高中英语 Unit2《English around the world》Period课件4 新人教版必修1

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《高中英语 Unit2《English around the world》Period课件4 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit2《English around the world》Period课件4 新人教版必修1(84页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. Can you find the following command and request from Reading? (P12)你能从阅读中找出下列命令和请求吗?你能从阅读中找出下列命令和请求吗?The teacher commanded that the exercisesin an hour. A. was finishedB. were finishedC. should finish D. be finished【解解析析】选选D。command之之后后that从从句句谓谓语语动动词词要要用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,即即“(should+)do ”形形式式。句句意意:老老师师命命令

2、令练练习习题题要要在在一一个个小小时时内内完完成成。从从句句主主语语是是the exercises, 谓谓语语要要用用被被动动语语态态(should) be finished。The singer gave one more song at our request(应我们的要求应我们的要求). I requested that he an hour earlier. 2011长春高一检测长春高一检测A. cameB. comesC. will comeD. come【解析【解析】选选D。request之后之后that从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即即“(should+)d

3、o ”形式。形式。1) command n. & vt. 命令;指令;掌握命令;指令;掌握command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事command that sb. (should) do sth. 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事have (a) good command of sth. 很好的掌握某事很好的掌握某事2) request n. & vt. 请求;要求请求;要求request sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事请求某人做某事request that sb. (should) do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事at sb. s re

4、quest 在某人的要求下在某人的要求下2. Believe it or not , there is no such thing as standard English. (P13) 信不信由你,世界上根本没有什么标准英语。信不信由你,世界上根本没有什么标准英语。信不信由你,又有一次台风要来了。信不信由你,又有一次台风要来了。Believe it or not , another typhoon is coming. 在我的记忆中,没有这样的一个字。在我的记忆中,没有这样的一个字。There is no such word within my memory. It wasweather th

5、at everyone wanted to go outing. A. so fineB. such fineC. so a fineD. such a fine 【解解析析】选选B。考考查查“such + adj. +不不可可数数名名词词+that. . . ”结结构构。句意:天气如此好以至于大家都想去郊游。句意:天气如此好以至于大家都想去郊游。This isdifficult problem that few students can work it out. 2011杭州高一检测杭州高一检测A. soB. so aC. suchD. such a【解解析析】选选D。problem是是可可

6、数数名名词词,故故用用“such + a/an + adj. +n. +that. . . ”结构。结构。Its funny that I have made such mistakesyou had made long before. A. soB. asC. suchD. that【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:真真可可笑笑,我我犯犯了了你你以以前前犯犯过过的的错错误误。mistakes之前有之前有such修饰,故用修饰,故用as引导定语从句。引导定语从句。1) believe it or not“信信不不信信由由你你”,在在句句中中作作插插入入语语,用用逗逗号和句子分开。号和句子分开。类类

7、似似的的短短语语如如:to tell (you ) the truth; to be honest; to make things worse; in other words; whats more等。等。2) such与与作作定定语语的的no, all, most, some, any, another, many, much, few等词连用时,等词连用时,such应置于这些词之后;应置于这些词之后;若若修修饰饰名名词词的的形形容容词词是是many, much, few, little(少少)时时,要要用用so,so应置于这些词之前。应置于这些词之前。3. Geography also p

8、lays a part in making dialects. (P13)地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。电在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。电在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。Electricity plays an important part in our daily life. The wife plays the most important part in every family. (英英译汉译汉)妻子在每个家庭中起着最重要的作用妻子在每个家庭中起着最重要的作用。play a part in(=play a role in)在在中起作用;在中起作用;在

9、 中扮演角色中扮演角色take part in 参加参加take an active part in 积极参加积极参加4. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA. (P13)因此,美国东南山区的人同美国西北部的人所说的方言几乎因此,美国东南山区的人同美国西北部的人所说的方言几乎相同。相同。I have the same opinion as you. (英译汉英译汉)我和你有相同的观点。我和

