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1、中考复习如何优化课堂 -谈中考复习策略西工大附中张登峰一、我省近三年中考英语试题分析1.我省中考常考题型以及分值:我省中考常考题型以及分值:近三年的中考试题稳中有变,每年近三年的中考试题稳中有变,每年变化最多不超过变化最多不超过5%。近三年变化如下:。近三年变化如下:2012年中考变化是任务型阅读给出问题,年中考变化是任务型阅读给出问题,根据问题来完成答案。根据问题来完成答案。2013年题型基本年题型基本没有变化,但对于题干进行了更详细的没有变化,但对于题干进行了更详细的说明。说明。2014年最大的变化是听力部分,年最大的变化是听力部分,去掉了第一大题考了十多年的听句子,去掉了第一大题考了十多

2、年的听句子,选答语的题型,改为听对话,选答案。选答语的题型,改为听对话,选答案。对话由短及长,梯度明显。对话由短及长,梯度明显。变化项目变化项目20132013年年20142014年年试卷结构试卷结构共共11 11种题型种题型共共1010种题型种题型考试内容考试内容情感态度和学习策略可通过情感态度和学习策略可通过形成性评价方式来考查形成性评价方式来考查注意渗透情感态度和学习策略的考查注意渗透情感态度和学习策略的考查考试要求考试要求完形填空完形填空阅读考查学生语言知识的综阅读考查学生语言知识的综合运用能力合运用能力通过填空综合考查学生的阅读能力通过填空综合考查学生的阅读能力阅读理解阅读理解考查阅

3、读能力以及分析和判考查阅读能力以及分析和判断能力断能力考查学生在语篇中依据语境准确运用语言知识的考查学生在语篇中依据语境准确运用语言知识的能力能力词汇变化词汇变化aimaim n.n.aimaim n. & v.n. & v.scarfscarf n.n.scarf (pl.scarf (pl. scarves/scarfs)n.scarves/scarfs)n.语法项目语法项目6.6.形容词(比较级和最高级)形容词(比较级和最高级) 7.7.副词(比较级和最高级)副词(比较级和最高级)6.6.形容词(包括比较级和最高级)形容词(包括比较级和最高级) 7.7.副词副词(包括比较级和最高级)(包

4、括比较级和最高级)11.11.(2 2)疑问句)疑问句11.11.(2 2)疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选)疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句)择疑问句)题型(听力)题型(听力)I. I. 听句子,选答语(听句子,选答语(5 5题题5 5分)分)I. I. 听对话,听对话,选答案选答案第一节(第一节(1010题题1010分)分)第二节(第二节(5 5题题5 5分)分)II. II. 听对话,选答案(听对话,选答案(1010题题1010分)分)II. II. 听短文,选答案(听短文,选答案(5 5题题1010分)分)III. III. 听短文,选答案(听短文,选答案(5 5题题101

5、0分)分)题型题型 考试水平考试水平 题数题数/ /分值分值 答题形式答题形式 识记识记 理解理解 应用应用 综合综合 听听 力力 20/2520/25三选一三选一单项选择单项选择 10/1010/10四选一四选一完形填空完形填空 10/1010/10四选一四选一阅读理解阅读理解 15/2015/20A) A) 判断正误判断正误 B) B) 四选一四选一完成句子完成句子 5/105/10根根据据所所给给汉汉语语,用用单单词词或或短短语语完成句子完成句子完成短文完成短文10/1010/10用用方方框框中中所所给给的的单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空,使使短短文文完完整整正正确确。(每每个个单

6、单词词限限用用一一次次,每每空空只只填填一个单词一个单词)任务型任务型阅读阅读 5/105/10阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,根根据据短短文文内内容容,回答下列问题。回答下列问题。补全对话补全对话 10/1010/10A)A)七选五七选五 B)B)完成对话完成对话书面表达书面表达 1/151/15 2. 2. 试题内容试题内容 中考试题依据教学大纲和考试说明,中考试题依据教学大纲和考试说明,考点内容不超纲,无偏难怪题,符合中学考点内容不超纲,无偏难怪题,符合中学生年龄特点。生年龄特点。 试卷的难度系数控制在试卷的难度系数控制在0.65,0.65,容易题,容易题,较易题,难题,较难题按较易题,难题,

7、较难题按4:3:2:14:3:2:1比例给比例给分。试卷重在考查学生的语言基础知识,分。试卷重在考查学生的语言基础知识,语言技能以及语用能力。期中语言技能以及语用能力。期中20122012年的年的试题较易,西安市的学生的试题较易,西安市的学生的A A类达到类达到100.8100.8分;分;20132013年的试题较难,年的试题较难,A A类类88.588.5分左右。分左右。20122012科目科目A A等最低分等最低分B B等最低分等最低分C C等最低分等最低分D D等最低分等最低分英语英语100.8100.845.545.519.819.80 020132013科目科目A A等最低分等最低分

8、B B等最低分等最低分C C等最低分等最低分D D等最低分等最低分英语英语88.588.543.343.319190 0 三轮复习宽进窄出、精讲精练,放三轮复习宽进窄出、精讲精练,放下下“偏难怪偏难怪”,讲究,讲究“稳准狠稳准狠”。 一轮复习紧扣课本一轮复习紧扣课本 狠抓基础狠抓基础 二轮复习专项复习二轮复习专项复习 训练能力训练能力 三轮复习模拟专练三轮复习模拟专练 注重实效注重实效二、根据中考要求如何优化课堂第一阶段 紧扣课本 狠抓基础( (一一) )单元复习,精心备课,注重小结,优化课堂单元复习,精心备课,注重小结,优化课堂( (二二) )以话题为核心,整合复习内容,由基础到能力以话题为

9、核心,整合复习内容,由基础到能力( (三三) )抓听写抓听写, , 词汇短语为重点,落实改错词汇短语为重点,落实改错 (一)单元复习,精心备课,注重小结,优化课堂1. make nmake + sb. / sth.+ adj. make our motherland stronger nmake + sb. + infinitive (do) He made her cry.* She was made to cry.n make+sb./sth. + n *make him our monitor *make me a caken make + sb./sth. + done make yo

10、ur voice heardnPhrases: * make mistakes / make noise/ make money / make a decision/ * be made of/from/into Unit 11Year 9Unit 11Year 9Sad movies make me cry.Sad movies make me cry.2. drive sb mad/crazy3. would rather do than do * prefer to do rather than do prefer doing to doing *d better do / d like

