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1、存储与搬运决策存储与搬运决策Storage and Handling DecisionsChapter 12“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we catch excellence.” Vince LombardiCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.1产品计划三角形产品计划三角形Product in the Planning TriangleCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.PLANNINGORGANIZINGCONTROLLINGTransport Strateg

2、y Transport fundamentals Transport decisionsCustomer service goals The product Logistics service Ord . proc. & info. sys.Inventory Strategy Forecasting Inventory decisions Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions Storage fundamentals Storage decisionsLocation Strategy Location decisions The networ

3、k planning process 计划计划 组织组织 控制控制Transport Strategy Transport fundamentals Transport decisionsCustomer service goalsThe product Logistics service Ord . proc. & info. sys.Inventory Strategy Forecasting Inventory decisions Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions Storage fundamentals Storage decisio

4、nsLocation Strategy Location decisions The network planning process 库存战略 预测客户服务目标采购和供应时间决策存储基础知识存储决策产品物流服务订单管理和信息系统 库存决策 运输战略 运输基础知识 运输决策 选址战略 选址决策 网络规划流程2Storage/Handling Decisions in Inventory StrategyPLANNINGORGANIZINGCONTROLLINGTransport Strategy Transport fundamentals Transport decisionsCustome

5、r service goals The product Logistics service Ord. proc. & info. sys.Inventory Strategy Forecasting Inventory decisions Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions Storage fundamentals Storage decisionsLocation Strategy Location decisions The network planning processPLANNINGORGANIZINGCONTROLLINGTrans

6、port Strategy Transport fundamentals Transport decisionsCustomer service goals The product Logistics service Ord. proc. & info. sys.Inventory Strategy Forecasting Inventory decisions Purchasing and supply scheduling decisions Storage fundamentals Storage/handling decisionsLocation Strategy Location

7、decisions The network planning processCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.3存储决策存储决策Storage Decisions12.1 选址选址Site Selection Finds a specific real estate site as a storagelocation Weighted checklist is a good approach. Recall,FactorMarginalFactorsWeightsscoresscore 1 2 510 2 9 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8、4 8 32 Weighted score2864Storage Decisions (Contd)CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.512.2 设计与运作规划n12.2.1 确定设施的规模n简单地说,规模是指仓库建筑的总容积长、宽和高。n1.无趋势规模确定问题n2.有趋势规模确定n3.对规模确定方法的评述6Space requirements, sq. ft.Rented spacePrivately- operated spaceTimeMixed Strategy for Warehouse SpaceNeed for some space is seasonal

9、CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.12-57Determination of a Mixed Warehouse Strategy for a 60,000 sq. ft. Privately-Operated WarehousePrivatespaceexceededCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.8设配置n配置在一个高吞吐量的设中影响处理成本,但不重要n正方形或方形的形状是最好的。L形的设计差,除非使用输送机。n对高吞吐量的设施单设计是流行的,并且土地成本不太高9Storage Decisions (Contd)CR (2004) Pren

10、tice Hall, Inc.10n空间布局n在建筑物中配置储物架和过道n空间布局影响建筑规模和尺寸n站台布置n由建筑物的侧边和需要的卡车数量决定11Storage Decisions (Contd)CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.12设施评价设施评价Facility Evaluation假设圣路易斯的某仓库考虑降低制造商和顾客之间的运输成本。目前的出货量直接来自纽约的制造商。在仓库有10美元/担的处理成本。Direct shipmentsCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.13设施评价设施评价Facility EvaluationSuppose

11、 a pool point at St. Louis is being considered to lower transportation costs between manufacturer and its customers. Shipments currently are made directly from the manufacturers inventory in New York. There is a $10/cwt. handling charge at the pool point.Direct shipmentsCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.

12、14Facility Evaluation (Contd)Shipments through pool pointNow, add handling cost of $10/cwt. 400 cwt. = $4,000 for a total cost of $15,472 + 4,000 = $19,472.Conclusion No benefit to using the pool point.CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.15When is a Pool Point Likely to be an Advantage?当装运规模小当需求短缺当运输的经济性是重

13、要的当池点(中转库)的运营成本相对于运输成本比较低对服务而言,转运时间不重要CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.16When is a Pool Point Likely to be an Advantage?When shipment sizes are smallWhen demand is far from source pointsWhen transportation rate economies are significantWhen pool point operating costs are low relative to transportation c

14、ostsWhen transfer times are insignificant to serviceCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.1712.3物料搬运系统设计n控制成本n搬运通常是劳动密集型活动n原则成本降低通过以下途径:n减少搬运距离n一次性处理单位数量增加n一次订单,一次拣货n提高储存密度18n降低成本也可以通过以下活动实现:n精心规划建筑物的物理布局n订单置于分拣区n自动化或者辅助机械取代人力n通过计算机系统帮助计划建筑物内的工作流程19Handling DecisionsCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.20物料搬运系统选n管理层

15、在确定物料搬运系统进行分析中,应考虑的问题:n(1)外部的物料搬运系统(例如托盘的使用)n(2)仓库设计对设备的选择限制n(3)系统内货物性质和规模对设备选择的影响n(4)货物的特性是系统选择的决定性因素n(5)为了应付意外情况而留出的余地也会影响系统设计。21物料搬运系统选n确定因素:n自动化水平n托盘尺寸n存储数量n吞吐量水平n产品特性n应急计划n金融分析处理系统的方案22Handling Decisions (Contd)CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.23产品布局的决策n1.存货布局n2.存货的排列n3.库存定位法24存货布局的方法一、往返拣货二、拣货员制定路