10、你有相同的观点。她的头发的颜色跟她母亲的一样。她的头发的颜色跟她母亲的一样。Her hair is the same color as her mothers. 能给我买一本和你昨天给汤姆的那本一样的书吗?能给我买一本和你昨天给汤姆的那本一样的书吗?Could you buy me the same book as you gave Tom yesterday? the same. . . as. . . 跟跟一样一样such, so等等都都可可以以与与as连连用用,但但用用于于这这些些结结构构中中的的as不不能换成能换成that,因为,因为as为关系代词,引导定语从句。为关系代词,引导定语从

11、句。5. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects. (P13)虽然许多美国人经常搬家虽然许多美国人经常搬家, 但他们仍然能够辨认和理解彼此的但他们仍然能够辨认和理解彼此的方言。方言。On seeing her, the policeman recognized her as a pickpocket. (英译汉英译汉)警察一见到她就认出她是个小偷。警察一见到她就认出她是个小偷。Oh, its you! Iyou. Ive just had my ha

12、ir cut, and Ive wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognizeB. hadnt recognizedC. dont recognize D. havent recognized【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:噢噢,是是你你啊啊!刚刚才才我我没没有有认认出出你你。我我理理发发了了,又又戴戴着着新新眼眼镜镜。”didnt recognize意意为为“(刚才刚才)没有认出没有认出”。辨析填空:辨析填空:recognize/realize/knowI knew him ten years ago, but he had changed so much th

13、at I can hardly recognize him at present. Believe it or not, David and I have known each other for almost five years. He didnt realize the importance of learning English until he was abroad. recognize vt. 辨认出来辨认出来; 承认承认; 公认公认recognize that. . .承认承认/意识到意识到recognize. . . as. . . 把把认作认作recognize sb. to

14、 be 承认某人是承认某人是6. So she asks directions and then tells her friends. (P15)于是她问路,然后告诉她的朋友们。于是她问路,然后告诉她的朋友们。风向变了吗?风向变了吗?Has the wind changed direction ? 你最好先看看说明书。你最好先看看说明书。Youd better read the directions first. I looked in the direction of the speaker. (英译汉英译汉)我朝讲话人的方向看了看。我朝讲话人的方向看了看。Im not good at da

15、ncing, but Im learninghis direction. A. inB. underC. toD. with【解解析析】选选B。考考查查介介词词与与direction的的搭搭配配。in.direction朝朝着着方方向向;under.direction在在指指导导下下。根根据据句句意意“我我不擅长跳舞,但我正在他的指导下进行学习不擅长跳舞,但我正在他的指导下进行学习”可知应选可知应选B。direction n. 方向;指导方向;指导; 指示;说明书指示;说明书(常用复数)(常用复数)in/from the direction of朝着朝着/来自来自方向方向in all dire

16、ctions=in every direction向四面八方向四面八方under ones direction=under the direction of sb. 在某人指导下在某人指导下follow/obey/listen to ones direction听从某人的教导听从某人的教导a sense of direction方向感方向感7. Well, go round the corner on your left-hand side, straight on and cross two streets. (P15)嗯,嗯, 沿着左边拐角走,沿着左边拐角走, 径直朝前,再过两个街道。径直

17、朝前,再过两个街道。The car went straight down the road. (英译英译汉汉)汽车一直开过这条路。汽车一直开过这条路。The smoke rose straight up . 烟直直地上升。烟直直地上升。This road is straight (笔直的笔直的). straight adv. 直接;挺直直接;挺直; adj. 直的;笔直的直的;笔直的straightforward adj. 正直的;坦率的正直的;坦率的straight talking 坦诚布公地谈谈坦诚布公地谈谈come straight to the point 开门见山地说开门见山地说st

18、raight away 立刻立刻昨昨天天你你们们学学校校英英语语俱俱乐乐部部就就“Why should we learn English? ”这这一一话话题题进进行行了了一一场场激激烈烈的的讨讨论论,结结果果如如下下表表。请请根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。注意:注意:1. 词数词数100左右。左右。2. 根据内容可适当增添细节。根据内容可适当增添细节。English ClubSeptember 15, 2011一、审题谋篇一、审题谋篇1. 时态:时态:一般现在时一般现在时2. 人称:人称:第一、三人称第一、三人称3. 结构:结构:标题:标题:Why should we

