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1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语选修选修( (模块)模块)9- 9-1.4 Quickly glance through the text. Tick the topics about Ashrita that the author does not cover.(p.3) physical skills needed for events kinds of records broken place and date of birth his first Guinness record number of records broken1 why he became a sportsman his

2、occupation his family life countries he likes best his education Now read the story more carefully and answer the following questions in groups. 1. Where do you think Ashrita lives? The text doesnt say where he lives now but it is possible he lives in New York because we know that he lived there whe

3、n he was a teenager and that he took part in a bicycle marathon there in 1978.22. How old do you think he is? He was 16 in the early 1970s so he would be in his late 40s now.3. Has he broken records in all seven continents? Yes. (see paragraph 2)4. When did he first come across the Guinness Book of

4、World Records? When he was a child.5. What are some of the physical difficulties he has experienced when A walking with a bottle of milk on his head? He has to make fine neck adjustments, and has to rest and eat with the bottle of milk on his head. B standing on top of a Swiss ball? He needs a great

5、 sense of balance, and has to stay on top even though his legs may start shaking. C somersaulting? He has to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. During the process, he is permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour and stop briefly to vomit. D doing gymnastically correct lunges

6、? Lunges are very hard on his legs.6. Which one of Sri Chinmoys beliefs led Ashrita to attempting records? There is no limit to peoples physical abilities.7. Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978? He had done no training. 8. Why did Ashrita believe he could accom

7、plish anything after the bicycle marathon? He believed that because he had done no training, it must have been his spirit that made him come third, and so after the bicycle marathon he believed that he could accomplish anything by using his spirit, and his body was just an instrument of the spirit.

8、He believed there is no physical limitation. 9. What happens in an event that prevents Ashrita from giving up? When he feels like giving up, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher to keep on. 10. Do you think that the events that Ashrita participates in are childish?

9、Why or why not? Students answers may vary. Get into groups of four and choose two sports. Find out what skills are needed for each activity. Share your ideas with the other groups in your class. Finally decide which activity you would prefer to train for and give a reason.(p.4)4SportTraining neededS

10、portTraining neededpogo stick jumping1bending knees2 jumping and landing with bent knees jumping jack1jumping high2 putting your legs and arms out as you jump3 keeping balance of the limbssomer-saultinghula hooping1 forward your head over your heels with both hands landing on both feet2 practising c

11、artwheel movement 1 moving your waist in a circle2 keeping the rhythm as you move the hula hoop3 keeping the hula hoop moving doing lungsstanding on a Swiss ball1 bending knees2 going down on one knee3 moving forward with one knee touching the ground every time 1 practising balance on sth that doesn

12、t move2 practising balance on sth that does move Complete the table and then choose a word to complete each sentence below.(p.4)1 Verb Noun Adjective approximate adjustment accomplish devotion motivationapproximateapproximationadjustadjustableaccomplishment accomplisheddevotedevoted / devotingmotiva

13、temotivated / motivating 1. He is _ to his wife and gives her anything she asks for. 2. Can you tell me the _ number of athletes in your club? 3. It was a huge _ for her to be able to reach the top of the mountain. 4. Some people have the ability to _ others to try to achieve their goals. 5. She has

14、 _ to the fact that she will never win the 400 metre swimming event.devotedapproximateaccomplishmentmotiveadjusted Find new words in the reading passage that are similar in meaning to the underlined words below. Write down the pairs of words. (p.5) 1. usual _ 2. severe _ 3. sacred _ 4. spirit _ 5. h

15、ard _ 6. begged _ 7. truth _ 2conventionaltoughspiritualsoultoughurgedreality In groups of four, add as many words as you can to each box. Compare your lists with another group. Then share your lists with the class. Suggested answers : Events: gymnastics, marathon, triathlon, diving, cycling, swimmi

16、ng (freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly), hockey, judo, archery, tennis, shooting, football, volleyball, basketball, rowing, canoeing, wrestling, boxing, sailing, athletics, .3 The training is . tough, tiring, stressful, hard, painful, time/energy consuming, frightening, dangerous, skilfu

