八年级英语上册 Unit 4配套课件 冀教版

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1、. 短语连线:短语连线:1. cross the street A. 向左拐向左拐 2. point to the right B. 在去在去的路上的路上3. take the school bus C. 穿过街道穿过街道4. turn left D. 指向右边指向右边5. on the way to. . . E. 乘校车乘校车. 句型展示句型展示1. 不能停下来。不能停下来。 _ _ . 2. 我们要经过我最喜欢的一些商店。我们要经过我最喜欢的一些商店。We will _ _ some of my favourite shops. 答案:答案:1. No stopping 2. go/wa

2、lk past3. 不久,他们经过了一个大商店橱窗。不久,他们经过了一个大商店橱窗。Soon, they _ _ a big store window. 4. 我们不想上学迟到。我们不想上学迟到。We dont _ _ _ late for school. 答案:答案:3. walked/went past 4. want to be1. on ones way to. . . 在某人去在某人去的路上的路上 Jenny and Brian are on their way to school. 詹妮和布莱恩在上学的路上。詹妮和布莱恩在上学的路上。 On _ way _ home, Ann an

3、d Dick met their good friend Jim. A. their; to B. they; to C. their; / D. I; /【点点拨拨】选选C。on ones way to 意意为为“在在某某人人去去的的路路上上”, 其其中中ones 要要和和句句中中的的主主语语一一致致,本本题题中中的的主主语语是是Ann and Dick, 所以用所以用their。home是副词,不用介词是副词,不用介词to。 故选故选C。用用on ones way to要注意两点:要注意两点:(1)ones 要要和和主主语语保保持持一一致致,并并且且要要用用形形容容词词性性的的物物主主代代

4、词词或或名名词词所所有有格格,物物主主代代词词也也可可以以用用the代代替替,后后面面也也可可以接地点名词。以接地点名词。(2)如如果果表表示示地地点点的的名名词词是是副副词词,如如,home, here, there等,要省略等,要省略to。2. go past 经过经过 We will go past some of my favourite shops. 我们将经过一些我最喜爱的商店。我们将经过一些我最喜爱的商店。 She was playing the piano when I _ _ (经经过过) her room. (根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子)(根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子)

5、【点点拨拨】went past/by。该该句句空空缺缺的的部部分分为为谓谓语语,应应填填写写相相应应的的谓谓语语动动词词。动动词词“经经过过”,短短语语有有go past 或或go by, 句句子的时态为过去时,所以填子的时态为过去时,所以填went past/by。3. pass v. 经过经过 Soon, they pass another window. 不久他们经过了另一家窗口。不久他们经过了另一家窗口。 Please pass me a knife. (同义句同义句)Please _ a knife _ me. 【点拨【点拨】pass; to。该句中的。该句中的pass是是“传递传递

6、” 的意思。的意思。4. cross v. 横穿横穿 They look left, then right, and cross the street. 他们左右看了看后穿过了街道。他们左右看了看后穿过了街道。 选词填空选词填空across/crossIts kind of you to help the old _ the road. 【点点拨拨】cross。句句意意:“你你太太好好了了,帮帮助助老老人人过过马马路路”。cross和和across 都都表表示示“横横穿穿”,但但cross 为为动动词词,而而across为为介介词词。help sth. do sth. 帮帮助助某某人人做做某某

7、事事。故故此此空空应应用用动动词词cross。cross和和across的区别:的区别:cross作动词,在句中作谓语,作动词,在句中作谓语, 相当于相当于go across。例如:。例如:When you cross the street, look carefully. 当你过马路时,要仔细看看。当你过马路时,要仔细看看。. 选选词词填填空空(用用方方框框里里的的词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空空)(5分分钟钟,10分)分)cross past corner pass neighbourhood1. There are two brooms in the _ of his room. 2.

