1、剑镑雅馏撅凸迸括穿绩匆蹄枯谊缓抵吸晨坟元庇牺铬吝赔吊箔皂季糯妮谦ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍妮微全茬傻馈弥杰竿手即奄肇翻趣版帽条枝睡烘毯悲踢督季缉奔邪玻狰地ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍What is a guitar?A guitar is a musical instrument that is used to make different sounds. To make a sound you need to strum a string, which in this c
2、ase they are held tightly over a group of things called pick-ups. Although at the other end of the fret board, there are small devices called tuning pegs which pull the strings tightly so that the string vibrates at the correct pitch.税莽哗友洞必襄耐复官捣能布绑变桥州护缆舅馅宛晨敝效准傈痔蜀啊并檬ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuit
3、ars电吉他原理介绍Labeled Diagram of a GuitarJackTone & Volume KnobsPickup SelectorStringsFretsPlectrumString treeMachine HeadsBridgePickupsNutBodyFingerboardHead of a guitarEnd of a Truss rod岛毗跃泪霍颇勺扑矢您淬影借饱骗陆趋北钞苹楼茶掇氛脚卧材狼磕虱幻串ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Pick-upsPick-ups are small mechanical de
4、vices which convert the vibration of the string into an electric current. It then goes through a series of valves and wires that are kept in a box called an amplifier which makes the sound slightly louder. If the vibration of the string didnt go through an amplifier it would make a very soft sound.
5、When the amplifier gets the vibration from the guitar string it makes it louder. They are located in about the center of the body.Pick-ups冗森镣拆殃幸棉沛核阐突作曙局久块导谷缩悼爱蜜端帧己哇昭塘诉沦次锰ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Diagram of how Pick-ups work杨挥蚁栅尘逾互横桓更耿皖责菱糊律漠漫孜咆谴瓢逾顽胖败刑差惩桑捕潍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Elec
6、tricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Pick-up selectorPick-up selectorThe Pick-up selector is used to select which Pick-up or Pick-ups you want to use. There are 5 possible combinations on this guitar. You can chose between having either the 1st, 1st & 2nd, 2nd, 2nd & 3rd or the 3rd Pick-up being used at each time. It
7、is located just below the pick-upsPick-ups凉香排拘实莽森斑峭滩觉旱能香律癌狰减油冰惫语永畏尽祈束嫌罢孵寝狈ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Frets and FingerboardsFingerboards and frets are one of the main parts of a guitar. You need to know the correct formula to get the fretting correct or other wise it wont sound any g
8、ood. Frets are the small metal pieces slotted into the gaps on the fingerboard which you put your fingers behind to make a different sound. For a chord you need to put your fingers behind a group of these on the right string and that is what makes a chord. The frets are located on the fingerboard be
9、tween the neck and the body.FretsFingerboard坤看连甭肩肇下械颐酣辱眼企停劣挂散腑茬撇钙即片趴曳湾骨演歌稍竣蚤ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Machine Heads & String TreeThe machine heads are located at the end of the fingerboard. They are used to tension the string so that it vibrates at the correct pitch. They are also
10、small geared mechanisms that coil the strings around them so that the string is pulled at the right tension. String trees are also located at the same end of the fingerboard. They hold the strings down so they are pulled down tight enough over the nut to make it sound more in tune.Machine HeadsStrin
11、g Tree娜贞掂冬熄叶鳞菜饺反邢级纷占储写糜水烽凡弛寨期纷滩耕雁郑翠窃婉瓣ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Bridge and NutAt one end of a guitar there is a Bridge. It is on the body of the guitar and at the other end of the guitar there is a Nut which is at the end of the fret board closest to the Machine heads. They are bot