17、l, systematic, organized, developmental, worthwhile, strict, . The event is . fascinating, exciting, interesting, challenging, inspiring, thrilling, rewarding, worthwhile, demanding, frustrating, . Underline the subject in these sentences. In groups, check your answers. Then discuss whether you agre

18、e with the ideas in the sentences or not.(p.5) 1 Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. (Henry Van Dyke)1 2 Some conceptions of a gentleman are these: a gentleman is always considerate for the

19、 feelings of others; he has tact, he knows how to say and to do the fight thing at the right time. 3 To regret ones errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. (Ernest Hemingway) 4 The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom a

20、nd virtue to nobler deeds. (William Makepeace Thayer) 5 Being happy is better than being king. (West African saying) Match the subject on the left with an ending on the right to make the correct saying. Then translate it into Chinese.(p.6)21 Worrying2 Two heads3 Those who do not learn from history4

21、To travel hopefully5 Failing to plan6 A man who asks A man who never asks7 The one who understands The one who speaks8 What is doneare doomed to repeat it.is a fool for five minutes.does not speak.cannot be undone.are better than one.never did anyone any good.does not understand.is planning to fail.

22、is a better thing than to arrive.is a fool for life. 1 Worrying never did anyone any good担忧从来不会给人带来任何好处。 2 Two heads are better than one两人智慧胜一人。 3 Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 那些不从历史汲取教训的人注定要重蹈覆辙。 4 To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive带着希望旅行(的过程)远胜于到达目

23、的地(那一刻)。 5 Failing to plan is planning to fail没有计划就是计划失败。 6 A man who asks is a fool for five minutesA man who never asks is a fool for life会问问题的人当五分钟的傻子:从不提问的人则当一辈子傻子。 7 The one who understands does not speak. The one who speaks does not understand智者知而不言,愚者言其不知。 8 What is done cannot be undone覆水难收。

24、 Listen to the radio interview with two Maryville High School students, Luke and Josh, about their schools bid to break a Guinness record. Number these Guinness records in the order you hear them mentioned. (p.6)1 1 Most people hula hooping at the same time. 2 Most bodies painted at the same time. 3

25、 Most people juggling at the same time. 4 Most people brushing their teeth for one minute. 5 Most people in a group hug. 6 Most people eating breakfast.123456 Read these expressions from the interview. Circle the ones in which the people express surprise. Now listen and number the circled expression

26、s in the order you hear them. Then, in pairs, practise saying the expressions of surprise, paying special attention to the intonation.3 How amazing! Youre kidding! Is that all?123 Read the profiles from a sports magazine and complete the summary of each sportspersons (Guinness) record (s).(p.9)1WHO:

27、WHEN:WHERE:WHAT: Lance Armstrong 1999, 2003 France fastest average speed, Tour de France (five times)WHO:WHEN:WHERE:WHAT: Michellie Jones 1992, 1993 (not stated) International Triathlon Union World ChampionWHO:WHEN:WHERE:WHAT: Fu Mingxia 1991, 1992, 1996, 2000 Australia, Barcelona (Spain), Atlanta (

28、America), Sydney (Australia) youngest female to win the womens world title for platform diving; youngest Olympic diving champion of all time; first woman in Olympic diving history to win four gold medalsWHO:WHEN:WHERE:WHAT: Martin Strel 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 the Danube River in Europe; the Mi

29、ssissippi River in USA; the Parana River in South America; the Changjiang River in China first person to swim the entire length of the Danube River; longest time for non-stop swimming; swimming the greatest distance; first man to swim the length of the Parana River; swimming the length of the danger

30、ous Changjiang River Read the profiles and answer the questions below.(p.9) 1 Who is the youngest athlete? Fu Mingxia. 2 Who retired from their sport and then made a comeback? Lance Armstrong, Fu Mingxia 3 Who has trained in another profession? Lance Armstrong, Michellie Jones, Martin Strel24 Who do

