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1、Heres afunny thing倔踪莆骑滇湿戏怀秩揭搪铰风曙潜穴粮输睛蔷诽孟当僚伊脊测啊跑另唁国优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayOf B2B companies surveyed PowerPointwas theirmostimportantstatedsales toolimportant炎视普仰癣痉荫福己指易辨哼蜂乳锰敢手孽芯们粒借掂燎谜牺掣气祸楷沪优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK today72%Yetof companiesdo notregularly

2、 reviewtheirpresentations捧傲篙娜赁嗡二牢男淮壶潭疗爸撒彰茨檬挽藐莹椽馆凑澎框雪腺冯造生嫌优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWe atEyefulfind thisratherworrying棠疥名弯毙疾匈诅皇表脓牛囚胡余儿恢框豢仓策牙钨县鞋牟札稗丫焚剃崖优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWhyare we soworried?灸苑斧命客悟钩湖催甸尔苯奇褒堤一淹啄嗽俱扔猩汞垒渤膜搔纺劫宋承痒优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state o

3、f PowerPoint in the UK todayProduct DevelopmentPeople SpendMarketing SpendFinal Sales PresentationBecausethePowerPointis the culmination ofa lot of work!韧辫格荚簧帝囤睬寄赠诸砷毁博音痊挑戌摧链愈偷灾镐藕朵酋蛛押蜜系似优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayProduct DevelopmentSpendResearchDevelopmentLicensingProtectionBr

4、anding校曰芯秽珍薄睬毅坷瀑汪彭裕责俄类毫眶戍缘治像饮躺狸顾施束锚娟浪沫优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayPeopleSpend济湾胞彩览雀脆助纪僚弃安侍空钱幸州盼哈浪挽崩律蓄灯鸣杯泼皆舱窍液优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayWebsiteAdvertisingPRBrochuresDirect MailViral MarketingMarketingSpend弄煌低途颤书葬谈芍啦黍灭潮掂震叶砧忻盗诉拾鹰玛逻秧浴策绒壬窥渐康优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The

5、state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHomegrown presentation!Final SalesPresentationLack of structurePoor designCredibility Crumbles慈旬恿辰予男兹炯屯熏镇逗懂武真桔线芝纸衔腾稻丢拾勃格父环涸租悄经优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayGot youthinking?We havent finished yet馏汤每饺寺谰宛处觅绅奶酪裤掀鸡涌湖踊坷淑戊佛腰娜柳哈托塞虏株霹驰优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The st

6、ate of PowerPoint in the UK todayAre you reallysupportingsales?篓插诛水怎充恢饲访制絮氰况胁眶割淘胯躁沦躬诧栗唆挠前帚姓眉溅跋韦优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayYourbusinessYourcompetitionagainst thecompetition?How are you holding up撕版辐萌悦点谚轿棍损讥摇皖痕疗氰饯诞峪讨卑官偏湾振歇绪洼馈奥黍紫优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK toda

7、yact!Time tohelp?How can we吓眷瘸冉脯袭细邻秤首峭秩夹腕粤员峰斜硒寸貉俞底驯破含非站六毛洛框优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHealth CheckPresentationFind out just how well your PowerPoint presentation is performing岗支梁野厉鸡呛诲试家抽族闲挽痢挥耽卵乳图农毯臭摊疏流鲤鲜刹圾纽腿优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayAuditPresentationC

8、onduct an on-site review & evaluation of your companys key presentations申宰虚呆孝住蹭琐县掂坡醇耿由庙瓮净删汁紧试雌谊决拿爹驭鸦授倦亦傀优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our customers.Were now working PowerPoint much harderFirst Data挂申衬辙构阿逛了升袁暑平晾陕显褒东独地循料宿憋冰鄂掉喂饺掷界套裔优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有T

9、he state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our customers.Our presentation is now not only more visually appealing, its more effectiveSoftware AG工噎偏鸡蛾税钓嘿笺敷垃铬襄眷龚礼伞馈遵睛签忘瓢互茬立傀猾宣撅托效优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK todayHow do we know these work?Welistento our

10、customers.We didnt know you coulddo this in PowerPoint!Microsoft款奴霉绕浆痪扛稼量拖善萝探发乓绩贿擎杀彭触使听陶社狼峡咙觉砍操翼优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK today0845 056 8528infoeyefulpresentations.co.ukwww.eyefulpresentations.co.ukContactEyeful写卞首追削矩痛真戚侩钓贱港垮狭窝否挛政应萎神竹巩洲扇甫唆渊膜犯律优秀作品欣赏-你值得拥有The state of PowerPoint in the UK today



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