浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版

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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版_第2页
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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版_第4页
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浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版_第5页
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《浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省台州市黄岩区头陀镇中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are section B 2a 课件 人教新目标版(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA.Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA.He wants to go to a small town He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the way now.but he doesnt know the way now.What should he do?What should he do?Hi! Where is the Hi! Where is the East Town?East Town?Sorry. I canSorr

2、y. I cant t help you.help you.Excuse me. Could you Excuse me. Could you please tell me where please tell me where the East Town is?the East Town is?Sure. Take No. 23 Sure. Take No. 23 Bus and you will Bus and you will get there.get there.Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you ple

3、ase lend me your pen ?ExerciseSection 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4BAD BAD GOODGOODWhere are the Where are the corn chips?corn chips?Theres no milk Theres no milk left. left. How does this How does this work? work? Give me a bottle Give me a bottle of that.of that.

4、How to ask politely?How to ask politely?Could you tell me where theCould you tell me where the corn chips are, please? corn chips are, please?Is there any more milk, (please)?Is there any more milk, (please)?Can you show me how thisCan you show me how this works? works? Will you give me a bottle of

5、that,Will you give me a bottle of that, please? Can/could I have a pound please? Can/could I have a pound of that, please?of that, please?The culture of a nation is in its language. It is not enough to only know correct grammar. It is also very important to know how to choose suitable language for e

6、very situation.运用合适的语言运用合适的语言Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?Before You ReadIf you need help with your homework, If you need help with your homework, how would you ask :how would you ask :1. your mother or father2. your best friend3. a teacherSecti

7、on 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?Before You ReadDiscuss the language you used to make this request. Was it the sameeach time ? If not, discuss why not.Section 1Section 1Section 2Sect

8、ion 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?Before You ReadSection 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Your parents Mom, Can you help me with my homework ?Your best friendLucy, I dont know ho

9、w to solve this problem, can you give me a hand?A teacherMiss Li, could you please help me with this problem?Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?While You Read1. 1. 用用3 3分钟时间通读短文分钟时间通读短文. .2. 2. 将生词和不熟悉的短语将生词和不熟悉的短语及有困难的句子打上记号及有困难的句子打上记号. .Section 1Sec

10、tion 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 43.3.和同桌讨论一下你的难点和同桌讨论一下你的难点. .Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?While You Read1.1.Is the sentence “ Where are the Is the sentence “ Where are the restrooms?” polite or impolite? restrooms?” p

11、olite or impolite?2. What should you do when you talk2. What should you do when you talk with different people? with different people?3. Is learning about language 3. Is learning about language etiquette as important as learning etiquette as important as learning grammar or vocabulary? Why ?grammar

12、or vocabulary? Why ?Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?While You ReadAsking for information or help is a very common and necessary activity, especially when we visit a foreign cou

13、ntry, so knowing how to ask for information politely is important. 询问信息和请求帮助是非常普通也是询问信息和请求帮助是非常普通也是询问信息和请求帮助是非常普通也是询问信息和请求帮助是非常普通也是很重要的一项活动很重要的一项活动很重要的一项活动很重要的一项活动, , , , 特别是当我们去特别是当我们去特别是当我们去特别是当我们去国外的时候国外的时候国外的时候国外的时候. . . . 所以知道如何有礼貌所以知道如何有礼貌所以知道如何有礼貌所以知道如何有礼貌的询问信息是很重要的的询问信息是很重要的的询问信息是很重要的的询问信息是很

14、重要的. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? In English, “Where are the restroom?” and “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” are similar requests-both are correct E

15、nglish, but the first could sound rude. While You Read用英语说用英语说用英语说用英语说: : : : “休息室在哪里休息室在哪里休息室在哪里休息室在哪里? ? ? ?”和和和和 “能告诉能告诉能告诉能告诉我休息室在哪里我休息室在哪里我休息室在哪里我休息室在哪里? ? ? ?”两句话都是正确的英语表达两句话都是正确的英语表达两句话都是正确的英语表达两句话都是正确的英语表达, , , ,但前者听上去有些粗鲁但前者听上去有些粗鲁但前者听上去有些粗鲁但前者听上去有些粗鲁. . . .正确的正确的正确的正确的, ,与与与与rightright可以通用

