大学英语基础教程1 第三版 (北大出版社)第四单元

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1、第一册第一册第四单元第四单元 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程WARMING UP EXERCISES1: What is the topic of this episode? Saving the enviroment. 2: Whats your feeling afer you see the green forests at the very beginning of the video? I envy the beautiful environment. 3: Nowdays, what is happening to our enviroment? There is no much

2、 tree left. Pollution of all kind is threatening the earth. 4: Why is the earth facing many serious problems? Because people always care about their own profit and pollute the environment5: Name somes acts of the people that pollute the environment. Exaust emissions, cause the plaugue of plastics, g

3、et over-developped, catch and kill whates, cut down trees, pollute the water, and pollute the air. Answer the questions after you wach the video. WARMING UP EXERCISESSection 1. Vocabulary Building Directions: In this part , you are going to see 6 acronyms concerning enviromental protection organizat

4、ions. Try to guess out the names of these organizations. International Enviromental Protection Organization Association/国际环境保护组织协会 All-China Environment Federation/中华环保联合会 CNature Conservation Association/自然景象环境保护协会 World Wide Fund for Nature/世界自然基金会 International Fund for Animal Welfare/国际爱护动物基金会 I

5、NTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION /国际节能环保协会 IEPOA: ACEF : Cnature: WWF: IFAW : IEEPA : WARMING UP EXERCISESSection 2. Knowledge Accumulation Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. Over the entire history of mankind, each and every significant step in the progress of

6、 human civilization has been ccompanied by energy innovations and substitutions. The development and utilization of energy as normously boosted the development of the world economy and human society.中文译文: 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。纵观人类社会发展的历史,人类文明的每次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。 PREPARATOR

7、YSection 1. Match the words in Column A with the Chinese definition in Column B. shortage 效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的消耗,花费;大吃,大喝 不足,缺少有时可再生的,可延长的 太阳的,来自太阳的,太阳能的 取消 点燃,使发光 solar efficient consume sometimes cancel renewable light PREPARATORYSection 2. Write the meaning of each of the following words or phrases in

8、the correspondent blank.shortage: (amount of) deficiency; condition of not having enough solar:efficient :consume :sometimes:cancel :renewable :light :of or from the sun, or using the energy from the sun to produce electric power working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way use (

9、fuel, energy or time), esp. in large amounts; eat or drink a lot at some times decide that something arranged in advance will not happen, or state that you no longer wish to use or pay for something already ordered that can be renewed cause to begin burning or to give out light 8. We the candle and

10、the candle lit (lighted) the room. 7. energy sources like sun, wind, and waves will not run out, unlike oil and coal. 6. The game was because of the rain. 5. The diesel (柴油机) engine is highly . 4. Thats the trouble with those big powerful carsthey too much fuel. 3. were busy and sometimes were not.

11、2. The year is the time it takes for the Earth to go round the Sun. 1. of skilled workers is our main difficulty. PREPARATORYSection3.Read aloud the following sentences, paying attention to the meanings of the words or phrases in italics. Shortage solarSometimesconsumeefficientcancelledRenewablelit

12、(lighted)PREPARATORYSection 4 : Two of a kind : Find out the meanings of the phrases in Column Aand the Chinese definition in Column B get stuck as.as. at / for the moment make use of take in turn into It takes/has taken/took sb or sth a period of time to do sth give off 像一样 此刻,现在 利用 吸收;领会 变为,把转变成 做

13、某事需花费/占用时间 放出,排放 卡住,动弹不得,困住 放出,排放放出,排放 卡住,动弹不得,困住卡住,动弹不得,困住 做某事需花费做某事需花费/ /占用占用时间时间 吸收;领会吸收;领会 像像 一样一样 利用利用 此刻,现在此刻,现在 变为,把变为,把转变成转变成 PREPARATORYSection 5: Complete each of the following sentences with the expressions you have just learned. Part A:1. Jerry is not here at the moment .2. How can an un

14、derdeveloped country like that make the best use of science?3. The lesson was too difficult for the class to take in . 4. I am going to turn my garage into a playroom for the children.5. Martin was as important as Tom in the company.6. Seven of us got stuck in the lift for over an hour.7. It took a

15、long time for the wound to heal.8. Some flowers give off their richest fragrance (香味) at night. Part B:1.The flowers give off a heady scent at night.2.We are working under extreme pressure at the moment .3.My house is full; I cant take in any more guests.4.I never went through a final exam that was

16、as difficult as that one.5.The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death trap.6.So I get stuck with the directing job.7.They make use of advertisements to plug the new product.8. It will take a long time and energy to compile a dictionary.PREPARATORYSection 5: Complete each of the f

