1、The Classical Gardens of SuzhouIntroduction Introduction The main architecture types are:pavilion(亭,轩,榭,阁)(亭,轩,榭,阁),terrace(台)(台),hall(堂,馆)(堂,馆) ,tower(楼)楼)corridor(廊)(廊)亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆Introduction Introduction There are four very famous classical gardens of suzhou:The Humble Administrators Garde
2、n(拙政园)(拙政园)The Lingering Garden(留园)(留园)The Lion Gorest Garden(狮子林)(狮子林)The CangLang Pavilion Garden(沧浪亭)沧浪亭)CorridorCorridorOrnamental Perforated Windows (花窗,漏窗)(花窗,漏窗) These windows are used to decorate the corridor and framed viewsFramed Viewst h e v i e w w a s f r a m e d b y something ,so that
3、the view just looks like a painting or a p i c t u r e . Distant fragrance hall (远香堂) 堂“ refers to the principal room of a house ,it is often as a place for host to greet guests ,hold the banquet(盛 宴 ) and so on.Why is it called 远香堂”? The answer is about a famous chines essay-My Love on Lotus (爱莲说)
4、the poet compared himself to flower(借花自喻) ,using the object to express his thoughts(托物言志) The Pavilion in The Lotus Breezes 荷风四面亭荷风四面亭 亭”everybody is familiar with it . It is the most common building in the classical gardens,even in the whole ancient chinese architecture.The Listen to Rain Pavilion.
5、 听雨轩听雨轩 轩 “ , a small ,high and ventilated (通风) room a ,always has the big,long windows. In the room A scene of antiquity(古色古香 spreads out before us .there are :Brush, Inkstick, Paper, Inkstone(笔墨纸砚),chess,calligraphy(书法),couplets(对联),and,bonsais(盆景).and so onOutside the window, there are lotus, bamboos, plantain(芭蕉).iTwo beautiesThe one is the beauty of the The other one is the beauty of poetry.Thank you