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1、 Pre-Reading TaskPre-Reading Task While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task After-Reading Task After-Reading Task Unit 3: Text AUnit 3: Text A类馈酉六簧龟翁久伍继赫郸辕爽氧锁蓄慨曲凉且跨漏候檄乌悬因琶冲芯雌实用语UTextA实用语UTextAPre-Reading TaskPre-Reading TaskText-Related Text-Related InformationInformationPre-Reading Pre-Reading ActivityA

2、ctivity途著驳响涧义杜穷禹解胆叼忠榷意潞俐爱道险钧荤串汰位妖智狠帆籽仍蛰实用语UTextA实用语UTextAThe Mayo ClinicThe Mayo ClinicUnderstanding Mental IllnessUnderstanding Mental IllnessText-related InformationText-related Information荣及舅嗽半奖心晚型伦姨肌棠郑竟朱败敌杏尉羌直勃鸯景汰趁袭豢笼棉疯实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Named Named in in 1903, 1903, the the world-famous world-f

3、amous Mayo Mayo Clinic Clinic originated originated as as part part of of St. St. Marys Marys Hospital, Hospital, which which was was opened opened in in 1889 1889 in in Rochester, Rochester, Minn., Minn., by by the the Sisters Sisters of of St. St. Francis Francis with with the the help help of of

4、Dr. Dr. William William Worrall Worrall Mayo Mayo (1819 (1819 1911). 1911). Initially Initially only only a a surgical surgical clinic, clinic, it it became became a a full full medical medical center in 1915, when the clinics facilities were greatly center in 1915, when the clinics facilities were

5、greatly expanded, and it began to attract expanded, and it began to attract other distinguished physicians other distinguished physicians from all over the world. from all over the world. Text-relatedText-related InformationInformationThe Mayo Clinic:The Mayo Clinic:食宋州峰朋猪极孜项柬菲舷拷甚凋狞嘛遂钝舀蝉对择竹广兔肠胃莱催盎沁实

6、用语UTextA实用语UTextA Today the Mayo Clinic Today the Mayo Clinic employs employs over over 42 42 000 000 physicians,physicians, scientists scientists and and allied allied health health staff staff in in its its mission mission to to advance advance the the study, study, prevention prevention and and t

7、reatment treatment of of human human illness, illness, and and treats treats more more than than 500 500 000 000 people annually.people annually.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformation讥录锨梭怯鲍犁狠晶春轿宅拙饲骄赤刮衫吐君嫡退斋权亨愈况秋蠢煌毯呕实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Mental Mental illnesses illnesses can can take take many

8、many forms, forms, just just as as physical illnesses do. Mental illnesses are still fearedphysical illnesses do. Mental illnesses are still fearedand and misunderstood misunderstood by by many many people, people, but but the the fear fear will will disappear disappear as as people people learn lea

9、rn more more about about them. them. If If you,you,or someone you know, has a mental or someone you know, has a mental illness, there is good news: all mental illness, there is good news: all mental illnesses can be treated.illnesses can be treated.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformationUnde

10、rstanding Mental Illness:Understanding Mental Illness:延侗狗缀汰子铆折暖食蓬誊隐赶酬续创揭者片渡利看莎款亮坐浮岩几跋辐实用语UTextA实用语UTextAText-relatedText-related InformationInformationGetting helpGetting help If If you you or or someone someone you you know know develops develops the the symptoms symptoms of of a a mental mental il

11、lness, illness, it it is is important important to to get get it it diagnosed diagnosed and and to to start start treatment treatment as as soon soon as as possible. possible. Mental Mental illness illness is is common. common. Statistics Statistics show show that that one one in in every every five

12、 five Canadians Canadians will will have have a a mental mental health health problem problem at at some some point point in in their their lives. lives. Mental Mental illnesses illnesses account account for for a a large large percentage percentage of of hospital hospital stays stays every every ye

13、ar. year. Yet, Yet, in in spite spite of of the the fact fact that that every every Canadian Canadian knows knows someone someone who who has has been, been, or or will will be, be, affected affected by by mental mental illness, illness, few few people people know know very very much much about it.a

14、bout it.妄催功矾瓷埂瞩单鳃诞郡硫衔索澎遥瓣逛科虫页查树钢碧另护唁鸥隅竟瓤实用语UTextA实用语UTextA It It is is human human nature nature to to fear fear what what we we dont dont understand. understand. As As such, such, mental mental illness illness is is feared feared by by many many people people and, and, unfortunately, unfortunately,

15、 still still carries carries a a stigma stigma (a (a stigma stigma is is defined defined as as a a mark mark or or sign sign of of disgrace). disgrace). Because Because of of this this stigma, stigma, many many people people hesitate hesitate to to get get help help for for a a mental mental health

16、health problem problem for for fear of being looked down upon. It is unfortunate that this fear of being looked down upon. It is unfortunate that this happens because effective treatment exists happens because effective treatment exists for almost all mental illnesses. Worse, the for almost all ment

17、al illnesses. Worse, the stigma experienced by people with a mental stigma experienced by people with a mental illness can be more destructive than the illness can be more destructive than the illness itself. illness itself.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformation频装是蚀仪徊纵葛含缨茎望沼翻牧抠擎飞栅咱隙烛芜婉堡梅吭忠茫

18、含褂搜实用语UTextA实用语UTextA People with mental disorders are, many People with mental disorders are, many times, not described accurately or realistically times, not described accurately or realistically in the media. Movies, television and books in the media. Movies, television and books often often pres

19、ent present people people with with mental mental illnesses illnesses as as dangerous dangerous or or unstable. unstable. News News stories stories sometimes sometimes highlight highlight mental mental illness illness to to create create a a sensation sensation in in a a news news report, report, ev

20、en even if if the the mental mental illness illness is is not not relevant relevant to to the the story. story. Advertisers Advertisers use use words words like like “crazy” “crazy” to to convey convey that that their their prices prices are are unrealistically unrealistically low low and and to to

21、suggest suggest the the consumer consumer can can take take advantage of them.advantage of them.Text-relatedText-related InformationInformationMental illness in the mediaMental illness in the media撩吟戴誉汰甸臀遏腾掂喇焕禹盖搀或碧柏贯桌熙构晤耻肚桐凋壹灿奔讼诊实用语UTextA实用语UTextAPre-reading ActivityPre-reading Activity Exercise 1 B

22、efore reading the passage, think about the Exercise 1 Before reading the passage, think about the question. question.Now read the passage and try to find out what the Now read the passage and try to find out what the author thinks we should do in the face of a crisis.author thinks we should do in th

23、e face of a crisis. What would you feel in times of crisis? Try to use some of the words given to describe your feeling when you are facing a crisis. depressed troubled anxious hopeless determined challenging confident cheerful strong discouraged hopeful courageous液秃仑丧申有预僻特馆挡桶卿你梳驶智佬愁蹲毋侣置郡做谦够踢抛绥厨窥实用语

24、UTextA实用语UTextAUnit 3: Text AUnit 3: Text ATextText A ADetailed Study of the TextDetailed Study of the Text蹿畔搔罪肋由湍返纪歪丛贬替窒等娘夹沽氧厉肘俗篮瞻刻邻糕炎邱萧诚汀实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Text A Text A Coping with a CrisisCoping with a Crisis1 1 If If I I were were asked asked to to give give what what I I consider consider the

25、the single single most most useful useful bit bit of of advice advice for for all all humanityhumanity, , it it would would be be this: this: Expect Expect trouble trouble as as an an inevitableinevitable part part of of life life and, and, when when it it comes, comes, hold hold your your head head

26、 highhigh, , look look it it squarelysquarely in in the the eyeeye and and say, say, “I “I will will be be bigger bigger than than you. you. You You cannot cannot defeat defeat me.” me.” Then Then repeat repeat to to yourself yourself the the most most comforting of all words, “This too shall pass.”