11、 to do / feel like doing 4. the more the more * more and more + adj/adv* longer and longer5. neither nor either or not only but also6. to start with / to begin with7. let down8. kick sb off9. be hard on sb.musicmusician musicalmusicalinstrument guitarpianoviolin apieceofmusiclyricssongdancetomusicsi

12、ngalongwithmusiclistentomusicsingasonghumsongsUnit 1Year 7BUnit 1Year 7BCan you play the guitar?Can you play the guitar?ntake + prep/advtake + prep/advtake away take off take out take uptake away take off take out take upntake + ntake + n(+prep)+prep)take place take photos take medicinetake place ta

13、ke photos take medicinetake pride in take a vacationtake pride in take a vacationtake a walk/ shower take an interest intake a walk/ shower take an interest intake an exam take a messagetake an exam take a messagetake the subway take onetake the subway take ones orders ordertake action take part in

14、take action take part in v + upv + up set up set up put up put up get up get up send up send up wake up wake up hurry uphurry upuse up use up cut up cut up turn upturn upstay up stay up pick up pick up look up look up make up make up dress up dress up clean up clean up fix up fix up end up end up th

15、ink up think up give up give up Unit 2 Year 7BUnit 2 Year 7BWhat time do you go to schoolWhat time do you go to school? ?EXX:EXX:1. Don1. Don t _ too late at night. t _ too late at night. 2. I _ all the time in the exam but I 2. I _ all the time in the exam but I didndidn t finish the paper yet.t fi

16、nish the paper yet.3. Last weekend my mother _ the 3. Last weekend my mother _ the kitchen. It is very clean now.kitchen. It is very clean now.4. You needn4. You needn t _ all the new t _ all the new words in the dictionary.words in the dictionary.5. China _ man-made satellites into 5. China _ man-m

17、ade satellites into space already.space already.V + adv./ prepV + adv./ prep. look atlook at look forlook forlook like look like look uplook up look out look out look overlook overlook afterlook after look look get upget upget downget downget back get back get overget overget offget offget on get on

18、 get get be + adj + prepbe + adj + prepbe good at be good with be good at be good with be good for be angry withbe good for be angry withbe interested in be strict with be interested in be strict with be born with be hard on be born with be hard on be harmful to be known for be harmful to be known f

19、or be proud of be responsible forbe proud of be responsible forbe thankful to be thirsty for be thankful to be thirsty for Year 7 and Year 9Year 7 and Year 9短语归类总结nbe + adj. + prep.be + adj. + prep.n v.+ prep. v.+ prep. n v.+ adv. v.+ adv.n v. + n. + prep (take pride in, make fun of) v. + n. + prep

20、(take pride in, make fun of)n v. + n. (take care, make money) v. + n. (take care, make money)nv/phrase+ doingv/phrase+ doing *have fun /difficulty/experience/trouble *have fun /difficulty/experience/trouble *be busy/nervous *be busy/nervous *consider/imagine / mind / finish / enjoy/ *consider/imagin

21、e / mind / finish / enjoy/ practice /advise/ suggest / allow/ permitpractice /advise/ suggest / allow/ permit *can *cant help / cant help / cant stand t stand n v/phrasev/phrase + to do + to don v/phrasev/phrase + to do / doing + to do / doingn v + sb./sth + do/to do /doing/ done / adj /n v + sb./st

22、h + do/to do /doing/ done / adj /n近三年中考试题回顾:近三年中考试题回顾:n25. The workers in the Huashan Mountains 25. The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to have to rubbish to keep the mountains rubbish to keep the mountains clean.clean.(20122012)n A. turn up B. pick up A. turn up B. pick up n C. mix up D. give

23、 up C. mix up D. give upn24.To keep healthy, many people24.To keep healthy, many people_ _ every day.(2013)every day.(2013) A. take a shower B. take pride A. take a shower B. take pride C. take a look D. take exercise C. take a look D. take exercise “Then one of the moths went to ask the Then one of

24、 the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. But the butterflies butterflies for help. But the butterflies didndidnt want to t want to 38 38 any of their colors, so any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow the moths decided to make a rainbow themselvesthemselves(2014)(2014)n38

25、. A. give up B. pick up 38. A. give up B. pick up C. turn up D. look up C. turn up D. look upn60. 60. 习近平在上海的讲话使我们坚信祖国将习近平在上海的讲话使我们坚信祖国将越来越强大。越来越强大。(2014)(2014)Xi JinpingXi Jinpings speech in Shanghai makes us s speech in Shanghai makes us believe China will be believe China will be . . 1 1个人情况个人情况(

26、Personal information Family, (Personal information Family, friends and people around)friends and people around) 2 2周围的环境周围的环境(Personal environments)(Personal environments) 3 3日常生活日常生活(Daily routines)(Daily routines) 4 4学校生活学校生活(School life)(School life) 5 5兴趣与爱好兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)(Interests

27、 and hobbies) 6 6个人感情个人感情(Emotions)(Emotions)( (二二) )以话题为核心,整合复习内容,从基础以话题为核心,整合复习内容,从基础到能力到能力, ,循序渐进循序渐进7.7.计划与愿望计划与愿望(Plans and wishes)(Plans and wishes)8.8.节假日活动节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)9.9.购物购物(Shopping)(Shopping)10.10.健康健康(Health)(Health)11

28、.11.天气天气(Weather)(Weather)12. 12. 旅游和交通旅游和交通(Travel and transport)(Travel and transport)13. 13. 其他(其他(others)others)1个人情况个人情况(Personal information(Personal information,family, family, friends and people around)friends and people around)(1 1)Individual data Individual data (name, age, date of (name,

29、age, date of birth, place of birth, birth, place of birth, telephone number, telephone number, address, postal code, address, postal code, email address, ID email address, ID number, etc.)number, etc.)(2 2)Family data Family data (name, age, (name, age, relationship, etc.)relationship, etc.)(3 3)Sch

30、ool data School data (school, grade, class, (school, grade, class, teacher, etc.)teacher, etc.)(4 4)Jobs and career Jobs and career (office worker, (office worker, worker, teacher, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc.) official, etc.) YearYearUnitUnitTitleT

31、itle7A7A1 1My nameMy names Gina.s Gina.7A7A2 2This is my sister.This is my sister.7A7A8 8When is your birthday?When is your birthday?7B7B9 9What does he look like?What does he look like?8A8A3 3I Im more outgoing than my m more outgoing than my sister.sister.8A 8A 6 6I Im going to study computer m go

32、ing to study computer science.science.2周围的环境(Personal environments)(1 1)Kinds of homes (house, Kinds of homes (house, apartment, dormitory, etc.)apartment, dormitory, etc.)(2 2)Rooms in homes Rooms in homes (bedroom, kitchen, living (bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc.)room, bathroom, etc.