19、 learn English? 正文:陈述具体内容正文:陈述具体内容(reasons), 得出结论得出结论(conclusion) 落款落款(已给出已给出)二、联想本单元所学与提高英语有关的词汇和句型二、联想本单元所学与提高英语有关的词汇和句型1. 词汇:词汇:at present (现在;目前现在;目前)play a part in (扮演一个角色;扮演一个角色;参与参与)actually(实际上实际上)make use of(利用利用)2. 句型句型: (仿写)(仿写)Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 目前,英语在世界各国人民的

20、生活和交往中担任着重要角色。目前,英语在世界各国人民的生活和交往中担任着重要角色。At present,English is playing an important part in peoples life and communication all over the world . So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 我们应该努力学习英语,好好运用英语。我们应该努力学习英语,好好运用英语。We should try to learn English

21、well and make full use of it. Those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. 那些想提高英语的人可加入我们俱乐部。那些想提高英语的人可加入我们俱乐部。Those who would like to improve English can join our club. 三、经典句型积累三、经典句型积累1. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more often used th

22、an others. 2. Sometimes, learning English is also of great fun to us. 3. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. Why should we learn English? At present, English is playing an important part in peoples life and communication all over the world.

23、 It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more often used than others. Its said that most business letters are written in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. Actually,with the help of English, people in developing countries can learn a lot

24、 of advanced experience, modern science and technology faster and better from the developed countries. Sometimes, learning English is also of great fun to us. We should try to learn English well and make full use of it to serve our country. Those who would like to improve English can join our club.

25、English ClubSeptember 15, 2011 . 单词拼写单词拼写1. The policeman recognized (认出认出)her as a pickpocket. 2. Mr. Paine made a request (请求请求)that I should help him. 3. His friend is a tall, slim girl with a straight (直的直的) nose. 4. The fifteen persons on the Great Wall were struck by lightning (闪电闪电). 5. The i

26、nstrument was damaged by rough usage (使用使用). 6. She speaks English with an American accent (口音口音). 7. My sister has a good command (掌握掌握)of spoken English. 8. The old mans native (本国的本国的) language is Chinese. . 句型转换句型转换(根据上句完成下句根据上句完成下句)1. His father demanded him to stand there. His father demanded

27、that he(should) stand there . 2. We required all the visitors not to throw waste about in the park. All the visitors were required not to throw waste about in the park. 3. My mother suggested we have supper in the restaurant. My mother suggested to us that we(should)have supper in the restaurant . 4

28、. Animals like cats and dogs dont go to the south in winter. Animals such as cats and dogs dont go to the south in winter. 5. He is less like his father, but more like his mother. He is more like his mother than his father. . 单项填空单项填空1. bad news! Jack Chang mademany careless mistakes in the film. A.

29、 How; so B. How; suchC. What; soD. What; such【解解析析】选选C。第第一一个个空空考考查查what引引导导的的感感叹叹句句式式;第第二二个个空空so many为为固固定定搭搭配配,尽尽管管后后面面有有名名词词,也也不不可可用用such many。2. Alexander tried to get his workin the medical circles. 2011长沙高一检测长沙高一检测A. to recognizeB. recognizingC. recognizeD. recognized【解解析析】选选D。考考查查get sth. done

30、结结构构。句句意意为为:亚亚历历山山大大努努力使他的工作在医学界被认可。力使他的工作在医学界被认可。3. The price rising of electricity has something to do with the part electricityin our life. A. playsB. givesC. takesD. makes 【解解析析】选选A。固固定定短短语语play a part in 在在担担任任重重要要角角色色。part是先行词,后面定语从句的谓语是是先行词,后面定语从句的谓语是plays。4. This pen is not very good; Id lik

31、e the same one you are using now. A. whichB. in thatC. asD. with which【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:这这个个笔笔不不太太好好;我我十十分分喜喜欢欢你你现现在在用用的的那那种种笔笔。the same. . . as. . . “跟跟一一样样“,表表示示的的是是同同类类事事物物。B去去掉掉in后后结结构构也也正正确确,但但句句意意却却变变成成了了:这这个个笔笔不不太太好好;我我十十分分喜喜欢欢你你现现在在用用的的那那支支笔笔。the same. . . that. . . 表表示示的的是是同一事物。同一事物。5. It is s

