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1、&如何与客户开会2003 Junior People Intensive Training2003年10月31日1&如何开会?2&如何在工作上, 与你想要服务的人, 做有效率的沟通- 如何让他们又幸福快乐, 又尊敬你 3&什么人你要去服务?n n你喜欢的人n n你在意的人n n付钱的人n n会加你工资, 提拔你的人n n你想使他工作更顺利的人n n他/她不顺, 你就不顺的人4&什么叫服务?5&非常, 非常地善解人意n n彻底了解他的需要n n彻底了解他的困难n n彻底了解他的问题6&想出非常, 非常聪明的办法n n满足他的需要n n排除他的困难n n解决他的问题7&非常, 非常地心甘情愿n n

2、服务, 是这个行业的本质n n服务, 是所有商业工作的本质n n服务人的能力, 是你最大的本钱n n服务人者, 人恒服务之8&如何有效率地沟通?9&预先思考, 事前准备n n我的目的是什么我的目的是什么? ?l l我想要了解什么我想要了解什么? ?l l我想要告知什么我想要告知什么? ?l l我想要讨论什么我想要讨论什么? ?l l我希望对方采取什么行动我希望对方采取什么行动? ?n n对方的目的是什么对方的目的是什么? ?n n在什么时间在什么时间, , 什么地方什么地方, , 用什么方式用什么方式? ? n n预先思考一遍全部的过程预先思考一遍全部的过程l l我想要表达什么我想要表达什么,

3、 , 怎么说怎么说? ?l l别人会想要说什么别人会想要说什么? ? 他对于我的说法他对于我的说法, , 会怎么反应会怎么反应? ? n 把所有可能会用到的东西都准备好10&装出精明干练的样子n n穿西装, 打领带n n眼神锐利, 神情沉稳n n注意倾听, 反应灵敏n n说话节奏快, 有重点11&事后总结n n结论是什么?n nNext Step是什么?l l谁谁? ?l l什么时间以前什么时间以前? ?l l做什么事情做什么事情? ?12&能不能更明确一些?Can We KISS?13&AE与客户开会, 具体必须做些什么?1998 Junior People Intensive Traini

4、ng1998年10月31日14&AE不一定是主持人或发言人,却是客户会议的负责人负责人这一行里所有的主角, 都是从制片干起的 15&会议前n n约定时间地点约定时间地点, , 并通知所有与会人员并通知所有与会人员n n了解所有事情的最新状况了解所有事情的最新状况n n与相关人员讨论后与相关人员讨论后, , 尽早撰写并发送会议议尽早撰写并发送会议议程程(Meeting Agenda)(Meeting Agenda)n n安排场地与设备安排场地与设备n n准备文具与茶水准备文具与茶水n n确保所有人准时参加确保所有人准时参加, , 延迟时及时通知延迟时及时通知n n设想各种可能的状况设想各种可能的

5、状况设想各种可能的状况设想各种可能的状况, , 准备会议中所有可能准备会议中所有可能准备会议中所有可能准备会议中所有可能用到的东西用到的东西用到的东西用到的东西16&会议中n n记笔记n n眼观四面, 耳听八方, 对所有人的需要, 做出快速反应n n精神上的积极参与n n没有相当把握, 决不轻易发言n n仪态端庄, 神情专注n n频频点头17&会议后n n收拾会议室n n回想整个会议的过程, 并总结经验n n24小时内撰写并发送会议纪录n nNext Step的跟催18&现在, 准备好上战场了吗?19&别, 傻 X才上战场20&如何在工作上, 与你想要服务的人, 做有效率的沟通- 如何让他们又

6、幸福快乐, 又尊敬你 21&关于人性22&创造双赢的几个要领n n深入挖掘客户的问题深入挖掘客户的问题, , 然后想出更好的办法然后想出更好的办法来解决来解决l l如果想不出来如果想不出来, , 就接受客户的解决方案就接受客户的解决方案n n让客户觉得好主意是他们自己想出来的让客户觉得好主意是他们自己想出来的n n让客户觉得异常地受到尊重让客户觉得异常地受到尊重n n让客户觉得我们的提议让客户觉得我们的提议, , 是经由专业团队的是经由专业团队的深思熟虑而产生的深思熟虑而产生的n n尽可能为自己尽可能为自己, , 为团队留下回旋余地为团队留下回旋余地n n诚恳诚恳, , 诚恳诚恳, , 非常的