33、)(3 3)Furniture and home Furniture and home items (table, chair, sofa, items (table, chair, sofa, desk, bed, television, etc.)desk, bed, television, etc.)(4 4)Schools (classroom, Schools (classroom, playground, hall, computer playground, hall, computer room, labs, office, etc.)room, labs, office, et

34、c.)(5 5)Outside (bookshop, Outside (bookshop, clothing store, market, clothing store, market, bank, library, museum, bank, library, museum, cinema, theater, park, road, cinema, theater, park, road, etc.)etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7A7A4 4Where is my school Where is my school bag?bag?7B7B8 8Is the

35、re a post office Is there a post office near here?near here?8A8A4 4WhatWhats the best s the best movie theatre?movie theatre?8B8B7 7WhatWhat s the highest s the highest mountain in the world?mountain in the world?9 93 3Could you please tell Could you please tell me where the me where the restrooms a

36、re?restrooms are?3日常生活(Daily routines)(1 1)Getting ready (time for Getting ready (time for school/playing/bed)school/playing/bed)(2 2)Dressing, brushing teeth, Dressing, brushing teeth, washing hands and face, washing hands and face, taking a shower, etc.taking a shower, etc.(3 3)Eating (breakfast,

37、lunch, Eating (breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner)snacks and dinner)(4 4)Daily chores (tidying, Daily chores (tidying, sweeping, doing dishes, sweeping, doing dishes, cooking)cooking)(5 5)Homework (reading, Homework (reading, writing, studying, making, writing, studying, making, drawing, etc.)drawi

38、ng, etc.)(6 6)Family time (chatting, Family time (chatting, watching television, going watching television, going out, visiting, etc.)out, visiting, etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7B7B2 2What time do you get What time do you get up?up?8A8A2 2How often do you How often do you exercise?exercise?7B7B6

39、6 I Im watching TV.m watching TV.8B8B3 3Could you please clean Could you please clean your room?your room?4学校生活(School life)(1 1)School building School building (classroom, office, library, (classroom, office, library, washroom, dormitory, washroom, dormitory, etc.)etc.)(2 2)School organization Scho

40、ol organization (grade, class, subject, (grade, class, subject, break, schedule, etc.)break, schedule, etc.)(3 3)People (teacher, People (teacher, classmate, schoolmate, classmate, schoolmate, cleaner, etc.)cleaner, etc.)(4 4)Subjects (Chinese, Subjects (Chinese, math, English, geography, math, Engl

41、ish, geography, history, etc.)history, etc.)(5 5)Activities (sports, trip, Activities (sports, trip, etc.)etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7A7A9 9My favorite subject is My favorite subject is science.science.7B7B4 4DonDont eat in class.t eat in class.9 91 1How can we become How can we become good lear

42、ners?good learners?5兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)(1 1)Likes and dislikes (food, Likes and dislikes (food, animals, music, movies etc.)animals, music, movies etc.)(2 2)Games (physical games, Games (physical games, computer games, sports, etc.)computer games, sports, etc.)(3 3)Hobbies (collecting stamp

43、s, Hobbies (collecting stamps, coins, dolls, etc.)coins, dolls, etc.)(4 4)Reading (books, newspapers, Reading (books, newspapers, comics, etc.)comics, etc.)(5 5)Cultural events (film, theater, Cultural events (film, theater, concert, opera, etc.)concert, opera, etc.)(6 6)Entertainment (singing and E

44、ntertainment (singing and dancing, listening to radio, dancing, listening to radio, watching films/TV, playing watching films/TV, playing CD/DVC, etc.CD/DVC, etc.(7 7)Socializing (having parties, Socializing (having parties, issuing invitations, going for issuing invitations, going for picnics, goin

45、g sightseeing, picnics, going sightseeing, entertaining friends, etc.)entertaining friends, etc.)(8 8)Expressing your reactions to Expressing your reactions to theses activities) theses activities) YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7A7A6 6Do you like bananas?Do you like bananas?7B7B5 5Why do you like koalas

46、?Why do you like koalas?7B7B1010I Id like some d like some 8A8A5 5Do you want to watch a Do you want to watch a game show?game show?8A8A9 9Can you come to my Can you come to my party?party?8A 8A 10 10 If you go to the party, If you go to the party, you will have a great you will have a great time.ti

47、me.9 99 9I like music that I can I like music that I can dance to.dance to.6个人感情(Emotions)(1 1)Describing feelings Describing feelings (happy, sad, angry, upset, (happy, sad, angry, upset, pleased, proud, lonely, pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid, worried, nervous, afraid, etc.)etc.)(

48、2 2)Expressing emotions Expressing emotions (smiling, laughing, crying, (smiling, laughing, crying, shouting, etc.)shouting, etc.)(3 3)Describing facial Describing facial expressions and gesturesexpressions and gesturesYearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle8A 8A 10 10 If you go to the party, If you go to the pa

49、rty, you will have a great you will have a great time.time.8B8B1 1WhatWhats the matter?s the matter?8B8B4 4Why donWhy dont you talk t you talk to your parents?to your parents?9 94 4I used to be afraid of I used to be afraid of the dark.the dark.9 910 10 You are supposed to You are supposed to shake

50、hands.shake hands.9 911 11Sad movies make me Sad movies make me cry.cry.7计划与愿望 (Plans and wishes)(1 1)Planning (holidays, Planning (holidays, social events, travel, social events, travel, further education, jobs, further education, jobs, etc.)etc.)(2 2)Organizing (asking for Organizing (asking for a

51、dvice, asking for help, advice, asking for help, asking for permission, asking for permission, exploring possibilities, exploring possibilities, expressing needs and expressing needs and wants, etc.)wants, etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle8A 8A 6 6I Im going to study m going to study computer puter sc