32、o nice to hear from her. , we last met more than ten years ago. A. In other wordsB. Whats moreC. Believe it or not D. In all【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:收收到到她她的的来来信信真真是是太太高高兴兴了了, 信信不不信信由由你你,我我们们有有10多多年年没没有有见见面面了了。believe it or not信信不不信信由由你你;in other words换句话说;换句话说;whats more 而且;而且;in all总之。总之。6. Visitors were req

33、uestedthe exhibits in Shanghai Expo site. 2011德州高一检测德州高一检测A. fromB. not to touch C. of touching D. out of 【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:在在上上海海世世博博园园,参参观观者者被被要要求求不不要要触触摸摸展示品。展示品。request sb. not to do sth. 请求某人不要做某事。请求某人不要做某事。7. Mum is sure to find us easily, for she has a very good sense of. A. directionB. humourC.

34、 feelingD. memory【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:妈妈妈妈一一定定能能找找到到我我们们,因因为为她她有有一一个个好好的的方方向向感感。direction 方方向向; humour幽幽默默; feeling感感觉觉, 感感情情; memory记忆。记忆。8. Why did you ask little boys to do it? They are only about seven years old. A. aB. soC. suchD. no【解解析析】选选C。little此此处处是是“小小”而而不不是是“少少”的的意意思思,little boys的中心词是名词的中心词是名词

35、boys,因此要用,因此要用such修饰。修饰。【规律方法【规律方法】走出走出so和和such的用法误区的用法误区(1)so表表示示“如如此此;这这么么;那那么么”,后后接接形形容容词词或或副副词词。例如:例如:I have never thought the scene of the West Lake is so attractive. 我从未想到过西湖的景色是如此吸引人。我从未想到过西湖的景色是如此吸引人。The earthquake happened so violently that many people were buried in the ruins. 地震来得如此猛烈以至于许

36、多人被埋在废墟里。地震来得如此猛烈以至于许多人被埋在废墟里。(2)such表表示示“如如此此;这这么么”,后后接接名名词词,一一般般情情况况下下,名名词词前前常常有有形形容容词词,如如果果名名词词是是可可数数名名词词单单数数,不不定定冠冠词词紧紧跟跟在在such后。例如:后。例如:Children should not play such games. 孩子们不该玩这样的游戏。孩子们不该玩这样的游戏。Such a suit is not fit for such a formal party. 这样一套衣服不适合这么正式的聚会。这样一套衣服不适合这么正式的聚会。(3)特殊现象:特殊现象:名名词

37、词是是可可数数名名词词单单数数,名名词词前前有有形形容容词词修修饰饰,除除了了用用such,也可以用,也可以用so,但结构不一样。例如:,但结构不一样。例如:such an important meeting=so important a meeting名名词词前前有有much, many, few, little表表示示数数量量的的词词限限定定时时,只只能能用用so,不不能能用用such,但但little还还可可以以表表示示“小小”的的意意思思,这这时时用用such不用不用so。例如:。例如:I wonder such little worms can eat so many leaves.

38、 我很奇怪这么小的虫子会吃这么多的叶子。我很奇怪这么小的虫子会吃这么多的叶子。考考查查so和和such时时,命命题题者者往往往往考考查查学学生生的的思思维维是是否否清清晰晰,会会不不会会受受思思维维定定势势的的影影响响,建建议议学学生生着着重重注注意意so和和such的的特特殊殊现象以及现象以及little在语境中的意思。在语境中的意思。9. Aroad goesfrom the school to our village. A. straight; straightB. straightly; straightlyC. straight; straightly D. straightly;

39、straight【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:从从学学校校起起,一一条条笔笔直直的的路路直直接接通通向向我我们们村村子子。straight 既既可可用用作作形形容容词词,也也可可用用作作副副词词。容容易易误误选选C,认为,认为straightly 是是straight 的副词形式。的副词形式。10. The officer commanded that soldiersat dawn. A. startB. were startedC. will start D. would start【解解析析】选选A。command后后面面that从从句句谓谓语语动动词词要要用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,即即“(

