Unit 1 Great scientists课件

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《Unit 1 Great scientists课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Great scientists课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 What do you know about great scientists? Try the quiz on P1 and find out who knows the most.Warmingup21.Whichscientistdiscoveredthatobjectsinwaterareliftedupbyaforcethathelpsthemfloat?Archimedes(287-212BC)anancientGreekmathematician&physicist32.Whowroteabookexplaininghowanimalsandplantsdevelopedas

2、theenvironmentchanged?CharlesDarwin(1808-1882)BritishauthorofThe Origin of Species 43.Whoinventedthefirststeamengine?ThomasNewcomen(1663-1729)British,improvedthefirststeampumpandturneditintoasteamenginefortakingwateroutofminesin1712.JamesWattimproveditandturneditintothefirstmodernsteamengineusedonth


4、icaninventor87.Whowasthepainterthatstudieddeadbodiestoimprovehispaintingofpeople?LastSupperMonaLisaLeonardodaVinci(1452-1519)Italianartist98.Whoinventedalamptokeepminerssafeunderground?SirHumphryDavy(1778-1829)BritishMiniature Miners Safety Lamp 109.Whoinventedtheearliestinstrumenttotellpeoplewheree

5、arthquakeshappened?ZhangHeng(78-139)Chinese,inventedseismograph1110.Whoputforwardatheoryaboutblackholes?StephenHawking(1942-)aBritishastronomer121.Do you know about SARS?It is a kind of terrible infectious disease caused by drinking dirty water and it caused a lot of deaths in the old times and it w

6、as very difficult to defeat.It is a kind of terrible infectious disease, which killed many people.2.Do you know about cholera?13But John Snow, a well-known doctor in the 19th century in London, defeated “King Cholera”. John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”Lets get to know how Dr. John Snow defeated “King

7、 Cholera” in:14JohnSnow(1813-1854)“Forhispersistenteffortstodeterminehowcholerawasspreadandforthestatisticalmappingmethodsheinitiated,JohnSnowiswidelyconsideredtobethefatherofepidemiology(流行流行病学病学).15John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”Why couldnt cholera be controlled at first?A.Its cause was not under

8、stoodB.Its cure was not understoodC.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood16First Reading (in 10 minutes):(in 10 minutes):Write down the main idea of each paragraphPara 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:John Snow was a famous doctor in London and he was kind enough to help the ordinary people with chole

9、ra.John Snow was interested in two theories about cholera.John Snow collected information to test the two theories.The map showed that the polluted water might be the reason for cholera. 17Para 5:Para 6:Para 7:The reason for cholera was that the source of the water(水源)(水源) was polluted. John Snow wa

10、s sure enough that polluted water carried the disease of cholera.John Snow suggested how to prevent cholera from happening again.18John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”The passage is written as a report of an The passage is written as a report of an experiment and there ar

11、e experiment and there are 7 steps7 steps: :1.Find a problem:1.Find a problem:2.Make up a question:2.Make up a question:3.Think of a method:3.Think of a method:4.Collect results4.Collect results: :5.Analyse results:5.Analyse results:6.Repeat if necessary:6.Repeat if necessary:7.Draw a conclusion:7.D

12、raw a conclusion:19Steps:What/How?1.Find a problem2.Make up a question3.Think of a method4.collect resultsJohn Snow Defeats “King Cholera”What causes cholera?Which theory is correct?Collect information on those who were ill or died and where they got their waterMark information on a map to find out where people died or did not die206.Repeat if necessary7.Make a conclusion5.Analyse resultsAnalyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illnessFind other evidence to make sure the conclusionThe water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined.21



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