52、ience.8B8B2 2I Ill help to clean up ll help to clean up the city park.the city park.9 913 13 We are trying to save We are trying to save the earth!the earth!9 911 11Sad movies make me Sad movies make me cry.cry.8节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)(1 1)Festivals and Festivals and holidays (Sp

53、ring holidays (Spring Festivals, New Festivals, New YearYears Day, s Day, Christmas, etc.)Christmas, etc.)(2 2)Personal Personal celebrations celebrations (birthday, (birthday, anniversary, anniversary, graduation, etc.)graduation, etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7B 7B 11 11How was your school How wa

54、s your school trip?trip?7B7B1212What did you do last What did you do last weekend?weekend?8A8A1 1Where did you go on Where did you go on vacation?vacation?9购物(Shopping)(1 1)Planning (needs, wants, Planning (needs, wants, etc.)etc.)(2 2)Products (clothes, Products (clothes, groceries, personal items,

55、 groceries, personal items, electronics, etc.)electronics, etc.)(3 3)Selecting (quality, Selecting (quality, weights, measures, size, weights, measures, size, color, style, etc.)color, style, etc.)(4 4)Paying (price, quantity, Paying (price, quantity, etc,.)etc,.)(5 5)Personal preferencePersonal pre

56、ferenceYearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7A 7A 7 7How much are these How much are these socks?socks?7B7B1010I Id like some d like some noodles.noodles.10健康(Health)(1 1)Body parts (arm, leg, Body parts (arm, leg, hand, foot, face, eye, ear, hand, foot, face, eye, ear, etc.)etc.)(2 2)Physical fitness and Phys

57、ical fitness and exercise (play soccer, run)exercise (play soccer, run)(3 3)Personal hygiene (take a Personal hygiene (take a shower/bath, brush teeth)shower/bath, brush teeth)(4 4)Illness (stomachache, Illness (stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc.)headache, flu, cold, etc.)(5 5)Eating habitsEatin

58、g habits(6 6)Accidents Accidents (7 7)Doctors, nurses and Doctors, nurses and hospitalshospitalsYearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7B7B1010I Id like some d like some noodles.noodles.8A8A2 2How often do you How often do you exercise?exercise?8B8B1 1WhatWhats the matter?s the matter?11天气(Weather)(1 1)Describin

59、g weather Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.)cool, etc.)(2 2)Understanding Understanding weather reports weather reports (conditions, temperature, (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, rain, snow, win

60、d, sun, cloud, etc.)cloud, etc.)(3 3)Dressing for the Dressing for the weather (coat, hat, weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, umbrella, raincoat, overcoat, windbreaker, overcoat, windbreaker, etc.)etc.)(4 4)Extreme weather Extreme weather (storms, haze etc.)(storms, haze etc.)YearYearUnitUnitTi

61、tleTitle7B7B7 7It Its raining.s raining.8B8B5 5What were you doing What were you doing when the rainstorm when the rainstorm came?came?12旅游和交通(Travel and transport)(1 1)Methods of transportation Methods of transportation (walking, cycling, horse riding, (walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses,

62、 trains, boats, taking buses, trains, boats, planes, etc.)planes, etc.)(2 2)Travel (schedules, maps, Travel (schedules, maps, tickets, fares, etc.tickets, fares, etc.(3 3)Getting and asking directions Getting and asking directions (left, right, straight ahead, (left, right, straight ahead, north, so

63、uth, east, west, etc.)north, south, east, west, etc.)(4 4)Safety rules and warnings Safety rules and warnings (traffic lights, caution, walk, (traffic lights, caution, walk, stop, etc.)stop, etc.)(5 5)Describing a journeyDescribing a journeyYearYearUnitUnitTitleTitle7B7B1212How do you get to How do

64、you get to school?school?9 93 3Could you please tell Could you please tell me where the me where the restrooms are?restrooms are?13.其它(others)n世界和环境世界和环境(The world and the environment) (The world and the environment) ( Year 9 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth.)( Year 9 Unit 13 We are trying to

65、 save the earth.)n科普知识和现代技术科普知识和现代技术(Popular science and modern (Popular science and modern technology)technology)(Year 9 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?(Year 9 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Year 9 Unit 6 When was it invented?Year 9 Unit 6 When was it invented?n热点话题热点话题(Topical issues)(Top

66、ical issues)Unit 9 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Unit 9 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.以话题为中心复习策略话题话题单词单词重点重点短语短语句型句型功能功能(对话)(对话)写作写作翻译翻译wordswords天气(Weather) n. weather rain snow ice wind cloud ice smoke fog heat (haze smog) umbrella raincoatadj. sunny rainy windy snowy icy cold co

67、ol warm hot humid wet strong hard heavy v. rain snow blow shine Key phrasesKey phrases天气(Weather) a heavy rain a bright sun a strong wind bad weather a nice day rain heavily blow strongly in such heat on a cold daySentence patterns 天气(Weather)n Whats the weather like?n How will the weather be?n The

68、radio said that n What a nice day it is!n How bad the weather is!n There was a heavy rain last night.n The wind blew strongly.n Take an umbrella with you.Conversations天气(Weather)Talk about weather.A: Tom, did you listen to the weather report?B: Yes, I did.A: Whats the weather like tomorrow?B: It wil

69、l be cloudy in the morning and in the afternoon it will be rainy.A: Sounds bad.B: Dont you like rainy days?A: No, I dont. Why not?B: They make me very sad. What about you?A: I like rainy days. I think I can stay home and read at home in rainy days. Its really cool.B: What are you going to do tomorro

70、w?A: If it rains, I will read books. Would you like to come?B: Id love to. OK. See you tomorrow.A: See you! Writing天气(Weather) Write a short English passage to talk about the four seasons in your hometown. And mainly talk about the changes of the weather in a year and your favorite season and why yo

71、u like it best. (三)抓听写, 词汇短语为重点,落实改错I Useful expressionsI Useful expressions1. 1.起床起床2. 2. 去上学去上学3. 3. 穿衣服穿衣服4. 4. 刷牙刷牙5. 5. 很快吃早餐很快吃早餐6. 6. 早餐吃得好早餐吃得好7. 7. 洗澡洗澡8. 8. 在广播电台在广播电台9. 9. 从来不上班迟到从来不上班迟到10. 10. 在上学期的日子在上学期的日子11. 11. 做运动做运动12. 12. 在周末在周末13. 13. 在五点半在五点半14. 14. 大约在大约在11:4511:4515. 15. 早早上床睡

