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1、Unit2 How do you come to school?Period 2学习目标学习目标能听懂,会说,会读单词plane, ship,train能区别不同的交通工具,并说出它们的特征。能够熟练运用句型Where do/does . live? How do/does . come to school?及其答句进行交际。能用所学句型和新单词进行交际。I live in Jie Shou kindergarten.I live near school. I usually come to school by bike.I sometimes come to school on foot.W

2、hat about you? Talking timeChoose the proper transportation.选择合适的交通工具。选择合适的交通工具。 Talking time Play a PK game:根据课文内容,快速提问根据课文内容,快速提问Rules(游戏规则游戏规则):A boy asks,a girl answers.A girl asks,a boy answers. Where.?How.?Why?Does.?Sunshine TownPark Streetisnt here.She wants to know them. Retell the text你可以选择

3、一个告诉她哦!你可以选择一个告诉她哦! Be a good journalist( 记者记者)Hi,XXX. Welcome to our classroom!Where do you live?How do you come to school?XXX lives in/on.He/She lives near/far from.He/She comes to school .Step1:展示采访过程展示采访过程Step2:汇报采访结果汇报采访结果下面的同学来我们教室啦!赶快选择一位来采访一下吧!下面的同学来我们教室啦!赶快选择一位来采访一下吧!Finish the 4 tasks, you

4、 can get it! (完成四个任务,你会得到它!完成四个任务,你会得到它!)界小电视台开始招募小记者啦界小电视台开始招募小记者啦B:I come to school.A:How do you come to school?B:I/ live in/on. I/ live near/far from.A:Where do you live?Task 1: Interview your friends and Do a survey (采访你的朋友们然后完成调查采访你的朋友们然后完成调查)1.Ask and answer in four. (四人小组,两两问答)(四人小组,两两问答)2. W

5、rite down your friends information by asking and listening(边问答边记录信息)(边问答边记录信息)3. Report your friends information (汇报你的采访结果汇报你的采访结果)Grammar tip 1live in +小区小区,某一较大范围的地点某一较大范围的地点如:如: block town city live on +具体的路、街道等具体的路、街道等如:如:road streetTask 2:Report your surveyHello,everyone! Im from Jiexiao TV. (界

6、小电视台)(界小电视台)XXX lives in/on.He/She lives near/far from.He/She comes to school .Task 3:Memory testing(记忆力大挑战记忆力大挑战)A:Where does XXX live?A:How does he/she come to school?B:He/She lives in/on. He/She lives near/far from.B:He/She comes to school.Grammar tip2在疑问句中,主语是第三人称单数时,助动词在疑问句中,主语是第三人称单数时,助动词do要变成

7、要变成does。在陈述句中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词要变成三单形式。在陈述句中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词要变成三单形式。Task4:Read and find out the rules(规则)(规则).Congratulations!NanjingLiyangHow does he go to work? He goes to work .Lets report.by train/eI I/ShanghaiLets report./eI I/LondonHow does she come to Shanghai? She comes to Shanghai . by planeLets

8、report.YantaiDalian/I/I/How does he go to work? He goes to work .by shipSummary:2. 学习了询问别人住哪里和出行方式:学习了询问别人住哪里和出行方式:1.学习了公共交通工具的新单词学习了公共交通工具的新单词: ship,train,plane,A:Where does he/she live?A:How does he/she come to school?B:He/She lives in/on. He/She lives near/far from.B:He/She comes to school.A:Wher

9、e do you/they live?A:How do you/they come to school?B:I/We/They live in/on. I/We/They live near/far from.B:I/We/They come to school.Life tips:Always buckle up.永远系好安全带。永远系好安全带。Put yourself in back.坐在后座。坐在后座。Tell your parents. Never drunk drive.告诉你的父母,永远不要酒驾。告诉你的父母,永远不要酒驾。Learning tip:Can you talk abo

10、ut their features? (特征)(特征)It has t_ wheels(轮子轮子).There is usually a b_on it.It is l_.It runs u_ the g_.It can f_ very high in the sky.It has two w_like a bird.We can put things in it.It is cheap(便宜便宜) and fast.woongnderroundingsasketIt is very fast but very expensive(昂贵昂贵).lyLearning tip:Can you ta

11、lk about their features? (特征)(特征)It is a b_ boat.It can s_ on the sea(海海).It is l_.It runs f_.It is b_.It can carry m_ people.It has a d_ and carry 1 to 4 passengers.It is s_.It usually travels between the c_.Its usually slower(比比.慢慢) than the plane.It usually travels within a city.ongiganymallriverigwimastitiesIt is cheaper(比比.便宜便宜) than the plane.It runs on the r_.oad(乘客乘客)Choose the proper vehicle.选择合适的交通工具。选择合适的交通工具。Thank you!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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