40、should+)do ”形式。句意:军官命令士兵黎明时出发。形式。句意:军官命令士兵黎明时出发。【举一反三【举一反三】The army officerhis men to fire as soon as the enemies came up. A. requestedB. commandedC. beggedD. suggested【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:军军官官命命令令他他的的手手下下,等等敌敌人人一一靠靠近近就就开开火火。command sb. to do sth. 命命令令某某人人做做某某事事。A、C项项表表请请求。求。D项不用于该结构。项不用于该结构。【规律方法【规律方法】co

41、mmand等特殊动词虚拟用法集结号等特殊动词虚拟用法集结号一一想想要要(desire)二二宁宁愿愿(prefer, rather)三三命命令令(order, command, direct)四四 建建 议议 (advise, suggest, propose, recommend)五五要要求求(demand, require, request, desire,insist)中中,无无论论主主句句谓谓语语动动词词为为何何种种时时态态,从从句句的的谓谓语语动动词词都都用用“should + 动词原形动词原形”或只用或只用“动词原形动词原形”。如。如: He suggested that we (s

42、hould) take the teachers advice. He insisted that we (should) take the teachers advice. He demanded that we (should) take the teachers advice. He ordered that we (should) take the teachers advice. 注注:insist如如果果翻翻译译成成坚坚持持某某种种动动作作才才用用虚虚拟拟语语气气;翻翻译译成成坚坚持某种观点就不用虚拟语气。如:持某种观点就不用虚拟语气。如:He insists he is a st

43、udent. 他坚持说他是个学生。他坚持说他是个学生。这这个个语语句句表表示示的的是是事事实实,因因此此在在这这个个语语句句中中不不能能使使用用虚虚拟拟语语气。气。suggest意意为为“建建议议”才才用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,意意为为“暗暗示示”则则不不用用虚虚拟语气。如:拟语气。如:His face suggests that he looks worried. 他的表情暗示着他很担心。他的表情暗示着他很担心。这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气。这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气。 . 书面表达书面表达2011福州高一检测福州高一检测假假设设你你英英语语学学得得很很好好,老

44、老师师要要求求你你用用英英语语写写一一篇篇短短文文,谈谈学习英语的体会。短文内容要点如下:谈谈学习英语的体会。短文内容要点如下:简简况况:学学习习英英语语已已经经有有六六年年多多; 起起初初觉觉得得英英语语难难学学,大大多多数数音音发发不不好好,很很多多单单词词拼拼不不准准,语语法法规规则则记记不不住住; 后后来来在在老老师师和同学的帮助下进步很快,现在学习情况良好。和同学的帮助下进步很快,现在学习情况良好。体体会会:要要用用最最短短的的时时间间获获得得最最好好的的学学习习效效果果,非非下下工工夫夫不可不可; 课内外要多听多说,对读写要足够重视。课内外要多听多说,对读写要足够重视。注意:注意:

45、1. 标题已给出,不计入总词数标题已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 短文内容必须包括所给要点,但不要逐条翻译短文内容必须包括所给要点,但不要逐条翻译; 3. 词数:词数:100左右。左右。How to Learn English Well【参考范文【参考范文】How to Learn English WellIt is over six years since I began to learn English. At first I found it quite difficult. I couldnt get most of the sounds right, spell new words c

46、orrectly or remember the rules of grammar. With the help of my teachers and classmates, I have made rapid progress. Now I am getting on well with my English study. Six years study has taught me that one cannot learn English well without hard work. We must do more listening and speaking both in and o

47、ut of class. Enough attention should also be paid to reading and writing. Only in this way can we get the best results in the shortest time. People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the 1 300 years, there have been so many 2 in bo

48、th places that now people can easily 3 an English person from an American in the 4 he or she talks. Many old words 5 in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they 6 either a “faucet”, “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words

49、are 7 heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still 8 in England. Americans often make 9 new words or change old ones. “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and 10 in England. Also, over the last three centuries the English language has 11 thousands of new words for things that weren

50、t 12 before. And often, American and English people used two 13 names for them. A tin can is called “tin” for short in English, but a “can”in America. The word “radio”is 14 all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything 15 something to do wit

51、h cars, railroads, etc. has different 16 in British and American English. But now American and British English may be 17 closer together. One thing is that 18 people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in 19 , on television, or from travelers. Because of this, Americans 20 to be influen

