粗心粗心,他总是他总是粗心地粗心地丢垃圾丢垃圾.T

16、hat child is very careless. He always drops litter carelessly.5.阅览室里很阅览室里很安静安静.请你请你悄悄地悄悄地走进去走进去. The reading room is very quiet. Please go into it quietly. 6. 他们的旅游客车明天早晨六点出发他们的旅游客车明天早晨六点出发. Their travel bus leaves at six tomorrow morning.7. 西蒙自己开车总是很小心西蒙自己开车总是很小心. Simon drives his car carelessly.8.

17、听听!鸟儿在欢唱鸟儿在欢唱. Listen! Birds are singing happily.9.米莉发言一向很温柔米莉发言一向很温柔. Millie speaks very gently.10.那天那天,我们上大巴时阳光明媚我们上大巴时阳光明媚. That day the sun shone brightly when we got on the bus.11.我们一直高谈阔论我们一直高谈阔论,直到高老师叫我们保持安直到高老师叫我们保持安静为止静为止 We talked loudly until Mr Gao told us to be quiet.l12.当我们到达栖霞山公园时当我们到

18、达栖霞山公园时,看门人彬彬有礼地跟看门人彬彬有礼地跟我们打招呼我们打招呼. When we arrived at Xixia Park, the gatekeeper greeted us politely.l13.导游叫我们走慢点别吓唬小鸟导游叫我们走慢点别吓唬小鸟. The guide told us to walk slowly and not to frighten the birds.l14.高老师让我们上课认真听讲高老师让我们上课认真听讲. Mr Gao told us to listen carefully in class.IV. 翻译句子翻译句子:l1.他们的旅游客车明天早晨六点出发他们的旅游客车明天早晨六点出发.l2.西蒙自己开车总是很小心西蒙自己开车总是很小心.l3.听听!鸟儿在欢唱鸟儿在欢唱.l4.米莉发言一向很温柔米莉发言一向很温柔.l5.秋游那天秋游那天,我们上大巴时阳光明媚我们上大巴时阳光明媚.l6.我们一直高谈阔论我们一直高谈阔论,直到高老师叫我们保持安静为止直到高老师叫我们保持安静为止.l7.当我们到达栖霞山公园时当我们到达栖霞山公园时,看门人彬彬有礼地跟我们看门人彬彬有礼地跟我们打招呼打招呼.l8.导游叫我们别吓唬小鸟导游叫我们别吓唬小鸟.l9.高老师让我们上课认真听讲高老师让我们上课认真听讲.



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