高中英语 Unit5 第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking课件 新人教版必修2

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1、第三学时第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speakingMusicTask 1仔细阅读课文Freddy the frog,写出文章的段落大意。温馨提示:本文为记叙文,写摘要时要扣住记叙文的几大要素, 着重介绍Freddy The Frog组合成名后的情况及其最后的决定。After Freddy The Frog became famous in Britain, they enjoyed their fans devotion and love at first, but later they found their personal life

2、 disturbed and feeling upset, they left the country for ever. Task 2根据课文Freddy the frog选择正确答案。 ( ) 1Whats the main idea of the passage?AIts about a concert that a band held.BIts about a bands popularity and worries.CIts about how a band became famous.DIts about how the fans welcome the band.B2What w

3、as the trouble the band had when they became famous? ( )AMany fans wait for hours to get tickets for their concerts.BThey had to wear sunglasses and wear expensive suits to go out.CTheir personal life was seriously interrupted by the fans.DThey had to leave Britain to give performances.CPart A Role

4、Play角色: 汤姆和黛西情景:汤姆向黛西了解有关Freddy The Frog的信息。任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容互相问答问题。 Q1: Freddy喜欢出名吗?_Q2: 成名后他们一直非常开心吗? 为什么?_Q3: 他们为什么觉得痛苦?_Q4: 他们不得不躲藏起来, 对吗? _Q6: 后来他们决定做什么?_Part AQ1: Did Freddy enjoy being famous?A1: Yes, he enjoyed being famous at first.Q2: Did he enjoy being famous all the

5、time? Why?A2: No. Soon after they became famous, they found things went wrong and Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed and people liked to talk about their personal affairs, whether they were true or false.Q3: Why did they feel painful?A3: Because they were always bei

6、ng followed and their peaceful life was disturbed.Q4: They had to hide, didnt they?A4: Yes, they did.Q5: What did they decide to do later?A5: They decided to leave Britain, and they never returned to the country. Part B Retelling用自己的话复述课文,你可以参考上述问题及答案。关键词: become famous 成名follow 跟随,跟踪painful 痛苦的 _Pa

7、rt BFreddy and his band wanted to be famous, but when they became famous, they were always being followed wherever they went, which they found painful. So later they found it was good to be ordinary people and they had to hide. In the end they packed their bags and went back to the lake.词语链接词语链接1Fan

8、s showed their devotion by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts. (P38)歌迷们等几个小时来购买音乐会的门票,以此表现对他们的喜爱。devotion n. 忠诚,忠心,喜爱 devoted adj. 忠诚的devote.to.致力于,献身于选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1) His great_ to his wife was beyond doubt.(2)Cheey is my_ friend. We first met ten years ago and weve been friends si

9、nce then.(3)When his mother died of the deadly disease, he made up his mind_ himself_ searching for a cure for it.即学即练即学即练(1)devotion(2)devoted(3)to devote , to2Freddy was now quite confident when he went into a concert hall. (P38) 现在弗雷迪进入音乐大厅时感到很有信心。词语链接词语链接confident adj.有信心的,自信的confidence 信心, 自信be

10、 confident that .对有信心be confident of / about 对有信心即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)我擅长电脑,因此对电脑的使用很自信。Im good at computer, so I am very_using computers.(2)我们会克服一切困难的,对此我很有信心。I am quite confident_.(1)confident about(2)that we will overcome all the difficulties3Then things went wrong. (P38)后来情况可就不妙了。温馨提示: go 可作连系动词, 意

11、思是 “变” 如:go wrong做错事, 犯错误;出毛病;遇到麻烦go bad(东西)坏了; (肉) 臭了go hungry挨饿go mad发疯be gone丢失, 不见了即学即练即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)If you read the instructions (说明书), youll see where you_.(2)The radio_ again. Please get it repaired soon.(3)In Africa many people had to_ because of the food shortage. (4)The meat gives of

12、f a bad smell as it_. (1) go wrong(2)has gone wrong(3)go hungry(4)has gone bad一、单词拼写1I have not e_ one penny up to the moment.2You may r_ on it that he will come here before 2:00 this afternoon.3He p_ to be doing his homework when his mother came into his room.4He found it hard to f_ a good habit.5H

13、e a_ a stamp to the envelope and mailed it.1earned2.rely3.pretended4.form5.attached6She looks very _(熟悉的), but I cant remember her name.7Tom was so _(幽默的)that we had a lot of laughs together.8He is quite _(自信的)that he will pass the examination.9Dont forgetyou have an open _(邀请)to visit us in America

14、 whenever you want.10These old photos brought back my _(痛苦的)memories.6.familiar7.humorous8.confident9.invitation10.painful二、词语活用用与go相关的词语完成下列小段落。In order to buy an expensive necklace, Lucy did everything to save money, working day and night and eating bad food. For example, when the fridge (1)_last

15、year, the food in it (2)_, but Lucy wasnt willing to throw it away. Instead, she ate the food so that she could spend less money on food. Sometimes, she even (3)_and ate only one meal a day. So last week she almost (4)_when she found the necklace (5)_. (1)went wrong(2)went bad(3)went hungry(4)went m

16、ad(5)was gone三、用适当的介词填空。1. After the competition, the athletes went to England_ a simple tour.2. You cant hope to escape_ being punished for what youve done.3. I left that big city, _ which I would never return.4. I still remember the date_ which our band was formed.1on2.from3.to4.on5. Mr. White had four sons, the oldest_ whom was eighteen that year.6. I admired Mr. Green a lot,_whom I worked for ten years. 7. The fans,_whom he could not have been so successful, had been supporting him since he took_ his career_ a singer. 5.of 6with/for7.without, up, as



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