8、I walked _ the market, but I didnt see my mother. 答案:答案:1. corner 2. past3. Ling Ming lives here. He is my _ . 4. Dont let the kids _ the street. Its very dangerous. 5. Rememberto buy me a pencil case when you _ the store. 答案:答案:3. neighbourhood 4. cross 5. pass . 单项选择(单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. Will y

9、ou get there by _ bus? No, Ill take _ taxi. A. a; the B. /; a C. a; / D. the; a( )2. I dropped a set of keys _ my way to school. A. at B. in C. on D. by( )3. Dont _ the road, there is too much traffic on the road. A. cross B. be crossingC. across D. acrossing( )4. Please look at the sign“No _ ”. Let

10、s go quickly. A. stop B. stops C. stopping D. to stop( )5. He is standing _ the corner of the street. A. at B. of C. for D. with. 选词配图选词配图a cartoon movie a Chinese restaurant play footballa bookstore 答案:答案:1. play football 2. a Chinese restaurant3. a bookstore 4. a cartoon movie. 句型展示句型展示1. 我需要一个大公园

11、来踢足球。我需要一个大公园来踢足球。I _ a big park _ _ football. 2. 这儿是一个音像店。这儿是一个音像店。_ _ _ a video store. 答案:答案:1. need; to play 2. Over here is3. 当李明来参观的时候我可以带他去那里。当李明来参观的时候我可以带他去那里。I can _ Li Ming there when he _ to visit! 4. 我要买很多书。我要买很多书。I will buy _ _ _ books. I will buy _ _ books. 答案:答案:3. take; comes 4. a lot

12、 of; lots of1. Over here is a video store. 这里是一家音像店。这里是一家音像店。 这这是是一一个个倒倒装装句句。英英语语句句子子基基本本语语序序是是主主语语在在前前,谓谓语语在在后后,但但是是为为了了强强调调或或出出于于修修辞辞的的考考虑虑,把把句句子子的的谓谓语提到主语前面,这样的句子就是倒装句。语提到主语前面,这样的句子就是倒装句。 A black dog is over here. =_ _ _ a black dog. 【点点拨拨】Over here is。over here的的反反义义词词组组是是over there。副副词词here, th

13、ere, in, out位位于于句句首首表表示示强强调调时时,通通常常需需要要倒倒装装。若若主主语语是是名名词词,需需用用完完全全倒倒装装。如如:Here comes the bus. 公公共共汽汽车车来来了了。当当主主语语是是代代词词时时,需需要要部部分分倒倒装装。如如:Out he went. 他出去了。他出去了。2. . . . soccer makes me thirsty! 足球让我口渴。足球让我口渴。 makes me thirsty是是“make +宾宾语语+形形容容词词”结结构构。如:如:The movie made her sad. 那部电影使她伤心。那部电影使她伤心。 Th

14、e boss makes us _ over fifteen hours. A. to work B. work C. worked D. working【点点拨拨】选选B。“make sb. do sth. ” 意意为为“让让/使使某某人人做做某某事事”是是省省略略了了to的的不不定定式式,属属于于“ make+ 宾宾语语+ 宾宾补补”结结构构。作作宾宾语语补补足足语语的的有有:省省略略to的的不不定定式式、名名词词、介介词词短短语语或或形形容词。容词。如如: We make him our monitor. 我们选他当班长。我们选他当班长。3. I can take Li Ming the

15、re when he comes to visit! 李明来的时候我可以带他去那儿!李明来的时候我可以带他去那儿! when he comes to visit是是时时间间状状语语从从句句。当当从从句句用用一一般般现现在在时时表表示示时时,主主句句常常用用“情情态态动动词词+动动词词原原形形”或或一一般般将来时表示。将来时表示。 Please _ me when you _ the airport. A. call; get B. will call; will getC. will call; get D. call; will get【点点拨拨】选选A。本本题题是是when引引导导的的时时

16、间间状状语语从从句句,从从句句是是一一般般现现在在时时,主主句句是是将将来来时时。因因为为主主句句是是祈祈使使句句,应应该该用用动词原形动词原形call,实际上有将来的意思。,实际上有将来的意思。 I need a place to buy drinks. . . 我需要一个地方买饮料我需要一个地方买饮料 to buy drinks是是动动词词不不定定式式短短语语在在句句中中作作定定语语,修修饰饰前面的前面的place。 Do you have a house _ ? A. to live B. living C. to live in D. living in【点点拨拨】选选C。句句意意“你

17、你有有房房子子住住吗吗?”house后后面面的的动动词词不定式作其定语。而不定式作其定语。而live是不及物动词,故后面用介词是不及物动词,故后面用介词in。动动词词不不定定式式作作定定语语要要放放在在被被修修饰饰词词后后面面,它它与与前前面面的的被被修修饰词之间存在动宾关系、主谓关系、或修饰关系。如:饰词之间存在动宾关系、主谓关系、或修饰关系。如:I have a lot of housework to do. 我我有有许许多多家家务务活活要要做做。(动动宾关系宾关系)He is always the first person to come. 他他总总是是第第一一个个到到达达。(主谓关系主

18、谓关系). 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)customer, perfect, show, complete, cartoon1. Her dancing is really p_ . 2. In my bookstore, Sally is one of my regular c_ . 3. You cant go out if you dont _ your homework. 答案:答案:1. perfect 2. customers 3. complete4. Do you like watching sports s_ ? 5.

