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3、双元音:合口双元音:/ei/,/u/,/ai/,/au/,/ i/b.集中双元音:集中双元音:/i/,/,/u/单元音的分类单元音的分类双元音的分类双元音的分类a.爆破音爆破音/p/,/b/,/t,/d/,/k/,/b.摩擦音摩擦音/f/,/v/,/,/,/s/,/z/,/,/,/h/,/r/c.破擦音破擦音/t/,/d/,/tr/,/dr/,/ts/,/dz/d.鼻音鼻音/m/,/n/,/e.旁流音(舌侧音)旁流音(舌侧音)/l/f.半元音半元音/w/,/j/英语辅音英语辅音(Englishconsonants)(共共28个)个)前元音/i:/ /i:/ feelfeelheat heat

4、热热leap leap 跳跳/ / /badbadlandlandDadDadmapmaphathat/i/ /i/ fillfillhithitlip lip 嘴唇嘴唇/e/e/bedbedlendlenddeaddeadmetmetheadhead前元音练习bee billbee billdeep digdeep digtask testtask testGive me a beefsteak, peas ,and beer, please.Give me a beefsteak, peas ,and beer, please.Catch that mad black catBetter

5、late than never.(迟做总比不做好)Better to do well than to say well .(口说不如实干)A friend in need is a friend indeedA friend in need is a friend indeed(患难之交才是真(患难之交才是真朋友)朋友)后元音/ :/ :/ allallfallfallhallhall/u:/u:/goose goose 鹅鹅foodfoodloose loose 松的松的/ :/ :/calmcalm/ / / / bossbossfoxfoxhot hot /u/u/goodgoodfoo

6、tfootlooklook/comecomeA large army marched past the farmyardA large army marched past the farmyardIts hard to see any stars in the dark skyIts hard to see any stars in the dark skyThe clock is stopped , its not longThe clock is stopped , its not longLost time is never found againLost time is never f

7、ound againWho said the soup was too cool? Who said the soup was too cool? As a rule , the skies are blue in June As a rule , the skies are blue in June He looks like a good cookHe looks like a good cook I took my book and looked at it as long as I took my book and looked at it as long as I couldI co

8、uld中元音/ : / / /earthearthsearchsearchbirdbirdchurchchurchanotheranotherorderordermethodmethoddoctordoctorMy younger brother is a doctorGive me some butter and sugarWe will have a get-together after supper 双元音/ei/ /e/ agelatepainfailedgeedgeletletpenpenfillfill 双元音/ai/ /i/bikebikeminemineheightheight

9、boy boy coincoinnoisenoisevoicevoice 双元音 / u/ /au/coalcoalposeposeloan loan 贷款贷款bowl bowl 碗碗doubtdoubtfoundfoundnounnoun 爆破辅音/p/p/peapea/t/t/teartear/k/k/classclass/b/b/beebee/d/d/deardear/g/g/glassglassGood, better, best, 循序渐进Never let it rest, 永不停止Until good is better, 好上加好And better best , 精益求精 摩

10、擦辅音 /f/ /v/fastfastfewfewleafleafproofproofsafesafesurfsurfvast vast 巨大的巨大的 viewviewleaveleaveproveprovesavesaveserveserveHe works hard as if he never knew fatigue.It is very difficult for us to finish it before five. 摩擦辅音/s/ /z/busbusiceicelooselooseraceraceusedusedbuzz buzz 蜂音蜂音eyeseyesloseloserai

11、seraiseusedused 摩擦辅音 / / / /thankthankthemethemethickthickbathbathbreathbreathclothcloththanthanthesethesethisthisbathebathebreathebreatheclotheclothe / / /s/thinthinthingthingfaithfaithmouthmouth/ / / /breathebreatheclotheclotheseethe seethe 沸腾沸腾sinsinsingsingfacefacemousemouse/z/z/breeze breeze 微风

12、微风closecloseseizeseize / / /t/thankthankthoughtthought/ / / /theretheretheytheythosethose/ / / /threethreetanktanktaughttaught/d/d/daredaredaydaydoze doze 打瞌睡打瞌睡 /f/f/freefreeA thousand thanks.Cathy has three brothers.Mr. Smith talked about this, that and the other.There is something.They have been

13、there for more than three months. 摩擦辅音/ / / /cashcashfishfishshipshipshoeshoeleisure leisure 闲暇闲暇measure measure 测量测量pleasurepleasurevision vision 视觉视觉Measure for measure.以牙还牙She sells sea shells on the seashore.她在海边捡贝壳。 摩擦辅音 /h/h/hardhardhehehousehousewhowhohihihellohello/r/r/redredroadroadwritewri

14、tewrongwrong破擦辅音 /ts/ /dz/carts carts ratesratesSeatsSeats/ t/ t/ /cheepcheepchoke choke 闷塞闷塞larch larch 落叶松落叶松richrichcardscardsraidsraidsSeedsSeeds/ /dd / /jeepjeepjokejokelargelargeridge ridge 脊脊破擦辅音/tr/ /dr/tracktracktreetreetrucktrucktrytrydragdragdreamdreamdrugdrugdrydryNever trouble trouble t

15、ill trouble troubles you.麻烦不找你,就别自找麻烦。鼻辅音/m/ /n/ / /dim 朦胧的 din 喧闹 ding 唠叨seem seen seeing sum sun sung whim 怪想 win wing舌边辅音/l/l/ /n/ /r/lead need readlight night right半元音/w/ /j/warm youngwell yardwhile yieldwhere there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。you still look young, year after year.一年一年过去了,你看起来还那么年轻。



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