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1、Do you know how to identify the objects from a description?Do you know the following words:bracelet, ring, necklace, earring, gold, silver Identifying exercise Can you identify the following objects in the pictures?Piece 1:_Piece 2:_Piece 3:_Piece 4:_Piece 5:_afimpDo you know the following new words

2、 and expressions?diamond (n.) : a very valuable stone, clear in colourruby (n.) : a valuable stone, red in colouremerald (n.) : a valuable stone, green in colour Ken and Jill became Ken and Jill became friends. He asked friends. He asked her to go to the her to go to the cinema with him. cinema with

3、 him. Listen to his story. Listen to his story. write the numbers write the numbers 1-8 to show the 1-8 to show the right order. right order. 123456781.进入室内进入室内2.2.拒绝做某事拒绝做某事3.3. 同意做某事同意做某事4.邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事5忘记做某事忘记做某事6.穿上穿上,戴上戴上7. 在我下班回家的路上在我下班回家的路上8. 太太以至于以至于 9.安全带安全带10.事实上事实上1.go in2.2.refuse to do

4、 sth3.3. agree to do sth4.invite sb to do sth5.forget to do sth6.put on7. on ones way home from school8.so that9. adj. + enough to do sth 9. safe belt 10. in factLanguage points1. on ones way home.“在某人回家的路上在某人回家的路上” 但表示但表示“在某人去在某人去的路上的路上”时,用时,用on ones way to 。由于。由于home, here 和和there都是都是副词,介词副词,介词to要

5、省略。如:要省略。如: 我来这儿的路上遇到了两个老朋友。我来这儿的路上遇到了两个老朋友。 上学路上,他在银行看到了一起劫案。上学路上,他在银行看到了一起劫案。I met two of my old friends on my way here.On his way to school, he saw a robbery at the bank.2. at that time of day “一天中的那个时候一天中的那个时候” 我们常用我们常用at that time表示表示“在那时在那时”,如:,如: 当当时我面我面临两种抉两种抉择。 At that time, I had two choic

6、es. 3. look around 意为意为“到处看看到处看看”,“环顾四周环顾四周”, 与与look here and there意思相近。意思相近。如:如: 你有你有15分钟的时间到周围看看。分钟的时间到周围看看。You have 15 minutes to look around.4. In fact 意为意为“事实上事实上” “实际上实际上”, 与与as a matter of fact同义。如:同义。如: 事事实上,我上,我认为有一有一辆旧旧车总比没比没车强强。 In fact, I think an old car is better than none. 5. So that

7、意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”so后后接形容词或副词,接形容词或副词,that后接句子。如:后接句子。如: 他跑得很快,能在他跑得很快,能在5分钟内到达学校。分钟内到达学校。He runs so fast that he can get to school in 5 minutes.6. Speak to sb. 意为意为“对对/ /和和说话说话”。如:如: 我想和你谈一会儿。我想和你谈一会儿。Id like to speak to you for a moment.7. At first 意意为为“首先首先”,“起初起初”。如:如: 起初谁都没有注意到小孩不见了。起初谁都没有注意到小孩不见

8、了。At first nobody noticed the childs disappearance.8. make sb. + 形容词形容词 “使某人处于某种状态使某人处于某种状态”形容词此时形容词此时修饰修饰sb.,作宾语补足语。如:作宾语补足语。如: 如果你接受它,我将很高兴。如果你接受它,我将很高兴。Itll make me so happy if you accept it.根据句意和首字母写出正确的单词。根据句意和首字母写出正确的单词。1. Lucy i_ all her friends to her birthday party yesterday.2. My mother r_

9、 to let me go out alone at night.3. He put on a j_ and went out. It was very cold outside.4. If you do a c_ you must expect to be punished.nvitedefusesacketrime根据所给中文完成以下句子。根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. 昨晚她睡觉时忘了关电视机。 She _ _ _ _ the TV when she went to bed last night.2. 她从不拒绝帮助别人。 She never _ _ _ others.3. 她非常生气,以致一句话也说不出来。 She was _ angry _ she couldnt say a word.forgot to turn offrefused to helpso that4. 他以前经常惹他的母亲生气。他以前经常惹他的母亲生气。 He used to _ his mother _ .5. Jill 同意跟同意跟Ken 一起去看电影。一起去看电影。 Jill _ _ _ to the cinema with Ken.make angryagreed to go



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