19、My brother likes _ movies best. 答案:答案:4. shows 5. cartoon. 单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. I _ to you when I miss you. A. write B. am writingC. will write D. wrote( )2. Over there _ . A. a schoolbag is B. is a schoolbagC. schoolbags are D. are a schoolbag( )3. What can you see? _ boys are over there. A.

20、 A lot B. Lots of C. A lots of D. Much( )4. The new clothes make the girl _ . A. happy B. happily C. to happy D. to unhappy( )5. Please pass me a cup of tea _ . A. to drink B. drink C. drinks D. drinking. 短语连线短语连线1. 写出写出 A. two pieces of paper2. 自言自语自言自语 B. get lost3. 迷路迷路 C. at the entrance of the

21、theatre4. 在电影院入口在电影院入口 D. write out5. 两张纸两张纸 E. say to oneself. 句型展示句型展示1. 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗?你能告诉我去电影院的路吗?(1)Could/Can you tell me _ _ _ the cinema? (2)Which _ _ _ _ the cinema? (3)How _ _ _ _ the cinema? 答案:答案:(1) the way to (2) is the way to (3)can I get to2. 我迷路了。我迷路了。(1)I _ _ . (2)I _ my _ . 3. 步行穿过公

22、园,你会看到许多树。步行穿过公园,你会看到许多树。_ _ the park. You will see many trees. 答案:答案:2. (1)am lost (2)lose; way 3. Walk through 1. through prep. 穿过穿过 Walk through the park. You will see many trees. 步行穿过公园,你会看到许多树。步行穿过公园,你会看到许多树。 We cant go _ the street when the traffic light is red. Its _ . A. cross; dangerous B.

23、through; dangerousC. across; dangerous D. across; danger【点点拨拨】选选C。 本本题题考考查查词词性性及及词词义义辨辨析析。cross 和和across都都表表示示“横横穿穿、穿穿过过”的的意意思思,cross是是动动词词,across是是副副词词,go后后跟跟副副词词,所所以以排排除除选选项项A;through也也表表示示“穿穿过过”的的意意思思,但但是是强强调调的的是是“从从中中间间或或空空间间穿穿过过”,而而across指指“从从表表面面穿穿过过”,由由句句意意“我我们们不不能能红红灯灯时时穿穿过过街街道道,那那样样是是危危险险的的

24、”,所所以以排排除除B;后后句句是是系系表表结结构构,应应是是形形容容词词dangerous,故选,故选C。across, through的用法区别:的用法区别:across 与与through 作作副副词词。其其中中,across 意意为为“从从表表面面穿穿过过”;through则意为则意为“从中间穿过从中间穿过”。例如:。例如:Dont go across the street when the traffic is busy. 当交通繁忙时,不要横穿马路。当交通繁忙时,不要横穿马路。The elephant cant go through the door. 大象不能穿门而入。大象不能穿

25、门而入。2. later adv. 意为意为“(特定时间)之后,以后,(特定时间)之后,以后, 后来后来”。 Five minutes later, Brian arrives at the gate of the cinema. 五分钟后,布莱恩到了电影院门口。五分钟后,布莱恩到了电影院门口。 _ , well get to a small village. A. Ten minutes later B. After ten minutes C. In ten minutes D. Before ten minutes 【点点拨拨】选选C。 句句意意“十十分分钟钟后后,我我们们将将到到达达一

26、一个个小小村村庄庄。”该该句句是是将将来来时时,“in+时时间间段段”,表表示示将将来来多多长长时时间间之之后后。故选故选C。 lost adj. 迷路的迷路的 You will be lost in the forest. 在森林里你会迷路的。在森林里你会迷路的。He cant _ _ _home. (改为同义句改为同义句)He _ _ _ home. 【点点拨拨】find the way; loses his way。在在这这儿儿lost是是动动词词lose的过去分词。的过去分词。 (1) lose v. 迷失,短语迷失,短语 lose ones way “迷路迷路”,强调动作。,强调动作