17、ollowing sentences with the expressions you have just learned. LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularyat workat homeelectricity n. all at onceblackout n. get stucktraffic n. flight n. cancel v. renewable adj. over and over againfossil fuels natural gas takes (sb) time to do sth 在工作在家电突然灯火控制卡住,陷住交通,运输航班 取消,删除可

18、再生的一遍又一遍矿物燃料天然气 花(某人)时间做某事 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularyas. as. dinosaur n. consume v. run out ofat the momentshortage n. give off carbon dioxideunhealthy adj. solar adj. take. inturn. into light v. heat v. 像一样 恐龙消耗,花费用尽,耗尽此刻,眼下缺乏,不足放出,排放二氧化碳对健康有害的,不健康的太阳的,与太阳有关的吸收 把变成照明供热,供暖 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVoca

19、bularywindmill n. blade n. propeller n. generator n. hydro-hydroelectric adj. hydrogen n. turbine n. efficient adj. uranium n. plutonium n. reactor n. 风车桨叶,刀片螺旋桨发电机水的水力 发电的氢涡轮机效率高的,有能力的铀钸反应LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTDiscussion1.Whatdoesthetextmainlytalkabout? Discuss the following questions in pairs or grou

20、ps. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups. (energysources,energyproblems,renewablesourcesofenergy )2. Howmanytypescanenergybedividedintoaccordingtotheauthor? (renewable,nonrenewable )3.Inwhatsensedoestheauthorsay“mostofourenergyisfromnonrenewablesources”? (fossilfuels,consume,morequickl

21、ythan )4.Atthemomentwhataretheenergyproblems? (fossilfuels,shortage,burn,pollution,unhealthy )5.Tosolvethepresentenergyproblems,whatkindsofenergyshouldwemakemoreuseofinthefuture? (cleaner,renewable ) These days, we need more energy than weve ever needed. More people are machines to do things every d

22、ay at work and at home. Sometimes, when people need more electricity than our systems can give them, or when people are using too much electricity , blackouts happen. And those blackouts can cause a lot of trouble. Trains stop. Lifts . lights go out. are cancelled. Where does our energy come from? M

23、any different kinds of energy come from different places, but there are two main groups we can put energy into: and nonrenewable. LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText AEnergy Flightsrenewableall at onceget stuckTrafficare using 1.Morepeopleareusingmoremachinestodothingseverydayatworkandathome.现在进行体,表示近期的发展趋势或正在变









32、lecontract.别担心,这是一份可续签的合同。别担心,这是一份可续签的合同。 Renewable energy can be used again. It comes from things like sunlight, wind, plants, moving water and the earths heat. We can use these things to make electricity, and we dont have to worry about them. But we have energy problems now because we get most of

33、our energy from nonrenewable sources. We say they are nonrenewable because we are using them more quickly than they can be made. Most of these are fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal. Eighty-five per cent of the energy people use today comes from fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.

34、Coal is mostly burned to make electricity. the Earth millions of years to make fossil fuels from dead plants and animals as old as dinosaurs. There is no fast way to make fossil fuels, but we are them very quickly.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText Arunning out ofconsumingIt has takenover and over7.Renewableen




38、hthosebigpowerfulcarstheyconsumetoomuchfuel.这就是大马力汽车的缺点这就是大马力汽车的缺点太耗油。太耗油。Heconsumesvastquantitiesofchipswitheverymeal.他每天都吃大量的炸土豆条。他每天都吃大量的炸土豆条。Withinashorttime,thefirehadconsumedthewholebuilding.大火在很短的时间内就烧毁了整栋房子。大火在很短的时间内就烧毁了整栋房子。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A We wont always have all of those things t

39、o make energy with. Scientists say that within the next 200 years, we will run out of many fossil fuels. Chinas energy problems are mostly because of a coal shortage. But energy shortages arent the only problem. Many fossil fuels carbon dioxide when they are burned, and that makes our air unhealthy.

40、 So people are working hard now to find cleaner and renewable ways to get energy. The following are some types of energy that well need to . at the momentgive offone daymake more use of11.Chinasenergyproblemsatthemomentaremostlybecauseofacoalshortage.atthemomentnow,then此刻,目前;那时,当时(过去时态)此刻,目前;那时,当时(过




44、akemoreuseofoneday.onedayatanunknowntimeinthefuture,adayinthepast有朝一日,(过去)某一有朝一日,(过去)某一天天Wereallgoingtobeoldoneday.有朝一日我们都会变老的。有朝一日我们都会变老的。Onedayshejustdidntturnupforwork,andweneversawheragain.有一天她根本没有来上班,以后我们就再也没有一天她根本没有来上班,以后我们就再也没有见到她。有见到她。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A The first is energy. Solar tech

