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1、图表写作 二柱状图、表格、混合型Writing Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different types of products and services in the years 1999 and 2002. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information giv

2、en in the graph. You should write at least 150 words 两种思路(1)按年代顺序,抓重点描述:绝对值:最大,最小,比较值:总趋势,例外,变化最明显。(2)分组描述:为什么分组,分组依据分组:组内对比描述: Sample answers:The bar chart illustrates the(information about) changes in the number of complaints made by customers about five selected products and services in 1999 and

3、2002. (certain patterns can be found in these figures. ) As a whole, all the items saw an upward trend in the number of complaints except for that of clothing.分组描述分组标准:属性 :服务类 、物品类服务类服务类The number of complaints about services increased over the period. To be specific, 12.7% more complaints were made

4、 about the package holiday abroad from 13000 in 1999 to about 15000 in 2002, which formed the most significant rise during this period. And there were about 52000 complaints about the financial services in 2002, 5.2% up from 1999.物品类There were also more complaints about the products like electric go

5、ods and second-hand car in 2002 than in 1999,which rose by 9.2%and 6.7% respectively ,(with 66,000 to 72,000 for the former and 80,000 to 86,000 for the latter ). Yet surprisingly / exceptionally / noticeably (引导引导关键数据,定性又定量关键数据,定性又定量), clothing was the only sector where the number of complaints dro

6、pped over the period, from 42,000 in 1999 to 40,000 in 2002 , a 4%decreased.注意:注意: respectively 最多并列最多并列3个数据,都是非关键个数据,都是非关键数据数据柱状图经典真题分析柱状图特点:量的分布、量的变化剑6.4.p 98(图一)审题与趋势把握Trends ,(birds view)特别注意:题目中的关键词思路一 量的大小分布As the first bar chart shows, the number of marriages and divorces in the USA is reveal

7、ed in a chronological way from the year 1970 to 2000 . In 1980, both the number of marriages and that of divorces took up the largest portion of their respective categories, with 2.5 million for the former and 1.4 million for the latter. both experienced a declining trend till 2000 ,and bottomed out

8、 at 2 million for marriages and 1 million for divorces.Noticeably, equivalency could be noticed in the numbers of marriages in 1970 and 1980, and those of divorces in 1970 and 2000.思路二 量的线性变化The first bar chart (分段开场,非总括开场) demonstrates the amount of marriages and divorces in the USA from the year 1

9、970 to 2000. the number of divorces(信息分组) started from 1 million in 1970, reaching its peak(最高点) of 1.4 million in 1980. after that, there was a gradual decline (下降趋势)to 1 million again in 2000. similarly, the number of marriages also underwent a steady fall from 2.5 million in both (简约描述相等点)1970 an

10、d 1980 to 2 million in 2000.关于 rate 的理解Marriage and Divorce rates(1)同义词程前省略Marriage rate and Divorce rate (2)Marriage and Divorce rate = refined divorce rate? Divorce demography is the measurement of the comparative frequency of marriage and divorce. It is most commonly measured in two different way

11、s: the crude divorce rate, and the refined divorce rate.The crude divorce rate is the number of divorces per 1,000 population. The refined divorce rate measures the number of divorces per 1,000 marriages in a specified time period. The law between the linesIn this time period, the marriage and divor

12、ce rate hit its bottom(低点) in 1970(40%) and topped(高点) in 1980(58%) with a gradual decrease (下降趋势)afterwards to 50% in 2000.图二开场:The second bar chart explains the percentage of different marital status during the same time span. The over all trend suggests that compared with 1970,in 2000 less people

13、 got married and became widowed, while more people choose to divorce or be single forever. It also can be inferred that the portion of the married accounted for the largest in both 1970(70%) and 2000(59%). However, the most dramatic change took place in the proportion of the divorced, which almost t

14、ripled from 1970(2%) to 2000(7%)(1)As a conclusion/summing-up /general term of the two charts (2)it can be concluded from the two charts that(3) in a word, together the two charts show that.(4) Combining the two charts together, we can see thatGeneral trend found!Roughly speaking,The tripled percent

15、age of the divorced in 2000 is partially because of the comparatively high marriage and divorce rate after the year of 1970.联系用语的精确性描写数据序列避免简单罗列要点?1. NO COPY;2. New Sequence;排列分组3.Vabulary / Sentence Variety;4. Largest least Following that.双饼图+双柱图 The two pie charts below show the proportion of male

16、s and females arrested and the bar chart gives the reasons for most recent arrest in 1994. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant. Reasons for most recent arrest (%)Reasons for most recent arrest (%)图形特征图形复杂程度降低各组图形特征明显注意联系与对比Sample

