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1、形容词:是修饰名词(人或事物),表示名形容词:是修饰名词(人或事物),表示名 词的性质,特征或属性一种词类。词的性质,特征或属性一种词类。 它在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足它在句中作定语、表语和宾语补足 语。语。副词:用来修饰动词、形容词及其他副词副词:用来修饰动词、形容词及其他副词 的词叫副词。副词在句中多作状语的词叫副词。副词在句中多作状语. 一、形容词和副词的概念一、形容词和副词的概念形容词作定语一般放在被修饰形容词作定语一般放在被修饰 的的名词之前。名词之前。 如如: a new book, two big trees 等等。二、形容词和副词的用法二、形容词和副词的用法形容词放在系动词形

2、容词放在系动词be 、look、 get、keep、turn、feel、become、seem、 grow、 smell等等之后。之后。如如:1.I am short. 2.She looks fine. 3.They turn green.如果如果形容词形容词修饰不定代词修饰不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing等时,等时,要放要放在不定代词后面。在不定代词后面。如如:something interesting nothing new副词放在所修饰的动词之后、形容词和副副词放在所修饰的动词之后、形容词和副 词之前词之前。如果前面是行为动词,则

3、后面用副。如果前面是行为动词,则后面用副词。词。如如: 1.She works hard .(修饰动词)(修饰动词) 2.I am very busy.(修饰形容词)(修饰形容词) 3.He runs too quickly .(修饰副词)(修饰副词) 4.We play happily. (修饰动词)(修饰动词)三、形容词和副词的级三、形容词和副词的级形容词和副词有三个等级:形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级原级、比较级、最高级一)一).原级:原级:程度副词程度副词very,too,so,quite等修饰形容词和等修饰形容词和副词的原级。副词的原级。如:如:verytall、too

4、hot、socoldquiteinterestingrunquicklyItstooforyoutodothat.A.easyB.moredangerousC.harderD.theeasiestATomisastallasMike.1.as+原级原级+asThereareasmanystudentsinourschoolasyours.TomisthreetimesasoldasMike.The watch is not _ beautiful as that one. A. very B. too C. so D. more2. so2. so和和suchsuchA)so that 与与s

5、uch that 的区的区别。so + adj. / adv.+ that such + n. + thatso+many/few+ncmuch/little(少的少的)+nuso + adj. + a(n) + n.单+ thatsuch + a(n)+ adj.+nc单 + that such + adj. + nu + that such + adj. + 复数名复数名词 + that 注意:注意: 但当但当little表示表示“小小”时用用such。如:如:These are such little boys that they cant dress themselves.1.Heis


7、so so so such such so3. be too much + n. be much too+ adj. be too much for sb. 对太太过分了分了4. cant be too +adj.= cant be +adj.+ enough “无无论都不都不为过” You can never be careful enough. = You can never be too careful. 你越小心越好。你越小心越好。二)比较级:二)比较级:两个人或物之间的比较。两个人或物之间的比较。表示表示“较较”或或“更更一些一些”。 标志词:标志词:than (比)比) 比较级前面

8、可以用比较级前面可以用even(更加更加),much(得多得多),far(得多得多),alittle(一点一点),abit(一一点点),alot(大量大量),still(还,还要还,还要)等词语表示不等词语表示不定程度或数量。定程度或数量。I am even less lucky. She is far better than me at writing. Thispenismuchbetterthanthatone.TomisalittleshorterthanhisfriendJim.1.比较级比较级+thaneg.MaryismuchyoungerthanSue.2.疑问句疑问句+动词动



11、数表示法:倍数表示法: the+抽象抽象n.+of+B.Thenewbuildingisthreetimestheheightoftheoldone. as+原级原级+as+B. AsiaisfourtimesaslargeasEurope.比较级比较级+than+B.Ourschoolistwicebiggerthanyours. A+be+倍数倍数+7.比比较级than 1)thananyothern. (单) (适用于范(适用于范围一致一致时) 2) (all) other n.(复)(复) 3) any n.(单) (适用于范适用于范围不一致不一致时) He is taller tha

12、n any other student in his class. all other students in his class. any student in my class.Dosomeexercises同义句转换同义句转换1.Heisthetalleststudentinhisclass.Heis_studentinhisclass.Heis_studentsinhisclass.tallerthananyothertallerthanallother8.morethan超过超过Heismorethan20yearsold.moreAthanB“与其说是与其说是B,不如说是,不如说是


14、调多,之多,强调多,与与nomorethan意思相反。意思相反。Nolessthan50peoplewanttobuyit.(多达有多达有50人想买它)人想买它)notlessthan是是lessthan的否定式,的否定式,“不少于,不下于,至少不少于,不下于,至少”Hehasnotlessthan10000dollars.(他至少有一万元。)他至少有一万元。)1. Lucy is very short, but she is _ than her sister. A. shorter B. longer C. taller D. older 2. Frank is _ friendly th