7、诚恳非常的诚恳23&问题?24&谢谢25&26&nIn the beginning was the ideanIdea 是一切的起源27&Our Simple Selling Model一厢情愿的贩卖模式Sell hardSell hard努力卖!To a deeplyTo a deeplygrateful clientgrateful client给一个非常给一个非常给一个非常给一个非常激赏你的客户激赏你的客户激赏你的客户激赏你的客户28&The Frequent Result 常有的结果The ClientThe Clientsavagessavages客户客户客户客户 杀人鲸杀人鲸杀人鲸

8、杀人鲸 Us and Us and the ideathe idea撕裂我们撕裂我们撕裂我们撕裂我们和和和和ideaidea29&n nSimplisticn n简易n nand n n但n nRiskyn n高风险n nModelAct行动行动Sell贩卖贩卖30&Selling31&Selling32&If the idea isnt bought, we have all wasted our time如果idea没卖掉, 我们都浪费了时间n nIS WEL2 - 7/9633&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentP

9、reparePreparePlanPlan34&FOUR BASIC QUESTIONSn nWhat question are we addressing?n nWhat is our main message in answer to the question?n nWhat are we trying to do?n nInform?n nPersuade?n nReassure?n nInspire?n nEntertain?n nWhat do we want the target audience to do as a result?35&ActActAdoptAdoptPrese

10、ntPresentPreparePreparePlanPlanStructureStructurethe the communicationcommunicationDefine theDefine thetarget audiencetarget audienceDetermine the objectivesDetermine the objectives36&What are we trying to do?n n*Give information*Gain agreementn n*Obtain information *Spur actionn n*Build understandi

11、ng* Neutralise resistanceInformPersuadeNew New InformationInformationNew Information orNew Information orRearrange Old InformationRearrange Old Information37&HAVE WE DEFINED OURTARGET AUDIENCE?StructureStructurethe the communicationcommunicationDefine theDefine thetarget audiencetarget audienceDeter

12、mine the objectivesDetermine the objectives38&n n*Decision makerwill need less detailn n*Opinion leadern n*Implementorswill need more detailn n*Expertsn n*Second guesserwill need a harder selln n(of decision makers view) and the offer of support.What is their role?39&What frame of mind are they in?他

13、们的心态是什麽?Z Z Z zn n*Apatheticn n冷漠40&Z Z Z z* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠41&Z Z Z z* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠42&Z Z Z z* *Critically Critically InterestedInterested非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticate

14、d老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠43&What frame of mind?* *EnthusiasticEnthusiastic热心的热心的热心的热心的Z Z Z z* *Critically Critically InterestedInterested非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠44&Apathetics 冷漠型n nWHY?为何?n nPoisoned by previous presentations

15、n n被以前的经验毒害了!n nSaturated on the subjectn n对这个话题已听得不想再听n nPoor physical environmentn n身体状况很差Psychologically dead Psychologically dead to your idea. to your idea. 心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法Z Z Z z45&What you have to do你得怎麽做n n引起兴趣,保持他们的热情.n n打动他们的心.n n快点进入正题n n把过程戏剧化,视觉化n n让他们要采取的行动容易些Z

16、 Z Z z46&Sophisticates 老练型n nWHY?为何?n nSeen it before 以前看过n nNon-expert to expert 非专家做专家提案n nSubordinate to superior 下对上n nPeer to peer 平辈间Know it all already (and more)Know it all already (and more)这些早就知道了这些早就知道了这些早就知道了这些早就知道了47&What you have to do你得怎麽做n n让他们用全新的角度看待你,及你的idea.n n让他们了解你的专业程度.n n尽量做到

17、最好n n如您知道的n n引用权威的话48&Hostiles 敌意型n nWHY? 为何?n n觉得被威胁n n对你评价不高或对你的出身有质疑n n怀疑你的动机n n文化的阻隔Opposes either you or your ideaOpposes either you or your idea反对你或你的反对你或你的反对你或你的反对你或你的ideaidea49&What you have to do你得怎麽办?n n找出他们对你有敌意的原因n n显示你了解他们的处境n n建立共通的关注焦点n n举例n n保持冷静-你一动思他们就会杀了你n n不要期望事情太快有变化50&Criticall