17、 Answer总括开场:两饼图展示了男女各自被逮捕的比率,柱状图展示了他们被逮捕的原因。The two pie charts demonstrate the respective ratio of males and females arrested and the bar chart reveals the main reasons why they were arrested.句型变换:The two pie charts demonstrate the proportion of males and females arrested and the detailed reasons wh

18、y they were arrested are revealed in the bar chart.总趋势In general, females were arrested much less frequently than males (图一总特征)and mostly for public drinking and assault, whereas males were more likely to be arrested for a range of other crimes.(图二总特征)通过“and”合并描写两幅图的趋势。总趋势可以和第一段合并写,也可以分段写。但一定要注意过渡词与

19、连词。As is illustrated in the two pie charts, about one third of the male population were arrested in 1994, while the arrest only went for nine percent of the female population. Probing into the details of the bar chart, the largest portion (极端值一)of arrests of men, approximately 32%, was for public dr

20、inking. However, this percentage was less than that of females arrested for the same reason, which was around 37%.(极端值比较)Largely,males were more commonly arrested for drink driving, (分组:男比女多的)which constituted over 25%, breach of order (about 17%), other reasons (17%) and theft (16%). The offence fo

21、r which females were more commonly arrested than males (女比男多的)was assault, which constituted just 18% of all the arrests.结尾:总规律趋势与图间联系已在首段之后点出,可以不用结尾(一)剑五、二、双 bars思路:遇到复杂图形一般转化为基本图形-最直观特性(single curve & single pie),然后再做比较。开场不同类型图表,分段开场The first bar chart illustrates/ demonstrates / depicts / describ

22、es/ explains/ interprets/ gives information about/ displays the pattern of change about two different reasons for study with the rising of students age.分组描述组一:for career总趋势一:为事业学习的人数随年龄的增加而减少。from the data given, we can grasp the trend that there is (was) a gradual decrease in the amount of students

23、 studying for the reason of career with the rising of their age.the amount of students who study for career decrease gradually重要数据和变化趋势最大值,具体趋势To be specific, nearly 80% of the students under 26 study for their career, which is the maximum amount of all age groups. This steadily declines by 10-20% i

24、n every decades afterwards. As a result, only 40% of the 40-49 years old and 18% of the over 49 years old study for career in their late adulthood.具体趋势,峰值,等值Conversely (to the contrary / in contrast / to the opposite), as the first chart also shows, only 10% of the students (minimum) under 26 choose

25、 to study for the sake of interest. After that, the ratio moves up steadily till the beginning of the fourth decade , while undergoes a dramatic increase in the late adulthood, reaching its peak at 70% in the after 49 period. Interestingly, nearly the same portion (40%)of the students between 40 and

26、 49 study for both reasons. 图表二总趋势与极端值The second chart indicates that employer support is maximum (63%) for those under 26. Following that, the figure experiences a rapid decrease to 32% during the 30-39 period, while mounts up steadily to 44% in late adulthood.规律?图二纵轴的含义:雇主?雇员简化原则:雇员(等于图一的学生)From t

27、he combination of the two graphs we can conclude that employers support both types of employees who study for the reasons of career and interest, but most of the support goes to those studying for career. 剑六,2,single tableCan you do better?考官评语解析缺点:1 无开场介绍 2 信息抓不准 3 错误解读题目内容 4 无总趋势 5 重要信息点总体上不清楚 6 无

28、分段 7 观点间逻辑联系、排序 8 部分语法错误优点:1 有信息分组组织 2 有连词、指示代词运用 3 词法,句法,多样性还可以Opening The table demonstrates the changes in methods of travelling in England from 1985 to 2000(只结合题目给出内容)The table demonstrates the change of travelled distance (per person) by different means of transportation in England from 1985 to

29、 2000(结合图表标题与内容)注意:技巧提示复杂图表都可以转化成基本图型的描述方法和句型来写基本图形:单曲线:描述增减趋势变化 单饼: 描述所占比重总趋势Generally speaking, the miles traveled per person increased sharply from 4740 in 1985 to 6476 in 2000.Generally speaking, there was a sharp increase in the miles traveled per person from 4740 in 1985 to 6476 in 2000.最大、最小I

30、n both years, the most preferred method of travelling was by car, which accounted for 3199 miles and 4806 miles. To the contrary, in 1985 the least preferred way of travel was by taxi(13 miles), while in 2000, bicycle took up the smallest part(41 miles).变化最明显It can be inferred that the most signific

31、ant decrease took place in the distance travelled by city bus from 429 in 1985 to 274 in 2000. However, the miles travelled by taxi(13 to 42) and long distance bus (54 to 124)both nearly tripled in this time period, which constituted the sharpest increase.结论It can be concluded that in 2000, people were more likely to travel by car, long distance bus, train, taxi, and some other ways than by walking, bicycle, and local bus.



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