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1、PEP-小学英语四年级下册-Unit4-第一课时-公开课课件Lets get on the bus and go to Old MacDonald s farm(农场)(农场).我们坐上车去我们坐上车去Old MacDonald 的农场吧。的农场吧。This is old Macdonald. He owns a big farm. There are many animals on the farm.There are more and more animals.I am busy. help!农场里的动物越来越多,我越要忙不过来了! I need some part-time worker

2、s (暑假工暑假工) . The summer holiday (暑假暑假) is coming, can you help me? 报酬报酬:包吃包住:包吃包住,待遇优厚。,待遇优厚。 期待你的加入! Macdonald 2011.6.6Job Notice面试第一关 Task 1 Meeting the animals(认识动物)Listen and GuessWhats this?Its a .What are they?They are pigs. sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a .What are they?They are ducks.sList

3、en and GuessWhats this?Its a .horsehor -seRead more words with orforororangehorsebornThey areWhat are they? horses.What are they?They are horses. sIts a _.What is it ?Its an animal(动物).Its black and white.We can get milk from it.cowmilkcowow -cau Read more words with owdownhowpowercowbrownhenWhat is

4、 it?Its a .henhen -Read more words with enpenendhenbenhenWhat are they?They are .s Feed the hens.feedseesheep/i:/meetsheepshee -pi: Read more words with eefeetbeesweetsheepmeetone sheep,five sheep,six sheep, seven sheep,four,three sheep,two sheep,sheep sheeps Shear a sheep.sheep sheep sheeps family

5、father sheepmother sheep? sheeps family lambfather sheepmother sheepWhat are they?They are .lamb sHold a lamb.lamb lamb.What are they?Are they sheep?No! No! No!We are goats.sWhat are they ?They are goats.henhorsescowlambssheepgoatsLets play games: What can you see? If you can , Please say it loudly.

6、面试官提问环节面试第二关 Task 2 Manage the farm (管理农场)What can you do on the farm?试用期Task 3 Go to help Macdonald!(实战演练)Look, count and say._ _ horses horses _ cows_ cows_ sheep_ sheep_ goats_ goats_ lambs _ lambs _ hens_ hensfivefivethreethreefivefivetwotwothreethreethreethreeLook! This is my farm.I have .小小结结句

7、 型:hen, horse, cow, sheep, hen, horse, cow, sheep, lamb, goatlamb, goatWhat are they?What are they?They are They are 单 词Lets do第 小组的组员们: 在这个暑假,你们用辛勤的汗水换来了动物们的喜欢以及农场主Macdonald的肯定,被评为最佳农场小帮手特发此状,以资鼓励。Macdonald2011.5.251、Read P70。读读70页所学内容。页所学内容。2、Design your own farm and talk about it in groups.设计自己的农场,在小组里介绍一下。设计自己的农场,在小组里介绍一下。Homework: 假如你有一个农场,在你的农假如你有一个农场,在你的农场里你会饲养什么动物呢?场里你会饲养什么动物呢?Task 4 Introduce your farm(介绍你的农场)Welcome to my farm. They are horses.They are lambsThey are ducks.Look at the hens,they are fat.谢谢观赏!2020/11/547



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