52、cing(影影响响) the British more and more. So some day, English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic. 1. A. pastB. recentC. oldestD. latest【解解析析】选选A。“in the past / last +时时间间状状语语”意意思思为为 “在在过去的过去的间间”。2. A. citizensB. inventionsC. changesD. advances【解解析析】选选C。从从上上下下文文可可知知,英英国国和和北北美美这这两两个个地地方方的

53、的英英语语在在过过去去的的三三百百年年里里发发生生了了很很多多变变化化,以以至至于于现现在在人人们们很很容容易区分开英国人和美国人。易区分开英国人和美国人。3. A. pickB. tellC. takeD. judge【解解析析】选选B。tell. . . from. . . 把把和和区区分分开开。句句意意:现在人们能够凭他们的谈话方式把美国人和英国人分开。现在人们能够凭他们的谈话方式把美国人和英国人分开。4. A. voiceB. placeC. languageD. way【解解析析】选选D。in the way(that)he or she talks“以以他他或或她她讲讲话话的方式的

54、方式”。5. A. disappearedB. stayedC. returnedD. formed【解解析析】选选A。此此句句意意思思是是“很很多多旧旧单单词词在在英英国国已已消消失失不不见见了,而在美国却被保留了下来了,而在美国却被保留了下来”。6. A. saidB. talkedC. spokeD. called【解解析析】选选D。something作作后后面面定定语语从从句句中中谓谓语语动动词词的的宾宾语语,而而a “faucet”,“spigot”,or a“tap”亦亦作作该该动动词词的的宾宾语语。选选项中只有项中只有call后可接双宾语。后可接双宾语。7. A. thenB.

55、hardlyC. clearlyD. still 【解解析析】选选D。从从上上下下文文看看, 有有些些词词在在美美国国以以及及其其他他地地方方仍仍然能听到然能听到, 因此用因此用still。8. A. necessaryB. nativeC. commonD. lively【解解析析】选选C。上上述述三三个个单单词词现现在在只只有有“tap”一一词词在在英英国国还还能经常听人说起。能经常听人说起。common意为意为“often heard or seen”。9. A. ofB. intoC. upD. out【解解析析】选选C。make up意意为为“invent”。 句句意意:美美国国人人

56、经经常编造新词或变换老词。常编造新词或变换老词。10. A. anotherB. the otherC. noneD. something【解解析析】选选A。One.another. “是是一一回回事事/一一种种,是另外一回事是另外一回事/一种一种”, 两个词经常在一起使用。两个词经常在一起使用。11. A. discoveredB. addedC. improvedD. learned【解析【解析】选选B。add“增加,添加增加,添加”。12. A. acceptedB. knownC. introducedD. understood【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:以以前前不不为为人人所所知知

57、的的东东西西。 accepted被被接接 受受 的的 ; known 为为 人人 所所 知知 的的 ; introduced被被 引引 入入 的的 ;understood被理解的。被理解的。13. A. newB. shortC. differentD. surprising【解析【解析】选选C。英美两国使用不同的单词。英美两国使用不同的单词。14. A. produced B. made C. developed D. used【解析【解析】选选D。be used “被使用被使用”。 15. A. having B. bringingC. getting D. making【解析【解析】选选

58、A。have sth. to do with. . . “与与有关系有关系”。16. A. types B. names C. degreesD. parts【解解析析】选选B。同同样样的的东东西西在在英英国国英英语语和和美美国国英英语语中中有有两两个个不同的名字。不同的名字。17. A. puttingB. stayingC. livingD. growing【解解析析】选选D。growing closer“变变得得越越来来越越接接近近”。growing 相当于相当于becoming。18. A. BritishB. AmericanC. educatedD. ordinary【解解析析】选选A。从从下下文文看看现现在在的的英英国国受受美美国国的的影影响响更更大大, 因因此是此是British people。19. A. familiesB. busesC. moviesD. newspapers 【解解析析】选选C。由由后后文文的的on television, or from travelers可可推推知此处知此处movies为最合适的选项。为最合适的选项。20. A. needB. expectC. seemD. happen【解解析析】选选C。现现在在在在人人们们看看来来,美美国国英英语语似似乎乎对对英英国国英英语语的影响是越来越大了。的影响是越来越大了。



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