七年级英语下册 module1第1单元课件 外研社

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1、 Module 1 Unit 1 Module 1 Unit 1 Were having a great time!Were having a great time! What does he often do on Saturdays?He often writes a letter on Saturdays.What is he doing?He is writing a letter.What does she do on Sundays?She always plays the piano on Sundays.What is she doing?She is playing the

2、piano.What do they do in the morning?They read books in the morning.What are they doing?They are reading books.What do the girls do after school?They often dance after school.What are the girls doing?They are dancing.What does Li Hua usually do on Friday afternoon?He usually plays football on Friday

3、 afternoon.What is he doing at the moment?He is playing football at the moment.What do Mr Wangs family do in the evening?They watch TV in the evening.What are they doing now?They are watching TV now.“be+v-ing”现在进行时现在进行时的结构的结构be(is, am, are)由主语来决定由主语来决定What is Mary doing now?She is talking to her fri

4、end, Mickey now.MaryMickeyWhat is it doing at the moment?Its eating an ice cream at the moment.What is the boy doing now?He is taking photos now.He is driving a car.New words and phrases:buy v.买call v. 打打电话tell v. 告告诉,讲enjoy v. 享受享受lie v. 躺躺shop v.购物物 n.商店商店take photos 拍照拍照wait for 等候等候postcard n.明信

5、片明信片buyingcallinglyingshoppingtellingenjoyingtaking photoswaiting for一般情况下一般情况下直接加直接加-ing不规则变化不规则变化以辅音字母以辅音字母+元音字母元音字母+辅音辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,再加写末尾辅音字母,再加-ing以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的动结尾的动词,去词,去e,再加,再加-ingBettyLinglingBetty is calling her mum and telling her about the Great Wall.talk; call; tellLi

6、ngling is shopping for presents and postcards.They are enjoying the school trip.=buying presentsshop; buy; enjoyTonyTony is eating an ice cream and drinking some juice.Wang HuiDamingWang Hui is taking a photo.Daming is lying in the sun and having his lunch.They are having a great time.lie; have; wal

7、k; eat; drink; takeThey are waiting for the bus.stand; wait for; driveLingling is writing her postcards.write; talk;Listen and match these words with the words in Activity1.wait for the bus 等公共汽等公共汽车 eat an ice cream 吃冰激淋吃冰激淋drink juice 喝果汁喝果汁have lunch 吃午吃午饭take a photo 拍照拍照write a postcard 写明信片写明信

8、片buy presents 买礼物礼物enjoy the school trip 喜喜欢学校的郊游学校的郊游Work in pairs. Match the people 1-7 with the actions a-g, and say what people are doing.1). Betty 2). Lingling 3). Daming 4). Tony 5). Lingling and Betty 6). Wang Hui 7). The children a. Hes lying in the sun.b. Shes talking to her mother.c. Theyr

9、e enjoying the school trip.d. Shes shopping for present.e. Hes eating an ice cream.f. Theyre writing postcards.g. Hes taking photos.Answers : 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. g 7. cWrite full sentences for your answers in Activity 4. Use names.1) Betty is talking to her mother. 2) Lingling is shopping fo

10、r presents.3) Daming is lying in the sun. 4) Tony is eating an ice cream. 5) Lingling and Betty are writing postcard.6) Wang Hui is taking photos.7) The children are enjoying the school trip. Learning to learn Remember: We always say take photos! In English we always use some words before or after o

11、ther words, such as the phrases wait for, do my homework,put on my sweater .Language points1. call sb. / phone sb. / telephone sb. /give sb. a call / give sb. a ring / ring sb. up 打电话给打电话给.2. wait一般用作不及物动词一般用作不及物动词, 意为意为“等,等待等,等待”。仔细观察下面的例。仔细观察下面的例句完成归纳部分所缺内容。句完成归纳部分所缺内容。A. They are waiting for the

12、bus. 他们正在等公共汽车。他们正在等公共汽车。B. We are waiting to go there. 我们等着去那里。我们等着去那里。【归纳【归纳】1. wait后可接表示所等的人、物的后可接表示所等的人、物的名词或代词时,常与介词名词或代词时,常与介词for连用,连用,如例句如例句_ 。2. wait后接表示目的的动词不定式,后接表示目的的动词不定式,如例句如例句 _ 。AB【运用】请用【运用】请用wait或或wait for的适当形的适当形式填空。式填空。1. 你在等谁?你在等谁?Who are you _?2. 那个小女孩正在等她妈妈。那个小女孩正在等她妈妈。That girl

13、 _ her mother. is waiting for waiting for3. enjoy 用法用法请看下面的例句完成归纳部分所缺内容。请看下面的例句完成归纳部分所缺内容。A. She is enjoying the picture. 她正在欣赏那幅画。她正在欣赏那幅画。B. Everyone enjoys watching the football matches. 大家都喜欢观看足球赛。大家都喜欢观看足球赛。C. Do you enjoy yourselves in the park today? 今天你们在公园玩得开心吗?今天你们在公园玩得开心吗?【归纳【归纳】1. enjoy后

14、面可直接跟名词,即后面可直接跟名词,即enjoy sth.,表示,表示“_”。2. enjoy可接可接v.-ing形式,表示形式,表示“ _”。3. enjoy后面可接反身代词后面可接反身代词(oneself),构,构成固定搭配成固定搭配 _, 意为意为“_”,相当于,相当于have a good time或或have fun。喜欢或欣赏某事喜欢或欣赏某事/物物喜欢做某事喜欢做某事过得愉快或玩得高兴过得愉快或玩得高兴enjoy oneself【运用【运用】请根据汉语意思补全下列英语句子。请根据汉语意思补全下列英语句子。1. 你喜欢这部电影吗?你喜欢这部电影吗? Do you _? 2. 许多学