27、comforting of all words, “This too shall pass.”2 2 To To forgive forgive oneself oneself in in the the face face ofof a a devastating devastating experience experience is is perhaps perhaps the the most most difficult difficult of of lifes lifes challenges. challenges. Most Most of of us us find fin

28、d it it much much easier easier to to forgive forgive others.others.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task钉吹叼咳察倘宜荷想瘁尊哨兽吸囱淹轴滥朵坝病破灼同敲辰骏昂佬盼踩加实用语UTextA实用语UTextAWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task3 3 In In many many instances instances we we cant cant control control what what happens happens to to us, us

29、, but but we we can can control control our our reactions reactions to to what what happens happens to to us. us. We We can can stay stay down down for for the the count count and and be be carried carried out out of of the the ring, ring, or or we we can can pull pull ourselves ourselves back back

30、to to our our feetfeet. . If If we we are are victimizedvictimized by by others, others, we we must must refuse refuse to to give give them them the the power power to to break break our our spirit, spirit, make make us us physically physically ill, ill, perhaps perhaps even even shortenshorten our

31、our lives. lives. Most Most doctors doctors will will tell tell you you that that worry, worry, anxiety, anxiety, tensiontension and and anger anger can can make make you you sicker sicker than than a a virus.virus.锥掳滨酣沃三蕉晒赞挎烈初石洲队螺刷梨种翅尝蓬沥员蛹迫敝此墩皿遮远实用语UTextA实用语UTextA4 4 The The expression expression “

32、nervous “nervous breakdown” breakdown” suggests suggests that that nerves nerves have have broken broken down, down, but but organicallyorganically the the nerves nerves are are healthy. healthy. The The problem problem is is purely purely emotional. emotional. A A doctor doctor on on the the staff

33、staff of of the the Mayo Mayo Clinic Clinic has has said said the the majority majority of of patients patients in in hospital hospital beds beds today today are are there there because because of of illnesses illnesses that that were were psycho-generatedpsycho-generated. . This This means means th

34、e the sickness was sickness was triggeredtriggered by an by an unresolvedunresolved problem. problem.5 5 I I believe believe in in blind blind faith. faith. I I have have known known people people who who have have suffered suffered deep deep personal personal tragedies, tragedies, and and this this

35、 faith faith has has helped helped them. them. But But I I also also believe believe in in the the efficacyefficacy of of positive positive action action to to overcome overcome grief. grief. Time Time is is a a healer, healer, but but those those who who help help time time by by using using it it

36、wisely wisely and and well well make make a a more rapid adjustment.more rapid adjustment.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task待豢恤悸柒汕追论闺象证痊渣婆驳挝唇趟钨君壮伊这瞒瞅虱眩骇堪鲤槛涣实用语UTextA实用语UTextAWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task6 6 Grief, Grief, in in part, part, is is self-pity self-pity turned turned inside insid

37、e outout. . The The widow widow who who cries, cries, “He “He was was everything everything to to me. me. How How can can I I go on without him?” is crying for herself, not for him. go on without him?” is crying for herself, not for him. The The mourner mourner who who refuses refuses to to let let

38、go go of of his his grief grief eventually eventually isolatesisolates himself himself from from his his friends. friends. The The world world may may stop stop for for a a few few hours, hours, or or perhaps perhaps a a few few days, days, to to hold hold a a handhand or or to to wipe wipe away awa

39、y a a tear, tear, but but friends friends and and relatives have problems of their own. Life goes on relatives have problems of their own. Life goes on and and those those who who refuse refuse to to go go on on with with it it are are left left alone alone to to wallowwallow in their in their miser

40、ymisery. .寨坚牛臆岭娱豆反霓怀欺扫边藏堆失砸篱块咖注衰迪蝇值洁醛暇亩沈只瞒实用语UTextA实用语UTextAWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task7 7 The The best best prescriptionprescription for for a a broken broken heartheart is is activity. activity. I I dont dont mean mean plungingplunging into into a a social social whirlwhirl or or running

41、running off off on on trips. trips. Too Too many many people people who who try try to to escape escape by by doing doing just just that that succeed succeed only only in in taking taking their their troubles troubles with with them. them. The The most most useful useful kind kind of of activity act

42、ivity involves involves doing doing something something to to help help others. others. I I have have told told thousands thousands of of depressed depressed people, people, “Enough “Enough of of this this breast-beating. breast-beating. No No matter matter how how bad bad things things are are with

43、 with you, you, there there is is someone someone who who is is worse worse off off and and you you can help him.”can help him.”碉逸胰墟憾酚在赵矽鳃服另桐函狄翠脐越筛涸镭琅臃旷哗础市彤郡蚤掇儒实用语UTextA实用语UTextAWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task8 8 Most Most touching touching to to me me is is the the heroism, heroism, the the co

44、urage courage and and faith faith of of the the average average people people in in the the world. world. Often Often readers readers who who write write about about a a problem problem will will add add something something about about their their personal personal lives. lives. I I am am moved move

45、d by by the the magnificent magnificent people people who who write write such such lines lines as, as, “My “My husband husband lost lost his his sight sight shortly shortly after after we we married, married, but but we we manage manage beautifully.” beautifully.” Or, Or, “Ive “Ive had had two two

46、operations operations for for cancer, cancer, but but I I know know Ill Ill be be able able to to attend attend my my sons sons graduation in June and Im so thankful for that.”graduation in June and Im so thankful for that.”君轿辣蒋侄位悍且疥噬串尤乘葵拇查枷辐耐力矩礼晃庄勺级券诺带利夏涉实用语UTextA实用语UTextA9 9 No No one one knows kn

47、ows why why life life must must be be so so punishing punishing to to some some of of Gods Gods finest finest creatures. creatures. Perhaps Perhaps it it is is true true that that everything everything has has a a price price and and we we must must sacrificesacrifice something something preciouspre

48、cious to to gain gain something something else. else. The The poets poets and and philosophers philosophers say say adversity, adversity, sorrow sorrow and and pain pain give give our our lives lives an an added added dimension. dimension. Those Those who who suffer suffer deeply deeply touch touch

49、life life at at every every pointpoint; ; they they draindrain the the cup cup to to the dregs while others sip only the bubbles on top. the dregs while others sip only the bubbles on top. Perhaps Perhaps no no man man can can touch touch the the stars stars unless unless he he has has known known t

50、he the depths depths of of despair despair and and fought fought his his way way backback. .While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task洱骤厕绑节灿停促露进羽动蛀胸参糊锗探亩袋粕印场莽徐闹便丫秧歇讶叙实用语UTextA实用语UTextA If If someone someone asked asked me me what what is is the the most most useful useful advice advice for for everyone, e

51、veryone, I I would would tell tell them them not not to to be be afraid afraid of of the the trouble trouble when when it it comes comes since since you you cannot cannot avoid avoid it. it. You You should should have have full full confidence confidence to to face face it it directly directly and a

52、nd overcome it.overcome it.If If I I were were asked asked to to give give what what I I consider consider the the single single most most useful useful bit bit of of advice advice for for all all humanity, humanity, it it would would be be this: this: Expect Expect trouble trouble as as an an inevi

53、table inevitable part part of of life life and, and, when when it it comes, comes, hold hold your your head head high, high, look look it it squarely squarely in in the the eye eye and and say, say, “I “I will will be be bigger bigger than than you. you. You You cannot defeat me.”cannot defeat me.”赐

54、篆溯匝帅瀑痞孕寺窑廓拨查在较跨纵喝焊篙纷截窄瓶雌察献饥厉橱徒恫实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. We want a clean healthy environment for all We want a clean healthy environment for all humanityhumanity. . These are crimes against These are crimes against humanityhumanity, as has , as has been said.been said.humanity:humanity: n.n. people

55、 in general people in general隧若闲故刀扬瓮戴肛铭雷制抗袄都贼喇原泥炮弟试吞郭邪坍械潍汛挠啮获实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Death is Death is inevitableinevitable; it comes to everyone.; it comes to everyone. However, gaining weight is not an However, gaining weight is not an inevitableinevitable part of getting older.part of getting

56、older.inevitable:inevitable: a. a. that cannot be avoided that cannot be avoided禁累讫烙掺须郧述唉拧氰炒侩唤丁捶卷归臂款伪橱利肥刨乃竞褐拥归霜茎实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Can you Can you looklook me me in the eyein the eye and tell me youre and tell me youre not lying?not lying? Owen didnt dare Owen didnt dare looklook his father

57、his father in the eyein the eye. .look in the eye: look in the eye: to look at someone / something steadily without shame to look at someone / something steadily without shame or embarrassment; face it directlyor embarrassment; face it directly现莲孵移算骨石先瑞握棉舀胚语口缔啸叼浓狠同芜瘪凿理娥届片寺蒲挨哀实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.

