湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 2 Sporting events Task课件 牛津译林版必修4

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1、When you talk to someone, it is very important to pay close attention to what he or she is saying in order to hear the information you need. This is because people often makes mistakes, correct themselves, change their minds or say something that is not important.Skills building 1: listening for spe

2、cific information (听细节听细节)Go through the instructions, and try to understand why we should pay attention to these words: but, however, or and I mean.Listen to the conversation between Ma Yan and Yu Lei about the 2010 World Cup and complete the notes below. ListeningNotes1 Do Yu Lei and Ma Yan like f

3、ootball? Yes No2 Which team does Yu Lei support? _3 Did Yu Lei watch any of the 2010 games? Yes NoEngland4 The 2006 World Cup was held in: Germany Japan South Korea 5 Ma Yans favourite team is: China France Netherlands 6 Will Ma Yan watch the next World Cup? Yes No 7 Is Ma Yan likely to go to see a

4、live World Cup match? Yes No Listen to the conversation and complete the form below by circling the answers.Step 1: completing a training scheduleNew Training SchedulePhysical training1 Hours of training must be increased / reduced2 Number of training per day 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 52increasedName of athle

5、te: George Sport: Running3 Strength-training exercises such as running / swimming / lifting weights4 Hours of sleep every night 7 / 8 / 9 / 108lifting weightsFood 5 Eat grains such as rice / beef6 Hamburgers are allowed. True / False7 Pizzas are not allowed. True / False8 Eat _ three times of a day.

6、 fish / fruit / meat / vegetables9 Number of times to eat fruit a day 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 10 Allowed drinks: water / strong tea / weak teaFalse True vegetablesrice4waterweak teamaking suggestionsWhen making suggestions, we usually try to use less direct ways of speaking to make the listener feel more comf

7、ortable. We often use these patterns:Skills building 2:Pay attention to the difference between advise and advice1 I advise you to do more exercise to keep fit.I advise that you should watch less TV at night.My advice to you is that you should drink more water.Pay attention to the usage of suggest2 I

8、 suggest (that) you (should) go and have your teeth checked. He suggested playing football after school.Use these patterns to make sentence.1 Dont you think it would be a good idea to go running every morning?2 Why dont you go swimming instead of watching TV at home? Why not go swimming with me? You

9、 need some exercise.3 You might have broken you leg. Shall I take you to hospital?Sometimes we also use questions to make suggestions:4 Tom: Shall we meet again and discuss the plan this week? Michael: Will Thursday morning do? I happen to be in town then.5 Jane: Lets plan something for the summer h

10、olidays. Edward: What/How about a trip to Europe?Step 2: designing a new daily routineFirst leaflet Training for athlete1. How many hours should the athlete sleep every night?2. How many hours should he or she train every day?Say something about white meat and red meat. Do you know what meat is red

11、meat?Second leaflet Food for athletesSkills building 3: identifying/selecting relevant informationidentifying/selecting relevant informationWhile reading or listening to English, we should identify which information deals with the task we are working on.Table Tennis now: Also called ping-pong, is pl

12、ayed all around the world and an Olympic sport.The origin of it: The exact origin of table tennis is not known. It began in England in the 1890s.Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in international table tennis competitions.Leading countries:Step 3: wri

13、ting a report about the history of a sportHistory of bowlingGuess the meaning of the word “bowling”.How to write a report?When writing a report about the history of table tennis, we should use the outline to help us. Definition History Today1. Finish your report about the history of table tennis.2. Preview the Project Part.Homework



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