16、径三、指定每位工作人员的拣货区,拣货员在其工作区域内使用往返拣货或拣货员制定路径的方式进行拣货25Handling Decisions (Contd)CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.26体积-订单指数n储存货物所需的平均空间(立方英尺)与该货物的日平均订单数量的比值。n数值低的货物应尽可能靠近出货点放置。27Handling Decisions (Contd) Cube-per-order index Layout example - By popularity - By cube - By CPO The cube-per-order index is the ra

17、tio of a products average required cubic footage for storage to the average number of daily orders on which the item is requested. The products with the lowest index value are located nearest the outbound dock.CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.28 Product (1) Item Size, cu. ft. (2) Expected Number of Orde

18、rs/Yr. (3) Average Inventory, Units (4)=(2)/250 Average Number of Daily Ordersa (5)=(1)(3) Required Storage Space, cu. ft. (6)=(5)/(4) Cube- Per-Order Index A 6.0 6,750 800 27 4,800 177.8 B 4.0 15,750 16,000 63 64,000 1015.9 C 1.0 11,250 25,120 45 25,120 558.2 D 8.0 25,500 18,600 102 148,800 1458.8

19、E 3.0 17,750 12,533 71 37,599 529.6 F 5.0 3,500 3,936 14 19,680 1405.7 G 15.0 6,250 907 25 13,605 544.2 Totals 86,750 77,896 313,604 aBased on 250 selling days per year Product Layout ExampleBasic dataBy cubeBy CPOBy popularityCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.12-2929DDF,DDInbound rail dockC,BB,FA,EE,G,C

20、Layout by CPOLowest index valuesOutbound truck dockHighest index values30活动分析布局活动分析布局按活动刻画法得出的一个高吞吐量仓库的区域布局高吞吐量的药品储存库的布局返品大宗散货促销商品保税货物整箱货散箱货收货31Layout by Activity ProfilingData mine orders to determine activity distributions. Layout warehouse space according to activity levels.A high-throughput ware

21、house layout for drug store replenishment高吞吐量的药品储存库的布局3212.4订单订单-拣货操作拣货操作提高搬运效率的订单处理提高搬运效率的订单处理 产品排序 拣货员分区订单分割货物批量处理 CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.33Handling Decisions (Contd)存储安排存储安排Stock Arrangement广场布局On-the-square layout角盘布局Angular pallet placement CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.34Handling Decision

22、s (Contd)Order handling for increased handling efficiency Product sequencing on picker list Picker zoning and the “bucket brigade” Order splitting Multiple order picking per picking passStock ArrangementOn-the-square layoutAngular pallet placement CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.35(a) On-the-square pal

23、let placementStorage bayCenter line of aisle(b) Angular pallet placementStorage bayCenter line of aislePallet Layout in WarehousesTop-down view of storage bays36Handling Decisions (Contd)Increases cube utilizationStock Arrangement On-the-square pallet layout Angular pallet layout存储定位识别法存储定位识别法Stock

24、locator-identification methods 固定定位器识别法Fixed locator-identification method 随机定位识别方法Random locator-identification method 区域定位Zone locationCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.37Handling Decisions (Contd)Increases cube utilizationStock Arrangement On-the-square pallet layout Angular pallet layoutStock locator

25、-identification methods Fixed locator-identification method Random locator-identification method Zone locationCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.38Equipment SelectionOne-time purchase of equipment of different types can be decided on basis of present value analysis, or by selecting the alternative with th

26、e lowest NPV. where NPV = net present value of equipment over its useful life ($) I = initial investment ($) C = annual operating cost ($) i = the discount, or hurdle, rate that such investments are expected to return Sn = salvage value in year n ($) n = useful life of the equipment (years)CR (2004)

27、 Prentice Hall, Inc.39Equipment Selection (Contd)Problem Two type A forklift trucks can do the same work as three type B trucks. Additional data are:Two Type A TrucksThree Type BTrucksTotal initial investment$20,000$15,000Useful life (planned)77Salvage value (estimated)$ 5,000$ 2,000Annual operating

28、 expenses$ 4,000$ 6,000Hurdle rate0.200.20CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.40Equipment Selection (Contd)SolutionSolve the NPV equation for the two alternatives.For truck type A,For truck type B,Choose two type A trucksCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.41Equipment ReplacementA financial problemAlternatives ar

29、e compared through present value analysisTypical design concerns differing degrees of automation, capacity, and equipment life.Example A forklift truck that costs $3,000 and requires $200 to operate in its first year, but operating costs increase at the rate of $30 per year squared thereafter. Techn

30、ological improvement reduces operating costs by $20 per year. The normal life of a truck is 10 years and the truck can be sold for its remaining undepreciated value. A discount rate of 20%/yr. is used. When should the truck be replaced?We calculate the equivalent annual cost according to42Accumulate

31、s costsfor years 1 and 2 Replacement ExampleaComputed as Cj =200 - 20(j-1) + 30(j-1)2 and accumulated when there is more than one year in the replacement cyclebComputed as Sn = I1-0.1(n)Replace-mentCycleTime, n(1)InitialInvest-ment, I(2)TotalOperatingCosts, Cj(3)DiscountedOperatingCosts,Cijjjn()11+=

32、(4)SalvageValue,Sn(5)DiscountedSalvageValue,Sinn()1+(6)DiscountFactor,iiinn()()111+-(7)=(1+3-5)(6)EquivalentAverageAnnualCost,ACn1$3,000$200a$167$2,700b$2,2501.20$1,10023,0004103122,4001,6680.651,06833,0006904752,1001,2150.471,0621,06243,0001,1006721,8008680.391,09453,0001,7009131,5006030.331,09263,0002,5501,1981,2004020.301,13873,0003,7101,5229002510.281,19683,0005,2401,8786001400.261,23293,0007,2002,258300580.251,300103,0009,6502,653000.241,357CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.12-4343



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