27、。(2) lost adj. 迷路的,短语迷路的,短语be/ get lost “迷路迷路”, 强调状态。强调状态。(3) lose v. “输输,失失利利”,lose a match,“输输了了比比赛赛”,反反义词义词win a match“赢了比赛赢了比赛”。. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分分)get lost, a piece of paper, turn left, wrong, say to oneself1. I took out _ , and wrote my name on it. 2. There are many cro

28、ssings, but I dont _ . 3. _ at the third turning and youll find a store. 答案:答案:1. a piece of paper 2. get lost 3. Turn left4. Linda, your answer is _ , but mine is right. 5. His grandmother is over 90 years old, she often _ . 答案:答案:4. wrong 5. says to herself. 单项选择(单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. Mrs. Green

29、 got _ when she went out of the shopping center. A. lose B. lost C. losing D. losed( )2. Look, a blind man is in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous. Lets go and help him go _ the road. A. through B. along C. across D. over( )3. I want to write a letter, please pass me two _ . A. pieces of p

30、aper B. piece of papers C. pieces of papers D. piece of paper( )4. Half an hour _ , we got to the old house. A. late B. later C. before D. after( )5. Mike and his friend are going to the _ to see the new action movie tonight. Abookshop BrestaurantCconcert DcinemaExcuse me. Can you tell me the way to

31、 the grocery store? 打扰一下,打扰一下, 你能告诉我去杂货店的路吗?你能告诉我去杂货店的路吗?(1)Excuse me. 是是一一个个固固定定用用法法,表表示示“抱抱歉歉,对对不不起起,劳劳驾,请原谅驾,请原谅”等,常用于下列场合:等,常用于下列场合:向陌生人问路时。向陌生人问路时。和别人谈话时,需要中断一下或做点别的事情时。和别人谈话时,需要中断一下或做点别的事情时。客气地请求、允许或麻烦对方时,以引起对方的注意。客气地请求、允许或麻烦对方时,以引起对方的注意。(2)Im sorry表示因过失而道歉,表示因过失而道歉, 委婉拒绝对方的请求。委婉拒绝对方的请求。(3)cou

32、ld you tell me the way to. . . 是是用用来来问问路路的的交交际际用用语。语。 Excuse me. Can you tell me _ . _ . Im new here. A. wheres the hospital; YesB. the way to the hospital; YesC. the way of the hospital; SorryD. the way to the hospital; Sorry【点点拨拨】选选D。根根据据Im new here. “我我是是新新来来的的。”可可排排除除A、B;the way to为为固固定定短短语语,意意为

33、为“去去的的路路上上”,所所以选以选D。与其功能相同的句子有:与其功能相同的句子有:Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how to get to. . . ? Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me which is the way to. . . ? Excuse me. Where is the. . . ? Excuse me. Is there a/an. . . near here? Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to the. . . ? along prep.

34、 沿着沿着 When I walk to school, I walk along the sidewalk. 当我步行去上学时,我沿着人行道行走。当我步行去上学时,我沿着人行道行走。 (1)along, 介介词词,意意为为“顺顺着着,沿沿着着道道路路,河河流流等等行行进进。有有时时可可以以与与down互互换换;常常与与动动词词walk, go, drive等等连用。连用。(2)along, 副副词词,意意为为“沿沿着着”, “向向前前,往往前前”, 常常与与动动词词walk, go, drive等连用。相当于等连用。相当于down。 我沿着街道走,右拐来到一家书店。我沿着街道走,右拐来到一家

35、书店。(补全句子补全句子)I _ _ the street, _ _ and came to a bookstore. 【点点拨拨】walked along/walked down/went up/went down; turned right。“沿沿着着走走”用用walk along/walk down/go up/go down等短语。等短语。. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分分)1. _ (not cross) the street now. 2. Be careful! A car _ (come). 3. Let the old _ (sit) d

36、own first. 答案:答案:1. Dont cross 2. is coming 3. sit4. Ten years has _ (pass), and the town changed a lot. 5. Excuse me, is there a _ (lady) near here? 答案:答案:4. passed 5. ladies(=ladies room女厕女厕). 单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. Do you know the _ the bakery? A. street B. road C. way D. way to( )2. We _ th

37、e road and came to the shop. A. walked along B. went up C. went down D. A, B and C( )3. _ . May I have your name? Yes. Im Joe. A. Im sorry B. Excuse meC. Youre busy D. Youre welcome( )4. Turn left _ crossing. A. to take B. on the C. at the D. on( )5. _ Han Mei didnt come to school _ she was ill. A.

