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1、1Weekly Test PaperWeekly Test PaperTopic: friendshipTopic: friendship The sharing of _56_ experiences including our tears The sharing of _56_ experiences including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to _57_ as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to _57_ friendships. friends

2、hips. . . Deep relationships . . Deep relationships . 56. A. good B. ordinary C. social D. personal56. A. good B. ordinary C. social D. personal57. A. prove B. produce C. weaken D. deepen57. A. prove B. produce C. weaken D. deepen概括词复现概括词复现同根词复现同根词复现2Weekly Test PaperWeekly Test PaperTopic: friendsh

3、ipTopic: friendshipWhat are some of the _59_ of friendship? The What are some of the _59_ of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. . Another “major difficulty” is the too soon. . Another “major difficulty” is the selfish

4、ness selfishness 59. A. difficulties B. differences 59. A. difficulties B. differences C. disadvantages D. advantages C. disadvantages D. advantages原词复现原词复现3Revision YLE (P 54 Passage 14)Revision YLE (P 54 Passage 14) When it comes to lowering stress at work, When it comes to lowering stress at work

5、, studies from around the world have yielded a studies from around the world have yielded a set of five tips with advice _1_ from having a set of five tips with advice _1_ from having a nap at your desk to taking your pet to work.nap at your desk to taking your pet to work.Topic: five tips on loweri

6、ng stress at workTopic: five tips on lowering stress at work4Revision YLE (P 54 Passage 14)Para 1: 5 tips on lowering stress at workPara 2: The first tip: be sociable, but not too sociablePara 3: The second tip: ensure_ surroundingsPara 4: The third tip: learn to switch off Para 5: The fourth tip: t

7、ake a nap at deskPara 6: The fifth tip: play with a cat or dog515 Multiple15 MultipleChoicesChoicesVocabulary (Vocabulary (词汇复现题)词汇复现题)Logic (Logic (逻辑关系题逻辑关系题) )Collocation (Collocation (固定搭配题固定搭配题) )6Topic: 5 tips on lowering stress at work Topic: 5 tips on lowering stress at work When it comes to

8、 lowering stress at work, studies When it comes to lowering stress at work, studies from around the world have yielded a set of five tips from around the world have yielded a set of five tips with advice _1_ from having a nap at your desk to with advice _1_ from having a nap at your desk to taking y

9、our pet to work.taking your pet to work.1. A. differing B. ranging C. changing D. including1. A. differing B. ranging C. changing D. includingCollocation固定搭配题固定搭配题7 The first tip highlighted by New Science magazine is The first tip highlighted by New Science magazine is that workers should be sociab

10、le-but not too sociable. that workers should be sociable-but not too sociable. British research has shown that _2_ is good for British research has shown that _2_ is good for health, with a study of thousands of civil servants health, with a study of thousands of civil servants revealing that moral

11、_3_ from colleagues, revealing that moral _3_ from colleagues, encouragement from supervisors and clear direction encouragement from supervisors and clear direction from bosses kept stress levels down. Male civil from bosses kept stress levels down. Male civil servants who _4_ support in the workpla

12、ce were 31 servants who _4_ support in the workplace were 31 percent more likely to suffer from _5_ and percent more likely to suffer from _5_ and depression, and women 43 percent. _6_, too much depression, and women 43 percent. _6_, too much socializing could lead to work piling up. socializing cou

13、ld lead to work piling up. 2. A. sociability B. responsibility C. ability D. reliability2. A. sociability B. responsibility C. ability D. reliability同根词复现同根词复现3. A. lessons B. standard C. support D. behavior3. A. lessons B. standard C. support D. behavior原词复现原词复现4. A. needed B. lacked C. gained D. g

14、ave4. A. needed B. lacked C. gained D. gave5. A anxiety B. ambition C. accident D. poverty5. A anxiety B. ambition C. accident D. poverty6. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Moreover6. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. MoreoverLogic逻辑关系题逻辑关系题反义词复现反义词复现Vocabulary词汇复现题词汇复现题概括词复现概括词复现近义词复现近

15、义词复现81 1. Dr. Robert Adlighton, an associate professor of. Dr. Robert Adlighton, an associate professor ofmusic at the University of Nottingham, owes these music at the University of Nottingham, owes these successful and varied outcomes to the highlysuccessful and varied outcomes to the highlydesira