45、nology uses energy from the suns light. Solar cells made of things like silicon can sunlight and turn it into electricity. Small solar cells are used in things like calculators. Bigger ones can be used to light houses or heat buildings. Another is wind energy. You may have seen windmills before. The

46、y have very big blades that look like a planes propeller. The blades catch the wind and turn very fast. The blades then drive a generator, which turns the winds energy into electricity. take insolar14.Thefirstissolarenergy.solaradj.oforfromthesun,orusingtheenergyfromthesuntoproduceelectricpower太阳的,来


48、ylistenedtomylecture,buthowmuchdidtheytakein,Iwonder.他们听了我的课,但我不知道他们领会了多少。他们听了我的课,但我不知道他们领会了多少。2)deceive欺骗欺骗Theteacherwascompletelytakeninbymyexcuse.老师完全被我的借口骗过了。老师完全被我的借口骗过了。Mydisguisereallytookhimin.我的伪装真的让他上了当。我的伪装真的让他上了当。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A The third is hydro energy. This is sometimes call

49、ed hydroelectric energy. The name comes from the word “hydrogen,” which is found in water. When water moves fast, it has lots of energy. When moving water goes through hydroelectric dams, it turns a turbine, and the turbine turns a generator. The last is nuclear energy. This kind of energy is not re

50、newable, but its more to make than fossil fuel energy. We get nuclear energy by putting uranium or plutonium into a nuclear reactor. Thats a big machine that breaks atoms apart. When atoms break, lots of heat comes out. This heats up water to make steam. The steam turns a turbine, which then turns a

51、 generator to make electricity, much like in a hydroelectric dam. efficient16.butitsmoreefficienttomakethanfossilfuelenergy.efficientadj.workingoroperatingquicklyandeffectivelyinanorganizedway效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的Sheisaquickandefficientsecretary.她是个手脚快、效率高的秘书。她是个手脚快、效率高的秘书。Heisefficientathisj

52、ob.他能胜任工作。他能胜任工作。efficiencyn.stateorqualityofbeingefficient效率效率Whatisimpressiveabouttheirsocietyistheefficiencyofthepublicservices.他们的社会给人印象最深刻的是高效率的公益服务。他们的社会给人印象最深刻的是高效率的公益服务。Thisnewmethodwilldoubtlesslyincreasetheenergyefficiency.这种新方法无疑将提高能源使用效率。这种新方法无疑将提高能源使用效率。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTRead the follo

53、wing sentences and tell if they are true or false according to the text. In the brackets leading each statement, put “T” for true or “F” for false1. ( )People often need more electricity than our systems can give them, so blackouts frequently happen. 2. ( ) Though there are many different kinds of e

54、nergy, we may put them into two main groups: renewable and nonrenewable. 3. ( ) Most of our energy is from nonrenewable sources. 4. ( ) Energy problems in the world at the moment are the same. 7. ( ) People should work hard now to find cleaner and renewable ways to get energy and make more use of th

55、em in the future. FTTFT5. ( ) Energy shortages arent the only problem. T6. ( ) We are consuming fossil fuels more quickly than they are made. T8. ( ) Nowadays nuclear energy is widely used because it is renewable. FLANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where ne

56、cessaryefficient shortage consume sometimes cancel renewable light solar1. There is a of grain because of poor crops. 2. A good manager is both competent (有能力的) and .3. It didnt take the hungry boys long to the loaf of bread. 4. it is best not to say anything.5. He all the appointments because he ne

57、eded more rest. 6. Sun, wind and waves provide sources of energy. 7. Is your flat by gas or by electricity?8. The system is the system of planets, of which our sun is the center. shortage efficient consume Sometimes cancelled renewable lit/ lighted solar LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTRewrite the following sent

58、ences with help of the phrases and expressions provided. The italicized part in each sentence may serve as the hints (提示) for your task. The first sentence is done for youat the moment make use of take in all at onceas. as.turn intoget stuckgive off 1. I cant find the address now but Ill get it for

59、you later. I cant find the address at the moment but Ill get it for you later. 2. When nitric acid (硝酸) is poured on copper (铜), a brown vapor is produced. When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapor is given off. 3. This door seems unable to move. Can you help me push it open? This door see

60、ms to get stuck. Can you help me push it open? 4. Suddenly we heard a shot and the soldier fell to the ground. All at once we heard a shot and the soldier fell to the ground. LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTRewrite the following sentences with help of the phrases and expressions provided. The italicized part in

61、each sentence may serve as the hints (提示) for your task. The first sentence is done for you5. The town changed from a small seaside resort (度假胜地) into a major commercial center when oil was found. The town turned from a small seaside resort into a major commercial center when oil was found. 6. You m

62、ust use any opportunities you have to practice English. You must make use of any opportunities you have to practice English. 7. He will be equally good as his words. He will be as good as his words. 8. I told Grandpa we were going away, but I didnt think he understood it. I told Grandpa we were goin