18、y interestedsn nWHY?为何?n n专业对专业n n理性导向n n期望你证明你的说法Willing to accept ideas based on fact Willing to accept ideas based on fact and sound reasoningand sound reasoning愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好ideaidea51&What you have to do你得怎麽办n nShow benefits 呈现利益点n nCover all op

19、tions objectively 中立n nPresent factually & non emotionally 事实而非情感52&Enthusiasts 热情派n nWHY? 为何?n nAlready sold and motivated n nIdea已被接受n nAccept you and your messagen n你说的都算Have faith alreadyHave faith already已有信心已有信心已有信心已有信心53&What you have to do你得怎麽做n nReinforce their beliefs 增强信心n nGo light on pu

20、re information and proofs n n淡淡的卖,呈现证据n nGo heavy on colour and emotion 色彩和情感54&Exercise: Paperclip55&ONE CORE IDEAOUR MAIN MESSAGEMany different possibleMany different possibleelements data, background,elements data, background,experiences ideas,experiences ideas,structures, insightsstructures, ins

21、ightssupports, etc.supports, etc.56&THECOREIDEASupport ideas thatSupport ideas thatcan expand or defend thecan expand or defend theCore Idea in ever greater detailCore Idea in ever greater detail57&REPORT / INFORM FORMATn nSubjectn nBackgroundn nInformation index (what Im going to tell you)n nInform

22、ationn nRecap / Summarise (what Ive told you)n nMeaning / action what I want you to do or understand as a result58&Report / Inform ExampleSubjectSubjectUnderstanding Consumers in Asia PacificUnderstanding Consumers in Asia PacificBackgroundBackgroundNew Young Adult study pilot in Singapore, Hong Kon

23、g & New Young Adult study pilot in Singapore, Hong Kong & Kuala LumpurKuala LumpurInformationInformationIndexIndexEmergence of a much greater degree of tension since last Emergence of a much greater degree of tension since last studystudyInformationInformationIndependenceIndependenceEngagementEngage

24、mentIndividualismIndividualismCommunalismCommunalismOptimismOptimismFrustrationFrustrationSelf-DeterminationSelf-DeterminationFatalismFatalismGlobal outlookGlobal outlookLocal prideLocal prideRecapRecapHow these greater degrees of tension resolve themselves How these greater degrees of tension resol

25、ve themselves will influence how the young respond to brandswill influence how the young respond to brandsMeaningMeaningWe need to monitor this carefullyWe need to monitor this carefully59&Persuasion: Problem FormatProblemProblemNegativeNegativeConditionsConditionsEvidenceEvidenceSummarySummaryIdea

26、andIdea andActionAction60&Persuasion: Problem FormatProblemProblemNegativeNegativeConditionsConditionsEvidenceEvidenceSummarySummaryIdea andIdea andActionActionBrand sales droppingBrand sales dropping* * Losing distributionLosing distribution* * Losing marginLosing margin* * Losing ground in eyes of

27、 consumerLosing ground in eyes of consumer* * _* * _* * _Must do something about itMust do something about itRelaunchRelaunch- -New packagingNew packaging- -NewNew flavours flavours- -New advertisingNew advertising61&Persuasion: Idea FormatProblemProblemOpportunityOpportunitySummarySummaryIdeaIdeaPo

28、sitivePositiveResultsResultsSummarySummaryActionActionEvidenceEvidence62&HOW PERSUASIVE ARE YOU?EXERCISE63&Brand has lost its way recently, but we canBrand has lost its way recently, but we canturn it around quicklyturn it around quicklyRelaunchRelaunch - new packaging, - new packaging, newnew flavo

29、urs flavours, new advertising, new advertising* * Regain distributionRegain distribution* * Leapfrog competitionLeapfrog competition* * Preferred brand with consumersPreferred brand with consumers* * Increase price and marginIncrease price and margin* * _* * _* * _Lets do thisLets do thisNext stepsN

30、ext stepsWHO, WHAT, WHENWHO, WHAT, WHENPersuasion: Idea FormatProblemProblemOpportunityOpportunitySummarySummaryIdeaIdeaPositivePositiveResultsResultsSummarySummaryActionActionEvidenceEvidence64&Five Kinds of Evidencen nPersonal experience n n n nAnalogy n n n nJudgement of expert (Quotes)n nExample

31、 n n n nStatistics / Facts 65&Five Kinds of Evidencen nPersonal experiencen nTalk first person. Relive. Act out. Most interesting and unique evidence. Gives emotional dimension.n nAnalogyn nCompares dissimilar things using like or as. Allows you to exaggerate a point without offending the intelligen

32、ce of your audience.n nJudgement of expert (Quotes)n nWhich listeners will recognise as an authority . If they dont know, credentialise the expert before your quote.n nExamplen nSpecific. Where key factors are similar (eg, overseas market).n nStatistics / Factsn nWhat we usually think of as evidence

33、. Visualise statistics if you can.66&Slow Build to a Grand FinaleIntroIntroT T 67&BackgroundBackgroundT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale68&StrategyStrategyT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale69&RationaleRationaleT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale70&IdeaIdeaT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale71&AnyAnyQuestions?

