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1、lesson-10-Not-for-jazzlesson-10-Not-for-jazzNEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSJazzn早期的乐队中乐手绝大多数是早期的乐队中乐手绝大多数是某种工匠(木匠、砌砖匠、裁某种工匠(木匠、砌砖匠、裁缝等)或者是那些在周末或假缝等)或者是那些在周末或假期内作音乐演出并赚些小钱的期内作音乐演出并赚些小钱的干活人。干活人。爵士乐欣赏爵士乐欣赏What a wonderful worldBy Louis Armstrongmusical adj. 音乐的音乐的 musical talent 音乐天才音乐天才Langlang is a musical

2、 talent in China.instrument n. 乐器乐器 instrument =musical instrument instrument 常用的意思是常用的意思是“器械器械”、“ 器器 具具 ”, 尤尤 指指 医医 疗疗 、 机机 器器 等等 方方 面面 的的 。 也可用来也可用来泛指各种乐器。泛指各种乐器。 clavichordrecently adv. 最近最近 recently=lately damage v.毁坏,破坏毁坏,破坏Hundreds of buildings were badly damaged in the typhoon.大量的建筑物在台风中被严重损大

3、量的建筑物在台风中被严重损毁毁damage n. 毁坏,破坏毁坏,破坏常用的搭配是:常用的搭配是: do/cause damage toSmoking can cause great damage to your lungs.吸烟可能会损坏你的肺。吸烟可能会损坏你的肺。keyn n. 琴键琴键 n n. 钥匙,答案钥匙,答案 nkey to the door 门钥匙门钥匙 nDo you know the key to the question? key adj. 关键的关键的 key structureThe guy is a key figure in the investigation.

4、他是这次调查工作的他是这次调查工作的关键人物关键人物。string 1. n.琴弦琴弦2. 串,系列串,系列She wore a string of pearls around her neck.A string of facts show he is guilty.Shock v. 使使震惊震惊Oh, Gosh! You almost shocked me to death.天啊!你差点吓死我了!天啊!你差点吓死我了!nThe news shocks me. n这个消息使我震惊这个消息使我震惊Shock v. 使使震惊震惊shock n. 震惊震惊,打击打击have / get a shoc

5、k 某人很吃惊某人很吃惊I got quite a shock.我着实吓了一跳。我着实吓了一跳。Shocked. adj. (感到感到)吃惊的吃惊的After the speech, there was a shocked silence.听完发言后,人们惊愕地沉默了听完发言后,人们惊愕地沉默了片刻。片刻。shocking adj. “令人吃惊的令人吃惊的”There are few scenes more shocking than this plane attack.没有比这次飞机袭击的景象更让没有比这次飞机袭击的景象更让人震惊了。人震惊了。allow 允许,许可允许,许可句型句型1:al

6、low sb. to do sth允许某人做某事允许某人做某事My Dad doesnt allow me to go camping with Peter.爸爸不许我和皮特一起去野营。爸爸不许我和皮特一起去野营。常用于被动句:常用于被动句:Children are not allowed to touch the precious paintings.You are not allowed to leave without my permission. 句型句型2:allow doing sth. They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这间

7、屋子里抽烟。他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟。 allow 允许,许可允许,许可注意事项注意事项allow 作作“许可、允许许可、允许”讲,讲,不不可直接用动词不定式作宾补可直接用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说即只可说 allow doing sth., 不可说不可说allow to do sth. allowance n. 津贴,补助津贴,补助 The homeless can get allowance from the government.PRACTICEThey would not allow him _ across the enemy line.A. to risk goingB. ris

8、king goingC. for risk goingD. risk goingBtouch vt. 触摸触摸 You are not allowed to touch the vase.你不许碰那个花瓶。你不许碰那个花瓶。 It has touched me deeply to see how these people live. 看到这些人的生活境况,我深受看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。触动。touch vt. 感动感动 touched adj 感动的感动的The touched audience 受感动的观众受感动的观众He was touched that we came. 我们能

9、来让他很感动我们能来让他很感动touching adj.令人感动的令人感动的His devotion to his wife and family is touching. 他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。Listen to the story and try to repeat the story with your own wordsQUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTQ1:When was the clavichord made?A: It was made in Germany in 1681.Q2: Where is the clavichord

10、kept?A: It was kept in the living room.QUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTQUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTQ3: Who bought the instrument many years ago?A: The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.Q4: Who damaged it recently?A: It was damaged by a visitor recently.QUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTQUESTIONS FOR THE TE

11、XTQ5: What did she try to do?A: She tried to play jazz on it.QUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTQ6: What did she break?A: She broke two of the strings.Q7:Who is repairing it now?A: It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.QUESTIONS FOR THE TEXTLANGUAGE POINT1. It is called a clavichord. callcall在这里的意思是在这里的

12、意思是“把把称为称为”、“ “ 称称 呼呼 ” ”, 既既 可可 用用 于于 主主 动语动语 态态 , 也可用也可用于于被动语态被动语态。 call sb.sth./sb. be called call sb.sth./sb. be called 称某人为称某人为,什么被称为,什么被称为 What do you call this? 你们把这称为什么?你们把这称为什么? 2. It 2. It was made in was made in Germany in 1681.Germany in 1681.be made in +地点:地点:产于某地产于某地Make 生产,制造生产,制造常用搭配