63、g away, but I didnt think he took it in. at the moment make use of take in all at onceas. as.turn intoget stuckgive off LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 漫长而炎热的夏天导致(lead to)了严重的用水缺乏。2. 要有效地利用来自海外的援助(aid)。3. 我们已失败100次,但总有一天我们会赢的。 4. 他们听了我的课,但是我不知道他们领会了多少。5. 在战争期间,这里

64、所有的建筑物都改建成了医院。6. 这座城市的交通系统是欧洲效率最高的交通系统之一。7. 有时我们自己带食物,有时我们在那儿买。8. 我们原打算去露营(go camping),但由于有两个人病了,最后不得不取消。 The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages. Efficient use should be made of aid sent from overseas. We have lost 100 times, but one day we shall win. They listened to my lecture, but

65、 how much did they take in, I wonder. During the war, all the buildings here had been turned into hospitals. The citys traffic system is one of the most efficient in Europe. Sometimes we take food with us and sometimes we buy food where we are. We were planning to go camping, but we had to cancel it

66、 at the last minute because two of our party were ill. LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar过去进行时过去进行时基本概念:基本概念:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar 结 构肯定句主语+be(was,were)+现在分词+其他。如:MysonwaslearningEnglishinUSlastyear.否定句主语+be(was,were)not+现在分词+其他。如:Itwasnotrain

67、ingthen.疑问句一般疑问句:Be(Was,Were)+主语+现在分词+其他?特殊疑问句:1.疑问词+be(was,were)+现在分词+其他?(疑问词做主语)2.疑问词+be(was,were)+主语+现在分词+其他?结结构构LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar 现在分词的构成1) 一般动词在词尾加一般动词在词尾加- - ing, 读读 ii,如如go-going。2) 以不发音字母以不发音字母e e结尾的动词结尾的动词, ,先去掉先去掉e,e,再加再加-ing。come-comingmake-makingwritewriting3) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词以重读闭音节结

68、尾的动词, ,如果末尾以一个辅音字母结尾如果末尾以一个辅音字母结尾, ,应先双写这个字母应先双写这个字母, ,再再 加加ing,x和和w结尾的除外。结尾的除外。 get-gettingswim-swimmingshow-showingLANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar4) 以字母以字母y结尾的单词结尾的单词, ,直接加直接加ing。如如carrying、playing、studying。5) 以字母以字母ie结尾的动词结尾的动词, ,变变ie为为y, ,再加再加ing。die dydie dyinging lie lylie lyingingLANGUAGE IN CONTE

69、XTGrammar用法1. 1. 过去进行时的过去进行时的基本用法基本用法主要表示过去某一时间主要表示过去某一时间正在进行正在进行的动作。的动作。 如:如:Hefellasleepwhenhewasreading. 他看书时睡着了。他看书时睡着了。2. 2. 过去进行时表示现在主要是为了使语气委婉、客气。过去进行时表示现在主要是为了使语气委婉、客气。 如:如:Iwaswonderingifyoucouldgivemealift. 我不知你能否让我搭一下车我不知你能否让我搭一下车 【注注】一般过去时也有类似用法,但比较而言,用过去进行时显得更客气,更一般过去时也有类似用法,但比较而言,用过去进行

70、时显得更客气,更不肯定。能否让我搭一下车。不肯定。能否让我搭一下车。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar3. 过去进行时表示感情色彩与现在进行时相似,过去进行时也可表示满意、称赞、过去进行时表示感情色彩与现在进行时相似,过去进行时也可表示满意、称赞、惊讶、厌恶等感情色彩,也通常与惊讶、厌恶等感情色彩,也通常与 always,forever,continually等副词连用。等副词连用。 如:如:Theywerealwaysquarrelling. 他们老是吵架。他们老是吵架。 4. 4. 动词动词be的过去进行时也可表示的过去进行时也可表示过去一时的表现或暂时的状态。过去一时的

71、表现或暂时的状态。 比较:比较: Hewasfriendly. 他很友好。他很友好。 ( (指过去长期如此指过去长期如此) ) Hewasbeingfriendly. 他当时显得很友好。他当时显得很友好。( (指当时一时的表现指当时一时的表现) )LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar一般过去时与过去进行时的区别1.一般过时往往表示某一动作已经完成,而过去进行时却表示动作在持续或未完成。一般过时往往表示某一动作已经完成,而过去进行时却表示动作在持续或未完成。 比较:比较: She wrote a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚给朋友写了封