72、觉早早上床睡觉16. 16. 散步散步17. 17. 打扫房间打扫房间18. 18. 回家回家19. 19. 到家到家20. 20. 吃很多蔬菜和水果吃很多蔬菜和水果21. 21. 对对有益有益22. 22. 尝起来很好尝起来很好23. 23. 健康的习惯健康的习惯24. 24. 要么要么要么要么25. 25. 你最好的朋友之一你最好的朋友之一Unit 2 Year 7BUnit 2 Year 7BWhat time do you go to school?What time do you go to school?II Complete the sentences.II Complete t

73、he sentences.1. 1.-_(-_(什么时候什么时候) do you go to school?) do you go to school? -At about 7 in the morning.-At about 7 in the morning.2.-_(2.-_(几点了几点了)? )? It Its 7:00.s 7:00.3. Tom usually _(3. Tom usually _(起床起床), _(), _(锻炼身体锻炼身体), ), then _(then _(洗澡洗澡) and _() and _(吃早餐吃早餐). After ). After that, he

74、 _(that, he _(去上学去上学) on foot. ) on foot. 4. I _(4. I _(要么打篮球要么读书要么打篮球要么读书) on ) on weekends.weekends.5. Either Tom or Lucy _(5. Either Tom or Lucy _(去敬老院去敬老院) on ) on weekends. weekends. 第二阶段复习 专项复习 训练能力( (一一) )语法训练语法训练n 解读解读说明说明,明确考点,明确考点n 专讲专练,专讲专练, 专练专评专练专评n 以练代讲,以练代讲, 注重实效注重实效 中考语法考点分布:中考语法考点分布

75、:n名词:名词的数名词:名词的数 专有名词专有名词 名词所有格名词所有格n代词:人称代词代词:人称代词 物主代词物主代词 反身代词反身代词 指示代词指示代词 不定代词不定代词 疑问代词疑问代词n数词:基数词数词:基数词 序数词、序数词、n介词和介词短语介词和介词短语n连词连词n形容词和副词(包括比较级和最高级形容词和副词(包括比较级和最高级) )n冠词冠词n动词:动词的基本形式动词:动词的基本形式 系动词系动词 助动词助动词 及物动词和不及物动词及物动词和不及物动词 情态动词情态动词 时态时态 : 一般现在时一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 一般将来时一般将来时 现在进行时现在进行时 过去进行

76、时过去进行时 现在完成时现在完成时 语态:一般现在时语态:一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 一般将来时一般将来时 非谓语动词(动词不定时作宾语、宾语非谓语动词(动词不定时作宾语、宾语补足语和目的状语补足语和目的状语) ) 动词短语动词短语 n构词法:(常用的前缀、后缀,以及加前后构词法:(常用的前缀、后缀,以及加前后缀的方法,常用词的转化缀的方法,常用词的转化)n句子种类:陈述句句子种类:陈述句疑问句(一般疑问句、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句)祈使句特殊疑问句、选择疑问句)祈使句感叹句感叹句n简单句的基本句型简单句的基本句型n并列复合句并列复合句n主从复合句:主从复合句:宾语从句

77、宾语从句状语从句状语从句定语从句(能辨认出由定语从句(能辨认出由that,which,who引导引导的限定性定语从句,并能理解句子意思的限定性定语从句,并能理解句子意思)复习策略:复习策略:1. 1.语法复习一定要在语境中进行语法复习一定要在语境中进行2.2.讲练结合,精讲精练,总结典型题例讲练结合,精讲精练,总结典型题例3.3.语法分块总结很有必要语法分块总结很有必要4.4.综合练习必不可少综合练习必不可少RevisionRevisionComparative Degrees Comparative Degrees and Superlative Degreesand Superlative

78、 DegreesComparative & Superlative degreesComparative & Superlative degrees Teaching Procedures:Teaching Procedures:I. Have a brainstorm to revise words of adjectives.I. Have a brainstorm to revise words of adjectives.Activities:Activities:n Who knows the most adjectives? Who knows the most adjective

79、s?n Try to finish the words. Try to finish the words. f _ m_ t_ l_ f _ m_ t_ l_n Please describe sb /sth with adjectives. Please describe sb /sth with adjectives.II Write words on the Bb and write out the comparative II Write words on the Bb and write out the comparative and superlative degrees.and

80、superlative degrees.III Revise comparative degrees.III Revise comparative degrees.1. 1.Talk about two students in class and get Talk about two students in class and get students to tell the differences between them.students to tell the differences between them.2.2. Revise the usage of Revise the usa

81、ge of asasas / not as(so) as / not as(so) asas3.3.Sum up the usage of the comparative degrees.Sum up the usage of the comparative degrees. * * comparative degrees + than comparative degrees + than * * the + comparative degrees, the + comparative the + comparative degrees, the + comparative degreesde

82、grees * * comparative degrees+ comparative degreescomparative degrees+ comparative degrees more + more +adj. more + more +adj. IV Revise the superlative degreesIV Revise the superlative degrees. 1. Ask students to talk about 1. Ask students to talk about “ “the the estest or the or the most most amo

83、ng usamong us” ”( (我们之我们之 最最 ). ). Who is the tallest/ the heaviest / the most Who is the tallest/ the heaviest / the most creativecreative? ? Who jumps the highest/runs the fastest / works Who jumps the highest/runs the fastest / works the hardestthe hardest? ? 2. Sum up the exchange of the degrees

84、. 2. Sum up the exchange of the degrees. Tom is Tom is the tallest studentthe tallest student in our class. in our class. = Tom is = Tom is taller thantaller than any other student / the other any other student / the other students / any girl / any other boys in our class.students / any girl / any o

85、ther boys in our class. = No one is = No one is as tall asas tall as Tom in our class. Tom in our class.IV Practice.IV Practice.Fill in the blanks with the words in a proper formFill in the blanks with the words in a proper form. .1.Your room is1.Your room is _ _ (wide) and _(wide) and _ (bright) (b

