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1、A “national treasure” is something that is important to a countrys history or culture. What “national treasures” mean?2aTalk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you. big bamboo zoo popular cute black and white Sichuan famous endangered beautiful forest protect2bRead the third paragra

2、gh to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000.10- Adult pandas eat 10 kilos of bamboo daily.12- Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating.200- About 200 pandas live in zoos or research centers in China or other countries.2000- Scientists say there are fewer than 2000 pandas liv

3、ing in the forests.Scanning means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. 略读时,只需读每一段第一句话(较长的段落,读前两句)。略读时,只需读每一段第一句话(较长的段落,读前两句)。第一句话常是整段讨论的主题。在结论段,重点可能在最后一句。第一句话常是整段讨论的主题。在结论段,重点可能在最后一句。阅读时,把文本标出来,是帮助回答问题好方法。可将关键词画阅读时,把文本标出来,是帮助回答问题好方法。可将关键词画线或在段落旁写下本段主题,一两个字就够了,关键在于涵盖全线

4、或在段落旁写下本段主题,一两个字就够了,关键在于涵盖全文的速度。文的速度。 略读时遇到不懂单词,试观察前后字来猜出意思。比如,在不略读时遇到不懂单词,试观察前后字来猜出意思。比如,在不懂的单字前面是形容词,那么这个字可能会是名词;在不懂的单懂的单字前面是形容词,那么这个字可能会是名词;在不懂的单字之前是副词,那么这个字可能会是动词。只要了解段落大意就字之前是副词,那么这个字可能会是动词。只要了解段落大意就好了。好了。2cRead the article again and write short answers to the questions.1.What is Lin Weis job?2

5、. What do the baby pandas have for breakfast?Lin Wei is a panda keeper.Baby pandas drink milk for breakfast.3. Why are pandas endangered?Pandas are endangered because humans started cutting down bamboo forests, causing pandas to have fewer places to live (in) and less food to eat.4. What does the ed

6、ucation program in Chengdu do?5. Why are scientists doing research?Scientists are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas. It teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals, and tells children about the importance of saving these animals.Read again and complete the

7、information.PandasBaby pandasAmount of foodOnly _Babies often die from_.10 _a dayone every two yearsillnesseskilos of bambooPandasNumber of pandasWays to protect pandas2,000 _200 _Teach _. Tell them about the _ of saving pandas.The Chinese government _.Therell be _ _ to live the remaining fore

8、stsin zoos or research centerschildrenimportanceis also planting more bamboo treesmore forestsfor pandas2dComplete the sentences using words from the passage.1. The panda _ at the Chengdu Research Base are awake very early in the morning to _ breakfast for the baby pandas.2. In _, pandas have become

9、 so _ that they are now a symbol of China. keeperspreparefactpopular3. Adult pandas do not have babies very _, and some of the babies only live for a short time because of _.4. A special program in Chengdu teaches _ about why pandas are _ .childrenendangered (animals)oftenillnesses5. The Chinese gov

10、ernment is helping to _ the pandas. Scientists also want to better _ the habits of pandas. saveunderstand Pandas problemsOur life is not as good as you think. We have many pandas one of the animals most in danger Help me !We need to protect the pandas. the symbol forthe World WildFund

11、for Nature (世界野生动物基世界野生动物基金会金会) 2eWhat other ways do you think children can help to save the pandas?Build more reserves.Stop cutting down trees.No more using the pandas fur.More ways to protect giant pandasMake some posters or signs. Put them up or hand out notices to let people know.Volunteer to he

12、lp plant more bamboo trees and protect pandas living environment.大熊猫作大熊猫作为为中国特有的一种珍稀中国特有的一种珍稀动动物,因憨物,因憨态态可掬的可掬的形象受到全世界的喜形象受到全世界的喜爱爱。截至目前,以此形式租借海。截至目前,以此形式租借海外的熊猫外的熊猫连连同他同他们们在异国繁育的子女,数量已在异国繁育的子女,数量已经经达到达到了了30只,只,约约占全球占全球现现存圈养大熊猫存圈养大熊猫总总数的十分之一,数的十分之一,分布在美国、日本、西班牙、奥地利、泰国等多个国分布在美国、日本、西班牙、奥地利、泰国等多个国家。家。中

13、国有多少只大熊猫在国外中国有多少只大熊猫在国外一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1The girl picked some _(野生的野生的)flowers on the way home today.2There is an old chair made of _(竹子竹子) in my grandpas house.3The workers are _(调查调查) how many pandas there are in China.4The _(政府政府) decides to build a remaining forest for the animals

14、.5_ (油油)and water cant mix.wildbambooresearchinggovernmentOil二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6The park _(keep) is about fifty and he is wearing the uniform.7Anna was still _(wake) when her father got home late last night.8Mom told me that I had a serious _(ill) at the age of eight.9We should pro

15、tect the _(danger) animals.10We shouted with _(excite) as soon as TFBOYS appeared.keeperawakeillnessendangeredexcitement三、三、单项选择单项选择。11Why do you look so tired? I didnt sleep well last night.I was still _ until 3 oclock. Aawake Bbored Cinterested Dspecial12In order to protect the environment, we sho

16、uld stop them from _ so many trees. Apicking up Bcutting down Cthrowing away Dputting outAB13Some baby pandas _ illnesses and they do not live very long.Adepend on Bcare forClook after Ddie from14(十十堰堰中中考考)Two disabled men from Hebei Province(one is blind and the other has no arms) have spent over t

17、en years _ trees together.Aplant BplantsCplanting DplantedDC15(导导学学号号:38274036)(恩恩施施中中考考)There are some boys _ basketball over there.Lets go and join them.Aare playingBplayingCto playB四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16他出生他出生时时不足两千克。不足两千克。 He was less than two kilos _ 17我的汽我的汽车车最多能坐四个人。最多能坐四个人。 I can take _four people in my car. 18小心!不要撞到你前面的小心!不要撞到你前面的树树。 Be careful! Dont _the tree in front of birthat mostwalk into19凯凯特是怎么摔倒的?特是怎么摔倒的? How did Kate_?20我我们们在在这这里停留了大里停留了大约约一个小一个小时时。 We stayed here for an hour _fall overor so



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