72、信。她昨晚给朋友写了封信。 ( (信写完了信写完了) ) She was writing a letter to her friend last night. 她昨晚一直在给朋友写信。她昨晚一直在给朋友写信。 ( (信不一定写完信不一定写完) ) 2.一般过去时表示只做一次动作,而过去进行时却表示动作反复地进行。一般过去时表示只做一次动作,而过去进行时却表示动作反复地进行。 如:如:She waved to me. 她朝我挥了挥手。她朝我挥了挥手。 She was waving to me. 她一直朝我挥手。她一直朝我挥手。 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar3.句中有a m

73、oment ago,this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while , at that time, just now 之类的之类的短语短语一般用一般过去时。一般用一般过去时。 过去进行时可以用来代替一般过去时,表示更为偶然而非预定的动作过去进行时可以用来代替一般过去时,表示更为偶然而非预定的动作 I was talking to Tom the other day 那天我跟汤姆聊天来着。那天我跟汤姆聊天来着。 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGra

74、mmar以以when,while及及as引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句 延续性动词:指动作可以延续一段时间,而不是瞬间结束。延续性动词:指动作可以延续一段时间,而不是瞬间结束。 如:如:work、study、drink、eat等。等。非延续性动词:指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束非延续性动词:指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束 如:如:start、begin、jump、knock等。等。 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTGrammar1. 当从句中的谓语动词是当从句中的谓语动词是 持续性的动作时持续性的动作时, , 用用while,when或或as 引导。引导。Eg:I was drawing th

75、e picture when my friend came.Jone was talking with his classmates when teacher called him.2.当从句中的谓语动词表示瞬间动作时当从句中的谓语动词表示瞬间动作时, ,不可用不可用while。 3.如果表示两个短动作或事件同时发生如果表示两个短动作或事件同时发生,常用常用as或或justas,也可用也可用when。 Just as he caught the ball, there was a tearing sound 当他抓住球的时候当他抓住球的时候,有一种撕裂的声音。有一种撕裂的声音。Eg : He

76、was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door. 如果谈论两个长动作如果谈论两个长动作,最常用的是最常用的是while。Eg: While John was sitting biting his nails, I was working out a plan to get us home.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs given in the brackets.1. At that moment the ma

77、chine was running (run) at full speed.2. I remember reading that Karl Marx lived (live) near there for a time.3. We were talking (talk) about violence when he came in.4. We were driving (drive) toward the racetrack when a policeman stepped (step) in front of our car to ask for identification.5. We w

78、ere sleeping (sleep) when it started (start) to rain heavily last night. The rain came (come) in through the open window and wetted (wet) the floor.6. I weighed (weigh) 100 pounds three months ago and look at me now.7. The scale broke when I was weighing (weigh) myself this morning.8. I was looking/

79、looked (look) for you in the theater all evening. Where were you sitting/did you sit (you sit)?LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs given in the brackets.9. We were going (go) through customs (海关) when we noticed (notice) that the passenger in front of us was being

80、 searched (search) thoroughly.10. He always borrowed (borrow, always) money and forgot (forget) to pay it back.11. Ten years ago, the government decided (decide) to begin the program. At that time, many people were starving (starve) due to several years of drought.12. When I left (leave) the office,

81、 Tom and Mary were still talking (talk, still) to the director. They seemed (seem) to be having some problems over their promotion.13. They had (have) to grope their way(摸索前进) through a mist that was rapidly turning (turn, rapidly) into a thick fog.14. He came (come) in while I was sweeping (sweep)

82、the floor.15. We were having (have) supper when the telephone rang (ring).LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate from Chinese into English1. 格林先生进来时,孩子们正在弹钢琴。2. 今天上午8点到10点你在干什么?3. 昨天的这个时候我在做化学作业。4. 他在商店买东西时,我遇见了他。5. 那时我的确很忙,我在准备入学考试。1. While the kids were playing the piano, Mr. Green came in.2. What were you

83、doing this morning from 8 to 10?3. I was doing my chemistry homework at this time yesterday.4. I met him when he was shopping.5. At that time, I was busy preparing entrance examination.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate from Chinese into English6. 他们开会时,我们在隔壁等着。7. 你敲门时我正在打电话。8. 我们下车时天正下着大雨。9. 你看书时他从你身边过去的

84、。10. 他说他的生活越来越好。6. When we waited next door, they were having a meeting.7. Im making a phone call when you knocked at door.8. It was raining hard when we got off the car.9. When he passed by you, you were reading a book.10. He said his life was becoming better and better. LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabula

85、ryCV short for curriculum vitae dynamic adj. profile n. recruiter n. identify vt. strategic adj. candidate n. ramble vi. specification n.definitive adj. 个人简历动态的;有活力的简况招聘人员确定;识别至关重要的应试者漫谈;闲聊详述决定性的;限定的LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularypreference n. transferable adj. orientate vt. exemplary adj. contribute

