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1、 大学英语第一册大学英语第一册 Unit one How to improve Your Study Habits集描铺贵葛捐勉搁糕询含牛骄梧窗酮周踊斌剐茁汹洲炽黔樊达啦人炼俗桅大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSl 教学重点: 关于study habits 的常识。 对schedule,distraction,test and grades 的认识。l 教学目的: 引导学生明确大学学习的特点和规律,学会自主 学习和主动学习,养成良好而有效的学习习惯, 并和同学交流自己的学习方法。彻橡样涂吕扼践策功除字篆光手痢腥辱

2、拟腋逸狂碎室亦块败秒诚恨犬罕邮大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS 学习内容学习内容 Information related to the text Study of the words and text Difficult sentences Writing style and techniques Questions for consideration and discussion 逆赫撩旋肥乾缘骡玄粪安枕刷链慑康指葫壕耿郑力氟扦拂己壮晾兴尤召舅大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一

3、册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSr Intelligence is an abstract concept. A persons intelligence level is decided by his Intelligence Quotient(i.e IQ), a psychological term that is used to show whether one is intelligent or not. r Here “average intelligence” means “normal ability to learn and understand.” A s

4、tudent with average intelligence or an average student is a student neither very bright nor very dull who does sufficiently well but wins no distinction. When we say a person is intelligent, we usually mean he or she studies and learns fast, or comes up with clever solutions to problem.Average intel

5、ligencer When your IQ is between 80-100, you are of average intelligence; when your score is more than 130, you can be regarded as talent.材缔忠列桶厅腕儒榔般廓歌绪奠溜陈数组轩赤庙蓬锰萨询籽寝丙杜靴寇馋大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS Hobby-a leisure-time interest or activity taken up primarily for pleasu

6、re. Habit-a tendency to repeat an act again and again,or a behavior pattern that has a degree of unconscious stubborn repetition. For example: a habit of scratching ones head when thinking, the habit of smoking, a habit of thrift, a reading habit , and a note-taking habit. A hobby may involve the de

7、velopment of intricate knowledge of or capability in a special field. For example: stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography,raveling,plane model making, and bird-watching.Hobbies and Habits陈肩禹酝祭纲破郝汲缀延危栅嗜矗获挖铜娥并挂腹潦胯次统赎吃腔叙缎炯大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSr Skimming and

8、scanning are two major fast reading skills. r Scanning , in contrast, is defined as the ability to locate specific information or facts as rapidly as possible. Usually, when you scan for information, you know what you are looking for before you begin.rThese two terms are sometimes used interchangeab

9、ly.Generally, however, skimming is defined as the ability to identify main ideas while rapidly discarding minor points.Skimming and Skinning猜饮十诽蝶步夹切术价哗耕挪鹏贝义而法侨雏缓贬涕供私饭锋包遏牢冉砾大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSStudy of the words and text average: concentrate commit occupy aware (

10、adj): mean平均的 (on) ( vi):全神贯注(vt) 犯(错误、罪行)(vt) 使忙碌,使从事(adj)意识到,知道纯蹬夹远辛迹毖硅帐锋柏湃斩这百峻血瞧绅媳奎吗傈哲蔬虐脆昭箱篓嵌勾大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS& average adj.平均的 ordinary; normal普通的,一般的(n)平均数,平均(v) 平均例子: What is the average rainfall for July? The average age of the students in this class

11、is 19.v ordinary; normal普通的,一般的 What is the yearly income of an average family in Shanghai? I was average in my class though I had hoped I would be better.v adj.平均的: on (the/an) average一般说来,通常。 above/below the average在一般水平以上/以下v (n)平均数,平均拙幅震氮盛兢碘柞技崩渤影锭撒裤钳透药淆天派末剪咯托霞肤店立向沟旺大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大

12、学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS& concentrate (on)( vi)全神贯注,全力以赴v (vt)集中,聚集v 浓缩v keep or direct all ones efforts, thoughts attention, ect. Your should concentrate your attention on your study. The first step is to concentrate fruit juice.v concentration (n) concentration camp集中营 He concentrated on his r

13、eading so that he could understand the story.Please concentrate on your work.赖霍仰犊欠羡穗押搜夫越竹敞砷革瓶淘湿窍侯教铁骋侈缎蜂瘪爆菏乡浩寸大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS& commit: (vt) v perform a crime, a foolish act, ect犯(错误、罪行),干(蠢事、坏事) They have committed many horrible crimes against the American p

14、eople.v (oneself to) make oneself responsible; undertake使承担义务,使承诺 He has committed himself to support these orphans.v (sb/sth to) entrust, give up, hand over to, for safe keeping or treatment.把托付给,把置于 When she is busy, she often commits her daughter to her mother.v decide to give (time, money, ect)

15、for special usage.调拨供使用,拨出饰援寸瞬好奶洽沃座氢蜀火恼询萄弃禁悔腮派玄逻街欧舜魏锨踌阀烧砸骆大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS& occupy(vt)v take up; cause to engage 使忙碌,使从事 He occupied himself in/with collecting stamps. Her son occupies all her attention.be occupied in/withv take and possess占,占用,占领 Sorry, thi

16、s seat is occupied. We occupied the enemys capital yesterday morning.兄篡童芝掳愚扣涅辟孪渭而彝涝键偶匿诣刘囊广熊攀乐漆沤颤孜啦胃腿屯大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS& aware(adj)(of/that): v having knowledge or realization意识到,知道 Are you aware of your mistakes? He is fully aware that he is late for the meet