31、 you think is the most courageous of the four sportspeople? Give reasons. Lance Armstrong, because he overcame cancer and then had the courage to return to racing.5 What qualities do you think these sportspeople need to be successful? Courage, determination, ambition, vision, passion, focus, concent

32、ration, belief in himself / herself, perseverance, etc. Which quote below do you think belongs to which sportsperson?(p.9) 1 I am swimming for peace, friendship and clean waters. _ 2 Id like to think that I was a role model, that people see my sport and say Wow, Id like to try that. _ 3Martin StrelM

33、ichelli Jones3 I used to ride my bike to make a living. Now I just want to live so that I can ride. _4 I call it a one-second art. It requires you to fully display the beauty of the sport in only a second. _Lance ArmstrongFu Mingxia 小魔方站作品小魔方站作品 盗版必究盗版必究语文语文更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取扫描二维码获取更多资

34、源扫描二维码获取更多资源谢谢您下载使用!谢谢您下载使用!附赠附赠 中高考状元学习方法中高考状元学习方法 前前 言言 高考状元是一个特殊的群体,在许多高考状元是一个特殊的群体,在许多人的眼中,他们就如浩瀚宇宙里璀璨夺目人的眼中,他们就如浩瀚宇宙里璀璨夺目的星星那样遥不可及。但实际上他们和我的星星那样遥不可及。但实际上他们和我们每一个同学都一样平凡而普通,但他们们每一个同学都一样平凡而普通,但他们有是不平凡不普通的,他们的不平凡之处有是不平凡不普通的,他们的不平凡之处就是在学习方面有一些独到的个性,又有就是在学习方面有一些独到的个性,又有着一些共性,而这些对在校的同学尤其是着一些共性,而这些对在校

35、的同学尤其是将参加高考的同学都有一定的借鉴意义。将参加高考的同学都有一定的借鉴意义。青春风采北京市文科状元北京市文科状元 阳光女孩阳光女孩-何旋何旋 高考总分:高考总分:692分分(含含20分加分分加分) 语文语文131分分 数学数学145分分英语英语141分分 文综文综255分分毕业学校:北京二中毕业学校:北京二中报考高校:报考高校:北京大学光华管理学院北京大学光华管理学院来自北京二中,高考成绩672分,还有20分加分。“何旋给人最深的印象就是她的笑声,远远的就能听见她的笑声。”班主任吴京梅说,何旋是个阳光女孩。“她是学校的摄影记者,非常外向,如果加上20分的加分,她的成绩应该是692。”吴

36、老师说,何旋考出好成绩的秘诀是心态好。“她很自信,也很有爱心。考试结束后,她还问我怎么给边远地区的学校捐书”。 班主任: 我觉得何旋今天取得这样的成绩,我觉得,很重要的是,何旋是土生土长的北京二中的学生,二中的教育理念是综合培养学生的素质和能力。我觉得何旋,她取得今天这么好的成绩,一个来源于她的扎实的学习上的基础,还有一个非常重要的,我觉得特别想提的,何旋是一个特别充满自信,充满阳光的这样一个女孩子。在我印象当中,何旋是一个最爱笑的,而且她的笑特别感染人的。所以我觉得她很阳光,而且充满自信,这是她突出的这样一个特点。所以我觉得,这是她今天取得好成绩当中,心理素质非常好,是非常重要的。 高考总分

37、高考总分:711分分毕业学校毕业学校:北京八中北京八中语文语文139分分 数学数学140分分英语英语141分分 理综理综291分分报考高校:报考高校:北京大学光华管理学院北京大学光华管理学院北京市理科状元杨蕙心北京市理科状元杨蕙心 班主任 孙烨:杨蕙心是一个目标高远的学生,而且具有很好的学习品质。学习效率高是杨蕙心的一大特点,一般同学两三个小时才能完成的作业,她一个小时就能完成。杨蕙心分析问题的能力很强,这一点在平常的考试中可以体现。每当杨蕙心在某科考试中出现了问题,她能很快找到问题的原因,并马上拿出解决办法。 孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个