86、toliaise vi. criteria n. formulate vt. utilize vt. maintain vt. mismatch vt. testimony n.punchy adj. maximum adj. 偏爱,倾向可转换的;通用的给.定位;定向典型的;典范的有助于保持联系标准,条件(criterion的复数)规划;明确地表达利用维持;继续使(人或事物)错配证据;证明强力的最多的;最大极限的 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText BHow to write a personal statement for your CVElizabethBacchusA cri

87、tical aspect of creating a that has a impact is writing a personal statement, sometimes called a profile or career summary that will enable the to quickly the value you can add to their organization. Your CV should be a self-marketing document aimed at persuading the recruiter to want to interview y

88、ou and your personal statement is a critical part of making this happen.identifystrategicrecruiter1.AcriticalaspectofcreatingaCVthathasadynamicimpactiswritingapersonalstatement,sometimescalledaprofileorcareersummarythatwillenabletherecruitertoquicklyidentifythestrategicvalueyoucanaddtotheirorganizat








96、ionsandbeinginastrategicposition,theyoftenstoptheprogressbeingcalledfor.尽管他们的意图和存在是战略的关键位置,但是他们经常停止这一进程。尽管他们的意图和存在是战略的关键位置,但是他们经常停止这一进程。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText B Many candidates struggle with writing the statement part of their CV but it doesnt necessarily have to be as difficult as you may think. A

97、 well written statement can be between 50 and 200 words, although it is important not to . Remember you always have your cover letter to include interesting and engaging information which will act as the gateway to them then wanting to read your CV.ramble2.Awellwrittenstatementcanbebetween50and200wo

98、rds,althoughitisimportantnottoramble.ramblev.continuetalkingorwritinginadesultorymanner漫谈漫谈Sherambledonaboutherbitterexperiences.她没完没了地说她过去的痛苦经历。她没完没了地说她过去的痛苦经历。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText B Its important to read the personal specification of the job carefully and ensure not only that your skills and ex

99、perience match but you reflect this in your statement. I am often asked whether a statement should be written in the first or third person and, while there are no rules about this, my preference is always to write in the first person because the CV is all about you and your skill set. However, this

100、doesnt mean that you have to add “I” at the beginning of each sentence, the reader knows its about you, so avoid this type of repetition and keep the reader engaged in your value and skills. For example, an opening statement without the opening “I” could read: As a highly-motivated and results manag

101、er within the luxury hotel sector, I have a proven track record of providing levels of service to a broad range of guests, including VIPs and high-profile individuals.definitivetransferableorientatedexemplary3.whiletherearenodefinitiverulesaboutthisdefinitiveadj.clearlydefinedorformulated决定性的;限定的决定性




105、sandhigh-profileindividuals.orientatedadj. adjustedorlocatedinrelationtosurroundingsorcircumstances;sometimesusedincombination定向的定向的Youmayrecognizetheinterfaceandoperationconceptsfromtheobject-orientatedparadigm.您可能会认出源自面向对象范例的接口和各种操作概念。您可能会认出源自面向对象范例的接口和各种操作概念。TheycanbeSOAadvocates,becauseoftechnol




109、s;andprovideexemplarytoolsfordevelopingmodelsbasedonthosemetamodels.该项目有两个主要目的:提供行业标准元模型的实现;并为基于那些该项目有两个主要目的:提供行业标准元模型的实现;并为基于那些元模型开发模型提供可仿效的工具。元模型开发模型提供可仿效的工具。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText B This example reads naturally and flows for the reader, whereas if an I was inserted at the start, while not hugely

110、 different, it would read more like a list and as you move forward with additional information it becomes difficult to break out of the format you have started. As a general rule, its best to break the statement into three sections:Whoyouare For example, As a recent graduate from , with a 2:1 honors

111、 degree in media communications, I have undertaken several internships within leading organizations such as and . These placements have enabled me to develop not only specific media industry experience, but also a valuable and transferable skill set in this fast-paced sector.Times WarnerDurham Unive

112、rsityBertelsmannLANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText B The above opening has allowed the recruiter to quickly identify, where you are coming from, that you have had industry experience (something that may be in the selection criteria) and core transferable skills. This in itself could be enough for your opening

113、statement, but it can be expanded upon by adding some additional information.WhatyoucanbringtothetableFor example, During placement with Bertelsmann, I worked within the media division contributing to projects such as the award-winning China Max Documentary and managed my own research, liaised with

114、various divisions, formulated media reports and participated in group project meetings. excellent communication skills, I developed and maintained successful working relationships with both internal and external staff.Utilizing6.Utilizingexcellentcommunicationskills,Idevelopedandmaintainedsuccessful