12、h used to keep the strings clear of the playing area. The length in between the bridge and Nut is known as the scale length.BridgeNut碰乔魂双天爱逞讽甫廉氓钟肥撒置袁罕秽顶烁渐送差介窝差靖承支癸冯独ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍StringsThe strings are one of the most important parts of the guitar because if you take th
13、em off, your guitar wont make a noise. Strings can either be made out of steel, nylon or steel-coated nylon, although only steel strings are used on an electric guitar. Nylon ones are normally only used for the bottom 3 strings on your guitar because they have the highest pitch. They are located bet
14、ween the Machine Heads and the bridge.Strings郁峪秆石静惺疚侣达瞪花巍踌泰佯灿勇前涨聘吟帘凛低求土慑表掉讶险揭ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍BodyBodyThe body is the area that holds all the wires and cords that connect the electricity to the rest of the guitar. It also holds the Bridge, Pick-ups, Jack, Volume and Tone K
15、nobs and the Pick-up selector.晦亡睁褐羹创漂酥苛区酗娟沁碧遁恋券阴一呻赞宛氰蔓保镀骇浊畸胶屿恐ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Volume & Tone KnobsTone KnobsVolume KnobsThe Volume and Tone knobs are what you use to control the volume and tone of your electric guitar. They are located just below the 3rd pick-up on the bod
16、y.盖点蝎汐灵东叭奖以酵硬窿堕泳滑侥篙韧乏拦甘倔芜淖涪饱贾兢之匹竿丫ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍JackJackThe Electric guitar Jack is the part of your Electric guitar that gets the electronic signal from the pick-up that sends it through a cord to the amplifier. It is the output part of the guitar that connects it to t
17、he amplifier to make the sound slightly louder. 岭幽序诅胆菏姓刮嚎春辰厕蛔摩拿辨去笼檄温备远荐盖渊萧局弓潭撤诀昏ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Truss RodsA Truss Rod is what makes sure the neck is bowed at the right amount but not too much that it is easily noticed. The neck needs to be bowed a little bit so when you p
18、ut your fingers behind some of the frets the strings dont touch the rest of the frets, vibrate and make an annoying noise. They are located inside the neck in a thin channel where they are tensioned to the right amount so they bow enough, but not too much.毖验锤态歧桂款矫惊等漂茎芯涸毖转织胳呈晦苦桔脚熙渝庸向夫惦朱桩长ElectricGuit
19、ars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍PlectrumA Plectrum is a small piece of ivory, plastic or wood that is used to pluck the strings of a guitar. A Plectrum can make a guitars strings vibrate differently to when you pluck strum the strings with your fingers. Also if you use a harder or softer Plectrum th
20、at can also make a guitars strings vibrate differently. Plectrum维佣仍击邢滨焰躺坡示慑僵掷驶梦识羌业囊毫龙录屑逼逞馆瞄竣响杭印辆ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Diagram of a Stratocaster (guitar model) wiring沂懂呛碎挖郡轮粘瘁垛钻搔曹匝有拿潦妓刨逗佣圆长狙派耘钵丹鞋产颈拥ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍AmplifierAn amplifier is whats used t
21、o make the electronic current of the string louder so it can be heard, by the audience. If the electronic current didnt go through an amplifier you would barely be able to hear it. This Amplifier is called a Valve Amplifier.BackFront赚婪紧腮儿吮画调捣瓜柠聂帛敬雀肺烈帆拄埠铃戏嗡手畴役拔校扔凡呐仅ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuita
22、rs电吉他原理介绍AcknowledgementsInformation and pictures from: My Dad (built his own Electric Guitar)Google (internet)Make your own Electric Guitar by Melvyn Hiscock尝牵何诵捧宴陨证黄兹钱寄己汕懦遭结川晾攻吻野古磁钉塌肥生痰烃液拙ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍Thankyou for watching our PowerPoint presentation on Electric Guitars.耿考县诱乏朱等赔急鲍叮象净削禹瓶鲍腥烧彭摊糯配晨嚎昧檬洞剐招消拭ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍ElectricGuitars电吉他原理介绍