34、Questions?T T Slow Build to a Grand Finale72&Here It Is and We Are ExcitedIntroIntroT T 73&IdeaIdeaT T Here It Is and We Are Excited74&How we How we got there?got there?T T Here It Is and We Are Excited75&Why its Why its right?right?Here It Is and We Are ExcitedT T 76&Any Any Questions?Questions?Her

35、e It Is and We Are ExcitedT T 77&The Tell em Formatn nTell em what youre going to tell themn nTell emn nTell em what youve told themn nEnsures three exposures to the main message78&Planning Cycle FormatWhere arewe now?What canwe reach?Are weGetting there?How do weget there?79&Matching Your Communica

36、tion Style to Your Clients Preferred Thinking ModeVersion 1.0 5/9680&VisualsEye MovementsUp RightUp RightUp LeftUp LeftUnfocussedUnfocussedn nWordsn nSeeEnvisionReflectShown nViewWatchBrightPerceiven nPreviewPictureIllustrateSurveyn nClearHighlightPerspectiveLookn nFocus81&Eye MovementsSide RightSid

37、e RightSide LeftSide LeftDown LeftDown Leftn nWordsn nSaySpeakAskTelln nExpressInquireToneMentionn nHearStaticAccentTalkn nRingResonateSoundRemarkAuditories82&Down RightDown Rightn nWordsn nFeelImpressGrabHitn nTouchSufferHandleTacklen nRubPressureGraspKnown nAffectIntuitKinestheticsEye Movements83&

38、n nOne on Onen nMatch your style to the style of your client.n nGroupn nMake sure that you cover all styles in the group. If you dont some will feel excluded.How to Develop Trust84&Exercise: Paperclips Revisited85&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan86&nYou ca

39、n never bore someone into buying your idea87&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan88&AcceptUnderstandListen89&People are More Likely to Listen to Someone who:n nThey respect and trust.n nIs enthusiastic. Believes in the idea.n nGiven them an idea they value.n n

40、Speaks in a language they understand.n nMakes them feel comfortable.n nDresses and behaves in a way that is generally in keeping with their expectations.n nPresents in a lively way.n nKnows when to stop.90&n nIs clearly organisedn nShows the idea clearlyn nExplains and interprets itn nEmphasises key

41、 and difficult pointsn nBrings the points to lifen nEncourages and responds to questionsListeners are more Likely to Listen to a Presentation that:91&Active ListeningVersion 1.1 5/9692&n nSend reinforcementsn nwere going to advanceSend three and Send three and four pence were four pence were going t

42、o a dancegoing to a danceConfusion93&Loss of detailLoss of detailSubstitutionSubstitutionFiltersFiltersMisinterpretationMisinterpretationAddAdditionitionORIGINALORIGINALLISTENING DISTORTIONLISTENING DISTORTIONRECEIVEDRECEIVEDDistortion94&n nActive ListeningTracking wordsTracking wordsDrifting in Dri

43、fting in and outand outTHE KEY IS TO LISTENTHE KEY IS TO LISTENAPPROPRIATELYAPPROPRIATELYLevel of Listening95& Hearing with half an ear Giving into day dreams and fantasies Exploring tangents Zapping Essentially passiveDrifting in & out96& Appearing to pay attention and listen intently Hearing words

44、 but not making the effort to understand the speakers intent Really only slightly concentrating Making a bit of an effort The yes dear syndromeTracking words97& Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being saidn n- Noti

45、ngn n- Checking backn n- Physical signalsn n- Eye contactActive Listening98&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTime99&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTimeX X100&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTimeX XX XBlue DressBlue Dress101&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevel

46、TimeTimeX XX XX XX XX XX XThe Rehearsal CurveBlue DressBlue Dress102& Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being saidn n- Notingn n- Checking backn n- Physical signalsn n- Eye contactActive Listening103&X XX XX XX XX

47、XX XN NN NN NN NN NDefeating the Rehearsal Curve104&n nThe work youve just sold deserves the highest level of listening.n nListen actively and non-judgementally to your clients response. n nForce yourself to take notes of key points and then return quickly.n nAvoid surfing the rehearsal curve.Listen

48、ing: Summary105&n nThey judge that the presenter really cares about their businessn nThe idea seems right because of the support offeredn nMajor concerns have been satisfactorily addressedn nTheir input has been incorporated in some way into the ideaPeople Are More Likely to Accept Ideas when:106&n

49、nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan107&n nThey are asked to act on itn nThe action required is not too much troublen nThey have previous positive experience with the originator of the idean nIt meets their needs better than other optionsn nThe benefits to them

50、outweigh the risksn nThey will be part of the implementation processPeople Are More Likely to Act on an Ideas when:108&What we bringWhat we bringWhat is What is expectedexpectedPreparing the way109&What we bringWhat we bringWhat is What is expectedexpectedFind ways toFind ways toreframereframeexpect

51、ationsexpectationsFind ways toFind ways topresellpresell the idea the ideaPreparing the way110&QuestionsQuestionsWhat we bringWhat we bringConcernsConcernsNeed forNeed forreassurancereassuranceQueriesQueriesPreparing the way111& AnticipateAnticipate Think throughThink through PreparePrepareMost are

52、highlyMost are highlypredictablepredictableQuestionsQuestionsWhat we bringWhat we bringConcernsConcernsNeed forNeed forreassurancereassuranceQueriesQueriesPreparing the way112&n nKnow who they aren nKnow what we want from themn nHave decided our core idea and supportsn nHave worked out how to prepar

53、e the wayn THEN WE ARE PREPARED TO GO OUT AND FIGHT THE REAL ENEMYOnce we.113&nOurselves114&n nThe frame of Buyingn nImpeccable logicn nEnergy & enthusiasmn nBe YourselfActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan115&nKnow when to stop116&117&nIn the beginning was the ideanIdea 是一切的起源118&Our

54、 Simple Selling Model一厢情愿的贩卖模式Sell hardSell hard努力卖!To a deeplyTo a deeplygrateful clientgrateful client给一个非常给一个非常给一个非常给一个非常激赏你的客户激赏你的客户激赏你的客户激赏你的客户119&The Frequent Result 常有的结果The ClientThe Clientsavagessavages客户客户客户客户 杀人鲸杀人鲸杀人鲸杀人鲸 Us and Us and the ideathe idea撕裂我们撕裂我们撕裂我们撕裂我们和和和和ideaidea120&n nSi

55、mplisticn n简易n nand n n但n nRiskyn n高风险n nModelAct行动行动Sell贩卖贩卖121&Selling122&Selling123&If the idea isnt bought, we have all wasted our time如果idea没卖掉, 我们都浪费了时间n nIS WEL2 - 7/96124&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan125&FOUR BASIC QUESTIONSn nWhat question are

56、we addressing?n nWhat is our main message in answer to the question?n nWhat are we trying to do?n nInform?n nPersuade?n nReassure?n nInspire?n nEntertain?n nWhat do we want the target audience to do as a result?126&ActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlanStructureStructurethe the communi

57、cationcommunicationDefine theDefine thetarget audiencetarget audienceDetermine the objectivesDetermine the objectives127&What are we trying to do?n n*Give information*Gain agreementn n*Obtain information *Spur actionn n*Build understanding* Neutralise resistanceInformPersuadeNew New InformationInfor

58、mationNew Information orNew Information orRearrange Old InformationRearrange Old Information128&HAVE WE DEFINED OURTARGET AUDIENCE?StructureStructurethe the communicationcommunicationDefine theDefine thetarget audiencetarget audienceDetermine the objectivesDetermine the objectives129&n n*Decision ma

59、kerwill need less detailn n*Opinion leadern n*Implementorswill need more detailn n*Expertsn n*Second guesserwill need a harder selln n(of decision makers view) and the offer of support.What is their role?130&What frame of mind are they in?他们的心态是什麽?Z Z Z zn n*Apatheticn n冷漠131&Z Z Z z* *Sophisticated

60、Sophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠132&Z Z Z z* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠133&Z Z Z z* *Critically Critically InterestedInterested非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠134&What frame of mind?* *