115、workingrelationshipswithbothinternalandexternalstaff.Utilizev.putintoservice;makeworkoremploy(something)foraparticularpurposeorforitsinherentornaturalpurpose利用利用Wemustutilizeallavailableresources.我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText BYourcareeraimFor example, Looking to secure a p

116、osition in a media organization, where I can bring immediate and strategic value and develop current skill set further.An example of a poorly written personal statement: Tim is a recent graduate from Durham University, with a 2:1 honors degree in media communications; I have undertaken several inter

117、nships within leading organizations. Tim is now looking to secure a position in a media organization where I can develop my current skill set.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText B The of first and third person copy is not only confusing to the reader but it almost sounds like a profile about different people. I

118、t also lacks specific detail and proof of what value the candidate could bring to the company.Keypointsonwritingadynamicandinterestingpersonalstatement:l Get straight to the point: avoid lengthy descriptions and make your and informative.l Keep it between 50 to 200 words maximum.l If you have enough

119、 space, use 1.5 line spacing to make you statement easier to read.l Match person and job specifications with well written copy.l Read your profile out loud to ensure it reads naturally.l Dont mix first and third person sentences.mismatchtestimoniespunchy7.Themismatchoffirstandthirdpersoncopyisnotonl

120、yconfusingtothereaderbutitalmostsoundslikeaprofileaboutdifferentpeople.mismatchn. abadorunsuitablematch错配;不协调错配;不协调Foramovingobject,thebraincalculatesthechangeinthismismatchovertime.对于一个移动的目标,大脑计算在这个不匹配的时间里边的改变。对于一个移动的目标,大脑计算在这个不匹配的时间里边的改变。Sincethereisamismatchintheusersspecified,theexecutionoftheap



123、resomefineoneshere.罗伯特先生的语言强而有力,书中就有很精罗伯特先生的语言强而有力,书中就有很精彩的几段。彩的几段。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING Notice(启事启事)启事(启事(Notice)是一种公告性的应用文,机关、团体或个人如有什么事情要)是一种公告性的应用文,机关、团体或个人如有什么事情要向群众公开说明,可将其简要地写成启事,张贴出来。启事的种类繁多,日常生向群众公开说明,可将其简要地写成启事,张贴出来。启事的种类繁多,日常生活中常用的有:寻物启事、招领启事、征稿启事、更正启事等。本课仅举寻物启活中常用的

124、有:寻物启事、招领启事、征稿启事、更正启事等。本课仅举寻物启事和招领启事为例。事和招领启事为例。LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING Lost(寻物启事寻物启事)A Jacket Lost In the gym, May 28, a jacket blue in colour was lost. Finder please tell the owner, Chen Ming, Room 323, Dormitory 5. Thanks.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING Found (招领

125、启事)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING Describing things:Describing things:What shape is it?What shape is it?triangular(triangular(三角形三角形), square(), square(正方形正方形), rectangular(), rectangular(长方形长方形), rhombus(), rhombus(菱菱形形), taper(), taper(锥形锥形), circular(), circular(圆形,环形圆形,环形) )What si

126、ze is it?What size is it?big, small, tiny, medium, long, shortbig, small, tiny, medium, long, shortLANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING What color is it? What color is it? red(red(红红), pink(), pink(粉红粉红)orange()orange(橙橙), yellow(), yellow(黄黄), green(), green(绿绿), blue(), blue(蓝蓝), ), purple

127、(purple(紫紫), white(), white(白白), black(), black(黑黑), sliver(), sliver(银银), golden(), golden(金金), light ), light blue(blue(浅兰浅兰), dark red (), dark red (深红深红) ),sandy(sandy(砂黄砂黄), ginger(), ginger(姜黄姜黄) ) What is it made of?What is it made of?cloth (cloth (布布), wood (), wood (木木), steel (), steel (钢钢

128、), iron (), iron (铁铁), nylon (), nylon (尼龙尼龙), glass (), glass (玻玻璃璃), plastic (), plastic (塑料塑料), leather (), leather (皮皮), rubber (), rubber (橡胶橡胶) )LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING Expressions:1 I wonder if you can help me. I couldnt find my2 Where did you lose it? Where have you been

129、 to? When did you last see it? 3 Can you describe it? What kind of is it? 4 I think we have found yours. Here it is. Yes, thats it. Thank you. I thought I had lost it.LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTPRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING 5 Im afraid we havent got anything like that. Please fill in this form. Write down your

130、name and telephone number. Dont worry. If we got something like that, we would inform you.CV A curriculum vitae (CV) provides an overview of a persons experience and other qualifications. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeke

131、r and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.In the United Kingdom and Ireland, a CV is short (usually a maximum of two sides of A4 paper), and therefore contains only a summary of the job seekers employment history, qualifications and some pe