16、可以通用可以通用可以通用. .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4sound / noise / voicesound 的含义最广,凡是能听得见的声音都可以的含义最广,凡是能听得见的声音都可以叫叫sound,包括人的声音,鸟的叫声,机器的声音,包括人的声音,鸟的叫声,机器的声音等,这种声音可能悦耳,也可能是噪音;等,这种声音可能悦耳,也可能是噪音;noise通通常指常指“噪声噪声”;voice专门指人的声音例如:专门指人的声音例如:1.Do you like listening to t

17、he sound of the sea?2.The noise outside kept him awake.3.She has a very sweet voice.Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?While You Read Its important to use correct language, but sometimes this aloneis not enough-we need to learn how to be polite when w

18、e make requests.使用正确的语言是很重要使用正确的语言是很重要使用正确的语言是很重要使用正确的语言是很重要, , , ,但是有时这还不但是有时这还不但是有时这还不但是有时这还不够够够够,-,-,-,-我们还需要学习怎么礼貌的我们还需要学习怎么礼貌的我们还需要学习怎么礼貌的我们还需要学习怎么礼貌的提出请求提出请求提出请求提出请求. . . .单独的单独的单独的单独的, ,独立的独立的独立的独立的Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you

19、 please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?While You Read In English, just like in Chinese,we change the way we speak when talking with different people. The expressions you use might depend onwhom you are speaking to or how wellyou know them.正如用汉语说话一样正如用汉语说话一样正如用汉语说话一样正如用汉语说话一样, ,

20、 , ,我们在遇到不同的谈话我们在遇到不同的谈话我们在遇到不同的谈话我们在遇到不同的谈话对象时会改变我们的说话方式对象时会改变我们的说话方式对象时会改变我们的说话方式对象时会改变我们的说话方式. . . .你使用的方式你使用的方式你使用的方式你使用的方式可能是取决你要谈话的人或是你对他可能是取决你要谈话的人或是你对他可能是取决你要谈话的人或是你对他可能是取决你要谈话的人或是你对他的认识程度的认识程度的认识程度的认识程度. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4depend on

21、取决于,依靠取决于,依靠1. I might go on Friday, it depends on the weather.2. She depends on her son for everything.Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? On the other hand, it might be alright to say “Where is my book?”in some situations, perhaps with people you kn

22、ow well.While You Read另一方面另一方面另一方面另一方面, , , ,如果你对非常熟的人如果你对非常熟的人如果你对非常熟的人如果你对非常熟的人, , , ,在一些环境在一些环境在一些环境在一些环境下这样说下这样说下这样说下这样说 “我的书在哪我的书在哪我的书在哪我的书在哪? ? ? ?”是可以的是可以的是可以的是可以的. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4On the one hand, Id like a job which pays more, but

23、 On the one hand, Id like a job which pays more, but on the other hand, I dont like study , what should I on the other hand, I dont like study , what should I do?do?另一方面另一方面另一方面另一方面Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?Usually in English polite questions

24、are longer and include extra languagesuch as “Could you please.?” or “Can I ask?” While You Read通常通常通常通常, , , ,用英语礼貌的提出请求的句子要长用英语礼貌的提出请求的句子要长用英语礼貌的提出请求的句子要长用英语礼貌的提出请求的句子要长一些一些一些一些, , , , 而且还包括一些附加用语如而且还包括一些附加用语如而且还包括一些附加用语如而且还包括一些附加用语如 “请问请问请问请问能否能否能否能否? ? ? ?”或者或者或者或者 “我能问一下我能问一下我能问一下我能问一下? ? ? ?”及

25、物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词, , 意思是意思是意思是意思是” ”包括包括包括包括, ,算算算算在内在内在内在内” ”, ,一般接名词或者是一般接名词或者是一般接名词或者是一般接名词或者是动词的动词的动词的动词的-ing-ing形式作宾语形式作宾语形式作宾语形式作宾语. .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? Somet

