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1、Unit 10If you go to the party, youll have a good time!主要词汇1. worry(单三)_ 2. solve(名词)_ 3. understand (adj.) _ 4. careful (反义词) _ 5. scare (adj.) _ 6. feel (pt.) _7. certain (adv) _ 8. lose (pt.) _ 9. half (pl.) _ 2b Look at the statements below and then skim the passage.a.ifpeoplehaveproblems,theysho


3、ngistodonothing.LauraMills,ateenagerfromLondon,agrees.“Problemsandworriesarenormalinlife,”saysLaura.“ButIthinktalkingtosomeonehelpsalot.Unlesswetalktosomeone,wellcertainlyfeelworse.”课文翻译 现在的学生经常有很多忧虑。有时他们担心功课,有时担心朋友。对此他们能做什么呢?一些人认为,最糟糕的是什么都不做。来自伦敦的少年劳拉米尔斯同意这点。“生活中的问题和烦恼都是正常的,”劳拉说。“但我认为与人倾诉是很有帮助的。如果我


5、adecarelessmistakeshimself.Theygotheranewwalletandaskedhertobemorecareful.“Iwillalwaysremembertosharemyproblemsinthefuture!”Laurasays.keep (使使)保持(某种状态或关系);保持(某种状态或关系);一直一直。后面接动词时要用。后面接动词时要用doing 。形成。形成keep doing结构结构这里这里get= buy 意为意为“买买”但是不如但是不如“buy”正式。正式。InParagraph2,thewriterusedthestoryofLaurato_.

6、A.answeraquestionB.giveanexampleC.introducehisfriendD.sharehisexperienceB 劳拉曾经丢失了钱包,并担心了几天。她不敢告诉她的父母。她甚至每天步行三英里去学校因为她没钱。她一直在想,“如果我告诉我的父母,他们会生气的!”但最后,她还是对她的父母说了此事。他们真的理解(她的心情)。她爸爸说,他自己有时也会因为粗心犯错误。他们给她买了一个新钱包,并告诉她要更小心。“我会永远记住在将来分享我的问题!”劳拉说。RobotHuntadvisesstudentsaboutcommonproblems.Hefeelsthesameways


8、tingitinhalf.Soyourehalfwaytosolvingaproblemjustbytalkingtosomeoneaboutit!读第三段选择AccordingtothepassageRobertHuntmightbe_.A.LaurasteacherB.thewriterofthepassageC.apersonwithaproblemD.anexpertonstudentsproblemsD 罗伯特亨特对学生常见的问题作了一些建议。他觉得应该像劳拉一样。“最好不要逃避我们的问题。我们应该试着去解决它们。”他认为第一步是要找到一个你信任的人谈谈。这个人并不需要(像罗伯特亨特

9、一样)是一个专家。学生常常忘记了他们的父母比他们有更多的经验,并随时帮助他们。在英国,我们说,共享一个问题,问题就变成了一半。所以你只要找人倾诉,你的问题就解决了一半。读全文概括文意Whatisthemainideaofthispassage?A.Fewchildrenarecarefulwiththeirmoney.B.ParentsaremoreexperiencedthanchildrenC.Talkingtosomeonehelpstosolveproblems.D.StudentsoftenhavealotofworriesatschoolC重要句子1. 如今学生有很多困扰。 Stu

10、dents these days often have a lot of worries.2. 我们在功课上有问题。 We have problems with our schoolwork (have problems with sth /doing sth )3. 我们和朋友吵架。 We have arguments with/ argue with friends.4. 也许我们甚至担心父母的问题。 Perhaps we worry about/we are worried about parents problems.5. 最糟糕的事就是什么都不做。 The worst thing i

11、s to do nothing.6. 在生活中问题和困扰是很正常的。 Problems and worries are normal in life.7. 对一些人说有很大帮助。 Talking to someone helps a lot.8. 问题被分担问题就被减半。 A problem shared is a problem halved.10. 我们不应该逃避问题。 We should never run away from our problems.11. 我们应该试着解决。 We should try to solve the problems.12. 第一步找我们信任的人对他们说

