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1、初三英语中考复习初三英语中考复习 介词介词lAnswer the following questions:1. Whats the name of this film?2. When was it on?Alice in Wonderland.On March 5th, 2010. Round 1: Find out the key Which is the right key?ABCDTask 1: CategoryCategory2010Marchspringthe morningthe future7.30nightthe age of 19first/lastthe momentMon

2、dayMarch 5March 5th,2010Monday morningholidayChildrens DayinonatPrepositions of timeConclusion:l表示较长时间如:世纪、年代 、年份、月份、季节、上午/下午/晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词in。 inthe 19th century; 2010; March; spring; the morning; the future l表示某一时间点如:钟点、年龄、中午/夜晚/子夜、就餐时间或其它的习惯用法中要用at。 at 7.30; the age of 19; noon/ night/ midnight;

3、 lunchtime; first/ lastonMonday; March 5th; March 5th, 2010; Childrens Day; a cold morning; holidayl表示某一天或者特定的时间如:星期、某月某日、某年某月某日、含Day的节日、有修饰上午/下午/晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词 on。 1.They often have parties _ Christmas.2.They plan to go to Hainan _ vacation.3._the morning _ March 31,she made an important decision

4、in her life.Fill in the blanks: P15.一一atonOn4._ the lifetime, Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations.5.It has rained _ the day before yesterday.6.It was a very long day for Jack. He didnt get home from school _ six oclock. sinceDuringuntiloflThey havent seen Alice _ last year.lAlice has been in

5、Wonderland _ one month.sinceforlAlice didnt sleep _ midnight.lWait here _ the rain stops.untiluntill表示持续一段时间用介词for: for段时间l表示“自以来”,从过去某一时刻到现在,用介词since,用于现在完成时。l表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词from to 。l表示“在的期间”要用介词during, during表示在特定的时间里。l表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止,用介词till / until。until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。Conclusion:Ta

6、sk 2 : DialogueABCDEFFFFPrepositions of placelat一般指小地方;in一般指大地方或某个范围内。 lover, above和on均表示“在上面”,over反义词是under; above反义词是below; on指两个物体表面有接触。 lin front of 表示“在前面”, 其反义词是behind; in the middle of 表示“在的中间” 。 lbetween表示在两者之间, among表示“在中”数目为三者或三者以上, around表示围绕在四周。 lbeside表示“在旁边”, inside表示“在内”, outside表示“在外

7、” 。 Conclusion:lnear/by/next to表示“在旁边” 。 lopposite表示“在对面” 。 1.Mary sits _ (在附近) the window. 2.She is sitting _ (在中间) Betty and Tom.3.Yao Ming is a popular basketball player _ (在之中) the Chinese people.4.Our teacher is standing _ (在前面) the blackboard.Fill in the blanks: P15.二二betweenamongnear/in front

8、 ofby5.My teacher says the earth moves _ (围绕) the sun.6.There is a shop _ (在对面) our school. aroundoppositelin front of 是在物体外部的前面 例如:教室前有个花园。 e.g. There is a garden in front of the classroom.lin the front of 是在物体内部的前面 例如:教室前有张桌子。 e.g. There is a desk in the front of the classroom.lThere are some appl

9、es _ the desk.lThere is a bridge _ the river.lSandy lives on the ground floor. Daniel lives on the third floor. Daniel lives two floors _ Sandy. onoveraboveTask 3: Run quickly!throughacrossupdownoverroundPrepositions of movement横穿从内部穿过lup表示“向上”,其反义词down表示“向下”。 lalong 表示“沿着” 。 linto表示进入的过程;onto为放上去的过

10、程;out of为“在外部” 。 lover表示“越过,跨过”。 Conclusion:lfrom 表示“ 从,自”;to表示“向,往,到” 。loff表示“脱离,不触及”。l round表示“环绕,围绕”。1.Millie is walking _ the road. (沿着)2.Simon is swimming _ the pool. (横穿)3.Eddie is jumping _ the chair. (越过)4.A train is going _ the tunnel. (穿过) 5.Kitty is climbing _ the hill. (向上)6.Amy is walki

11、ng _ the sofa _ the window.7.Sandy is going _ the library. (去) 8.Hobo is walking _ the table. (环绕着)Fill in the blanks:alongthroughacrossoverupfromtotoround1.We could not make great progress in our English _ our teachers help.2.I paid one hundred _ the English-Chinese dictionary. 3.He spends about tw

12、o hours _ his homework every day.4.He didnt go to school because _ illness. 5.If they dont give us candies, we will play a trick _ them.Fill in the blanks: P15.三三withoutofforonon没有没有的帮助的帮助付款付款在在上花费上花费因为因为对对恶作剧恶作剧6.He suddenly returned _. (在一个寒冷的雨夜)7.More and more people like to sleep _ _. (窗户开着)8.He

13、 will be back _.(三天后)Fill in the blanks: P16.四四in three dayson a cold rainy day with the windows openThanks to your help, Alice gets free!ABCDAlice meets her enemies, help her!Correct:1. In the beginning of the film, there was a party. 2. Red queens castle is on the east of Wonderland. 3. There is a

14、n old stone bridge above the river.4. She hid herself after the tree. 5. Alice visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.6. Shell leave London to China. onforAtbehindoverinl三组表示位置关系的介词比较 lB is _ the east of A.lD is _ the east of A.lC is _ the east of A.1. Japan is _ the east of Asia.2. Japan is _ the

15、east of China.3. Korea is _ the northeast of China. northsouthwesteastABCDintoonintoonMultiple choice:1. Wheres Alice? We are all here _ her. A. besides B. about C. except D. with2. She sent her friend a card a present. A. on B. as C. for D. of3. The film is directed _ Tim Burton. A. to B. for C. as

16、 D. by 4. Alice was late _ the party. A. for B. to C. with D. of5. She had been waiting _ 10 years. A. with B. for C. of D. at6. Alice is the girl _ blue. A. with B. of C. in D. on_lbesides意为“除之外(包含)” lexcept意为“除之外(不包含在内)” 除了这支,我还有一支蓝色钢笔。(共2支 )2. We all passed the exam _ Tom. 除了汤姆,我们都通过了考试。(汤姆不合格)1.

17、 I have another blue pen _ this one.besidesexceptFill in the blanks: Alice, a beautiful girl, was born in the 19th century. At the age of 19, she was taken to a garden party _ a summer afternoon, where she fell _ a hole and met lots of strange things. During her time in wonderland, Alice made friend

18、s _ the Mad Hatter, the White Queen and so on. Alice was surprised to know that she couldnt return _ the real world until she killed the dragon. _ the end of the film, Alice killed the dragon and reached home. She became brave after the adventure and she looked forward _ a trip in China. onintowitht

19、otoAtIn fact, the dog is Alices friend! Alice will take a ship named Wonderland to China. Could you introduce some places in China for Alice? Introduce a place in China for ourforeign friend Alice ! Work in groups of 4 to introduce a place: Student A: group leader & presentStudent B: take notesStudent C: give adviceStudent D: count timeprepositiontimeplacemovementusages Prep + n./ pron.(object)/ v-ing Homework:1.Oral work: read and recite.2.Written work: finish the exercise.



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