26、imes, we might even needto spend some time leading in to a question or request.While You Read 有时有时有时有时, , , ,我们甚至可能需要花费一段时间去我们甚至可能需要花费一段时间去我们甚至可能需要花费一段时间去我们甚至可能需要花费一段时间去引出一个问题或要求引出一个问题或要求引出一个问题或要求引出一个问题或要求. . . .need need 这里是实义动词这里是实义动词这里是实义动词这里是实义动词, ,需要需要需要需要. .一般跟名词或不一般跟名词或不一般跟名词或不一般跟名词或不定式作宾语定式作

27、宾语定式作宾语定式作宾语. .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? For example, if you stop a stranger in the street, we might first say, “Excuse me. I wonder if you can help me” or “ I am sorry

28、to trouble you but,” before asking them for help.While You Read 例如,如果你在大街上想向一个陌生人寻求例如,如果你在大街上想向一个陌生人寻求例如,如果你在大街上想向一个陌生人寻求例如,如果你在大街上想向一个陌生人寻求帮助,首先我们要说:帮助,首先我们要说:帮助,首先我们要说:帮助,首先我们要说:“打扰一下,我想请您打扰一下,我想请您打扰一下,我想请您打扰一下,我想请您帮个忙帮个忙帮个忙帮个忙”或者或者或者或者“很抱歉麻烦您,但是很抱歉麻烦您,但是很抱歉麻烦您,但是很抱歉麻烦您,但是”Section 1Section 1Sectio

29、n 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4想知道想知道想知道想知道Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct, and in a way this may be true.While You Read可能礼貌的说话要比直接说困难些可能礼貌的说话要比直接说困难些可能礼貌的说话要

30、比直接说困难些可能礼貌的说话要比直接说困难些, , , ,某种某种某种某种程度上说这可能是真的程度上说这可能是真的程度上说这可能是真的程度上说这可能是真的. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4在某种程度上在某种程度上在某种程度上在某种程度上Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? However, in order not to offend peo

31、ple, learning about language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary.While You Read 然而然而然而然而, , , ,为了不冒犯他人为了不冒犯他人为了不冒犯他人为了不冒犯他人, , , ,学会恰当地使用语言和学会恰当地使用语言和学会恰当地使用语言和学会恰当地使用语言和学习语法和词汇一样重要学习语法和词汇一样重要学习语法和词汇一样重要学习语法和词汇一样重要. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Secti

32、on 3Section 4Section 4in order to do sth 为了为了它引导的目的状它引导的目的状语可放在句首或句中语可放在句首或句中1. In order to have a bright future, we need to work hard.2. He got up early in order not to be late. in order not to do sth 为了不为了不so as (not) to 也表目的也表目的一般放在句中一般放在句中3. He got up early in order to/so as to catch the first b

33、us. Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ? And doing this will also help you become better at English, or any other language you wish to speak.While You Read 这样有助于帮助你进一步掌握好英语,或者你这样有助于帮助你进一步掌握好英语,或者你这样有助于帮助你进一步掌握好英语,或者你这样有助于帮助你进一步掌握好英语,或者你想学的其他语言想学的其他语言想学

34、的其他语言想学的其他语言. . . .Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4 1. ask for information or helpreadingreading咨询信息或请求帮助咨询信息或请求帮助 2. a very common and necessary activity 3. know how to do 知道怎样做知道怎样做 We dont know how to thank you enough .Do you know what to do about it ?know

35、后常接后常接“wh-词词+动词不定式动词不定式”结构,做宾语结构,做宾语一个常见的和必要的事一个常见的和必要的事4. sound rude 听起来很粗野听起来很粗野 5. similar requests 类似的要求类似的要求 7. make requests 提出请求提出请求 6. correct English 正确的英语正确的英语 make + 表动作的名词,其意思就是这名词所表动作的名词,其意思就是这名词所表示的动作。例如:表示的动作。例如:make a decision make a callmake repairs make a suggestion 8. change the w