12、。 The first step is finding someone we trust to talk to.13. 父母比我们有更多的经验。 Parents have more experience than us.14. 主要的事是寻找帮助。 The main thing is to look /looking for help.15. 我曾经丢了钱包。 I once lost a wallet.16. 我害怕告诉父母这件事。 I was scared to tell my patents about it.(be scared to do sth)17. 我打赌你能猜到故事的结局。 I

13、 bet you can guess how the story ended.18. 从今以后我将记得分担我的问题。 I will remember to share my problems in future 2c Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1.Whatistheworstthingtodoifyouhaveaproblem?_2.WhydidntLaurawanttotellherparentsaboutherlostwallet?_To do nothingIf she tells her parents, they

14、 will be angry.3.Whatisthefirstthingyoushoulddowhenyouwanttosolveaproblem?_4.Whycanourparentsgiveusgoodadviceaboutourproblems?_The first thing you should do is to find someone you trust to talk to.Because they have more experience, and are always there to help us.2d Fill in the blanks with the phras

15、es in the box.1.discuss your problems2.tell her parents 3.unless you talk4.run away from 5.talk to someone 6.share her problems7.to do something Studentsoftenhavealotofproblemsandworries.LauraMillsthinkstheworstthingis_.Shethinksyoullfeelworseifyoudont_yourproblems.Lauraremembersthatsheoncelostherwa

16、lletandwasafraidto_aboutit.752run away from逃跑;逃离;从逃跑;逃离;从逃脱逃脱Nowshebelievesyoucannotfeelbetter_tosomeone.Shesaysshewillalways_inthefuture.RobertHuntagreeswithLaura.Hethinksyoushouldnot_yourproblems,butyoushouldtrytosolvethem.IfyoucannottalktoanexpertlikeRobert,youcan_withyourparents,becausetheyhavea

17、lotofexperience.36412e Ask three students the following questions. Take notes of their answers.1.Whatproblemsdoyouhavewithschoolwork?2.Whodoyoutalktoabouttheseproblemsandwhy?3.Whoelsecanyougetadvicefrom?4.Doyoualwaystellyourparentsaboutyourproblems?Whyorwhynot?5.Doyouevergiveadvicetoyourfriendsabout

18、theirproblems?Whatadvicedoyougive?语法专练1. 如果你分摊问题,你就感觉更好一些。 _, you _ 2. 如果你寻求帮助,你就能找到。 _, you _. 3. 如果你成了运动员,你就会很容易受伤。 _, you _ _ injured.1.You should keep the window _ because the room is too hot.A open B opening C opened2.We have some problems _(solve) the problem.3.They will lose the game _ they t

19、ry their best.A unless B once C since D after4.Do you consider yourself a rude person?_ not . I always have good manners.A Probably B Usually C Generally D Certainly完形填空If you share your problems, youll feel better. Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes we have problems 16 our s

20、choolwork, or arguments with our friends. Perhaps we 17 worry about our parents problems.What can we do about this? The worst thing is to do 18 . Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. “Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura. “But I think talking to someone 19 a lot. If we dont t

21、alk to anyone, well certainly feel worse.”Robert Hunt, a social worker from England, feels the 20 way. “In English we say that a problem shared is a problem halved. 21 a social worker, I have to agree with this. We should never run away from our problems. We should always try to 22 them. Usually, th

22、e first step is finding someone we trust to talk to.”Even Mr Hunt agrees that this doesnt need to be an expert like 23 . We can talk to our friends, teachers, or our parents.We often forget that our parents have 24 experience than us, and are always there to help us. The main thing is to know that i

23、f you look for help, youll find it.“Youll feel so much better if you talk to someone,” says Laura. For example, I once lost my purse, and I worried for days. I was 25 to tell my parents about it. I even walked three miles to school each day because I lost all my 26 . I just kept thinking, if I tell

24、my parents, theyll be 27 ! Anyway, I believe you can guess 28 the story ended. I talked to my parents and they were really understanding. My dad said he sometimes made 9 mistakes himself. They got me a new purse and just asked me to be more careful. I felt so much 30 after talking to them. I will al