17、ing.v aware and conscious辨析: aware强调感官对外界事物的感觉。 conscious则强调内心的感觉。 He was not aware of my arrival. He was conscious of that man staring at him.韶掂午矛锄害靡咳拆棕炼乖吐焦岛项掷佐煎徐非斧眺滨狭敷莲鼻咀涨婪组大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSDifficult sentences(难句讲解难句讲解) Sounds too good to be true.(Introduct

18、ion)It is an elliptical sentence. The subject “it” is omitted here. This idea is so good that you can hardly believe it.e.g. Your story sounds to be true. “tooto” structure indicates negative meaning.e.g. The water is too dirty to drink.It sounds to me as if you really did it for me. sound: seem whe

19、n heard渡朝盘戳背沥艾秧剿蚂出筐贾奇锨窥疗占洋纠癸逊恕婪维锄尾谈狈邀用栖大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSDifficult sentences(难句讲解难句讲解) This is not necessarily the case, however.(L.3) The word “This” indicates the previous two sentences: “ Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence”, “ You

20、do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. “However” is used to indicate conversion. This is a typical simple sentence, though there is a little bit difficulty for us to understand the meaning. It can be put at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the sente

21、nces.衔融酚咨抄聘舶督独总绞犯蒜贺逼硫淮脸侩驳帝臆韧夫吃显眶悸悸瘴浩玲大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSDifficult sentences(难句讲解难句讲解) Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work.“Yes” is used here not to answer a question, but to emphasize what is going to say or di

22、scuss. It is used in the text to emphasize the point: “receive better grades”.“even” in the sentence is also used to emphasize” students of average intelligence”. This emphasis indicates that you” may do better than them because you are above the average”.蒜竹厅耘鸿陪窃纱钠耐若闷渊婴易宙繁睁睦氮汕慧矩乡湾最愈踌怪蛰柴赔大学语一册Unitone

23、HowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSDifficult sentences(难句讲解难句讲解) Fill in committed time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc.(L6-7) The understanding of the sentence lies in the understanding of the phrase “committed time”. According to the detailed explanation: “such as eatin

24、g, sleeping, meetings, classes”, we know that these are things we must do everyday.So we can guess that “ the committed time” means time set aside for special purpose.敬咽积钥踏茂贝举克猎给酷俗机吩耍幻桐咋倘粤牲抗别恨徐即侨寻毋它蛋大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSDifficult sentences(难句讲解难句讲解) This weekly s

25、chedule may not solve all of your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time.(L 12-14) This is a commonly used complex sentence. The two sentences are connected by conjunction “ but”. Complex sentence can also be connected by “ and”, “or”, or even punctuation.The clause “ h

26、ow you spend your time” is used as the object of “of”. This“ preposition+objective clause” is frequently used in English. There are more examples to explain the usage. e.g. Im looking forward to what youll say.酵裔霉士廷审计簧扑擞汪泰谓洪饥网杆慎懒君滋臣其瓷铱捣贺撂伍员磅颁大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS

27、Writing style and techniquesJ 本文是说明文,文章大致可分为三部分。& 第二部分包括第二至七段,共六段,这六段讲述了人类从古到今对大脑的了解及研究。& 第一部分即第一段虽然只有一句话,却很清楚地点明了全文的中心思想,即人类对于其身体中最有功效,最为复杂的部位-大脑,仍有很多需要了解的东西。& 第三部分即最后一段,这段与第一段一样简洁,只有两句话,却简明地归纳全文的主要论点,即人类已开始研究其大脑,以了解更多的东西。徐钠蠕贪呵汛锐簿籍棘迁迅钞锁啃标邑性趁怠绊韧打纺能谨徘虫止纪遍乡大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowt

28、oimproveYourSWriting style and techniquesJ 本文为说明文(exposition),文章结构清晰明了,可分为三大部分。第二部分包括第二至第七段,作者使用了列举的方法在这六段中列出了六种好的学习方法,每一段叙述一种学习方法,且每一段的第一句话都是主题句(topic sentence),点明了全段要表达的意思,第二段的主题句为“plan your time carefully”(1.6),由此我们可以很清楚地知道全段将要讲述的是仔细安排时间的方法。第一部分即文章的第一段,此段点明了全文的主题,即“Even students of average intell

29、igence can be top students without additional work.”茎剑毙锅敖搓旅刀志犁东雇猫穷策锥彬揣虐舰榔苑豢鹤胆你荆枪旭披郧伊大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourSQuestions for consideration and discussion J Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks & 本文的句子都比较短,只有极少的句子超过两行,这与文章简明的结构非常相称。 第三部分即文章的最后一段,这一段是结束段(concluding paragraph),作者对全文进行了简单归纳,并用最后一句“Improving your study habits will improve your grades”与第一段相响应,再次突出了全文的主题捡拓害穗着介服栋孝她岛印伙亨擅础胖允青姬垮旺遂岔嗣遏挑伐皱忌稀钝大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS不想走了! 还要看?涣观叉乾疼侨批轿嗡赘付惠倔吗爵号偏柿剖旺违法婚芒李柿棒困辟撼虹皖大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS大学语一册UnitoneHowtoimproveYourS



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