38、Because; so B. /; soC. /; because D. So; / 句型展示句型展示1. 在加拿大,每个人都喜欢打曲棍球。在加拿大,每个人都喜欢打曲棍球。In Canada, _ _ _ hockey. 2. 热巧克力大约热巧克力大约3. 50美元。美元。Hot chocolate _ about $3. 50. 答案:答案:1. everyone likes playing 2. costs3. 我总是洗我自己的衣服。我总是洗我自己的衣服。I always wash _ _ clothes. 4. 然后我请求妈妈给我买最喜欢的食物然后我请求妈妈给我买最喜欢的食物! Then

39、 I _ my mother _ _ my favourite foods! 答案:答案:3. my own 4. ask; to buyThen I ask her to buy my favourite foods! 然后我要她给我买我最喜爱的食物!然后我要她给我买我最喜爱的食物! ask作作动动词词,意意为为“询询问问,问问;要要求求,请请求求”。常常用用的的短短语语为为ask sb. (not) to do sth. 意意为为“要要求求某某人人(不不要要)做做某事。某事。” Mom often _ me _ on the road. A. asks; to not play B. as

40、k; not to play C. tells; not to play D. tells; to not play 【点点拨拨】选选C。该该句句时时态态是是一一般般现现在在时时,主主语语是是第第三三人人称称单单数数,所所以以排排除除B。“ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. ”为为固固定定句句式式, 所所以以A选选项项不不对对, D选选项项也也不不对对,故故选选C。类类似似ask的的句句式,有式,有tell / teach/ want sb. (not) to do sth. 。. 用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分分)1. Pass

41、me some _ (sugar), please. 2. Water _ (freeze) if cold weather comes. 3. Wheres Wei Hua? He _ (sweep)the floor in his room. 答案:答案:1. sugar 2. will freeze 3. is sweeping4. The dictionary _ (cost) me ¥30. 5. Mrs. Liu asked me _ ( wash) these clothes. 答案:答案:4. cost 5. to wash. 单项选择(单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分分)( )

42、1. How much did the bike _ ? Sorry, I dont know. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take( )2. The teacher asked me _ Li Wei with English. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped( )3. Are these _ books, Danny? A. you own B. your own C. own you D. own your( )4. Jeff is clever. _ , he is lazy. A. So B. But C.

43、However D. Because( )5. He is a great _ , so he can _ a nice fish dish. A. cooker; cook B. cook; cook C. cooker; cooks D. cooker; cooker句型展示句型展示1. 那既有趣又有挑战性!那既有趣又有挑战性!Thats _ interesting _ challenging!2. 那位老太太面带笑容地离开店铺。那位老太太面带笑容地离开店铺。The old lady left the shop _ a big smile _ _ _ . 答案答案: 1. both; an

44、d 2. with; on her face3. 面包房充满着芳香的气味。面包房充满着芳香的气味。The bakery _ _ _ a delicious smell. 4. 住在这儿是不错的。住在这儿是不错的。Its nice _ _ here. 答案答案: 3. was filled with 4. to livebe filled with用用充满,装满充满,装满 The bakery was filled with a delicious smell. 面包房充满着芳香的气味。面包房充满着芳香的气味。 There are two bottles on the table. One is

45、 full _ beer while the other is filled _ water. A. of; of B. with; with C. of; with D. with; of 【点点拨拨】选选C。 本本题题考考查查两两个个表表示示“装装满满,充充满满的的”固固定定短语,短语,be filled with 和和be full of 。对比一下可知选。对比一下可知选C。 be ready to准备做准备做 Lei Feng was always ready to help others. 雷锋时刻准备去帮助别人。雷锋时刻准备去帮助别人。 The students are getti

46、ng ready _ the next months English exam. A. to B. with C. for D. on【点点拨拨】选选C。考考查查短短语语get ready for sth. “为为做做好好准准备备”。与。与“准备准备”相关的英语短语:相关的英语短语:(1)be ready to do sth. “准准备备做做某某事事”,相相当当于于get ready to do sth. 如如:He is ready to return the books. =He is getting ready to return the books. 他正准备还那些书。他正准备还那些书