86、right) than than ours.ours.2.There are2.There are _ (few) hours of sunlight a day in winter _ (few) hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer.than in summer.3.Which do you like3.Which do you like _ (well) , maths or chemistry? _ (well) , maths or chemistry?4.This is the4.This is the_ (good) f

87、ilm I have ever seen. _ (good) film I have ever seen. 5.Africa is the second5.Africa is the second _ (large) continent. _ (large) continent. 6.What he said made his mother much6.What he said made his mother much _ (angry) . _ (angry) . 7.I7.I m not asm not as_ (careful) as he._ (careful) as he.8.We8

88、.We ve got asve got as_ (many) books as we need._ (many) books as we need. 9.He studies _ of all.9.He studies _ of all.10.They have done10.They have done _ (much) work with _ (much) work with _ _ (little) money.(little) money.Rewrite the sentences.Rewrite the sentences.1.Tom is 1.6m tall. Tim is 1.6

89、 m tall, too.1.Tom is 1.6m tall. Tim is 1.6 m tall, too.Tom is _ _ _ Tim.Tom is _ _ _ Tim.Tom is 1.6 m tall, _ _ Tim.Tom is 1.6 m tall, _ _ Tim.2. He learns English best in my class.2. He learns English best in my class.No one learns English _ _ him.No one learns English _ _ him. He learns English _

90、 _ _ _ _ in my He learns English _ _ _ _ _ in my class.class.3. His room is twice bigger than mine.3. His room is twice bigger than mine.His room is twice _ _ _ mine.His room is twice _ _ _ mine.4. My sister is 10 years old. I am 14 years old.4. My sister is 10 years old. I am 14 years old.My sister

91、 is _ _ _ than me.My sister is _ _ _ than me.I am _ _ _ than my sister.I am _ _ _ than my sister. Bruce wanted to be the class monitor. This was a Bruce wanted to be the class monitor. This was a 1_ 1_ job as the monitor had to help organize job as the monitor had to help organize 2_2_activities for

92、 the class, such as holiday parties, activities for the class, such as holiday parties, picnics and field trips. picnics and field trips. Bruce Bruce 3_ 3_ wanted to be chosen as monitor. So wanted to be chosen as monitor. So he made a speech, telling the he made a speech, telling the 4_4_class what

93、 he class what he would do if he was would do if he was 5_.5_. For example, Bruce For example, Bruce wanted to collect wanted to collect 6_6_books among the students books among the students and gave them to and gave them to 7_ 7_ children. He also wanted to children. He also wanted to recycle the r

94、ecycle the 8_8_bottles to make money for a trip to bottles to make money for a trip to the beach. Bruce had been working the beach. Bruce had been working 9_9_for his for his dream. dream. A few days A few days 10_,10_, the result came out. Bruce won. the result came out. Bruce won. big special use

95、whole success old hard poor latebig special use whole success old hard poor late realreal( (二二) )技能训练技能训练n听说重在课堂训练,创设情景,练习话题,听说重在课堂训练,创设情景,练习话题,提高语感提高语感; ;n阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是根本,方法指阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是根本,方法指导很必要导很必要; ;n写作训练全批全改,注重总结纠错。写作训练全批全改,注重总结纠错。1.听说重在课堂训练,创设情景,练习话题,提高语感。Make Make plansplansInterviewIntervi

96、ewThanksThanksGreet and Greet and wisheswishesShopping Shopping Make Make suggestionssuggestionsMothers Mothers Day Day 如何在平时的复习中训练补全对话如何在平时的复习中训练补全对话有效利用听力原文材料有效利用听力原文材料n把它当成复述训练素材把它当成复述训练素材n把它当成情景交际训练素材把它当成情景交际训练素材n把它当成背诵素材把它当成背诵素材A:_, young man?A:_, young man?B: IB: Im not feeling well. I have a

97、headache and a cough.m not feeling well. I have a headache and a cough.A: _? A: _? B : Yes, but I donB : Yes, but I dont have a fever.t have a fever.A: Oh, open your mouth and say A: Oh, open your mouth and say “ahah”. .B: AhB: Ah. . A: _? A: _? B: Last night. B: Last night. A: _?A: _?B: No, I didnB

98、: No, I didnt feel like eating anything.Is it serious?t feel like eating anything.Is it serious?A: _. DonA: _. Dont worry. You just have a t worry. You just have a cold. Stay in bed for two days. Take the medicine three cold. Stay in bed for two days. Take the medicine three times a day. Drink hot w

99、ater with times a day. Drink hot water with honey._.honey._.B: Thank you, doctor . A: You are welcome.B: Thank you, doctor . A: You are welcome.WhatWhats your troubles your troubleDid you take your temperatureDid you take your temperatureWhen did it startWhen did it startNo, nothing seriousNo, nothi

100、ng seriousDid you have anything to eat this morningDid you have anything to eat this morningI think you will be better soonI think you will be better soonUnit 1Unit 1,Grade 8BGrade 8B2.2.阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是阅读工夫在平时,扩充词汇是根本,方法指导很必要。根本,方法指导很必要。增大阅读量,精读与泛读相结合增大阅读量,精读与泛读相结合 加大任务型阅读的做题技巧指导加大任务型阅读的做题技巧指导 完成短文注重语

101、篇的分析和词汇的应用完成短文注重语篇的分析和词汇的应用n早读四十分钟进行限时阅读两篇,一篇作为泛早读四十分钟进行限时阅读两篇,一篇作为泛读,一篇作为精读。读,一篇作为精读。n 精讲每次练习中的阅读文章,尤其对于学生易精讲每次练习中的阅读文章,尤其对于学生易错的题应该剖析解读,训练良好的英语思维模错的题应该剖析解读,训练良好的英语思维模式和习惯。式和习惯。n 每天的作业中必布置阅读或完形,数量不在多,每天的作业中必布置阅读或完形,数量不在多,对学生做过的练习,应趁热打铁,及时处理。对学生做过的练习,应趁热打铁,及时处理。n 所留阅读练习材料应注重语言材料文体的多样所留阅读练习材料应注重语言材料文

102、体的多样化。化。在平时的教学中具体做法在平时的教学中具体做法:在平时的课文教学中,注重任务型在平时的课文教学中,注重任务型阅读训练。根据课文,编写问题,即完阅读训练。根据课文,编写问题,即完成相应教学任务,又训练了能力。成相应教学任务,又训练了能力。Year8 A Unit8 SA 3a Year8 A Unit8 SA 3a My Dream Job My Dream Job 1. What is Tiantian going to be when she grows up?1. What is Tiantian going to be when she grows up?2. Where