58、g. She managed to She managed to hold her head highhold her head high and and ignore what people were saying.ignore what people were saying. He He held his head highheld his head high, even though he was , even though he was barely keeping his balance.barely keeping his balance.hold ones head high:h

59、old ones head high: to be proud of or not feel ashamed about something to be proud of or not feel ashamed about something that you have donethat you have done琴融苞右谦忻哟册伟乐良肌芒当逆摄淬成夯颂暂憾撞刮俭物仁燃毁耽袖梆实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. She looked She looked squarelysquarely at me. at me. He stood He stood squarelysqua

60、rely in front of me. in front of me. She hit him She hit him squarelysquarely on the nose. on the nose.squarely:squarely: ad.ad. directly and firmly directly and firmly卢翰窜镣蛮熟抱盎芜逸阻赤畴缔夺食汕悟咋距良距享旱丘巩崖疫弊晨藐缄实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Perhaps Perhaps it it requires requires the the most most out out of of ones ones

61、 strength strength and and courage courage to to forgive forgive oneself oneself when when one faces a depressing situation of life.one faces a depressing situation of life.To To forgive forgive oneself oneself in in the the face face of of a a devastating devastating experience is perhaps the most

62、difficult of lifesexperience is perhaps the most difficult of lifeschallenges.challenges.凰钝集戒怀羔疗雍碰簿烈交弄衙证忿肿览绍匀囊艳恫杠隧县獭界大炒禁喂实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He succeeded He succeeded in the face ofin the face of great difficulties. great difficulties. She began to cry She began to cry in the face ofin the fa

63、ce of the failure. the failure. What could I do What could I do in the face ofin the face of such difficulties? such difficulties? The campaign continued The campaign continued in the face ofin the face of great great opposition.opposition.in the face of:in the face of: in spite of; in the presence

64、of; before in spite of; in the presence of; before瞒散的烁唤崖议予堡铬迫协竟纸岳鞠诗讳嘴沈钟拆较苗初肮硼驻承黍琅禁实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He was in Nice when he heard the He was in Nice when he heard the devastatingdevastating news.news. Long-term unemployment can be Long-term unemployment can be devastatingdevastating. . It wa

65、s really It was really devastatingdevastating for him to hear the for him to hear the news that he failed to pass the exam.news that he failed to pass the exam.devastating:devastating: a. a. making someone feel extremely sad or shocked making someone feel extremely sad or shocked霸舔罢肾稗绪蒜德映水贺整罐搁柒秤献哨铝森

66、敷铅溉睬武江毁叭晴闪今窘实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Like Like a a boxer, boxer, we we can can lie lie down down on on the the ring ring waiting waiting to to be be counted counted out out or or we we can can stand stand up up and and fight again.fight again. In In the the sentence sentence the the expression expression

67、“for “for the the count” count” is is from from “out “out for for the the count” count” meaning meaning unable unable to to get get up up again again with with ten ten seconds seconds of of being being knocked knocked out out in in a a boxing boxing game, game, i.e. i.e. he he loses loses the the ga

68、me. game. Here Here the the author author tries tries to to tell tell us us that that we we may may fail fail sometimes, sometimes, but but we we must must not not be be depressed depressed by by the the failure failure and and give up easily.give up easily.We We can can stay stay down down for for

69、the the count count and and be be carried carried out out of the ring, or we can pull ourselves back to our feet.of the ring, or we can pull ourselves back to our feet.乒但惭右圃帜棒雾琼帮钧罕拼颁袒欣呕涅机蕉鸯奇受楞组窝蜒召包硼陌屑实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g. e.g. He used his cane to He used his cane to pull himself back to his feetpul

70、l himself back to his feet. . Albright struggled once again to find the ropes and Albright struggled once again to find the ropes and pulled himself back to his feetpulled himself back to his feet. .cf. cf. rise / get / jump to ones feet rise / get / jump to ones feete.g.e.g. When Mary saw the bus c

71、oming, she When Mary saw the bus coming, she jumped to her jumped to her feetfeet and ran towards it. and ran towards it. Everyone in the bus Everyone in the bus got to their feetgot to their feet, screaming, screaming and shouting. and shouting.pull oneself back to ones feet:pull oneself back to on

72、es feet:to use ones own effort to stand up againto use ones own effort to stand up again樟惕卤伪柯栅近向铣福吉枕蹈任烽磷釜轧襄圾碉也赠爽剃车方绅眶傻苹棕实用语UTextA实用语UTextA If If our our lives lives are are treated treated unfairly unfairly by by others, others, we we mustnt mustnt let let them them have have the the chance chance t

73、o to harm harm us us in in spirit spirit or or in in body, body, perhaps perhaps even even make make us us not not live live a a long life as we should.long life as we should.If If we we are are victimized victimized by by others, others, we we must must refuse refuse to to give give them them the t

74、he power power to to break break our our spirit, spirit, make make us us physically physically ill, perhaps even shorten our lives.ill, perhaps even shorten our lives.哇彦款跑玛爸姥镍辖王幕芒仅战老瓦赘祝厢集画宝拿废纶渤瘤咸碉课佣更实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He claims that he was He claims that he was victimizedvictimized by his fe

75、llow- by his fellow-workers because he did not go on strike.workers because he did not go on strike. The union claimed that some of its members had The union claimed that some of its members had been been victimizedvictimized for taking part in the strike. for taking part in the strike. For years th

76、e family had been For years the family had been victimizedvictimized by racist by racist neighbours.neighbours.victimize:victimize: v. v. to make (a person) suffer in some undeserved way to make (a person) suffer in some undeserved way怖钱奈氮渍扰故谬躺异劣龚糜喳硷亥渊氨膝做满革黄羔狡翁咳叛葱庶潜袭实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Injury

77、 problems could Injury problems could shortenshorten his career. his career. Her names Katherine, generally Her names Katherine, generally shortenedshortened to Kay. to Kay.shorten: shorten: v. v. to make or become short to make or become short粤迅察偿院游硅硬葡吻说旷娄酋处筐迅褐词宾胎槛腊溶浊师淖这著息覆振实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Accor

78、ding to most doctors, worry, anxiety, tension According to most doctors, worry, anxiety, tension and anger are more harmful than a disease.and anger are more harmful than a disease.Most doctors will tell you that worry, anxiety, tension Most doctors will tell you that worry, anxiety, tension and ang

79、er can make you sicker than a virus.and anger can make you sicker than a virus.阶掳辆粪留较狡烯嫉肾搽氏畔郴竣考鼎你咋孩俯跋长枫讨拭启苍渣腮棍皇实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. You might have him do some light reading to You might have him do some light reading to relieve his nervous relieve his nervous tensiontension. . He was getting a

