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1、沪教版小学英语(三起)六年级下册沪教版小学英语(三起)六年级下册Module 2Unit 5Lesson 1Warming Do you want to make presents for your families and friends? What do you want to make? What do you need? Presentation Whatre these? They are crafts. Presentation What is this? Its a crown. Discussion We want to make a crown, what do we nee

2、d? Presentation We need a pair of scissors. Presentation We need some tape. Presentation We need some glue.Im making a toy plane for my brother. He likes playing with toy planes. What are you making, Peter? Listen and say Who is it for? I want to make a crown. I need a pair of scissors. Listen and s

3、ay Its for my little cousin. She wants to be a princess.Listen and say Ms Guo: What are you making, Joe and Alice?Joe Alice : We are making a model house. Its for Kitty. Her birthday is coming. We dont have any tape. Can you give us some, please?Ms Guo: Sure! ExerciseWhat do the children want to mak

4、e? What do they need? Complete the notes.1.Jill wants to make a crown for her _. She needs _.2.Peter wants to make a _ for his _.3.Joe and Alice want to make a _ for _. They need _.cousintoy planea pair of scissors.brothermodel houseKitty some tapeWork in pairs What do you want to make? What do you

5、need?Summary本课重点句型:本课重点句型:What do you want to make? I want to make a crown. What do you need?I need a pair of scissors.Homework.用英语询问同学、朋友、家长等,完成这个用英语询问同学、朋友、家长等,完成这个survey。填写表格。填写表格。namecraftfor whomneedThe End深圳牛津英语同步微课观看指南:一至六年级语数英全覆盖,下学期微课2018年2月份上线。深圳一线英语教师哪里可以找到和新教材配合的微课呢?在这里推荐“预课”APP,里面有“深圳版”的英语微课免费观看。手机下载就可以免费看所有的微课视频。使用Ipad下载的用户可以搜索Iphone的手机应用就可以搜索到相关资源。扫码马上下载免费微课,注册时可以不填写“邀请码”:预习功课,上免费预习功课,上免费 “ “预课预课”



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