15、an his brother. A. a little more B. a few more C. much D. a little 3. Sam is _ at Chinese than Jim. A. good B. well C. better D. gooder 4. This one is too large. Can you show me a _one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 5. Do you think March is _ than January? Yes, its _ warmer. A.better, a lit

16、tle B. well, much B.C. worse, very D. nicer, quite 6. Im _ quieter than Susan. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 7. His French isnt so good as _. A: he B: him C:his D: hers 8. Her bag is newer than _. A. mine B. my C. me D. I11. The _, the better. A. much B. many C. more D. most 12. Do you know

17、who is _ of the twins? A. shorter B. heavier C. the older D. the funny13. The weather in North China is colder than _ in South China. A. B. this C. the one D. that 13. Which one is _, this one or that one? A. good B. bad C. bestD. worse14. He is _ than me. A. older B. elder C. young D. more younger1

18、5. I think your room is _ bigger. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. more三)三).最高级最高级:形容词的最高级要加定冠形容词的最高级要加定冠词词the,副词最高级可省略副词最高级可省略the,主要句型主要句型有有:the+最高级最高级+ofineg.Jimworkshardestofusall.Mymotheristhebusiestinmyfamily.a.in表示表示“在在内内(指某范围内指某范围内)”可可以跟表示单位以跟表示单位,组织组织,时间等单数名词时间等单数名词.b.of表示属性表示属性(指在同类的人指在同类


20、hetallestofall.Tomistallerthantheotherstudents.Tomistallerthananyotherstudent.(4)oneofthe+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数最最之一之一eg. Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers .(5)the+序数词序数词+最高级最高级表示表示第第最最eg. Changjiang is the first longest river in China . Huanghe is the second longest river in China . (6)某人的某人的+最高级最高级(包

21、括形容词性物主代词(包括形容词性物主代词)表达表达“某人的最某人的最”最高级前省略定冠词最高级前省略定冠词theeg . Linda is my sisters best friend. My best friend is May. 六六.使用比较级和最高级的几个注意点使用比较级和最高级的几个注意点1.比较应在同类事物中进行比较应在同类事物中进行.Maryshairislongerthanyou.Maryshairislongerthanyours.2.形容词的最高级前用形容词的最高级前用the,副词的最副词的最高级前可以不用高级前可以不用the七七.注意注意1.His shirt is mo

22、re expensive than mine.如果主语是物主代词如果主语是物主代词+名词,那么后面要名词,那么后面要用名词性物主代词。用名词性物主代词。2.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.one of+ the+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词 Which/Who+ 比较级,比较级,A or B? Which/Who+ 最高级,最高级,A ,B or C?3.Who is older, Jim or Tom ? Who is the tallest, Jim , Mike or Tom Which languag

23、e is _ , English, French or Chinese?A.difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficultC4. Mary is the tallest of all the sisters in the family .在使用形容词最高级时,一定要把自己包括在使用形容词最高级时,一定要把自己包括 在比较的范围内。在比较的范围内。5.This is the third largest city in China . 当表示当表示“第二,第三第二,第三”等意思时,经常在最高等意思时,经常在最高级的前面加级的前面加second,

24、third,等词。等词。 6.Its our largest machine in our factory. 当最高级前有物主代词修饰时,其前不加当最高级前有物主代词修饰时,其前不加定冠词定冠词the. 相关词语辨析相关词语辨析1.very 和和much A)very修饰形容词、副词的原级;修饰形容词、副词的原级;much修修饰比较级;修饰动词用饰比较级;修饰动词用much或或verymuch,eg.IverylikeEnglish.(),因改为:因改为:IlikeEnglishverymuch.B)已转化为形容词的现在分词前用已转化为形容词的现在分词前用very。如:如:veryintere

25、sting/worrying/excitingC)还有修饰词既不用还有修饰词既不用very,也不用也不用much.eg.bewellworthdoing,bewellabovethetree1.Hejumpsofthethree.A.farB.furtherC.farthestD.furthest2.Myhairislongerthan.A.mysisterB.KateC.mybrothersD.Lucys3. Therearepaperhere.Pleasebringsome.A.littleB.lessC.fewerD.alittleCCA4.Thepenisthanthatone.A.m





30、fmistakes.A.socarefulB.ascarefullyasC.carefullyasD.ascarefulasCBB4、_ she is, _ she feels. A. The more busy, the more happy B. The busy, the happy C. Busier, happier D.The busier, the happier5、The weather is getting _.(越来越糟糕)D Dworse and worse Have a try,please。1.Which do you like _(well),apples or o

31、ranges?2.Who is _(old),Jim or Tom ?3.Jack is running _ and _(fast) .4.Our country is becoming _and _ (beautiful). 5.He is _(tall) of the the two boys. betterolderfasterfastermore more beatifulthe taller4.Find out the mistakes in the sentences below.1.All of us felt happily at her birthday party. 2.I am more older than Harry.3. Her coat is newer than you.4. The weather in Beijing is colder than in Xiamen.5. Sue is one of the tall girls in her class. happymuchyours. that tallest



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