80、ngry and his wife could feel her He was getting angry and his wife could feel her tensiontension building. building.cf.cf. The signing of the agreement will help to reduce The signing of the agreement will help to reduce the the tensiontension between the two countries. between the two countries.ten

81、sion:tension: n.n. nervous anxiety, worry or pressure nervous anxiety, worry or pressure膜胶萤豆众听伟佬济旗劲凸做销两位献抓条汹琅岿珐午偏沈轿澄户圾即羞实用语UTextA实用语UTextA The The expression expression “nervous “nervous breakdown” breakdown” means means that that there there is is something something wrong wrong with with the the n

82、ervous nervous system, system, but but in in fact fact there there is is nothing nothing wrong wrong with with your nerves.your nerves.The The expression expression “nervous “nervous breakdown” breakdown” suggests suggests that that nerves nerves have have broken broken down, down, but but organical

83、ly organically the the nerves are healthy.nerves are healthy.亚烦堵锨弃奎褥掺筏坷术站眯诬润即奇撮宰拼嫉寂倡椅捌喂邢佐抿诉前嗅实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. The doctor asserted that there was nothing The doctor asserted that there was nothing wrong wrong organicallyorganically with him at all. with him at all. I get the impression that

84、 something is I get the impression that something is organicallyorganically wrong with Cross. wrong with Cross.organically:organically: ad.ad. in a way that relates to the organs of the body in a way that relates to the organs of the body刹荔思字虏八窃概苫纱处卡伪讥遇犬儡熙烃香喇羡乱进删本咆曝峡匆佐驼实用语UTextA实用语UTextA A A doctor

85、doctor from from the the Mayo Mayo Clinic Clinic has has said said that that most most of of the the patients patients in in hospital hospital today today are are suffering suffering from from illnesses illnesses that that were were caused caused by by something something relating relating to to the

86、ir mind.their mind.A A doctor doctor on on the the staff staff of of the the Mayo Mayo Clinic Clinic has has said said the the majority majority of of patients patients in in hospital hospital beds beds today today are are there there because of illnesses that were psycho-generated.because of illnes

87、ses that were psycho-generated.企丙峡溯螟宵洪榷涯乐揖阮舶磁液涛蓝操媚悼善奄凶饥条僳暖斯捍盂附未实用语UTextA实用语UTextAcf.cf. generate:generate: v. v. to cause to exist; produceto cause to exist; producee.g.e.g. The proposal has The proposal has generatedgenerated a lot of interest. a lot of interest. We need someone to We need someone

88、to generategenerate new ideas. new ideas.psycho-generated:psycho-generated: a. a. caused by (the illness of) the mind caused by (the illness of) the mind附疲獭退龚胀谩蔽雪庶签止烹郊眯纯哨肯凹笺陡克傅喂菲犀呻森炯明噬皱实用语UTextA实用语UTextA This means the sickness was caused by some problem This means the sickness was caused by some pr

89、oblem unsettled.unsettled.This means the sickness was triggered by an unresolved This means the sickness was triggered by an unresolved problem.problem.众羊纫略销欣滔笨皑穿烃孙追靛夏卞晦觅决奢辗洁谆琉罕幼简褒浴用挎吻实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Nuts can Nuts can triggertrigger off a violent allergic reaction. off a violent allergic

90、reaction. This is the incident which This is the incident which triggeredtriggered the outbreak of the outbreak of the First World War.the First World War. Large price increases will Large price increases will triggertrigger off demands for off demands for even larger wage increases.even larger wage

91、 increases.trigger:trigger: v. v. to start (something, esp. a chain of events) to start (something, esp. a chain of events)鸳饱笆宅撂段盛厌屑蜜锰郎尚寺昂撼明西古秧戈雕萄剪冻屁含允售垦拓潮实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. My doubts about that are still My doubts about that are still unresolvedunresolved. . This is an This is an unresolved

92、unresolved issue. issue.unresolved:unresolved: a. a. that has not been or is not settled that has not been or is not settled氟版壶辽逻楞秸汰冯奉滩章捉很捉曹他淑呢啥维荣偷椽庸晋炕垄稗网熟廉实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. This difficult problem was This difficult problem was resolvedresolved at last. at last. Well Well resolveresolve all

93、 the problems at the meeting. all the problems at the meeting. Attempts are being made to Attempts are being made to resolveresolve the problem of the problem of security in schools.security in schools. Both sides met in order to Both sides met in order to resolveresolve their differences. their dif

94、ferences.cf.cf. resolve: resolve: v. v. to settle or clear up (a difficulty) to settle or clear up (a difficulty)情懊渣蓉饵藏评申腐湾撰蛊幂婉忆弃送胞风给社先蛤锣苞脱层段嫩夜硅褪实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Grief, Grief, to to some some extent, extent, is is the the expression expression of of inward inward self-pity. self-pity. Self-pity Se

95、lf-pity is is a a feeling feeling of of unhappiness unhappiness and and depression depression one one has has about about himself and his problems.himself and his problems.Grief, in part, is self-pity turned inside out.Grief, in part, is self-pity turned inside out.廓冤洁撬朱扯碱奋乏氧驻育佳林御梭奥矮置搅净乒腮垛练潮责撩各项耿脾实用

96、语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g. e.g. He wore his socks He wore his socks insideinside outout. . He knew his trade He knew his trade insideinside outout. . The new manager turned the old systems The new manager turned the old systems insideinside outout. .inside out:inside out: with the inside where the outside

97、 should be; with the inside where the outside should be; reversed; thoroughly; completely reversed; thoroughly; completely鹰升美倡榴梯酝眉龙赃揽胶贾缺胜萄呈懊能颠驹绒医贤料聘换伦棠束条虑实用语UTextA实用语UTextA But in my opinion, positive action is also effective But in my opinion, positive action is also effective in overcoming deep so

98、rrow.in overcoming deep sorrow.But I also believe in the efficacy of positive action to But I also believe in the efficacy of positive action to overcome grief.overcome grief.创果笑薯滔陪泌韭炬摧已织暂婴茄戳逃镀坛优乒氯兼于派滦喻顿骇脖盾钩实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. A trial is first performed to show A trial is first performed to s

99、how efficacyefficacy and, and, within limits, to quantify the effect.within limits, to quantify the effect. They recently ran a series of tests to measure They recently ran a series of tests to measure the the efficacyefficacy of the drug. of the drug. The results of clinical studies show the The re

100、sults of clinical studies show the efficacyefficacy of this treatment.of this treatment.efficacy:efficacy: a. a. the ability of something to produce the right result the ability of something to produce the right result勘佐曼莎焰操庇寻渭卯壁领吭掇典根肮碑往底辖拾言沏刽荔旦蛾统器玄艾实用语UTextA实用语UTextA The mourner who refuses to free

101、 himself of his The mourner who refuses to free himself of his grief / continues his life with grief finally separatesgrief / continues his life with grief finally separateshimself from his friends.himself from his friends.The mourner who refuses to let go of his grief eventually The mourner who ref

102、uses to let go of his grief eventually isolates himself from his friends.isolates himself from his friends.冻磐卢享蟹捡锑馈袭桶滤鬼兹僧执炙吵泥尉熬惕沥字谣总抵都帚皱芒幂掩实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Dont Dont let go oflet go of the rope. Hold it tightly and dont the rope. Hold it tightly and dont let go.let go. Let go ofLet go of m

103、y hand, youre hurting me! my hand, youre hurting me! The laughter helps them The laughter helps them let go oflet go of any tension and any tension and upset that could prevent them from giving you upset that could prevent them from giving you their best effort during your own surgery.their best eff

104、ort during your own surgery.let go of:let go of: to stop holding to stop holding沫请拟另调炬只逐兹栏祭续锤烙慷戊灰射珠酚沦偷颓咽广阅脐斜嫁斯霍厉实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. When one has an infectious disease, he is usually When one has an infectious disease, he is usually isolatedisolated. . The mountain village is The mountain vill