36、ay we speak改变我们说话的方式改变我们说话的方式9. depend on 依赖,依靠依赖,依靠depend on + 名词名词 : Living things depend on sunlight .depend on + V-ingWe can depend on his coming on time .Depend on + 从句从句That depends on how you do it .10. be alright = all right = OK11. in some situation 在某些情况下在某些情况下The expressions you use might

37、 depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them .12. a very direct order 一个直接的命令一个直接的命令13. include extra language 包括附加语言包括附加语言14. such as 例如例如15. lead in to a question or request16. stop a stranger 拦住一个陌生人拦住一个陌生人17. in order ( not ) to offend people18. any other language 任何其它语言任何其它语言 引

38、入一个问题或要求引入一个问题或要求为了(不)冒犯别人为了(不)冒犯别人Read Paragraph Two and Three, then answer the following questions.1.Which sentence sounds rude? “Where is my book?” or “Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know where my book is?”2.What would you say if you stop a stranger in the street?3.Is it alright to say “Where is my

39、book?” in some situations, perhaps with people you know well?1.Knowing how to ask for information politely is important. ( )2.“Where are the restrooms” sounds more polite than “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are.” ( )3.We dont need to learn how to be polite when we make requests. ( )Ch

40、eck “T” (for true) or “F” (for false)Check “T” (for true) or “F” (for false)TFFAsking for information or help What to be importantknowing how to ask for information 1_When to change the way we speakwhen talking with 2_The expressions you use might depend on whom youre speaking to or 3_ you know them

41、.A very direct ordermight sound4_ in EnglishA longer question with extra language “Could you please?”usually sounds 5_politelydifferent people how well rude或或not politemore politeUnit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you please lend me your pen ?After You ReadRequestRequestSuitable

42、Suitable situationsituationMore politeMore politerequestrequest1. “Where are 1. “Where are the restrooms”the restrooms”A team playerA team playerasking another asking another team player.team player.“Could you “Could you please tell me please tell me where the where the restroom are?”restroom are?”2

43、. “I want to go 2. “I want to go to the library. to the library. Where is it?”Where is it?”3. “How much 3. “How much did you pay for did you pay for that soccer that soccer ball?”ball?”Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4Original form Original form suitable if the

44、 friend suitable if the friend were in a hurry.were in a hurry.Excuse me, do you Excuse me, do you know where the know where the library is?library is?Original form Original form suitable if a parent suitable if a parent were asking a child.were asking a child.Can you tell me Can you tell me how muc

45、h you paid how much you paid for that soccer for that soccer ball?.ball?.a)a)Requests are made in any language.Requests are made in any language.b)b)Using extra words helps to make Using extra words helps to make language more polite.language more polite.c) c)Knowing how to make requests Knowing how

46、 to make requests politely is important.politely is important.d)d)To become good English speakers, To become good English speakers, we need to do more than just learn we need to do more than just learn language structure.language structure.e)e)Requests in English are the same as in Requests in Engli

47、sh are the same as in Chinese.Chinese.f) f)Choice of language depends on Choice of language depends on relationship, and the situation.relationship, and the situation.Match each paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph 1Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 4 根据提示

48、复述课文根据提示复述课文。 Paragraph 4: speaking politely more difficult being direct may be true in order not to learning about language etiquette as important as learning grammar or vocabulary doing this help become better at English any other language Unit 11Unit 11Could you please lend me your pen ?Could you

49、 please lend me your pen ?Go For ItRole play the following situations. 1.A teenager wants to stay out late, and asks a parent about it.2. A foreign friend is interested in yournew dictionary, and ask about it.3. Some students want to hand in theirhomework later than the teacher askedfor it.4. You want to change the time you askeda friend to come for a meal at your house.Section 1Section 1Section 2Section 2Section 3Section 3Section 4Section 4 Make two Make two conversations about conversations about asking for asking for information politely.information politely.



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