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1、备考2025年福建省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自测模拟预测题库一单选题(共100题)1、主营业务利润率属于哪种财务比率()。A.结构比率B.效率比率C.相关比率D.利润比率【答案】 D2、对于财产清査结果的处理,国家会计制度和单位内部会计控制制度都有规定和要求,下列各项中,未作明确规定的是( )。A.分析产生差异的原因和性质,提出处理建议B.积极处理多余积压财产,清理往来款项C.落实经济责任,表彰先进D.及时调整账簿记录,保证账实相符【答案】 C3、We appreciate your patience and hope to serve you in a timelier manner in

2、 the future. _ , please contact our order department at 716-555-0160 with any questions .A.insteadB.meanwhileC.in contrastD.besides【答案】 D4、资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to tel

3、ling a story about investing in China.A.The work force in China has increased in past ten yearsB.internet firms benefit a lot from the income growthC.The Chinese government is improving the social welfare for peopleD.the per capita income in China is expected to $12,500 in eight years【答案】 A5、计算机病毒按照

4、感染方式的分类中不包括()。A.引导型病毒B.文件型病毒C.混合型病毒D.附件型病毒【答案】 D6、Artists at the Zadone Gallery are able to create reproductions of famous paintings that are _ authentic looking.A.remarkB.remarkablenessC.remarkableD.remarkably【答案】 D7、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more

5、 changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, theres a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing.A.fallingB.pushingC.keepin

6、gD.changing【答案】 A8、She would rather that her husband _ travel during the bad weather, but he insists that he return home today.A.do notB.notC.must notD.did not【答案】 D9、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing away from

7、your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one anot

8、hers hands for safety.A.are not sure of themselvesB.have much difficulty in understanding each otherC.dare not do thingsD.are very much afraid of getting lost【答案】 A10、公共物品消费的性质是( )。A.非竞争性和非排他性B.非竞争性和排他性C.竞争性和非排他性D.竞争性和排他性【答案】 A11、I will never forget the day _ I first arrived at this college.A.in whi

9、chB.on thatC.whenD.which【答案】 C12、资本家支付给工人的工资其本质上是()。A.工人的劳动的价值B.工人全部劳动的报酬C.工人劳动的价格D.工人出卖的劳动力的价值或价格【答案】 D13、根据科曼提出的领导生命周期理论,通过领导的工作行为、领导的关系行为和下属的成熟度建立一个三维结构的有效领导模型,其中()具有低工作行为、低关系行为和适用于成熟度高的下属。A.说服型领导B.授权型领导C.参与型领导D.命令型领导【答案】 B14、“Tommy,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with()clea

10、rly in her voice.A.angerB.rudenessC.RegretD.panic【答案】 D15、在我国,随着经济发展和改革的深入,“短缺经济”转变为“过剩经济”,投资消费需求膨胀一度转变为投资消费需求不足。1997年下半年,我国零售物价指数开始全面持续下跌,存在“通货紧缩趋势”。为此中国人民银行采取了一系列货币政策措施予以应对。A.不动产信用控制B.窗口指导C.道义劝告D.直接干预【答案】 C16、Passage 2A.Customers are forced to share their bank dataB.Banks are required to open up t

11、heir entire operational systemC.Regulators should be both tough and flexibleD.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch【答案】 C17、Passage 3A.Unpackaged products are of bad qualityB.Supermarkets care more about packagingC.Other products are better packaged than foodD.It is improper

12、 to judge quality by packaging【答案】 D18、廉租住房建设贷款,贷款期限最长不超过( )年。A.2B.3C.5D.8【答案】 C19、 下列财务指标中,属于效率指标的是()。A.速动比率B.资产负债率C.营业利润率D.已获利息倍数【答案】 C20、If youve ever played with magnets, you know that opposite poles attract and like poles _ each other.A.haulB.repelC.disposeD.snatch【答案】 B21、目前国家开发银行的贷款主要是( )。A.硬

13、贷款B.软贷款C.信用贷款D.抵押贷款【答案】 A22、中国人民银行发布的2019年第三季度中国货币政策执行报告称,当前,中国仍实施常态货币政策。央行通过创新和完善宏观调控,运用多种货币政策工具,保持流动性合理充裕;加大货币政策逆周期调节力度,通过改善货币政策传导机制,落实金融对实体经济的支持。A.票据贴现市场B.国库券市场C.长期借贷市场D.可转让大额存单市场【答案】 C23、资料:The Oakview CafeA.Purchase tickets for an eventB.View a full dinner menuC.Listen to samples of musicD.Read reviews of a performance【答案】 B24、The leaves have been swept into huge_.A.pyramidsB.layersC.heapsD.loads【答案】 C25、下列哪一职位,不属于国务院的组成人员?()A.国务院副总理B.国务委员C.国务院副秘书长D.审计长【答案】 C26、下列各句中,没有歧义的一句是()。A.这个发言稿是新来的市长的秘书写的B.他在树上爬上爬下,轻捷的像只猴子C.小张下班后一到家就朝着妻子嚷嚷:“我现在就



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