132、rsonal information. It is often updated to change the emphasis of the information according to the particular position for which the job seeker is applying. Many CVs contain keywords that potential employers might pick up on and display the content in the most flattering manner, brushing over inform

133、ation like poor grades. A CV can also be extended to include an extra page for the job-seekers publications if these are important for the job.In the United States and Canada, a CV is used in academic circles and medical careers as a “replacement” for a rsum and is far more comprehensive; the term r

134、sum is used for most recruitment campaigns. A CV elaborates on education to a greater degree than a rsum and is expected to include a comprehensive listing of professional history including every term of employment, academic credential, publication, contribution or significant achievement. In certai

135、n professions, it may even include samples of the persons work and may run to many pages. Many executives and professionals choose to use short CVs that highlight the focus of their lives and not necessarily their employment or education.The European Union developed a standardized CV format known as

136、 Europass, based on a Decision (adopted in 2004 by the European Parliament and European Commission) and promoted by the EU to ease skilled migration between member countries. As of July 2012, more than 20 million CVs have been completed online.The Europass CV system is meant to be just as helpful to

137、 employers and education providers as it is to students and job seekers. It was designed to help them understand what people moving between countries have to offer, while overcoming linguistic barriers.Some companies produce their own application form which must be completed in applying for any posi

138、tion. Of those, some prefer not to receive a CV at all, but some also allow applicants to attach a CV in support of the application. These companies prefer to process applications this way so they can standardize the information they receive, since CVs are written in many different styles. A CV on i

139、ts own, therefore, may not give a company all the information it needs at the application stage.DurhamUniversity The University of Durham, commonly known as Durham University, is a public research university in Durham, England. It was founded by Act of Parliament in 1832 and granted a Royal Charter

140、in 1837. It was one of the first universities to open in England for more than 600 years and has a claim towards being the third oldest university in England.Durham is a collegiate university, with its main functions divided between the academic departments of the university and 16 colleges. In gene

141、ral, the departments perform research and provide lectures to students, while the colleges are responsible for the domestic arrangements and welfare of undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and some university staff.The university is currently ranked between 3rd and 6t

142、h places by the latest league tables of the British universities. “Long established as the leading alternative to Oxford and Cambridge”, the university attracts “a largely middle class student body” according to The Times Good University Guide. Durham has the second highest proportion of privately e

143、ducated students in the country. The university was named Sunday Times University of the Year in 2005, having previously been shortlisted for the award in 2004.Current academics include 15 Fellows of the Royal Society, 18 Fellows of the British Academy, 16 Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences,

144、2 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and 2 Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences.The university became a member of the Russell Group of UK universities in August 2012 on invitation to join after previously being a member of the 1994 Group. Durham is also affiliated with several univers

145、ity groups including the N8 Research Partnership, the Matariki Network of Universities and the Faith and Globalisation Network of Universities.The chancellor of the university is Sir Thomas Allen, who succeeded Bill Bryson in January 2012. The post-nominal letters of graduates have Dunelm (the Latin

146、 abbreviation for Durham) attached to indicate the university.Bertelsmann Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA is a German multinational mass media corporation founded in 1835, based in Gtersloh, Germany. The company operates in 50 countries and employs 106,000 workers (as of December 31, 2011). In 2011 the co

147、mpany reported a 15.253 billion consolidated revenue and an operating EBIT of 1.568 billion.2 Among its some 2000 divisions, subsidiaries, and branches are Random House, RTL Group, Gruner + Jahr, Arvato, and BMG.Bertelsmann is majority owned (77.4%) by the Bertelsmann Foundation, a non-profit organi

148、sation and political think tank founded by the Mohn family. The Mohn family owns the remaining 22.6% of the company.TimesWarner Time Warner Inc. (formerly AOL Time Warner, stylized as TimeWarner) is an American multinational media corporation headquartered in the Time Warner Center in New York City.

149、 As of mid-2010, it was the worlds second largest media and entertainment conglomerate in terms of revenue (behind The Walt Disney Company), as well as the worlds largest media conglomerate.Two formerly separate companies, Warner Communications, Inc. and Time Inc. (along with the assets of a third c

150、ompany, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.), form the current Time Warner, with major operations in film, television and publishing. Among its subsidiaries are New Line Cinema, Time Inc., HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, The CW Television Network, TheWB.com, Warner Bros., Kids WB, Cartoon Network, Boo

151、merang, Adult Swim, CNN, DC Comics, Warner Bros. Animation, Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera and Castle Rock Entertainment.Time Warner previously owned AOL, Time Warner Cable and Warner Music Group, but these have all been spun off into independent companies. In March 2013, it was announced that Time Inc. would be spun off as well, completing Time Warners evolution into a pure-play global entertainment company. The companys cable news channel, CNN, later clarified that the Time Inc. spin-off would happen at the end of 2013.返回返回



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