47、。(2)be ready for 为为某某事事做做准准备备,后后接接名名词词或或代代词词,相相当当于于get ready for。例如:。例如:We are ready for our dinner. = We are getting ready for our dinner. 我们在为晚饭做准备。我们在为晚饭做准备。. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)a pair of pants, go for a walk, be ready to, be happy with, learn a lot about1. After dinner, o

48、ur family often _ _ _ _ . 2. My sister bought _ _ _ _ yesterday, so she didnt wear the old ones. 答案:答案:1. go for a walk 2. a pair of pants3. Li Ming _ _ _ visit his uncle today. 4. The teacher _ _ _ her last English exam. 5. Culture China is a nice show, it helps us _ _ _ _ China. 答案:答案:3. is ready

49、to 4. is happy with 5. learn a lot about. 句型转换(句型转换(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. What is her mothers job? (改为同义句改为同义句)What _ her mother _ ? 2. The boys room is full of all kinds of toys. (改为同义句改为同义句)The boys room _ _ _ all kinds of toys. 答案:答案:1. does; do 2. is filled with3. He likes reading books. He likes play

50、ing chess. (合合并并为为一句)一句)He likes _ reading books _ playing chess. 4. Were getting ready to climb Mount Tai. (改为同义句改为同义句)We _ _ _ climb Mount Tai. 答案:答案:3. both; and 4. are ready to5. Mr. Green became a doctor ten years ago. (改为同义句改为同义句)Mr. Green _ _ a doctor _ten years. 答案:答案:has been; for. 词语连线词语连线

51、1. 努力工作努力工作 A. get to know2. 患流感患流感 B. tell the truth 3. 让某人做某事让某人做某事 C. work hard4. 认识认识 D. ask sb. to do sth. 5. 说实话说实话 E. have the flu. 句型展示句型展示1. 我在学校学习一直非常努力。我在学校学习一直非常努力。Im _ _ _ at school. 2. 这一周,我逐渐了解了我的社区。这一周,我逐渐了解了我的社区。This week, I _ _ _ my neighbourhood. 答案:答案:1. working very hard 2. got

52、to know 3. 住在一个新社区并不总是容易的。住在一个新社区并不总是容易的。It isnt always easy _ _ _ a new neighbourhood. 4. 昨天昨天, 我和丹尼约好在电影院见面。我和丹尼约好在电影院见面。Yesterday, I _ _ _ _ Danny at the cinema. 5. 我将把它保存在我的背包里。我将把它保存在我的背包里。I will _ it _ _ backpack. 答案:答案:3. to live in 4. was going to meet 5. keep; in mykeep v. (kept, kept) 保留,保

53、存保留,保存 I will keep a map of the city in my backpack. 我将把一张城市地图保存在我的背包里。我将把一张城市地图保存在我的背包里。 Keep the window _ when you leave. A. open B. to open C. opened D. opens【点点拨拨】选选A。句句意意为为“当当你你离离开开时时,让让窗窗户户敞敞开开。“ keep sth. /sb. + adj. 让让某某物物/某某人人保保持持某某种种状状态态”。open既既是是动词又是形容词,在这儿作形容词。动词又是形容词,在这儿作形容词。 work hard

54、at在在方面努力方面努力 Im working hard at school. 我在学校学习一直很努力。我在学校学习一直很努力。 完成下列句子完成下列句子He _ _ _ _ (在唱歌方面很努力)(在唱歌方面很努力). 【点点拨拨】works hard at singing。词词组组work hard at中中,at是是介词,如果后面是动词,就用介词,如果后面是动词,就用“动词动词-ing”形式。形式。. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分分)1. Doing sports keeps our body _ (health). 2. With the teach

55、ers help, he told the _ (true) in the end. 3. He _ (get) to know us last spring. 答案:答案:1. healthy 2. truth 3. got4. Its very clever of you _ (answer) the difficult question. 5. I _ (be lose) when I came to Shanghai. 答案:答案:4. to answer 5. was lost. 单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分分)( )1. Your spoken English is po