13、:常用搭配:1. be made by sb. 1. be made by sb. :由某人制造:由某人制造This cake was made by my This cake was made by my sister.sister.2. be made of sth由由制成(看得出原材料)制成(看得出原材料)The ring is made of gold.The ring is made of gold.The chair is made of wood.The chair is made of wood.3. be made from sth. be made from sth. 由由

14、制成(看不出原材料)制成(看不出原材料)Paper is made from wood.4. Be made into sth 被制成了被制成了This piece of cloth can be made into a dress.5. be made up of sth 由由组成,构成组成,构成The group is made up of eleven members.Practice on page 501. 1.Is your watch made _gold?Is your watch made _gold?2. 2.These knives were made These kni

15、ves were made _sheffieldsheffield. .3. 3.This cake was made _ This cake was made _ sugar, flour, butter and eggs.sugar, flour, butter and eggs.ofinfrom能力提升题能力提升题I love furniture _wood.I love furniture _wood. A. made of B. made by A. made of B. made by C. made from D. made in C. made from D. made inA

16、3. It has 3. It has belonged to belonged to our family for a long our family for a long time. time. belong没有没有被动语态,且不能被动语态,且不能用于进行时用于进行时,常用的时态是一,常用的时态是一般现在时和现在过去时。般现在时和现在过去时。 This farm belongs to me and it belonged to my father before me. Taiwan belongs to China.判断正误判断正误The house was belonged to the

17、 The house was belonged to the rich man and now it is belonging rich man and now it is belonging to his son.to his son.Belong不能用于被动语态或现在进不能用于被动语态或现在进行时行时4. She tried to play jazz on it! play n. 玩,演奏(乐器等)玩,演奏(乐器等) 跟球类连用跟球类连用, 直接直接+球类球类; 跟乐器连用跟乐器连用, +the+乐器乐器, 演演奏乐器而非音乐奏乐器而非音乐 play music on + 乐器乐器 , 一

18、定一定要用要用 “on” 例句:例句:Do you want to play basketball Do you want to play basketball with us?with us?The girl who played the violin at The girl who played the violin at the party is my friend.the party is my friend.I can play “My heart will go on” I can play “My heart will go on” on that piano.on that p

19、iano.5. It 5. It is being is being repaired repaired by a friend by a friend of my of my fathersfathers. .is being+repaired现在进行时现在进行时中的被动语态,意思是中的被动语态,意思是“正在正在被修理被修理”The story is being read by many people.a friend of my fathers 是双重所有格的用法是双重所有格的用法 双重所有格双重所有格: 由名词后加由名词后加s和和“of”结构所结构所有格形式构成的有格形式构成的“of+名

20、词名词s ”的结构。双重所有格含有的结构。双重所有格含有全全体中的一部分体中的一部分的意思的意思He is a friend of my fathers.= He is one of my fathers friends. 他是我父亲的一个朋友。他是我父亲的一个朋友。one of sbs +名词复数名词复数=a/an +名词单数名词单数+of sbs比较比较1. He is a friend of my fathers.2. He is a friend of my father.句句1侧重说明父亲的朋友不止一侧重说明父亲的朋友不止一个。句个。句2侧重说明侧重说明“他他”是父是父亲的朋友。亲的

21、朋友。猜猜以下句子意思:This is a picture of my friends.This is a picture of my friends.这是我朋友收藏的一幅画。这是我朋友收藏的一幅画。This is a picture of my friend.This is a picture of my friend.这是我朋友的一张照片这是我朋友的一张照片practiceI dont know him very well, but he said he is _A. one classmatesB. one of Lucys classmateC. an old classmate of

22、 LucyD. one of Lucys classmatesDKey Structures被动语态主动语态与被动语态皆指动词主动语态与被动语态皆指动词的形式而言。在主动句中,动的形式而言。在主动句中,动词的主语是执行动作的人或物;词的主语是执行动作的人或物;在被动句中,动作是对主语执在被动句中,动作是对主语执行的。行的。比较He bite the dog.他咬了那条狗。他咬了那条狗。He was bitten by the dog.他被那条狗咬了。他被那条狗咬了。被动语态由被动语态由be的一种形式和的一种形式和及及物动词物动词的过去分词构成。的过去分词构成。be+ 过去分词过去分词一般式进行

23、式完成式现在时amis toldareamis being toldarehas been toldhave 过去时was toldwerewas being toldwerehad been told将来时shall be toldwillshall have been toldwill过去将来时should be toldwouldshould have been toldwould被动语态的不同时态were/ was +过去分词过去分词句子主语跟动词是被动的关系,句子主语跟动词是被动的关系,且动作且动作发生在过去发生在过去一般过去时中的被动语态当强调动作是由什么人或什么当强调动作是由什么

24、人或什么东西发生时,常用介词东西发生时,常用介词by+行为行为发出者发出者The door was broken by the thief.The house was built in 1985. 这房子建于这房子建于1985年。年。When were those bikes made? 那些自行车是什么时候造的?那些自行车是什么时候造的?The sports meeting was held in our city last year. 运动会去年在我市举行。运动会去年在我市举行。PRACTICE _ a new library _ in our school last year?A. Is

25、; built B. Was; builtC. Does; build D. Did; buildB An accident _ on this road last week.A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happenedDCotton_ in the southeast of China.A. is grownB. are grownC. growsD.growAThe house that _ by the fire belongs to_.A. was destroyed; mineB. destroyed; mineC. was destroyed; meD. destroyed; meCHOMEWORK1.1.背书背书2.2.抄写单词(每个抄写单词(每个10遍)遍)3.3.预习第预习第11课课结束结束



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