103、is she going to move?2. Where is she going to move?3. How is she going to do that?3. How is she going to do that?4. Why is she going to hold art exhibitions?4. Why is she going to hold art exhibitions?5. Where is she going to retire?5. Where is she going to retire?YEAR 8 Unit 3 SB 3aYEAR 8 Unit 3 SB

104、 3a1. What is Ben Lambert?1. What is Ben Lambert?2. What is he doing for this summer?2. What is he doing for this summer?3. Where is he going on vacation?3. Where is he going on vacation?4. Why is he going there?4. Why is he going there?5. Where does he always go on vacation?5. Where does he always

105、go on vacation?6. When is he leaving?6. When is he leaving?7. How long is he staying there?7. How long is he staying there?8. What is he doing there?8. What is he doing there? 3.3.完成短文完成短文 此类试题既考查阅读理解能力,又考此类试题既考查阅读理解能力,又考查对词汇的灵活运用能力,综合性很强,查对词汇的灵活运用能力,综合性很强,难度较高。难度较高。n加大阅读理解能力的训练。加大阅读理解能力的训练。n熟练掌握课本要

106、求掌握的熟练掌握课本要求掌握的16001600左右单词,左右单词,熟知它们同根词的相关的变形。熟知它们同根词的相关的变形。 “完成短文”解题技巧之 “变形记”1 1、名词:、名词: 单数变复数、名词的所有格、单数变复数、名词的所有格、 名词变形容词、名词变形容词、 名词变动词名词变动词2 2、动词:、动词: 时态(单三、过去式、分词)时态(单三、过去式、分词) 被动语态、非谓语动词、动词变名词被动语态、非谓语动词、动词变名词3 3、形容词:、形容词: 比较级、最高级、反义词,形容词变名词、比较级、最高级、反义词,形容词变名词、 形容词变副词形容词变副词4 4、副词:、副词: 比较级、最高级、副

107、词变形容词比较级、最高级、副词变形容词5 5、代词:、代词: 主格、宾格、物主代词(形容词性的、名词性的)、主格、宾格、物主代词(形容词性的、名词性的)、 反身代词、不定代词反身代词、不定代词6 6、数词:、数词: 基数词变序数词、序数词变基数词、基数词变序数词、序数词变基数词、 基数词(十位)的复数基数词(十位)的复数“2 2” 系列:系列:two two second twelve second twelve twelfth twenty- twelfth twenty- twentieth twenty-one twentieth twenty-one twenty-first twen

108、ty - twenty-first twenty - twenties twenties “4 4”系列:系列:four four fourth forty fourth forty fortieth fortieth“9 9”系列:系列:nine nine ninth nineteen ninety ninth nineteen ninety ninety-nine - ninety-ninth ninety-nine - ninety-ninthWhen I was ten years old, I began 1_with foreigners. But I wasWhen I was

109、ten years old, I began 1_with foreigners. But I wasvery shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with 2_very shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with 2_help. The 3_ year, I went to Yangzhou with two foreigners. Ihelp. The 3_ year, I went to Yangzhou with two foreigners. Ibecame

110、their guide. First, we came into the Shouxi Lake. After that,became their guide. First, we came into the Shouxi Lake. After that,they went to buy 4_. The sellers 5 _ speak English. Thoughthey went to buy 4_. The sellers 5 _ speak English. Thoughit was very hard, I tried my best to listen to their wo

111、rds 6 _ andit was very hard, I tried my best to listen to their words 6 _ andtranslate the sentences. They bought some souvenirs with mytranslate the sentences. They bought some souvenirs with myhelp. Next, we went to a small zoo, and we took some photos. Therehelp. Next, we went to a small zoo, and

112、 we took some photos. Therewere not many animals. When we felt 7 _, we went out and hadwere not many animals. When we felt 7 _, we went out and hadlunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses. They learned 8lunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses. They learned 8_about Chinese history. This

113、wasn_about Chinese history. This wasnt only a big challenge but alsot only a big challenge but alsoan unforgettable challenge. This opportunity made me 9 _ andan unforgettable challenge. This opportunity made me 9 _ andbrave. I hope I can catch many opportunities in the future, then I canbrave. I ho

114、pe I can catch many opportunities in the future, then I canspeak English, because I think practice10 _ perfect.speak English, because I think practice10 _ perfect. make, chat, canmake, chat, cant , hunger, souvenir, t , hunger, souvenir, careful, follow, foreign, confidence, much careful, follow, fo

115、reign, confidence, muchIn some foreign countries, some people donIn some foreign countries, some people dont like the number t like the number 13.They don13.They dont think 13 is a/ant think 13 is a/an 1_ number. For example 1_ number. For example ,they dont like living on the 2_ floor. My friend Ja

116、ck had ,they dont like living on the 2_ floor. My friend Jack had got the same idea. One day, he 3_ some friends to dinner. got the same idea. One day, he 3_ some friends to dinner. When all of friends arrived, he asked them 4_ around the When all of friends arrived, he asked them 4_ around the dinn

117、er table. He began to count the people in his mind 5_ dinner table. He began to count the people in his mind 5_ they were having delicious food. 6_,he cried out,they were having delicious food. 6_,he cried out,“ Oh, Oh, there 7_ thirteen people here!there 7_ thirteen people here!“8_ face turned 8_ f

118、ace turned white except Mr Brown. He said 9_with a smile on his white except Mr Brown. He said 9_with a smile on his face, Dont worry, dear friends! We have fourteen people here. face, Dont worry, dear friends! We have fourteen people here. My wife 10_ a baby in a few days. She is in the family way

119、My wife 10_ a baby in a few days. She is in the family way now. All of them became happy again. Congratulations! they now. All of them became happy again. Congratulations! they said to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and said to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a

120、 good time that eveninghad a good time that evening. sudden, be, everyone, have, while sudden, be, everyone, have, while ask, sit, luck, thirteen, slow ask, sit, luck, thirteen, slow 4 4 书面表达书面表达 全批全改,精细讲评,注重纠错全批全改,精细讲评,注重纠错写作步骤一般分为以下几个阶段:写作步骤一般分为以下几个阶段:1. 1.审题审题 理解题意、抓住中心、判断文体。理解题意、抓住中心、判断文体。2.2.构思