61、EnthusiasticEnthusiastic热心的热心的热心的热心的Z Z Z z* *Critically Critically InterestedInterested非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣非常有兴趣* Hostile敌意敌意* *SophisticatedSophisticated老练的老练的老练的老练的n n*Apatheticn n冷漠135&Apathetics 冷漠型n nWHY?为何?n nPoisoned by previous presentationsn n被以前的经验毒害了!n nSaturated on the subjectn n对这个话题已听得不想再听

62、n nPoor physical environmentn n身体状况很差Psychologically dead Psychologically dead to your idea. to your idea. 心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法心理上不接受你的想法Z Z Z z136&What you have to do你得怎麽做n n引起兴趣,保持他们的热情.n n打动他们的心.n n快点进入正题n n把过程戏剧化,视觉化n n让他们要采取的行动容易些Z Z Z z137&Sophisticates 老练型n nWHY?为何?n nSeen it before

63、 以前看过n nNon-expert to expert 非专家做专家提案n nSubordinate to superior 下对上n nPeer to peer 平辈间Know it all already (and more)Know it all already (and more)这些早就知道了这些早就知道了这些早就知道了这些早就知道了138&What you have to do你得怎麽做n n让他们用全新的角度看待你,及你的idea.n n让他们了解你的专业程度.n n尽量做到最好n n如您知道的n n引用权威的话139&Hostiles 敌意型n nWHY? 为何?n n觉得被

64、威胁n n对你评价不高或对你的出身有质疑n n怀疑你的动机n n文化的阻隔Opposes either you or your ideaOpposes either you or your idea反对你或你的反对你或你的反对你或你的反对你或你的ideaidea140&What you have to do你得怎麽办?n n找出他们对你有敌意的原因n n显示你了解他们的处境n n建立共通的关注焦点n n举例n n保持冷静-你一动思他们就会杀了你n n不要期望事情太快有变化141&Critically interestedsn nWHY?为何?n n专业对专业n n理性导向n n期望你证明你的说

65、法Willing to accept ideas based on fact Willing to accept ideas based on fact and sound reasoningand sound reasoning愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好愿意接受基於事实和理性辩证下的好ideaidea142&What you have to do你得怎麽办n nShow benefits 呈现利益点n nCover all options objectively 中立n nPresent factually & non e

66、motionally 事实而非情感143&Enthusiasts 热情派n nWHY? 为何?n nAlready sold and motivated n nIdea已被接受n nAccept you and your messagen n你说的都算Have faith alreadyHave faith already已有信心已有信心已有信心已有信心144&What you have to do你得怎麽做n nReinforce their beliefs 增强信心n nGo light on pure information and proofs n n淡淡的卖,呈现证据n nGo he

67、avy on colour and emotion 色彩和情感145&Exercise: Paperclip146&ONE CORE IDEAOUR MAIN MESSAGEMany different possibleMany different possibleelements data, background,elements data, background,experiences ideas,experiences ideas,structures, insightsstructures, insightssupports, etc.supports, etc.147&THECORE

68、IDEASupport ideas thatSupport ideas thatcan expand or defend thecan expand or defend theCore Idea in ever greater detailCore Idea in ever greater detail148&REPORT / INFORM FORMATn nSubjectn nBackgroundn nInformation index (what Im going to tell you)n nInformationn nRecap / Summarise (what Ive told y

69、ou)n nMeaning / action what I want you to do or understand as a result149&Report / Inform ExampleSubjectSubjectUnderstanding Consumers in Asia PacificUnderstanding Consumers in Asia PacificBackgroundBackgroundNew Young Adult study pilot in Singapore, Hong Kong & New Young Adult study pilot in Singap

70、ore, Hong Kong & Kuala LumpurKuala LumpurInformationInformationIndexIndexEmergence of a much greater degree of tension since last Emergence of a much greater degree of tension since last studystudyInformationInformationIndependenceIndependenceEngagementEngagementIndividualismIndividualismCommunalism

71、CommunalismOptimismOptimismFrustrationFrustrationSelf-DeterminationSelf-DeterminationFatalismFatalismGlobal outlookGlobal outlookLocal prideLocal prideRecapRecapHow these greater degrees of tension resolve themselves How these greater degrees of tension resolve themselves will influence how the youn