56、or. You should keep _ English. A. read B. to readC. reading D. to be read ( )2. Dave is working hard _ Chinese. A. in B. at C. of D. on ( )3. I have studied math for three hours so I _ sleepy and tired. A. keep B. feel C. make D. have( )4. We only watch TV _ Saturday evening. A. at B. in C. on D. fo

57、r ( )5. Its necessary _ you _ your homework at 10: 00 a. m. A. of; finish B. of; to finishC. for; finishing D. for; to finish. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)work hard get lost live in tell the truth get to know1. When I went to visit my aunt, I _ . 2. Li Ping is new here but she _ many

58、friends. 答案:答案:1. got lost 2. gets to know3. My brother is _ at all subjects. 4._ , I dont like playing chess at all. 5. Do Lily and Lucy _ the same family? 答案:答案:3. working hard 4. To tell the truth 5. live in. 单项选择单项选择(5分钟,分钟,10分)分)( )1. Excuse me. May I use _ dictionary? _ is at home. A. you; My

59、B. your; MyC. your; Mine D. yours; Mine( )2._ a bird. _ name is Polly. A. Its; Its B. Its; Its C. Its; Its D. Its; Its( )3. They wanted to _ him but they didnt _ him. A. look for; look for B. find; findC. look for; find D. find; look for( )4. Why did the dog keep _ ? A. barking B. bark C. barks D. t

60、o bark( )5. Excuse me. Is this _ car? Yes. Its _ car. A. your; me own B. youre my ownC. your; my own D. your; mine own人称代词与物主代词人称代词与物主代词. . 完成下列表格完成下列表格答案:答案:me we you you him she itthem mine our yours your his her its their. 完成句子完成句子1. 他教我英语,我教他汉语。他教我英语,我教他汉语。_ teaches _ English and _ teach _ Chine

61、se. 2. 杰克每天和我一起去上学。杰克每天和我一起去上学。Jack goes to school with _ every day. 答案:答案:1. He; me; I; him 2. me 3. 我们上周玩得很开心。我们上周玩得很开心。_ had a good time last week. 4. 我经常帮她学习数学。我经常帮她学习数学。_ often help _ with her maths. 答案:答案:3. We 4. I; her5. 你,我和他都在八年级七班。你,我和他都在八年级七班。_ ,_ and _ are all in Class 7, Grade 8. 6. 你们

62、,我们和他们都是好朋友。你们,我们和他们都是好朋友。_ , _ and _ are all good friends. 答案:答案:5. You, he; I 6. We, you; they 答案:答案:主语主语 动词动词 二二 三三 一一 一一 二二 三三 形式形式 宾语宾语. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. _ (I) pen is lost. May I use _ (you)? 2._ (we) country is getting stronger and stronger. 3. This is a cat. _ (it) name is Miaomiao. 答

63、案:答案:1. My; yours 2. Our 3. Its4. Are those coats the twins? No, they are not _ (them)._ (they) coats are in the bag. 5. Is this book _ (you), Brian? No. Its Dannys._ (he) name is on the cover. 答案:答案:4. theirs; Their 5. yours; His答案:答案: 名词名词 名词名词 宾语宾语 Lily和和Jenny是是好好朋朋友友。星星期期天天Lily邀邀请请Jenny到到她她家家玩玩,

64、请请你你根根据据下下面面的的示示意意图图,帮帮助助Lily写写个个E-mail发发给给Jenny,告诉她下车后的路线。告诉她下车后的路线。要求:要求:1. 60词左右。词左右。2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jenny, Im very glad you can come to my home. Now Ill tell you how to get to my home after getting off the bus. _ I hope to see you as soon as possible. Yours, Lily 此此篇篇是是以以

65、图图示示提提示示的的作作文文,主主要要考考查查的的功功能能项项目目为为表表达达指指示示路路线线的的常常用用语语,在在写写作作内内容容上上渗渗透透着着本本单单元元的的话话题题和语言目标。和语言目标。 在写作过程中要明确以下几点:在写作过程中要明确以下几点: (1)写信的理由:邀请来家做客。)写信的理由:邀请来家做客。 (2)指指出出的的路路线线明明确确、清清晰晰; 语语言言力力求求简简练练;内内容容充充实。实。 (3)单元万能词汇和句型储备:)单元万能词汇和句型储备: turn left/ right; walk past/ along/ down. . . ; at the second cr