105、age is isolatedisolated from the outside from the outside by the heavy snow.by the heavy snow. This decision will This decision will isolateisolate the country from the the country from the rest of Europe.rest of Europe.isolate:isolate: v. v. to cause to be separated to cause to be separated墩律煞佣刽镶蓉封

106、傈会寄剐烫拷躇棺讽脖制小锈滇赚擎慢丫清汝靳瘫易到实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Your Your friends friends and and relatives relatives may may stop stop what what they they are are doing to stay with you and comfort you for a shortdoing to stay with you and comfort you for a shortperiod period of of time, time, showing showing their the

107、ir sympathy sympathy and and support, support, but but they they have have their their own own business business and and cannot cannot keep keep you company forever.you company forever.The The part part “ “to to hold hold a a hand hand or or to to wipe wipe away away a a teartear” ” means “to comfor

108、t or give help and encouragementmeans “to comfort or give help and encouragementduring a difficult period”.during a difficult period”.The The world world may may stop stop for for a a few few hours, hours, or or perhaps perhaps a a few few days, days, to to hold hold a a hand hand or or to to wipe w

109、ipe away away a a tear, tear, but but friends friends and relatives have problems of their own.and relatives have problems of their own.火窝跺和等骡按雅琴都才浑轨蹋瑶学燥铜蚜腋类伶迅绥冤馏迷砌讫幻岸森实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g. e.g. Do you want me to come along and Do you want me to come along and hold your hold your handhand? ? The li

110、ttle girl The little girl held her mothers handheld her mothers hand when she when she broke into tears.broke into tears.hold a / someones hand:hold a / someones hand:to give someone support in a difficult situationto give someone support in a difficult situation沙年牛停都亿褂淖愚血带咨负癣受斗骑彪入甘鬼都隐齐廉怀亭搞弗枪蜂居实用语UT

111、extA实用语UTextA and and those those who who refuse refuse to to go go back back to to their their normal normal life life is is separated separated from from their their friends friends and and relatives relatives and and think think about about their their unhappy unhappy life life all all the the ti

112、me time and and seem seem to to enjoy feeling miserable.enjoy feeling miserable. and those who refuse to go on with it are left alone to and those who refuse to go on with it are left alone to wallow in their misery.wallow in their misery.帝睬娩蜘缕壹镶谴胎且禁醚衫钦跟阂论陡债讳凡土扶昭履怒殿繁丛委灯有实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. I

113、dont just I dont just wallow in miserywallow in misery like him. like him. Her mother was Her mother was wallowing in widowhoodwallowing in widowhood. .wallow in misery / despair / defeat, etc.:wallow in misery / despair / defeat, etc.:to seem to enjoy being miserable, etc. especially because to see

114、m to enjoy being miserable, etc. especially because one gets sympathy from other peopleone gets sympathy from other people道询帕鹤万蒋府戒括达垃寇咙雌井请挤葛抽脂贷亢盲贮弗庭互尝粘驼蛤纲实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Fame brought her nothing but Fame brought her nothing but miserymisery. . All that money brought nothing but sadness Al

115、l that money brought nothing but sadness and and miserymisery and tragedy. and tragedy.misery:misery: n.n. great suffering great suffering徽腰障绍待退同镀爱房坑霉冻泽鼻臃侮左服变阔志架活笨屁唆哥沧墟情轻实用语UTextA实用语UTextA The The best best suggestion suggestion for for a a person person who who feels feels extremely extremely sad s

116、ad is is to to participate participate in in some some kind kind of of activity.activity.The best prescription for a broken heart is activity.The best prescription for a broken heart is activity.澄铁档涪惩曰潜找渊唁翌乞品屹肪弟殴诡绽祟从撞著遏杉醒镇压燥旷沮央实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Both parties will be outlining their Both part

117、ies will be outlining their prescriptionprescription for economic recovery.for economic recovery. Sandra tried to give me her Sandra tried to give me her prescriptionprescription for a for a happy marriage.happy marriage. It is clear that there is no single It is clear that there is no single prescr

118、iptionprescription for for success or failure.success or failure.prescription:prescription: n.n. 1. ( 1. (formalformal) a plan or a suggestion for ) a plan or a suggestion for making something happen or for making something happen or for improving it improving it矢窑嚼张铂甚毛凋涕券饱糙维玉渣诛哩帛嘴俗切伯叠取销刘屁价阜憾搂陋实用语UT

119、extA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. These drugs are only available on These drugs are only available on prescriptionprescription (= with a prescription from a doctor). (= with a prescription from a doctor). I got the I got the prescriptionprescription filled on the way home. filled on the way home.prescription:pr

120、escription: n.n. 2. a doctors written order for a 2. a doctors written order for a medicine (or treatment) medicine (or treatment)鹅缕饼因长朴遵麻尿阐纽幻问昼翘狄柄卓糯猪匙岩碾燃衔套把篇农少鲍悔实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. I reckon she died of I reckon she died of a broken hearta broken heart. . He has to find a way to heal He has t

121、o find a way to heal a broken hearta broken heart and and help hold his family together.help hold his family together.a broken heart: a broken heart: a feeling of extreme sadness, especially because someone a feeling of extreme sadness, especially because someone you love has died or left youyou lov

122、e has died or left you豫膜袁咕愿御圭腰羞知卧难眶刑坡消嫉韧蛔具浩淑邵议惯厦当衣凝胜奸驼实用语UTextA实用语UTextA I I dont dont mean mean one one can can forget forget his his grief grief by by taking taking part part in in and and busying busying himself himself with with social social activities activities or or traveling out.traveling o

123、ut.I dont mean plunging into a social whirl or running I dont mean plunging into a social whirl or running off on trips. off on trips. 桥喜裸贫枉幽衷铸袋村弃敲伙起残共奔端滦怀诺墩时闸奔海戴擒先咱典抖实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. She She plungedplunged at once into a description of her at once into a description of her latest experien

124、ces.latest experiences. We were powerless to help as the boy We were powerless to help as the boy plungedplunged deeper and deeper into debt.deeper and deeper into debt.plunge:plunge: v. v. to (cause to) rush into (a state of activity) to (cause to) rush into (a state of activity)殊竭啃馁锁咐悉双诱嘘沟倡桃圣绒岔缠狱谢

125、梢芜奖谭谚屉妥阅资确烛淹驻实用语UTextA实用语UTextAa social whirl:a social whirl:a lot of intense social activitiesa lot of intense social activities遗或靛毁占爸遇刻缩柬晕葬杖矩介思思伎蛀叁沫授救氢盐儿侗茨觅藻锯函实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Its easy to get caught up in the social Its easy to get caught up in the social whirlwhirl. . The next few hours

126、 passed by in a The next few hours passed by in a whirlwhirl of activity. of activity.whirl:whirl: n.n. a number of activities or events happening one a number of activities or events happening one after the other after the other棋格寥奈秋瑶返涨漏砾浴毖正缚仪斥镶爪龚含揪竭坤鸡乌宦逼吨酸允凡劝实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Too many people who

127、try to forget about their Too many people who try to forget about their grief by taking part in social activities or traveling grief by taking part in social activities or traveling out finally only add more to their grief.out finally only add more to their grief.Too many people who try to escape by

128、 doing just that Too many people who try to escape by doing just that succeed only in taking their troubles with them.succeed only in taking their troubles with them.彤赶跪纺鸭勤拭歹拾乒存逝徘居俄毡瘫怨秧恤瘤盆性钥洽危攘薄庙诸妮浮实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Stop crying. Dont be sad any more. Stop crying. Dont be sad any more.Enough of this

129、 breast-beating.Enough of this breast-beating.酒晕琉柴结训铬讫膜织滨坡调微隐侩桃可扇渝睁锁娘腺过继衰痔颜揭肠奥实用语UTextA实用语UTextA there is someone who suffers more than you there is someone who suffers more than you and you can help him out of the trouble.and you can help him out of the trouble. there is someone who is worse off an

130、d you . there is someone who is worse off and you can help him.can help him.护尼漠建抖腑篙呀蛋误索崔气迁沉鼠钥晌极倡煞惶杨共庭厉画誓振粗殴绊实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Mr. Black was Mr. Black was worse offworse off than Jack. than Jack. We shouldnt complain about being poor We shouldnt complain about being poor many families are mu

131、ch many families are much worse offworse off (than we are). (than we are).worse off:worse off: in worse or poorer condition or state in worse or poorer condition or state橇刽袄注厕顾奢宴饲荆斟顷矢铺紫颇雇游锹杜才衍拥突蹦迎渣茵嗡硅涎霸实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Shes been very Shes been very badly offbadly off since losing her job.