16、ble _ developed by music students duringdesirable _ developed by music students duringtheir studies. their studies. In 2011, the Confederate of British Industry outlined In 2011, the Confederate of British Industry outlined thethe seven skills that define employability: seven skills that define empl

17、oyability: self-management, team work, business and customerself-management, team work, business and customerawareness, problem solving, communication, numeracy, awareness, problem solving, communication, numeracy, and ITand IT skills. Adlington says that music students develop skills. Adlington say

18、s that music students develop all seven of these.By this measure, music graduates are all seven of these.By this measure, music graduates are among the most _of all.among the most _of all.A. A. optionsoptions B. B. intervalsintervals C. C. characterscharacters D. D. skillsskills原词复现原词复现A. A. comfort

19、ablecomfortable B. B. honorablehonorable C. C. reliablereliable D. D. employableemployable同根词复现同根词复现92. Endless hours of worksheets and seemingly 2. Endless hours of worksheets and seemingly unconnected test questions can be _, threatening, unconnected test questions can be _, threatening, and meani

20、ngless.and meaningless.3. 3. Grooming helped to _ the pressure and calm Grooming helped to _ the pressure and calm everybody down.everybody down.A. A. inspiringinspiring B. B. embarrassing embarrassing C. C. boring boring D.D.rewardingrewarding近义词复现近义词复现A. A. measure measure B. B. show show C. C. ma

21、intain maintain D.D. ease ease近义词复现近义词复现104 4. It is easy to be critical of the ecotourism . It is easy to be critical of the ecotourism industry, but it is important to be _ as well.industry, but it is important to be _ as well.5 5. We gossip. About others behaviour and private . We gossip. About o

22、thers behaviour and private lives, such as whos doing what with whom, whos lives, such as whos doing what with whom, whos in and whos out-and why; how to deal with in and whos out-and why; how to deal with difficult _ situations involving children, lovers, difficult _ situations involving children,

23、lovers, and colleagues.and colleagues.A. A. positivepositive B. B. creative creative C. C. effectiveeffective D.D.sensitivesensitive反义词复现反义词复现A. A. socialsocial B. B. political political C. C. historicalhistorical D.D.culturalcultural概括词复现概括词复现116. One method, which may be useful in learning 6. One

24、method, which may be useful in learning foreign languages, is to create a picture in your mind foreign languages, is to create a picture in your mind _ a word you want to remember._ a word you want to remember.A. A. isolated fromisolated from B. B. sensitive tosensitive to C. C. responsible for resp

25、onsible for D. D. associated withassociated with固定搭配题固定搭配题7 7. The second basic fact is that reading is a build-up . The second basic fact is that reading is a build-up skill. _, reading is like riding a bicycle, driving a skill. _, reading is like riding a bicycle, driving a car, or sewing: in orde

26、r to get better at it, you must car, or sewing: in order to get better at it, you must do it.do it.A. A. By contrastBy contrast B. B. Furthermore Furthermore C. C. In a word In a word D.D. In other words In other words逻辑关系题逻辑关系题12Task 1. Underline the key words and Task 1. Underline the key words an

27、d expressions in the first sentences of the expressions in the first sentences of the passage and guess the topic of it.passage and guess the topic of it.Task 2. Underline the key words and Task 2. Underline the key words and expressions in the following paragraphs and expressions in the following p

28、aragraphs and try to draw the outline of the whole passage.try to draw the outline of the whole passage.13Over the past few decades, more and more countries have opened up their markets, increasingly transforming the world economy into one free-flowing global market. The question is: Is economic glo

29、balization _50_ for all?50. A. possible B. smooth C. good D. easy The _64_ now is finding a way to create a kind of globalization that works for the benefit of all.逻辑关系题逻辑关系题14 According to the World Bank, one of its chief supporters, economic globalization has helped reduce _51_ in a large number o

30、f developing countries. It quotes one study that shows increased wealth _52_ to improved education and longer life in twenty-four developing countries as a result of integration(融融合合) of local economies into the world economy. Home to some three billion people, these twenty-four countries have seen incomes _53_ at an average rate of five percent - compared to two percent in developed countries.51.A. crime B. poverty C. conflict D. population52.A. contributingB. responding C. turning D. owing53.A. remain B. drop C. shift D. increase逻辑关系题逻辑关系题固定搭配题固定搭配题原词复现原词复现1516



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