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1、一个美国人的半生中国缘沙博理Sidney ShapiroBorn in December 23, 1915, in New YorkGraduated from St.Johns University when he was 22.Joyed the Army during WWII, later he went to Columbia University and Yale University to learn Chinese and Chinese History Culture.Came to China in 1947.博学明理取名“沙博理”,意思是“博学明理” 礼记中庸:“博学之,

2、审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。” 文心雕龙事类:“此全引成辞,以明理者也。 ”“沙”是英文姓的音译 General Introduction1947年4月,远渡重洋,来到中国上海。1949年10月,参加开国大典,定居中国。1951-1983年间,沙博理先后在对外文化联络局、外文出版社、人民画报社工作,作为外国专家担任翻译和编辑。1963年,由周恩来批准加入中国国籍。1983年退休至今,连续担任第6-11届全国政协委员。Major Glories1995年,荣获“彩虹翻译奖”;2009年, 荣获“国际传播终身荣誉奖”;2010年, 荣获“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”;2011年, 荣获“影响世界华

3、人终身成就奖”。Translation Career 新中国十七年:红色革命文学的翻译 “文革”十年:水浒传译名之争新时期三十年:自主的译者和作者一、集中表现中国人民抗日斗争 :铜墙铁壁(Wall of Bronze, 1954)、平原烈火(The Plains are Ablaze, 1955)、新儿女英雄传(Daughters and Sons, 1956)、保卫延安(Defend Yenan!, 1958)、小城春秋(Annals of a Provincial Town, 1959),林海雪原(Tracks in the Snowy Forest, 1962) 二、揭露封建礼教和官僚、

4、反映解放后阶级斗争 :李有才板话及其他故事(Rhymes of Li Yu-tsai and Other Stories /Rhymes of Li Youcai and Other Stories, 1950)、柳堡的故事(It happened at Willow Castle, 1951)、活人塘(Living Hell, 1955),春蚕集(Spring Silkworms and Other Stories, 1956)、家(The Family, 1958) 三、展现新中国发展、讴歌劳动人民 :农村散记(Village Sketches, 1957)、创业史(Builders of

5、 a New Life, 1964)、夫妻之间(Between husband and wife: A Play in One Act, 1953)、巧媳妇/古代故事画库(Mistress Clever, 1954)、酱油和对虾(Soy Sauce and Prawns, 1963) 一个美国人在中国(An American in China, 1979)、四川的经济改革(Experiment in Sichuan: a Report on Economic Reform, 1981)、马海德:美国医生乔治哈特姆在中国的传奇(Ma Haide: The Saga of American Doc

6、tor George Hatem in China, 1993)、我的中国(My China: The Metamorphosis of a Country and a Man, 1997) 中国古代犹太人:中国学者研究文集点评(Jews in Old China: Studies by Chinese Scholars, 1984),中国古代刑法与案例传说(The Law and the Lore of Chinas Criminal Justice, 1988),中国文学集锦:从明代到毛泽东时代(A Sampler of Chinese Literature From Ming Dynas

7、ty to Mao Zedong, 1996)。湖畔儿语(The Child at the Lakeside)、春桃(Big Sister Liu)、月牙儿(Crescent Moon)、小二黑结婚(The Marriage of Young Blacky)沙博理翻译思想评述沙博理的翻译思想沙博理的翻译策略 沙博理的心声:让中国文化走出去 翻译思想坚持在文学翻译中要内容和风格并举,不容偏废翻译准则上基本赞同“信、达、雅”的主张译文特质:信而不死、活而不乱 翻译策略异化为主,最大程度保留中国文化适当变通,兼顾原文整体效果和英语读者习惯见一条大汉,手里拿着一口宝刀,插着个草标儿,立在街上(第七回)

8、He was holding a fine sword in his hand, with a tuft of grass tied to it indicating that it was for sale. 沙博理力求再现原语文化特色,采取了增译法,“indicating that it was for sale”一句表明了插草标的含义是卖刀 。(1)对回前诗的省略(2)对重复叙事的“重写”武松答道:“一言难尽!自从与你相别之后,到得牢城营里,得蒙施管营儿子,唤做金眼彪施恩四更三点跳城出来,走了一五更路,一时困倦,棒疮发了又疼,因行不得,投一小庙里权歇一歇,却被这四个绑缚将来。” Wu Song told the whole storyfrom his beating of Jiang the Gate Guard Giant, to his frame-up by Jiang, Commandant Zhang and General Zhang, his terrible revenge against them all, to his final capture by the four in the temple. Marriage



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