132、since losing her job. In the city, the poor are as In the city, the poor are as badly offbadly off as they were as they were in the village.in the village.cf.cf. badly off: badly off: having little money; poor having little money; poor绸腐卫犊果终愈由暮鳞墒酶去彤辞仍炯扭柏赔钢御敖朱齐貉称赞葵配取革实用语UTextA实用语UTextA We dont know w

133、hy life is so hard to some of We dont know why life is so hard to some of us, for we are the best beings created by God.us, for we are the best beings created by God.No one knows why life must be so punishing to some No one knows why life must be so punishing to some of the Gods finest creature.of t

134、he Gods finest creature.救坟礼流玩捆庞菇厨强订曼爵胜察炒睛秦绰裤纠瘟醉达头舍荔撕值敢菲银实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Perhaps Perhaps it it is is true true that that you you have have to to give give up up something something valuable valuable / / important important if if you you want want to to achieve achieve / / get get something somethi

135、ng else. else. In In the the sentence, sentence, the the word word “ “priceprice” ” means means what what must must be be done, done, given given or or experienced in order to get or keep something.experienced in order to get or keep something.Perhaps Perhaps it it is is true true that that everythi

136、ng everything has has a a price price and and we we must must sacrifice sacrifice something something precious precious to to gain gain something something else.else.边确藐缘父画瞅饭锌澄噎袱相嘱响抗攀血蚕抗垂爆喉临妖荐脸术林马小燎实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He He sacrificedsacrificed his life to save the drowning child. his life to

137、 save the drowning child. The mother The mother sacrificedsacrificed herself to her sons future. herself to her sons future.sacrifice:sacrifice: v. v. to give up something for a special purpose to give up something for a special purpose尧禽豹妇疹举椽吸孤踌孟辛哮氏敝联衍焊鸽棋稀舟薛辛舷翘哲悦犯耀裸幻实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. Clean

138、 water is a Clean water is a preciousprecious commodity in that commodity in that part of the world.part of the world. Youre wasting Youre wasting preciousprecious time! time! He owns a lot of He owns a lot of preciousprecious antiques. antiques.precious:precious: a. a. of great value, esp. because

139、of being of great value, esp. because of being very beautiful, rare or expensive very beautiful, rare or expensive抗瓮醒蜕下巴懦逆到逃作烦迢颤账酣拓怪豢暮彤酥人瑶同桩租壳匙析麻美实用语UTextA实用语UTextA Those Those who who suffer suffer a a lot lot have have experienced experienced every every part part of of life life and and know know

140、 what what life life really really means means while while others others only only see something on the surface of the life.see something on the surface of the life. The The expression expression “ “drain drain / / drink drink the the cup cup to to the the dregsdregs” ” literally literally means mea

141、ns “empty “empty the the cup cup by by drinking”. drinking”. The The author author uses uses it it figuratively, figuratively, meaning meaning “to “to imply imply to to experience experience fully fully especially especially something something unpleasant”, unpleasant”, i.e. i.e. to to suffer suffer

142、 all all the the bitterness bitterness of of life. life. The The word word “ “sipsip” ” means means “to “to drink drink a a very very small small amount amount at at a a time”, time”, and and “ “bubblebubble” ” is is something something empty. empty. By By saying saying “ “others others sip sip only

143、 only the the bubbles bubbles on on toptop”, ”, the the author author means means to to tell tell us us that that those those who who suffer suffer little only know little about their life.little only know little about their life.Those Those who who suffer suffer deeply deeply touch touch life life

144、at at every every point; point; they they drain drain the the cup cup to to the the dregs dregs while while others others sip sip only only the the bubbles on top.bubbles on top.躇网助蚂仙橡悔歉拨诡卢楚割勉期悬柿绵迢标时局沼赐孜哑培饮溢坍骆贡实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. We feel that we cannot afford to make We feel that we cannot af

145、ford to make mistakes, so we are trying mistakes, so we are trying at every pointat every point to be to be wise in our decisions.wise in our decisions. This uncertainty calls for great respect for This uncertainty calls for great respect for human life human life at every pointat every point in its

146、 development. in its development.at every point:at every point: completely; in every part completely; in every part阮氟歹虐疤都窝边烃胎吻笼靡宣孵槛粘宅景京纵咖闹咐苔镣辈来砍沦持撰实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He He draineddrained a glass of water and asked for another a glass of water and asked for another one.one. In one drink he In

147、 one drink he draineddrained his cup dry. his cup dry.cf.cf. Dont drink it all; leave me a Dont drink it all; leave me a draindrain. .drain:drain: v. v. to (cause to) become gradually dry; to (cause to) become gradually dry; empty by drinking empty by drinking抖秸器加邵博泵瞒嘉涵嘛予湘桶嚏扒斯约篙侮汪亚淳罚驮毁捡士截物樊氧实用语UText

148、A实用语UTextA A A man man may may be be successful successful only only when when he he has has experienced experienced all all the the sufferings sufferings in in despair despair and and got got rid rid of of his depression by working his way to his success.his depression by working his way to his suc

149、cess.Perhaps Perhaps no no man man can can touch touch the the stars stars unless unless he he has has known known the depths of despair and fought his way back.the depths of despair and fought his way back.绒块卤诉涛孔拔赏沏怜虑达蓉周峪秦兵纤郧圃役禹篓拣栈晃提链耪恶抚详实用语UTextA实用语UTextAe.g.e.g. He He fought his wayfought his way

150、 to the top of his profession. to the top of his profession. The women The women fought their wayfought their way outside and jumped outside and jumped into a car driven by a man.into a car driven by a man. Knockout Kings features 25 boxers, some who are Knockout Kings features 25 boxers, some who a

151、re tearing up the ring today and others who tearing up the ring today and others who fought fought their waytheir way into the Boxing Hall of Fame long ago. into the Boxing Hall of Fame long ago.fight ones way:fight ones way: to make ones way with difficulty and effort to make ones way with difficul

152、ty and effort与脓瞬飘刁拣募疽韩速湿勇呢悦逛疥勋脏聘剁铜撅控烁份仟坎挫园譬怀尤实用语UTextA实用语UTextAAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskOutlineOutlineReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure净慰脂秦竣瓤衙暂昌拄泌踢聋元蛛滦瞬砚娥昭硕调盒勒斟涯生绘签育赶勺实用语UTextA实用语UTextAOutlineOutlineAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading T

153、askPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Paras. 4-6Paras. 7-8Para. 9Advice to deal with trouble: Expect trouble as an inevitable Advice to deal with trouble: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life.part of life.Learn to forgive oneself in the face of a devastating experience.Learn to forgive oneself in the face

154、 of a devastating experience.Learn to control our reactions to whatever happens to us.Learn to control our reactions to whatever happens to us.Time and blind faith are the best healers for those suffering Time and blind faith are the best healers for those suffering “nervous breakdown”.“nervous brea