66、ossing; the end of. . . ; across fromDear Jenny, Im very glad you can come to my home. Now Ill tell you how to get to my home after getting off the bus. Turn left outside the station and walk past a hospital on your right. Turn right when you come to the traffic lights. Go along and turn left at the

67、 second crossing. Walk down East Street till you reach the end of this street. My house is on your left. It is across from the supermarket. I hope to see you as soon as possible. Yours, Lily. 单词闯关单词闯关1. 居民区(居民区(n. ) _ 2. 中心中心(n. ) _3. 地面;地板地面;地板(n. ) _4. 巧克力巧克力(n. ) _答案:答案:1. neighbourhood 2. centre

68、3. floor 4. chocolate 5. 面试面试 (v. &n. ) _6. 家务劳动家务劳动(n. ) _7. right _ (反义词反义词)8. 横穿(横穿(v. ) _ _ (prep. )答案:答案:5. interview 6. housework7. wrong 8. cross; across 9. 沿着沿着(prep. ) _ _ (同义词同义词)10. 经过(经过(v. ) _ _(prep. )答案:答案:9. along; down 10. pass; past. 短语过关短语过关1. 在去在去的路上的路上 _ ones/the _ _2. 停车场停车场 _

69、lot3. 在这儿在这儿 _ here4. 在在的对面的对面 _ _答案:答案:1. on; way to 2. parking 3. over4. across from 5. 迷路迷路 be/get _ 6. 用用充满充满 be _ _ 7. 准准备备做做 be _ _ 8. 对对感到高兴感到高兴 be _ _答案:答案:5. lost 6. filled with7. ready to 8. happy with 9. 沿着沿着 _ _ 10. 说实话说实话 _ _ _ 答案:答案:9. walk/go along 10. tell the truth . 句型攻关句型攻关1. 禁止停车

70、!禁止停车!_ _ ! 2. 通常我们乘学校的班车。通常我们乘学校的班车。Usually we _ _ _ _ . 答案:答案:1. No parking 2. take the school bus3. 打扰一下,你能告诉我去杂货店的路吗?打扰一下,你能告诉我去杂货店的路吗?_ _ . Can you tell me _ _ _ the grocery store? 4. 住在一个新社区并不总是容易的。住在一个新社区并不总是容易的。It isnt always easy _ _ _ a new neighbourhood. 答案:答案:3. Excuse me; the way to 4.

71、to live in5. 在第二个十字路口向左拐。在第二个十字路口向左拐。_ _ at the second _ . 答案:答案: Turn left; crossing( )1. 11菏菏泽泽中中考考Stephen Hawking cant walk or even speak, _ he has become very successful. A. but B. and C. or D. then【解解析析】选选A。连连词词的的用用法法。由由“霍霍金金不不会会走走路路和和说说话话”和和“他做得非常成功他做得非常成功”可以推断用可以推断用but。故选。故选A。( )2. 10临临沂沂中中考考

72、I must return the dictionary to Allen now. I _ it for three weeks already. A. kept B. will keep C. keep D. have kept【解解析析】选选D。本本题题考考查查时时态态, 由由句句中中的的时时间间状状语语for three weeks 可知,应该用现在完成时。可知,应该用现在完成时。( )3. 10聊聊城城中中考考Hi! A purse is on the ground. Whose is it? Theres a girl over there. Maybe its _ . A. he

73、r B. hers C. she D. herself【解解析析】选选B。答答语语句句意意:那那边边有有个个女女孩孩, 或或许许是是她她的的。考考查查名名词词性性物物主主代代词词,而而形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词在在句句中中不不能能单单独独使用,后面需要跟名词,故选名词性物主代词。使用,后面需要跟名词,故选名词性物主代词。( )4. 10宿宿迁迁中中考考You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _ at the same time. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening 【解解析析】选选A。本本题题考考查查keep sth.

74、 +adj. 结结构构。keep your eyes open 意意为为睁睁开开眼眼睛睛,其其中中open 是是形形容容词词“睁睁开开的的,睁睁着的着的”。( )5. 10宁波中考宁波中考Hurry up! The bus is coming. Wait a minute. Dont cross the street _ the traffic lights are green. A. until B. after C. while D. since【解解析析】选选A。本本题题考考查查连连词词。此此处处句句意意“直直到到绿绿灯灯亮亮,才才可以过马路。可以过马路。”故应该用故应该用 not. . . until. . . 结构。结构。



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