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1、 Lesson 55 The Sawyer familyEveryday English1. Life is not easy. 生活真不容易啊。生活真不容易啊。2. Money is important. 钱很重要啊。钱很重要啊。3. Maybe. 也许吧。也许吧。Unit 55Unit 55 ivn nat lnt 晚上晚上午饭午饭eveninglunchlive 住;生活;直播住;生活;直播nThe Sawyers live at 87 King Street.n I live in Wuhan.nThe Sawyers live at 87 King Street. live in +

2、大地点大地点 live at +小地点小地点nShe lives _ 201, Dongchang Road, Liaocheng City. nA. in B. at C. along D. onstay 停留停留nstay at home 呆在家nstay in bed 呆在床上nstay with sb. 和某人呆在一起usually 通常通常noften nalwaysnsometimesShe usually sees her friends.arrive 到达到达n arrive in+大地点大地点(名词)n arrive at+小地点小地点(名词)nhome, here, the

3、ren n地点副词的前面不加地点副词的前面不加in, at.Practice: translate these phrasesn n1. go to work n n2. stay at home n n3. do the housework n n4. drink tea n n5. do the homework n n6. go to bed n n7. read newspapers n n8. go to school n n9. watch TV n n10.eat lunch 1. Their father takes them to school every day.2. Th

4、e children always do their homework.3. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.4. Sometimes he and his wife watch television.1.当主语主语是第三三人称单单数时,谓语动词应加谓语动词应加-s或或es(动词后面是辅音字母+y时,变 y为i,加-es)构成,其读音与名词复数相同 2. 表示往常或习惯性发生的动作时,常与often, usually, sometimes,seldom(不常)等频度副词连用,其位置是在行为动词之前(有时强调时位于句首)be动词之后.nstopsto

5、ps s ; makemakes s nreadreads z ; playplays z n1.大多数大多数动词动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为s,在浊辅音及元音后发音为 z。 nflyflies iz; carrycarries iz nstudystudies iz; worryworries izn2、以辅音字母加辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后再加加“es”读iz nteachteaches iz; watchwatches iz n3、以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加加“es”,发音为iz ngogoes z dodoes z n4、以“o”结尾

6、的动词,加“es”,读z 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:see_ give_ live_ watch_ do_ walk_ want_ go_ shine_ play_seesgivesliveswatchesdoeswalkswantsgoesshinesplays一般现在时:一般现在时: 1)常存在的状态、事实。)常存在的状态、事实。 He is a boy. 2)习惯。)习惯。 I drink milk every morning. She gets up at 6:30 everyday. 3) 普遍真理。普遍真理。 The sun rises from the east. Its

7、hot in Summer.用法:一般现在时常见标志词:一般现在时常见标志词:表示时间时间的词,一天中的一段时间:in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at noon at nightevery引导的词: every day, every month, every year频率副词频率副词 often, usually, sometimes, always主谓结构主谓结构The children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home

8、 every day. She always eats her lunch at noon.主语主语+实义动词实义动词原形原形主语不是单三主语不是单三:主语是主语是第三人称单数第三人称单数:主语主语+实义动词实义动词单三形式单三形式动词原形变单三动词原形变单三2.以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的,变结尾的,变y为为i加加-es。3.以以s,x,sh,ch,o 结尾的加结尾的加-es1.一般动词末尾直接加一般动词末尾直接加-s4. 特殊:特殊:have has, be- am, is ,are主语不是单三:主语不是单三:主主+dont+动词原形动词原形否定句否定句:主系表:主语主系表:主语+be

9、+ not+其他其他(直接在直接在be动词后面动词后面+not)主谓:借助助动词主谓:借助助动词主语是单三:主语是单三:主主+doesnt +动词原形动词原形The children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day. She always eats her lunch at noon.The children dont come home from school.They dont arrive home early. Mrs Sawyer doesnt stay

10、 at home every day. She doesnt always eat her lunch at noon.The Sawyers live at _. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer _.The children _. Mrs. Sawyer _and _.At noon, Mrs. Sawyer _at home.In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually_. They often _together. In the evening, the children _ early. Mr. Sawyer _home late.

11、At night, the children always _. Then they_. Mr. Sawyer usually_ his newspaper. Sometimes he and his wife_.87 King Street goes to work go to school stays at home does the housework eats lunch sees her friends drink tea arrive home arrives do their homework reads watch TV go to bedWhenWhoWhatIn the m

12、orningAt noonIn the afternoonIn the eveningAt nightMr. Sawyergoes to work,take the children to schoolthe childrengo to schoolMrs. SawyerMrs. SawyerMrs. Sawyerstays at home,does the houseworkeats her lunchsees her friends,drink tea togethercome home from school,arrive home earlythe childrenMr. Sawyer

13、comes home from work,arrives home latethe childrendo their homework,go to bedMr. Sawyerreads his newspaperMr. Sawyer and his wifewatch televisionn用动词的适当的词填空n例如:She always eats (eat) her lunch at noon.nShe _ (do)the housework. nThe children _ (go) to school in the morning.nMrs. Sawyer _(stay) at home

14、.nTheir father _ (take) them to school.doesgostaystakes将下列方框中介词填到下面的题目中。 in, at, to, fromnMy uncle stays _ home in the day and goes to work _ the evening.nHe goes _ work early and he comes home _ work late.n It rains _ the morning and the sun shines _ the afternoon.nShe comes home_ school at 5 _ the

15、 afternoon.atatinintotofromfromininininfromfrominin明星大挑战,看谁最闪亮!* ( )1.He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening. A. is beginning B. beginning C. begin D. begins*( )2.-Do you know Susans address? -Yes. She lives _ 201, Dongchang Road, Liaocheng City A. in B. at C. along D. on*( )3. -They usually

16、have a football match _ Friday. A.in B.on C.at D.to (无锡中考)*( )4.I live _ my grandparents. Now we are having dinner _ at home. A. together/with B. with/together C. at/with D. at/不填(宁夏中考)*( )5.The fifth month of the year is _. A. February B. May C. April D. August (广东中考)1.My sister often goes to schoo

17、l on foot. (对划线部分对划线部分提问提问)2.Jimmy has lunch at home.(改成否定句改成否定句)3.My father usually reads newspapers in the morning.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)4.She often does her homework at night.(改一般疑问改一般疑问句)句)How does your sister go to school?What does your father usually do in the morning?Jimmy doesnt have lunch at homeDoes she often do her homework at night?



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