《The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。
1、The Art of Matrix ReductionHow to create a super-element matrix in ANSYSME 501 ProjectMichael TonksAlan Mortensen谨当璃锗彪巍熬鹅袭耻齿圭铆静悸利彼刁掸睡捏巨儿定豁恶汝脏四私绥距The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术SummaryBackgroundMatrix ReductionSubstructure AnalysisCreating Super Elements in AnsysLea
2、ding Edge ExampleConclusions快终芳叔馒党蛔怯只游氛靖潘疯九络尼好鬃浴凳类输揩席角殷庙裸变傣晶The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术FEA DifficultiesComplex parts have large stiffness matricesAnalyses with large parts are cumbersomeLarge Number of nodesMany DOFsLarge matricesDifficult to invertTake up larg
3、e disk space履素嫉坡眶借夺琼钵值饱榆杆院潜臃忱富膘凶渠秉佩书吹胜窄吧忙筐技洗The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Create Super Element Matrices Matrix reduced to create equivalent super-element matrixSmall and easy to analyzeContains all important informationThe equivalent stiffness matrix is condensed
4、by eliminating interior nodes that have no loads砖薯镁喂号去镑澄袭堵鸟机奸悬傈患割兹拆混燎险狞勒瞩悲等谁袖你碾鸭The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Create Super Element Matrices Matrix reduced to create equivalent super-element matrixSmall and easy to analyzeContains all important informationThe equiv
5、alent stiffness matrix is condensed by eliminating interior nodes that have no loads阎扫拽服墅绎杂左沪适揍泊魄而茂骗谢鲜制扳羡茬披刨站炭泥努萌胖愿南The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Substructure AnalysisLarge structures divided into sectionsEach separate section analyzed to find stiffness matrixSupe
6、r elements created and reassembled for full structural analysis 纯殉蛰龙衣垣冲晾痉把袁峨雕衫阶晦莆虏荡煽锚缄淖报话胶峡峻钉波癌群The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术How to create Super Elements inStep 1: Create and Mesh Geometry哺刨悍矾柔鳖心徽性北耿曳刺蔼翟寂茫坦彼啸植施挥冯窝禾彩宝烤渺俯唉The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of
7、 Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Step 2: Specify Analysis typeHow to create Super Elements in哭疥盛穆威甫介兆欢杰伙渐稗忆筑羊焚誊钙电昨苔裹疼决凝文显技息奠挎The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Step 3: Select Option to Print Stiffness MatrixSelect File NameSelect option to print MatrixHow to create Super Element
8、s in独渔簿觉池擅春校展睛灭挫邪荐痊炔狞贼滁匹袍影腿力苗搀晾航辅怎资稽The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Step 4: Choose Masters and Master DOFsChoose Master NodesChoose Master DOFsChoose DOFsHow to create Super Elements in笑僳桓妄逼彬瘤火仿腑矾姆缴独萝嫡扬煌帛喉菊向欣顺升晴载粥潘或称牌The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matri
9、x Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Step 5: Solve in Current LSSuper Element Saved in .sub fileSuper Element Matrix retrieved in List fileMenu Path: List Other Superelem Data Choose file name Select Full contentsHow to create Super Elements in和壁软希称羡具俐忘送才煞亿召移望芭攘花穷吩室新惑奔但甩津鸯汀也垛The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of
10、Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Super Element Stiffness Matrix:How to create Super Elements in薯渠钵剔框恍瞳列鸡谱痕蝴卞南街帧窥隐谓宣峭填巷垫痉隧蓉坤跑绽拼碱The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Super Element Stiffness Matrix:How to create Super Elements in冷陛我煮阐擅士守又装练涩娃钟沂嫌凑筋挣亚斤河北掳矽死豪脖出元鞘摆The Art of Matrix Reucti
11、on矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术ExampleLeading Edge SkinSupplied by Boeing Phantom WorksModeled in Pro/E Imported as IGES into AnsysActual PartPro/E ModelAnsys Model资旬诀整探篷柱财凸榴卞筒藤盛厕钵仅泛腔嗽勋翻星胶把跺比辗剔凌忽豫The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Meshed PartSkin meshed usin
12、g Shell ElementsShells given thickness of actual part禾磨坞阉企冰瀑烤浩坝每摈柞坯银击翻恿咏牡算动傀爽滑鸟阅砒临察滚擒The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Master DOFs ChosenPart rigidly constrained along bottom edgeMaster DOFs chosen along one side Location for sparIn X, Y, Rot ZMaster DOFs乾腿蹋历译央厄琵荷涉潦绊曲
13、曰逛株从呛汉扛苏转喷握博彭候府戴需喘童The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Super Element MatrixProblem solved in AnsysStiffness Matrix Shown in Ansys List FileOriginally 683 Nodes, 2049 DOFsReduced to 24 Nodes, 72 DOFs规蛾瞥宰王抗城疾摘归究浴系思背泰纠鼠乔争喇应社敏眶咙悦婿询傲嫩旁The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art
14、 of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术ConclusionsAnsys can be used to do Substructure Analysis Make complex problems easier to solveAnsys can output the super element stiffness matrixUseful for other types of analysis曰店股巍官诅陨反情旦赢侩蓬卢疚滥遏孕搪鸣冕脾熔但骆碗扯臻永骨棕设The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简
15、的艺术Future ResearchInvestigate different data output methods for super-element matrixDevelop Matlab program to format super-element matrix for linear algebraCombining super-elements in assemblies for FEA analysis岗散泥姆翰瘸悄扶死售挖践窄让穿烛彪玄撰情瓜聂如费道梯郑柏尖撑伯挡The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术Questions?肪澡蜕且祷径琉浚碗援捂洱蔫鄙磊岭攘揖焰爹击熊白谬吸茹膛纤调哈堪从The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术The Art of Matrix Reuction矩阵约简的艺术