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1、RacialdiscriminationBackgroundRosa ParksMartinConclusionIn1501,colonialist shipped into the first negro slaves.This is the beginning of slavery.In 1518,Africa and America began the slave trade directly.Until 1540,the American colonies of the slaves had reached 10,000 each year.Somefactsofracialdiscr

2、iminationuAttendAttendSeparateSeparateschoolsschoolsuLiveinLiveinSeparateSeparateareasareasofacityofacityuSitinSitinSeparateSeparateareasareasonabusonabusThecivilrightsmovementsintheUnitedStatesofAmericaOnthebusStanding up for her rights.“It was a small act of defiance, she refused to give up her se

3、at, as a black woman to a white man, this changed the course of American history.” BBC News.On 1st December 1955 after coming home from a hard days work, Rosa was sitting on the bus when the bus driver ordered her to give up her seat to a white man, who couldnt find a seat in the “white section” of

4、the bus.Treated equally?Are you going to stand up? the bus driver, James Blake, asked. No, she answered. Well, by God, the driver replied, Im going to have you arrested. You may do that, Mrs Parks responded. RosaParkswasarrestedTheMontgomerybusboycottleadbyE.DNixonAndMartinLutherKing,JuniorDr. Marti

5、n Luther King, Jr.was an American political activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. His most influential a

6、nd well-known speech is the I Have A Dream speech u1963Aug28thuOnthestairofOnthestairofLincolnLincolnMemorialMemorialHallHallIhaveadreamEqualBrotherhoodFreedom and justiceCharacter I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be injured by the color of the

7、re skin but by the content of their character .i have a dream today.I have a dreamTheworldneedsequalityCan American get rid of racial separation?Today, racial discrimination is much more relieved than before. From Martin Luther kings I have a dream and the black movement, black peoples rights gradua

8、lly were recognized and accepted, the life of the black people is also had further improved. Todays American black people already have undergone earth-shaking changes. changes different skin-colored people can seated together to have a cup of coffee; black people have the equal right to get the good

9、 education and participate in policy;Black people can receive the financial supply and security protection from the governmentIt doesnt matter if youre blackwhite or yellow, if youre brown or redlets get down to thatlove is color-blindI remember whenI was a child and couldnt understandpeople having

10、fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you ll maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to me You gotta live your livewere all the same, no ones to blameYou gotta live their livesjust play the game and let love reign love is color blind THANK YOU!



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