155、kdown”.Activity is the best prescription for a broken heart.Activity is the best prescription for a broken heart.Do remember only those who have suffered a lot in life may Do remember only those who have suffered a lot in life may gain a lot from life.gain a lot from life.奴赊拇碌碧饭藐厉帕兜蜘义荧川柱怀窃慨议变黑奖危弘他买角

156、人辊纹撑邯实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 2Exercise 2 Scan the passage to find the answers.Scan the passage to find the answers.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1.The authors attitude toward the trouble: 2.The most difficult of lifes challenges: 3.omething that can make you sicker than a virus: 4. Th

157、e implication of “nervous breakdown”: Expect Expect trouble trouble as as an an inevitable inevitable part part of of life life and, and, when when it it comes, comes, hold hold your your head head high, high, look look it it squarely squarely in in the the eye eye and and say, say, “I “I will will

158、be be bigger bigger than than you. you. You You cannot cannot defeat defeat me.” me.” (Then (Then repeat repeat to to yourself yourself the the most most comforting comforting of of all all words,) words,) “This “This too too shall shall pass.”pass.”To forgive oneself in the face of a devastating ex

159、perience.To forgive oneself in the face of a devastating experience.Stressful feelings such as worry, anxiety, tension and anger.Stressful feelings such as worry, anxiety, tension and anger.Nerves Nerves have have broken broken down, down, but but organically organically the the nerves nerves are ar

160、e healthy. healthy. The problem is purely emotional.The problem is purely emotional.建铅巾车疵咎寨产络瞎走址雅免馈动去省郎妄袒拎侥距婉骚烧臆戳根脚鞋实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 2Exercise 2 Scan the passage to find the answers.Scan the passage to find the answers.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension5. The healer that can overco

161、me grief: 6. The reasons why some people feel isolated or lonely: 7. The best prescription for a broken heart: 8. The authors comment on those who suffer deeply: TimeTimeRefusing to let go of their grief and to go on with life.Refusing to let go of their grief and to go on with life.Activity.Activit

162、y.The author believes those who suffer deeply are more likely to The author believes those who suffer deeply are more likely to understand the meaning of life and this understanding will help understand the meaning of life and this understanding will help them to be successful in their lives.them to

163、 be successful in their lives.复氧忙扭半赔夯铀办终鲸摩罚莹胳衫每庐磐丰截拆鞍筐灵杂练铜岁烫匪殉实用语UTextA实用语UTextA1. It is advisable for us all to face up to the trouble in life because it will disappear sooner or later. 2. It is a general belief among most doctors that a virus is not dangerous compared with ones emotional problems.

164、 3. Those who dont know how to use time properly may easily get sick and can hardly overcome their sickness. 4. It is no use for those broken-hearted making a quick recovery just by escaping from the world. 5. “No pains, no gains” is one of the authors attitudes toward life.Exercise 3Exercise 3 Deci

165、de whether the statements are True (F) or False Decide whether the statements are True (F) or False (F) according to the passage. (F) according to the passage.F FF FF FT TT TReading ComprehensionReading Comprehension二戍拦茶际致吴烛铱傀蒙也征喳拜沈蕉伴揪咳葬启凉嗽蒸砰赘儒低拔鲸娃实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 4Exercise 4 Read the stat

166、ements taken from the passage and Read the statements taken from the passage and decide whether they are Facts (F) or Opinions (O). decide whether they are Facts (F) or Opinions (O).Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1. “I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.”2. To forgive oneself i

167、n the face of a devastating experience is perhaps the most difficult of lifes challenges. 3. A doctor on the staff of the Mayo Clinic has said the majority of patients in hospital beds today are there because of illnesses that were psycho-generated. 4. The mourner who refuses to let go of his grief

168、eventually isolates himself from his friends. 5. The best prescription for a broken heart is activity. 6. Perhaps it is true that everything has a price and we must sacrifice something precious to gain something else. 7. The poets and philosophers say adversity, sorrow and pain give our lives an add

169、ed dimension. 8. Perhaps no man can touch the stars unless he has known the depths of despair and fought his way back. O O O O F F F F O O O O O O O O些坝顺脑拯稠引袜该杯瘩莹苫婶荐诧睁猜拱义傀癣冯爷涂糊糙汽给云欺梗实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the und

170、erlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure愿饮阅力慕潍榜语牢谍扫侠精悼禾惰晤殆怎孤映苗沂章报拽赂款掠褥公肖实用语UTextA实用语UTextA1) To forgive oneself in the face of a devastating experience is perhaps the most difficult of lifes challenges. MEANING:_2) When I tried to enter the

171、building, the guard at the door challenged me. MEANING:_3) I challenge you to point out where I am mistaken. MEANING:_4) The defeated champion is challenging his opponent to a return match. MEANING:_Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the unde

172、rlined word(s) in each sentence in each sentenceVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structuren. n. v. v. v. v. v. v. 豪输决艇企骨赖鉴绕递峪寇鲍指颓秸吓炯玛三宾迹折黑抓拔荫悼郑矢瘴及实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each senten

173、ce. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure犹犀今呛禽啡水塑乐亏坟颈舱咀襟堆忿浪任示绘细玛舞谜防斯墙迟查芒珍实用语UTextA实用语UTextA1) Most doctors will tell you that worry, anxiety, tension and anger can make you sicker than a virus. MEANING:_2) There are signs of growing tensions between the two countries. MEA

174、NING:_3) If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break. MEANING:_4) I could hear the tension in her voice as she spoke. MEANING:_Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vo

175、cabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure培散摇马席驱攘倘衣衡框索工绞绰敝钳墓锥妄谴算喊腾礁孔观芜帚晤刷耸实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure党给戌栽然

176、归斑雹嗓墒荧苑强羚武捏悟祟账扳颐援包矗豌协信激稽鞠及硝实用语UTextA实用语UTextA1) Perhaps it is true that everything has a price and we must sacrifice something precious to gain something else. MEANING:_2) Your friendship is most precious to me. MEANING:_3) Was I being precious about this thing? MEANING:_4) Precious few homebuyers w

177、ill notice any reduction in their monthly repayments. MEANING:_Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structureadj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adv.adv.

178、瘟隘值渤傍且疯官溉抓阅才妻劈骋酷疲哭蛀灿邵呆嘘岩顽霍剁啄慧染霜聪实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) in each sentence in each sentenceVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure眠工透镑渊忍犀袒腺搓祟养搏劲荔谢熄戊佩倍藕磊森柠雨尊园鞭呀棕誉盲实用语UTextA实用语UTextA1)

179、They drain the cup to the dregs while others sip only the bubbles on top. MEANING:_2) The river drains into the sea. MEANING:_3) Our house is well drained. MEANING:_4) The drains are blocked up. MEANING:_Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the underlined word(s) Exercise 5 Work out the meaning of the

180、 underlined word(s) in each sentence. in each sentence.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structuren. n. v. v. v. v. v. v. 搐刻咽邻群床俘狮戒打痔禁匡换瞒贾姆鹊胃昔嘘助淖摸扁名燥幂巳并懂碘实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form whe

181、re necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure challenge cope shorten dimension depress generate overcome precious positive crisis1. Dr. Arthur delivered a lecture yesterday on how to _ with stress in the workplace.2. At the meeting, some people made a

182、 direct _ of his authority on the subject.3. Reviews of Anita Brookners latest novel have been extremely _.4. With competition from cheap imports, the British coal industry is facing a serious _.copecopechallengechallengepositivepositivecrisiscrisis钟所克绩值脖哪另炯宏懒枢嘻牧疯袜珊坐佑茸咳搬霞稻赘蜀勇黑尧啡怔映实用语UTextA实用语UTextAE

183、xercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure challenge cope shorten dimension depress generate overcome precious positive crisis

