2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Rice on a Train Listening and cultural corner课件 外研版必修1

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2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Rice on a Train Listening and cultural corner课件 外研版必修1_第1页
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1、Listening and cultural cornerListening and cultural corner1.When did she first go to America? 2.2. How old was she? 3.3. How did she get there?In 1934.19.By ship.Listen to the dialogue between Mary Lennon and the Interviewer. Answer the questions in Activity 1.Listening 4. What did she do in New Yor

2、k?She met a lot of people and went to some parties.Chicago.It was too hot.5. How did she get from New York to California? 6. Where did she stop on the way? 7. What did she think of Los Angeles?By train.Match the questions and answers.1. Where were you born?2. When did you go to America?3. Were you s

3、ick?4. How did you get to California?5. Were you and your friends bored?6. Did your friends go to California with you?(a) When I was 19.(b) No, I wasnt.(c) By train.(d) In London.(e) No, they didnt.(f) Yes, we were.Listening textInterviewer: Tell me. Mary, where were you born?Mary Lennon: I was born

4、 in London.Interviewer: Really? And when did you go to America?Mary Lennon: In 1934, when I was 19 years old. I went to New York.Interviewer: Is that right? Did you travel by plane?Mary Lennon: By plane? No, of course not! We traveled by ship!Interviewer: Goodness! How long did that take?Mary Lennon

5、: About seven days.Interviewer: Did you enjoy it?Mary Lennon: No! I hated it!Interviewer: Why? Were you sick?Mary Lennon: Not at all! I was bored!Interviewer: Who invited you to go to America? And who paid for your ticket?Mary Lennon: To be honest, I cant remember. A film producer, I think.Interview

6、er: What did you do in New York?Mary Lennon: Well, I met a lot of people, and I went to some parties. But I was there to make films and the film studios were in California, on the other side of the country, you see. So I went to California. Interviewer: How did you get from New York to California?Ma

7、ry Lennon: By train.Interviewer: Did you like that?Mary Lennon: Oh yes, definitely! I loved traveling by train. Interviewer: How long did the journey take?Mary Lennon: Well, in those days, you could travel from New York to Los Angeles in about a week.Interviewer: Really?Mary Lennon: Yes. We stopped

8、in Chicago for a few days.Interviewer: Oh, I see.Mary Lennon: I think it was two weeks before I arrived in Los Angeles. Interviewer: And what happened when you arrived in Los Angeles?Mary Lennon: Absolutely nothing. I did nothing for weeks!Interviewer: What did you think of Los Angeles? Mary Lennon:

9、 It was too hot!Listen to the dialogue again, and complete each of the sentences. Interviewer: _, did you enjoy making films?Mary Lennon: _! It was good fun! Sometimes we made three films in a week.Tell meOh yesInterviewer: _! Werent you bored?Mary Lennon: _! It was great fun.Interviewer: _? But wer

10、ent you tired?GoodnessNot at allIs that rightMary Lennon: _! We were exhausted. We had to get up at 4 am and we didnt go to bed until midnight.Interviewer: _. Thats a long time.Mary Lennon:_! It takes a long time to make a film.DefinitelyOh, I seeAbsolutelyCultural cornerCultural cornerthe maglev1.

11、What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train? It is faster, less noisy and uses less energy than the ordinary train.Read the passage and answer the questions:2. What are the advantages of traveling on a Maglev train? You can travel very comfortably and q

12、uickly on it and it can save more energy for us.Language points1. Some new words and phrases2. magnetically (adv.)有磁性地有磁性地 levitate (v.) 使使飘荡飘荡 levitation (n.) 升空飘荡之力升空飘荡之力 chancellor (n.) 德国、奥地利等国的德国、奥地利等国的总理总理,首相首相 a high-speed train 高速列车高速列车the opening ceremony of 的开幕式的开幕式the maglev=magnetically

13、levitated train 磁悬浮列车磁悬浮列车2. at a speed of; 以以的速度的速度 reach a speed of 达到达到速度速度 reach a speed up to 高达高达的速度的速度1). Traveling _over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.at a speed of 2). On November 12, 2003, the maglev _ 502 kilometres per hour. 3).

14、 The maglev can _ 502 kilometres per hour.reached a speed ofreach a speed up to3. 辨析辨析attend, join, take part in1) attend: 指出席、参加某一活动指出席、参加某一活动,强调出强调出席者不起积极作用席者不起积极作用,主要指参加会议、主要指参加会议、上学、参加典礼、听演讲等。上学、参加典礼、听演讲等。2) join: 指参加某一团体或组织指参加某一团体或组织,成为其中成为其中一员一员, 指参加活动时一般用指参加活动时一般用 join in。3) take part in:指参加活动指参加活动,并在其中起并在其中起积积 极作用。极作用。 1) He didnt _ school yesterday. 2) When did you _ the Communist Party? 3) Every four years, athletes from different countries _the Olympic Games. 4) Please _ us _ singing, will you ?attendjointake part injoinin



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