72、g respond to brandswill influence how the young respond to brandsMeaningMeaningWe need to monitor this carefullyWe need to monitor this carefully150&Persuasion: Problem FormatProblemProblemNegativeNegativeConditionsConditionsEvidenceEvidenceSummarySummaryIdea andIdea andActionAction151&Persuasion: P

73、roblem FormatProblemProblemNegativeNegativeConditionsConditionsEvidenceEvidenceSummarySummaryIdea andIdea andActionActionBrand sales droppingBrand sales dropping* * Losing distributionLosing distribution* * Losing marginLosing margin* * Losing ground in eyes of consumerLosing ground in eyes of consu

74、mer* * _* * _* * _Must do something about itMust do something about itRelaunchRelaunch- -New packagingNew packaging- -NewNew flavours flavours- -New advertisingNew advertising152&Persuasion: Idea FormatProblemProblemOpportunityOpportunitySummarySummaryIdeaIdeaPositivePositiveResultsResultsSummarySum

75、maryActionActionEvidenceEvidence153&HOW PERSUASIVE ARE YOU?EXERCISE154&Brand has lost its way recently, but we canBrand has lost its way recently, but we canturn it around quicklyturn it around quicklyRelaunchRelaunch - new packaging, - new packaging, newnew flavours flavours, new advertising, new a

76、dvertising* * Regain distributionRegain distribution* * Leapfrog competitionLeapfrog competition* * Preferred brand with consumersPreferred brand with consumers* * Increase price and marginIncrease price and margin* * _* * _* * _Lets do thisLets do thisNext stepsNext stepsWHO, WHAT, WHENWHO, WHAT, W

77、HENPersuasion: Idea FormatProblemProblemOpportunityOpportunitySummarySummaryIdeaIdeaPositivePositiveResultsResultsSummarySummaryActionActionEvidenceEvidence155&Five Kinds of Evidencen nPersonal experience n n n nAnalogy n n n nJudgement of expert (Quotes)n nExample n n n nStatistics / Facts 156&Five

78、 Kinds of Evidencen nPersonal experiencen nTalk first person. Relive. Act out. Most interesting and unique evidence. Gives emotional dimension.n nAnalogyn nCompares dissimilar things using like or as. Allows you to exaggerate a point without offending the intelligence of your audience.n nJudgement o

79、f expert (Quotes)n nWhich listeners will recognise as an authority . If they dont know, credentialise the expert before your quote.n nExamplen nSpecific. Where key factors are similar (eg, overseas market).n nStatistics / Factsn nWhat we usually think of as evidence. Visualise statistics if you can.

80、157&Slow Build to a Grand FinaleIntroIntroT T 158&BackgroundBackgroundT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale159&StrategyStrategyT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale160&RationaleRationaleT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale161&IdeaIdeaT T Slow Build to a Grand Finale162&AnyAnyQuestions?Questions?T T Slow Build to

81、a Grand Finale163&Here It Is and We Are ExcitedIntroIntroT T 164&IdeaIdeaT T Here It Is and We Are Excited165&How we How we got there?got there?T T Here It Is and We Are Excited166&Why its Why its right?right?Here It Is and We Are ExcitedT T 167&Any Any Questions?Questions?Here It Is and We Are Exci

82、tedT T 168&The Tell em Formatn nTell em what youre going to tell themn nTell emn nTell em what youve told themn nEnsures three exposures to the main message169&Planning Cycle FormatWhere arewe now?What canwe reach?Are weGetting there?How do weget there?170&Matching Your Communication Style to Your C

83、lients Preferred Thinking ModeVersion 1.0 5/96171&VisualsEye MovementsUp RightUp RightUp LeftUp LeftUnfocussedUnfocussedn nWordsn nSeeEnvisionReflectShown nViewWatchBrightPerceiven nPreviewPictureIllustrateSurveyn nClearHighlightPerspectiveLookn nFocus172&Eye MovementsSide RightSide RightSide LeftSi

84、de LeftDown LeftDown Leftn nWordsn nSaySpeakAskTelln nExpressInquireToneMentionn nHearStaticAccentTalkn nRingResonateSoundRemarkAuditories173&Down RightDown Rightn nWordsn nFeelImpressGrabHitn nTouchSufferHandleTacklen nRubPressureGraspKnown nAffectIntuitKinestheticsEye Movements174&n nOne on Onen n

