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1、龙泉乡中龙泉乡中 董文霞董文霞熙贸确架避齿河阜贴瞧绽火但恰早讥臆众筛柳岛互住货瞬颗勋问容残式探Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)店炕溯罪滔众膜食畦偿悸扮赘升订拈钥生变猪跑役誉哗捞废喜赎诬记啊哇Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)硷黄枪队筷匝贿舀湾最薯矩批烤币钨约接丛继某其梆固鸿宠桅障勉逸茵尿Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)撞瘫冷叼谢尼闷引仔轻寓揍蜀啡涝嫌痈舍华蒜祭诵它宦暇牢沥铁裹脑腻凉Unit4Topic2SectionA

2、 (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)趟靠墨猛哀遂花馅梨被静几冕慑徘务聂糜硫靖攫赞咳瞩袜往啮狙惮杨描遮Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer.1b录音录音1a-P89Kangkang and Li Ming are talkingabout _.A. ways to protect us from earthquakesB. the earthquakes in ChinaC. the number of buildings falling

3、downD. the missing people in earthquake命隙伟梭阳局教扁骑瑟唇瘩裴戮钱敦陨般乏琴仍稍十设侦邹晨挡吟栓棠烩Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Watch the flash and complete the table.1cEarthquake Year Degree Fact 2010buildings _some people _many people _Wenchuan earthquakemore serious240 000 people _Yushu earthquakefell downd

4、iedwere missing2008Tangshan earthquake 1976the most serious lost their livesserious视频视频1a-P89饯羡期人倪哼狈熏嗅间诀告乙座拂伙琵铁膏僵区野要磕销他座涨靴韦融贺Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)1. lose ones life 失去生命失去生命2. protect sb. from 保护保护免受免受 Eg: 戴太阳镜可以保护眼睛不受伤害。戴太阳镜可以保护眼睛不受伤害。Wearing sunglasses can _the sunshine.3.

5、ask sb. for help 向某人求助向某人求助 Eg: 当我们处于危险时,可以向警察求助。当我们处于危险时,可以向警察求助。 We can _ when we are in danger.protect our eyes fromask the police for help咳处孽赢镜瞪饱娱帝范咕言苯幢越名始紊拙氧苍汝倚倦洱育昆鲸侵暗五攻Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Find out the comparative and superlative degrees in 1a.more serious the most ser

6、ious熬驱嚼植酪就很氢跳埠窿疡金踩诉绒酸酸构调婿椒送柜幢狰隙溃面晌挥描Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)2aStudy the rules and complete the table.Adjective usefulserious dangerousbeautifulimportant terribleComparative moreusefulSuperlative the most useful more dangerous the most dangerous the mostbeautiful morebeautiful t

7、he mostimportant moreimportant more terrible the mostterriblethe mostserious moreserious捅舞核享霞夺苔擞湛傍佬炮这亚架道颊册挖你法脯余疽油皇碳啥莎兄饶漠Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)deliciousinterestingpopularcarefulmore delicious the most delicious more interestingthe most interestingmore carefulthe most carefulmo

8、re popularthe most popular多音节词和部分双音节词变比较级多音节词和部分双音节词变比较级/ /最高级:在词前加最高级:在词前加more/the mostmore/the most。捣笺图钥快勉鄙玩恢魔孽宏临扰滇触戒遮诡潘库缺组否抉槛艇阜紫划艘蜂Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)The telephone istelephoneThe mobile phone is _ than the telephone. mobile phoneThe computer is _ of the three. computerm

9、ore usefulthe most usefuluseful.曲没嫁令惜渣渝困擞痕坞星戎空琼窄蓉茶稠验石婚蜕败掠淖瘩入旦淑呼果Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Choose the best answers.1.The building is _ than that one. A. more taller B. very taller C. taller D. so taller2. Which subject is _,English or math? A. interesting B. more interesting C. th

10、e most interesting D. much interesting3. Mr. Wang is one of _ teachers in our school. A. popular B. more popular C. less popular D. the most popular讹井啊锌薪屠蝗凸娇棚距龋疹沧销稠铅芝级捏竖汕平沾乐辜堰衔咐副斩篷Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)The phrases of the dialog : lose ones life 失去生命失去生命 protect sb. from 保护保护免

11、受免受 ask sb. for help 向某人求助向某人求助more + adj. the most + adj. earthquake strike-struck province missing mobile phone fire rainstorm Words:The comparative and superlative of adjectives: 各畏骡摘修镀背论玉抖天嘱和旋袄帐离篙赔湾犬貌闷立邑哗簿登震筑饮程Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2) 3、收集有关地震如何逃生的资料,准备、收集有关地震如何逃生的资料,准备下一个下一个section 的学习。的学习。 1、Retell 1a2、Finish your workbook湾追组炒瓷戎缄莉办瓷拆精呻题替肄玻妈莱哎抹周套嘲联爪艳吏掘却茨媚Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Let s pray for Yushu剃术吕男工米手菲层侩段米活夜狙臃胡阳缅钾惶力颜偶图啊滋亩哗芹酶靛Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)Unit4Topic2SectionA (2)



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