25、ways remember to share my problems in the future!”( ) 1. A. forB. withC. atD. from( ) 2. A. evenB. stillC. yet D. ever( ) 3. A. everything B. anything C. nothingD. something ( ) 4. A. disturbsB. worriesC. studiesD. helps ( ) 5. A. rightB. wrongC. sameD. different( ) 6. A. LikeB. As C. ForD. Around(

26、) 7. A. solveB. keepC. thinkD. work( ) 8. A. myself B. yourselfC. herselfD. himself( ) 9. A. lessB. moreC. fewerD. lots of( ) 10. A. gladB. excitedC. scaredD. sad( ) 11. A. booksB. moneyC. stationeryD. food( ) 12. A. pleasedB. happyC. worriedD. angry( ) 13. A. whichB. whatC. howD. why ( ) 14. A. hel

27、plessB. careless C. harmless D. useless ( ) 15. A. worseB. betterC. braverD. wiserLanguage points1. If people have problems ,they should try to keep them to themselves.keep.tooneself意意为为“保守秘密保守秘密”,如:如:Onemustkeepsuchintereststooneself.有有这类爱这类爱好不好不该让该让人知道。人知道。Weshouldkeeptheirworriestothemselves。我我们应

28、该为们应该为他他们们的的忧虑忧虑保守秘密。保守秘密。keep.tooneself还还可意可意为为“不与人来往;不交不与人来往;不交际际”,如:,如:Keepsbatarmslengthnotallowoneselftobecometoofriendlywithsb.与某人保持距离与某人保持距离;不使自己太不使自己太亲亲近某人。近某人。2. “Problems and worries are normal life , ”worries是名是名词词worry的复数形式,意的复数形式,意为为“令人令人忧忧伤伤的人或事的人或事”.worry意意为为“烦恼烦恼,忧忧愁愁,忧虑忧虑”,指因遭遇困指因遭遇


30、worryisalwaystriggeredbysomeexternaleventorhappening.你你总总是是为为一些外因或事情而一些外因或事情而烦恼烦恼。Dontworry,hellbealright.别别担心,他不会有事的。担心,他不会有事的。Ididnotwanttoworrymyfriend.我没想麻我没想麻烦烦我的朋友。我的朋友。 他担忧他的儿子。他担忧他的儿子。 He is _ _ her son. He _ _her son. Students these days often have a lot of _.(worry)worriedaboutworries abou

31、tworriesnc.担忧担忧The _ mother is _ about his sons health.A worried, worry B worried, worried C worrying, worrying D worrying, worried 3.haveproblemswith在在方面遇到方面遇到问题问题haveaproblemwith=haveproblemswith其后,可以其后,可以+人也可以人也可以+事情,表示和某人的事情,表示和某人的关系遇到困关系遇到困难难或正在棘手的事或正在棘手的事Ihaveaproblemwithmyhomework.Wehaveaprob

32、lemwithmath.5. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.careless做形容做形容词词,意,意为为“粗心粗心的的”“不小心的不小心的”,在句中可用作定在句中可用作定语语或表或表语语。如:如:Itwascarelessofyoutoleavethedoorunlocked. 你没你没锁门锁门,太粗心了。,太粗心了。Thecarelesswaiterdroppedthedishontotheground. 那个粗心的侍者把那个粗心的侍者把盘盘子摔到了地上。子摔到了地上。mistake意意为为“错误错误,过过失


34、错误。Tommusthavetakenyourdictionarybymistake.汤汤姆一定是弄姆一定是弄错错了才拿了你的字典。了才拿了你的字典。6. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.在英语中,我们说与人分担一在英语中,我们说与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。share是是“分享;分担;共同承担分享;分担;共同承担”的意思。如:的意思。如:sharearoomwithsomeone(与某人同住一个房与某人同住一个房间间)shareabook(和看一本和看一本

35、书书)shareataxi(同坐一同坐一辆辆出租出租车车)cutinhalf“把把切成两半切成两半”;“把把一切一切为为二二”cut意意为为“切、剪切、剪”inhalf/halves是一种固定是一种固定结结构,此构,此处处in表示状表示状态态。如:如:Pleasecuttheorangeinhalf.Now,alltheorangesareinhalf.7. So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你的问题就解决了一半。你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你的问题就解决了一半





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