85、Match your style to the style of your client.n nGroupn nMake sure that you cover all styles in the group. If you dont some will feel excluded.How to Develop Trust175&Exercise: Paperclips Revisited176&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan177&nYou can never bore

86、someone into buying your idea178&n nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan179&AcceptUnderstandListen180&People are More Likely to Listen to Someone who:n nThey respect and trust.n nIs enthusiastic. Believes in the idea.n nGiven them an idea they value.n nSpeaks in

87、a language they understand.n nMakes them feel comfortable.n nDresses and behaves in a way that is generally in keeping with their expectations.n nPresents in a lively way.n nKnows when to stop.181&n nIs clearly organisedn nShows the idea clearlyn nExplains and interprets itn nEmphasises key and diff

88、icult pointsn nBrings the points to lifen nEncourages and responds to questionsListeners are more Likely to Listen to a Presentation that:182&Active ListeningVersion 1.1 5/96183&n nSend reinforcementsn nwere going to advanceSend three and Send three and four pence were four pence were going to a dan

89、cegoing to a danceConfusion184&Loss of detailLoss of detailSubstitutionSubstitutionFiltersFiltersMisinterpretationMisinterpretationAddAdditionitionORIGINALORIGINALLISTENING DISTORTIONLISTENING DISTORTIONRECEIVEDRECEIVEDDistortion185&n nActive ListeningTracking wordsTracking wordsDrifting in Drifting

90、 in and outand outTHE KEY IS TO LISTENTHE KEY IS TO LISTENAPPROPRIATELYAPPROPRIATELYLevel of Listening186& Hearing with half an ear Giving into day dreams and fantasies Exploring tangents Zapping Essentially passiveDrifting in & out187& Appearing to pay attention and listen intently Hearing words bu

91、t not making the effort to understand the speakers intent Really only slightly concentrating Making a bit of an effort The yes dear syndromeTracking words188& Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being saidn n- Noting

92、n n- Checking backn n- Physical signalsn n- Eye contactActive Listening189&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTime190&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTimeX X191&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevelTimeTimeX XX XBlue DressBlue Dress192&AgencyAgencyAttentionAttentionLevelLevel

93、TimeTimeX XX XX XX XX XX XThe Rehearsal CurveBlue DressBlue Dress193& Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being saidn n- Notingn n- Checking backn n- Physical signalsn n- Eye contactActive Listening194&X XX XX XX XX

94、XX XN NN NN NN NN NDefeating the Rehearsal Curve195&n nThe work youve just sold deserves the highest level of listening.n nListen actively and non-judgementally to your clients response. n nForce yourself to take notes of key points and then return quickly.n nAvoid surfing the rehearsal curve.Listen

95、ing: Summary196&n nThey judge that the presenter really cares about their businessn nThe idea seems right because of the support offeredn nMajor concerns have been satisfactorily addressedn nTheir input has been incorporated in some way into the ideaPeople Are More Likely to Accept Ideas when:197&n

96、nFive n nStepn n ModelActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan198&n nThey are asked to act on itn nThe action required is not too much troublen nThey have previous positive experience with the originator of the idean nIt meets their needs better than other optionsn nThe benefits to them

97、outweigh the risksn nThey will be part of the implementation processPeople Are More Likely to Act on an Ideas when:199&What we bringWhat we bringWhat is What is expectedexpectedPreparing the way200&What we bringWhat we bringWhat is What is expectedexpectedFind ways toFind ways toreframereframeexpect

98、ationsexpectationsFind ways toFind ways topresellpresell the idea the ideaPreparing the way201&QuestionsQuestionsWhat we bringWhat we bringConcernsConcernsNeed forNeed forreassurancereassuranceQueriesQueriesPreparing the way202& AnticipateAnticipate Think throughThink through PreparePrepareMost are

99、highlyMost are highlypredictablepredictableQuestionsQuestionsWhat we bringWhat we bringConcernsConcernsNeed forNeed forreassurancereassuranceQueriesQueriesPreparing the way203&n nKnow who they aren nKnow what we want from themn nHave decided our core idea and supportsn nHave worked out how to prepare the wayn THEN WE ARE PREPARED TO GO OUT AND FIGHT THE REAL ENEMYOnce we.204&nOurselves205&n nThe frame of Buyingn nImpeccable logicn nEnergy & enthusiasmn nBe YourselfActActAdoptAdoptPresentPresentPreparePreparePlanPlan206&nKnow when to stop207



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