38、小时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话”两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法,肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。上海上海20062006高考高考理科理科状元状元- - -武亦武亦文文武亦文武亦文 格致中学理科班学生格致中学理科班学生 班级职务:学习委员班级职务:学习委员 高考志愿:复旦经济高考志愿:

39、复旦经济 高考成绩:语文高考成绩:语文127127分分 数学数学142142分分 英语英语144144分分 物理物理145145分分 综合综合2727分分 总分总分585585分分 “一分也不能少一分也不能少” “我坚持做好每天的预习、复习,每我坚持做好每天的预习、复习,每天放学回家看半小时报纸,晚上天放学回家看半小时报纸,晚上1010:3030休息,感觉很轻松地度过了三年高休息,感觉很轻松地度过了三年高中学习。中学习。”当得知自己的高考成绩后,当得知自己的高考成绩后,格致中学的武亦文遗憾地说道,格致中学的武亦文遗憾地说道,“平平时模拟考试时,自己总有一门满分,时模拟考试时,自己总有一门满分,

40、这次高考却没有出现,有些遗憾。这次高考却没有出现,有些遗憾。” 坚持做好每个学习步骤坚持做好每个学习步骤 武亦文的高考高分来自于她日常严谨的学习武亦文的高考高分来自于她日常严谨的学习态度,坚持认真做好每天的预习、复习。态度,坚持认真做好每天的预习、复习。 “高中三年,从来没有熬夜,上课跟着老师高中三年,从来没有熬夜,上课跟着老师走,保证课堂效率。走,保证课堂效率。”武亦文介绍,武亦文介绍,“班主班主任王老师对我的成长起了很大引导作用,王任王老师对我的成长起了很大引导作用,王老师办事很认真,凡事都会投入自己所有精老师办事很认真,凡事都会投入自己所有精力,看重做事的过程而不重结果。每当学生力,看重

41、做事的过程而不重结果。每当学生没有取得好结果,王老师也会淡然一笑,鼓没有取得好结果,王老师也会淡然一笑,鼓励学生注重学习的过程。励学生注重学习的过程。” 上海高考文科状元上海高考文科状元- 常方舟常方舟曹杨二中高三曹杨二中高三(14)(14)班学生班学生 班级职务:学习委员班级职务:学习委员 高考志愿:北京高考志愿:北京 大学中文系大学中文系高考成绩:语文高考成绩:语文121121分数学分数学146146分分 英语英语146146分历史分历史134134分分 综合综合2828分总分分总分575575分分 ( (另有附加分另有附加分1010分分) ) “我对竞赛题一样发怵我对竞赛题一样发怵” 总


43、来反而会影响次日的学习状态。每天课后,常方舟也不会花太的学习状态。每天课后,常方舟也不会花太多时间做功课,常常是做完老师布置的作业多时间做功课,常常是做完老师布置的作业就算完。就算完。 “用好课堂用好课堂4040分钟最重要。我的经验是,哪怕分钟最重要。我的经验是,哪怕是再简单的内容,仔细听和不上心,效果肯是再简单的内容,仔细听和不上心,效果肯定是不一样的。对于课堂上老师讲解的内容,定是不一样的。对于课堂上老师讲解的内容,有的同学觉得很简单,听讲就不会很认真,有的同学觉得很简单,听讲就不会很认真,但老师讲解往往是由浅入深的,开始不认真,但老师讲解往往是由浅入深的,开始不认真,后来就很难听懂了;即使能听懂,中间也可后来就很难听懂了;即使能听懂,中间也可能出现一些知识盲区。高考试题考的大多是能出现一些知识盲区。高考试题考的大多是基础知识,正就是很多同学眼里很简单的内基础知识,正就是很多同学眼里很简单的内容。容。”常方舟告诉记者,其实自己对竞赛试常方舟告诉记者,其实自己对竞赛试题类偏难的题目并不擅长,高考出色的原因题类偏难的题目并不擅长,高考出色的原因正在于试题多为基础题,对上了自己的正在于试题多为基础题,对上了自己的“口口味味”。



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