15、生喜欢用英语问问题。许多学生喜欢用英语问问题。Many students_ questions in English. 3. 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗?你在聚会时玩得高兴吗?Did you _ at the party? enjoy yourselfenjoy the filmenjoy asking4. take photos 照相照相5. the Great Wall 长城长城6. be on a trip 进行一次旅行进行一次旅行7. have a good time 玩得开心玩得开心 同义短语有同义短语有have fun / enjoy oneself / have a great tim

16、e / have a wonderful time8. What are the others doing? the others表示一定范围内除去一部分以表示一定范围内除去一部分以后其余的部分,特指已知的人或物中后其余的部分,特指已知的人或物中“除除之外其余的全部之外其余的全部”,相当于,相当于“the other + 复数名词复数名词”。因此句中的。因此句中的the others = the other people。 【句子仿写】班里一些人正在打篮球。其【句子仿写】班里一些人正在打篮球。其他人正在做什么?他人正在做什么? Some of the class are playing bas

17、ketball. _ _ What are the other people / the others doing? 9. lots of = a lot of 许多多10. And Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun. lie in the sun意意为“躺在阳光下躺在阳光下”。“在太阳下在太阳下”习惯上用短上用短语in the sun,不用不用under the sun。 【句子仿写】詹妮正躺在阳光下。【句子仿写】詹妮正躺在阳光下。 _Jenny is lying in the sun. 11. Were enjoying the sch

18、ool trip a lot. 我们非常喜欢学校的这次郊游。我们非常喜欢学校的这次郊游。a lot作状语,意为作状语,意为“非常;很非常;很”,可,可以用来修饰动词,相当于以用来修饰动词,相当于“very much”。 【句子仿写】她很喜欢香蕉。【句子仿写】她很喜欢香蕉。 _She likes bananas a lot / very much.12. Were going home now. 我我们现在要回家了。在要回家了。 are going 是是现在在进行行时表将来。表将来。类似的似的动词还有:有:come; leave; die等等。等等。Grammar现在进行时:现在进行时:表示正在

19、进行的动作或状态。表示正在进行的动作或状态。构成:构成:助动词助动词be+动词的现在分词形式动词的现在分词形式( -ing 形式)形式)举例举例: I am talking with a boy. 我在同一个男孩说话。我在同一个男孩说话。She is listening to me. 她在听我说。她在听我说。We are eating. 我们在吃。我们在吃。动词的现在分词的变化规则动词的现在分词的变化规则 (动词动词-ing 的构成的构成)1). 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加ing,如:如:read-reading look-looking play-playing eat-eating 2).以

20、不发音的以不发音的-e结尾的词先把去掉结尾的词先把去掉e再再加加-ing如如: take-taking have-having 3). 以辅音字母以辅音字母+元音字母元音字母+辅音字母结尾辅音字母结尾的重读闭音结尾的词的重读闭音结尾的词, 应双写最后的应双写最后的辅音字母辅音字母, 再加再加ing如如: sit-sitting run-running get-getting swim-swimming shop-shopping put-putting set-setting stop-stopping begin-beginning4). 特殊特殊 lie-lyingListen and c

21、heck ( ) the words you hear. 1. a) stand in b) standing 2. a) read in b) reading 3. a) walk in b) walking 4. a) play in b) playing5. a) drive in b) driving 6. a) run in b) runningSpeakingWork in pairs. Say what people doing at the moment.Im learning English. My partner is listenin to me. My mother i

22、s shopping. My teacher is . We.请将下列将下列单词的的现在分在分词按构成按构成规则分分别写在相写在相应的例的例词后面。后面。buy, have, wait, like, enjoy, write, shop, call, run, talk, eat, get, drive1. standing _ _ buying waiting enjoying calling talking eating Exercises:2. taking _ 3. putting _ having liking writing driving shopping running get

23、ting 1. Lucy c_ her mother every day.2. Listen! Betty is t_ a story in English. 3. My little sister e_ listening to music. allsellingnjoys请根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。请根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。 4. Hurry up! I am w_ for you.5. Theres no meat in the fridge. I need to b_ some. aiting uy1. 瞧!学生瞧!学生们正在正在动物园里照相。物园里照相。 Look! The

24、 students _ _ in the zoo. 2. 我我们正参加学校的郊游。正参加学校的郊游。 We are _ now. 请根据汉语句子完成英语句子请根据汉语句子完成英语句子, 每空每空一词。一词。 are taking photos / pictureson a school trip3. 你知道中国的你知道中国的长城城吗? Do you know _ of China?4. 他他们在公园里正玩得高在公园里正玩得高兴。 They _ in the park. 5. 我我们非常喜非常喜欢这次旅游。次旅游。 We enjoy the trip _. a lot / very much t

25、he Great Wall are having a good timeA. Im coming.B. Whats in it?C. He is not at home.D. What are you doing?E. I think he is reading a book.F. Wait a moment.G. I need some help.请选择恰当的选项完成下面对话请选择恰当的选项完成下面对话请选择恰当的选项完成下面对话请选择恰当的选项完成下面对话( (其其其其中有两项多余中有两项多余中有两项多余中有两项多余) )。Mother: Lily! (1) _Lily: Im doing

26、 my homework.Mother: Could you come here, please? (2) _ Lily: Sure, Mum. (3) _ Mother: Would you please help me carry this box to the bedroom?DGALily: OK. Oh, its too heavy! (4) _ Mother: Your fathers old books. Whats your father doing?Lily: (5) _ Mother: Could you please ask your father to help me?Lily: OK, Mum.BE



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