121、构思 拟出提纲,设计每段的主题句。拟出提纲,设计每段的主题句。3.3.打草稿打草稿 把独立的句子通过使用过渡词把句与句、把独立的句子通过使用过渡词把句与句、段与段很好地连接起来。段与段很好地连接起来。4.4.修改修改 作文中是否出现以下问题:作文中是否出现以下问题:n主谓是否一致;主谓是否一致; n时态是否混乱;时态是否混乱; n用词是否得当;用词是否得当; n句子成份是否完整;句子成份是否完整;n拼写、标点、大小写是否有错。拼写、标点、大小写是否有错。LIN DANLIN DAN Lin Dan is a famous badminton player. He Lin Dan is a fa

122、mous badminton player. He was born was born onon 14th of Oct, 1983( on 14th of Oct, 1983( on Oct.14,1983) in Fujian. He is 1.78 meters Oct.14,1983) in Fujian. He is 1.78 meters talltall. . When he was 5, he started to learn badminton. When he was 5, he started to learn badminton. He He went towent t

123、o the Fujian Sports School at the age the Fujian Sports School at the age of 9. In 2001, heof 9. In 2001, he joined joined the national team. He the national team. He worked worked hardhard, so he got lots of achievements. , so he got lots of achievements. He won a gold medal in He won a gold medal

124、in thethe Olympic Games in Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 and in London in 2012. And he Beijing in 2008 and in London in 2012. And he became became a gold medalist in a gold medalist in thethe Guangzhou Asian Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010. He won two gold medals! Games in 2010. He won two gold med

125、als! He is really a talented and well-known He is really a talented and well-known badminton player, isnbadminton player, isnt he? t he? Liu WeiLiu Wei Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience.special experience. When he was ten yea

126、rs old, When he was ten years old, he lost his arms, but he didnhe lost his arms, but he didnt give up being a t give up being a pianist. Being a pianist is his dream. To achieve pianist. Being a pianist is his dream. To achieve his dream, he used his feet to practice playing his dream, he used his

127、feet to practice playing the piano hard. In the end, he took part in the the piano hard. In the end, he took part in the ChinaChinas Got Talent and achieved his dream. s Got Talent and achieved his dream. He isnHe isnt talented, but het talented, but hes very hard-s very hard-working. Heworking. Hes

128、 a successful pianist. We should s a successful pianist. We should work hard like him. We shouldnwork hard like him. We shouldnt be lazy. We t be lazy. We should be hard-working.should be hard-working. We all admire him. We all admire him. Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very Liu Wei, an arm

129、less piano player, has a very special experience.special experience. There was something There was something happening to Liu Wei when he was only 10 years happening to Liu Wei when he was only 10 years old. And he became an armless boy. But he old. And he became an armless boy. But he didndidnt giv

130、e up his dream - being a pianist. He t give up his dream - being a pianist. He began to play the piano with his feet and began to play the piano with his feet and practiced really hard. Finally, He played the piano practiced really hard. Finally, He played the piano in in the Chinathe Chinas Got Tal

131、ents Got Talent and his dream came and his dream came true. true. Everyone has their own dream, but not every Everyone has their own dream, but not every dream can come true. If you have a dream, just dream can come true. If you have a dream, just work harder and harder to make your dream work harde

132、r and harder to make your dream come e true. Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience.very special experience. He lost his arms in an He lost his arms in an accident when he was only ten years old. But it accident when he was only ten ye

133、ars old. But it couldnt stop him from achieving his dream to couldnt stop him from achieving his dream to be a pianist. He practiced playing the piano be a pianist. He practiced playing the piano very hard. At last he achieved his dream at the very hard. At last he achieved his dream at the ChinaChi

134、nas Got Talent. s Got Talent. After knowing Liu Wei After knowing Liu Weis story, I realize s story, I realize that everything is possible. You can do it well if that everything is possible. You can do it well if you want to do something and try your best to you want to do something and try your bes

135、t to do it. Dondo it. Dont give up and be confident of t give up and be confident of yourself!yourself! 学生易错句:学生易错句:1. I am very 1. I am very healthhealth./ I am very ./ I am very healthlyhealthly. .2. My 2. My eat eat habits are pretty good.habits are pretty good.3. I eat 3. I eat manymany fruit an

136、d vegetables every day. fruit and vegetables every day.4. My favorite sports 4. My favorite sports is is play tennis.play tennis.5. 5. Run or walkRun or walk is also good for our health. is also good for our health.6. I think 6. I think keepkeep health is very important. health is very important.7.

137、Because it is 7. Because it is easilyeasily. .8. I think 8. I think sleepsleep eight hours a day is enough. eight hours a day is enough.9. 9. DoDo more exercise can help us keep in more exercise can help us keep in a a good good healthy.healthy.10. Everybody 10. Everybody wantwant to be health. to b

138、e health.11. You11. Youd better eat more vegetables and d better eat more vegetables and little little meat.meat.12. 12. How to be healthyHow to be healthy? First, ? First, . .13. We shouldn13. We shouldnt t go bedgo bed andand get up so late. get up so late.14. How long do you 14. How long do you s

139、taying staying there?there?15. 15. How is thereHow is there? ?16. What do you think of 16. What do you think of therethere? ?17. Doing 17. Doing morning exercisemorning exercise is good for our health. is good for our health.18. We need a 18. We need a balancedbalanced of yin and yang. of yin and ya

140、ng.19. I have a lot of 19. I have a lot of illnessillness. .20. You should do more 20. You should do more exercisesexercises, such as , such as playplay basketball, run and so on.basketball, run and so on.第三阶段复习 模拟专练 注重实效n模拟练习的难度应从难到易模拟练习的难度应从难到易n模拟练习重在讲评模拟练习重在讲评,及时纠错及时纠错n模拟练习要针对性和实战性相结合模拟练习要针对性和实战性

141、相结合Thanks for your listening! I hope Thanks for your listening! I hope my report helps you a little with my report helps you a little with your daily teaching. I think your your daily teaching. I think your students will make greater students will make greater progress with your help in the progress with your help in the following 100 days.following 100 days.Good luck!Good luck!



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