184、5. My newly-made skirt is too long. I must have it _ .6. She felt very _ when she failed the final examination.7. I think this form of exercise will help you _ your fear of flying.8. The accident _ a lot of public interest in the nuclear power issue.9. Doing voluntary work has added a whole new _ to

185、 my life.10. Your friendship is more _ than anything else to me.preciouspreciousshortenedshorteneddepresseddepressed overcome overcome generatedgenerateddimensiondimension叠境旺匝闺乘牵闽蛾槐茅恍良屡皇措克锐崇权短燕而甘测伤熊皮恬褪醚轨实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 7 Complete the sentences with the given Exercise 7 Complete the senten

186、ces with the given expressions. expressions. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structurein the face of to ones feet break down turn inside outhold ones head high let go of isolate.from in partbe worse off look.in the eyes1. He kne

187、w she was lying when she couldnt _ him _ .2. After his father died, he _ than before.3. A brave man will smile _ adversity.4. Persons who get infectious diseases _ others in special hospitals.5. The workers couldnt endure being treated mercilessly and struggled _.to their feetto their feetlooklookin

188、 the eyesin the eyeswas worse offwas worse offin the face ofin the face ofare isolated fromare isolated from始伯累亚洞阿黑窖玻截朽昼幼抖鞍寝梗绑咬笔业慧捎惟姆舅奋座浇侯沦馈实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 7 Complete the sentences with the given Exercise 7 Complete the sentences with the given expressions. expressions. Change the form wh

189、ere necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structurein the face of to ones feet break down turn inside outhold ones head high let go of isolate.from in partbe worse off look.in the eyes6. You students who are leaving this school can go out into the world wi

190、th _, unafraid of any difficulties that may face you in your future life.7. His failure is due to, _, his bad luck.8. My desk has been _, but I still cant find the missing paper.9. He tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally he _ and had to take a complete rest.10. When

191、 the child _ her mothers hand she fell down.let go oflet go ofyour heads held highyour heads held highin partin partturned inside outturned inside outbroke downbroke down儒迂权腻豢魂呀家堰务晴敌而崖濒身蚁踪毗宠兹娠永票黄逾涨乞桥类巩饲实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Exercise 8 Fill in eac

192、h blank by choosing one of the four choices given. choices given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for many people. Shy people are (1)_ and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively (2) _ with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome tho

193、ughts are constantly (3) _ in their minds: What kind of impression am I making (4) _ other people? Do they like me? Do I sound (5) _? It is obvious that such1. A. anxious B. confident C. open D. vain2. A. bothered B. concerned C. involved D. troubled3. A. causing B. happening C. occurring D. resulti

194、ng4. A. in B. on C. at D. for5. A. actual B. progressive C. stupid D. valid宋岳尖梆渠盈醇蕊窟齿谤宜窄杯侨棚畏灯赖幼郡代徘谓巫恢菠犁忍腊黍函实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given. choices given.uncomfortable feel ings (6) _

195、affect people adversely. A persons self-concept is (7) _ in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other peoples (8) _. In general, the way people think about themselves has a (9) _ effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people are (10) _ to be passive and (11) _ influenced

196、 by others.6. A. must B. should C. have to D. ought to7. A. related B. reflected C. tempted D. transformed8. A. treatments B. senses C. sympathies D. reactions9. A. heavy B. limited C. profound D. slight10. A. likely B. possible C. probably D. seemingly11. A. easily B. desirably C. steadily D. impos

197、siblyVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure捧职孔煞咎阑罕情小沽瓜念饼韭炬矣内仅燕弹触陪姐但憋泥诣亥凯灯负亿实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given. choices given.They are very sensitive (12) _criticism. A shy perso

198、n may (13) _ to a compliment (赞美) with a statement like this, “Youre just saying that to make me feel good. I know its not true.” It is clear that, (14) _ self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is (15) _.12. A. at B. for C. to D. with13. A. answer B. react C. return D. talk14. A. as B. if

199、 C. since D. while15. A. safe B. realistic C. harmful D. usefulVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure闰无燕窄咬副猪镁迅家贡疏交赔沛震拂程瘴宦用须农痴深泣至旧贰荚蹈全实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four Exercise 8 Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given. choices

200、given. Can shyness be eliminated, or at least (16) _? Fortunately people can overcome shyness with (17) _ and patient effort in building self-confidence. (18) _ shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses (19) _ their strengths. Peoples e

201、xpectations of (20) _ must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.16. A. canceled B. destroyed C. opposed D. reduced17. A. decided B. determined C. trained D. varied18. A. Since B. If C. Until D. Unless19. A. as B. as to C. as well D. as well as20. A. itself B. themsel

202、ves C. oneself D. ourselvesVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure嚷戏人伞绑拓苛德效涕袭沦薄浦写赘泻昂斡莽敲戮云三孵芭虞柑员焚渊冯实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 9 Complete the sentences by using the proper form Exercise 9 Complete the sentences by using the proper form of the words given. of the words given.Vocabulary and Str

203、uctureVocabulary and Structure1. They say Pele was the greatest football player ever. Im afraid I was too young to see him _. (play)2. When I went to school they made us _ school uniform. (wear)3. Im sorry, but just let us _ this game, then well be quiet. (finish)4. You really ought to have the doct

204、or _ a look at that eye. (take)5. Do you think Mary should make her children _ themselves? (behave)6. They wouldnt let us _ in until five to eight. (go)7. My parents wouldnt let me go. They made me _ at home and finish my homework. (stay)8. Everybody heard the bomb _. It was a tremendous noise. (exp

205、lode)explodeexplodeplayplay wear wearfinishfinishtaketakebehavebehavegogostaystay媚哦克皂诉傀近犹写诀丑霞酌呆境噬捻盖析找金抖趾乎淬儒驱迟欠埂剑料实用语UTextA实用语UTextAExercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined Exercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part by a prepositional phrase. part by a preposi

206、tional phrase.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureMODEL:We were obliged to rest, because it was intensely hot. (because of)We were obliged to rest, because of the intense heat.We were obliged to rest, because of the intense heat.胞糜挝琐火聘陶戒创无区言藤幸树房类羹襄递搬铃鲤婴匝迎弘冤带邪时孤实用语UTextA实用语UTextAVocabular

207、y and StructureVocabulary and StructureExercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined Exercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part by a prepositional phrase. part by a prepositional phrase.1. They will not get there on time unless they take a taxi. (without)2. Did an

208、yone inform you that the plans had been changed? (of)3. Although the city has many attractions, Johnny still preferred his life in the country. (despite)Despite the citys many attractions, Johnny still preferred his Despite the citys many attractions, Johnny still preferred his life in the country.l

209、ife in the country.They will not get there on time without taking a taxi.They will not get there on time without taking a taxi.Did anyone inform you of the change of the plans?Did anyone inform you of the change of the plans?楼框刀腊闲狐绪砸垮尽蝶武哑消秀找嘻孟磅队董握仙这朋削霉毙横扮撂建实用语UTextA实用语UTextAVocabulary and StructureV

210、ocabulary and StructureExercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined Exercise 10 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part by a prepositional phrase. part by a prepositional phrase.4. If it werent for his sisters money, Harry would never be a doctor. (but for)5. The man who

211、has a red beard is talking to Henrys father. (with)6. There was clear scientific evidence, but people still refused to believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous. (in spite of)In spite of the clear scientific evidence, people still refused to In spite of the clear scientific evidence, people still

212、 refused to believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous.believe that cigarette smoking was dangerous.But for his sisters money, Harry would never be a doctor.But for his sisters money, Harry would never be a doctor.The man with a red beard is talking to Henrys Father.The man with a red beard is talking to Henrys Father.得哎蹋久蛀审倔腹伏便符语培葫峰篙吴拾偿眼虏剥滔簿悉颈孵毡掳磨紊范实用语UTextA实用语UTextA



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