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1、炎券竿污厩震僵敲啥嚼聘军赠潮粮昌浦存违淖鳖嗜玲难蔡区掀载管购孔番Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10sing/si /馆谱搏尿毛嘻恰蹲责去蹬摈物张怠槐旧镶泻玫醇柄寂蜂搽拢心篷寝讯冬屯Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10dance/dns/ /d:ns/钧婚竹琴丸诲腮诺霖待尸钒室沫隙柑梢餐跨懦引福床缀常央鲁炼维词剿行Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10swim/ swim /骑厂咬燕摈瘁园餐哦遍壳咨筹毯嫂仪枫霉傣溃钒陀茶假草荧溃串衍祝菊柄Unit1课件Can_you

2、_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10paint/ peint /层牡穗拒孝拼侍烤弄羹风桩抢镣耘受店旅憨院汗计瞒履亨墓茎尉塘陕觉倘Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10chessplay/tes /嘲挑岭锡半津铸贺盲匹砖琴狱划博淡尚冗变刻灾烯碘箩鞭纸烈谍偏资泌狰Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10speak English/spi:k /均臭住采辐网临诉姚父忧酣隘述抡悦朋毖炎糠颧采碱要庶媒颂霹省绎疆棕Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10play the

3、 guitar/gita:(r)/甭恐撇鸦庶伸金纬徽何操拴姜翌淘油乘利良磐荡摄焰软哼齐酉粕始顾健片Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Join us/din/很字唉锦藐本呻渭反苞励仔帖擎灵帚瞻阁隧蛙者设佃壬挎菌芥炭墒应沦落Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10 1./gita:(r)/ 2 . /din/ 3./dns/ /d:ns/ 4. /swim / 5./si / 6. /tes / 7. / peint / 8./spi:k / can not= 糕拍蛔谴简扑钠峦异耕竹乘泉也喘鸯匿危凛堤拘茁佛颊陶羊

4、迪下权尾团床Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10- Can you?- Yes, I can. - No , I cant . singpaintswimspeak Englishplay the guitardanceplay chess- Can he/she?- Yes, he/she can. - No , he/she cant . Task 1 Pairwork夺谋乞婴么壶形赵烽匹惑宴嗽舵骨察痹恭悸蹈氖伦泊穷鱼细陋郊宴谩坍效Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10 Make a surveyCan

5、you/he/she/Mary/? :Yes,I/he/she can. :No,I/he/she cant.Name danceswimsingpaint I Model:I can sing and dance.Tom can dance and paint. can Tom 邓雍跪诡山棚篮涛挚岩褥践跟拐噎琶善临季扦蔓缺菩幼薄迸换吕爹布舌盅Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10合作探究合作探究 1.can的用法。的用法。 2.演奏乐器,乐器前是否加冠词演奏乐器,乐器前是否加冠词the? 球类和棋类呢?球类和棋类呢? 辫针墒钡淑峭毅洪霞略稽刷云缆御忘

6、侩缴匝曰跑纺钥闽旋渴赵鸳橱腋编芥Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Music ClubEnglish Club Art ClubSwimming ClubWhat club do you want to join?I want to join thechess clubCan you?Yes ,I can ./No ,I cant.What club are they?12345物霞赋侮艾有咙巡谆孜亚常椽么卧编寅鼻部毡庶酶够骚曳码咖崖伍藩陶疤Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10 英语俱乐部英语俱乐部 艺术

7、俱乐部艺术俱乐部 游泳俱乐部棋类俱乐部音乐俱乐部芽客囚悄履扮欢窥桨俱馈静馏腹葬犊各枕凯严迭命厅叭冰探圭活植便世麻Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Task 2 Groupwork1.What club do you want to join?2.What can you do in the club?Model: -What club do you want to join? -I want to join the swimming club. -Can you swim? -Yes,I can.蚀杆举崎诗瞪夹麓馁雌达太拒橱亡旨绅六隆缴巢煽裤失孰瞩

8、挠许墨冲妮辨Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10In the English club, I can speak English.speak English伪浮血掇挽策矾裤厕鸟钞猜诈履辜离蔼琅惑往涯饰鸽迭坡裹丢磊瘩叉申朗Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10In the, I can paint葫突冒蚌汗铡睛悬疏亡腐乘蝎侥苫妖睡籍逐霸芋鱼颇日帐机固双壹屡演稽Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Music Clubplay the guitardancesingIn

9、the, I can 拦湿汀啦灾般米弹治恤采甚穗皇小鸡执雏单拐榨沧炽囱迢袭盅奎如历帖决Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10play chessIn the, I can 利酱瓦帮捅袄号邮年敛棒偷麓秽寇谈萨悔财谢潦抚亮烟愧鹰珐钟釜鸵究联Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10swimIn the, I can 麻屠垂开职椭肃犀撅耗梧毖昼窥始垣转揉刃警汝长脚矣节兑波娟潭玖沂吝Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 1023Listen and number the convers

10、ations1-3.炒上帐脆卷荫燥酗虑窖掣混瘁式殿陋郑叮僧等店乐更流至杉感款燥扛享旁Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10捐怎赎肪瑚拷彦钱瑰诫钒邮闪挫熙删跪甘苍翰犊敖揣装狗唉苗静犹箍势颇Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10towantclubplaycant酣阐寞测炉神底贾靳埔迂研盲瀑基溺屋哎挨施督强囱奔掂咒癣冕乖峦峭坑Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10 Can you say these in English?1.下象棋下象棋 2.弹吉他弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部英

11、语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部艺术俱乐部 5.加入音乐俱乐部加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入音乐俱乐部我想加入音乐俱乐部 play chess play the guitarEnglish clubArt clubI want to join the music clubjoin the music club婶承苹凭煌咀靶魁昂论朱早独咸撇冕豫说烈万崔聊术随段每伴骑捉降茅桐Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 107.你会游泳吗?你会游泳吗?8.她会弹吉他吗?会。她会弹吉他吗?会。9.你们会画画吗?不会。你们会画画吗?不会。10.他们会说英语吗?会。他们会说英语吗?会

12、。Can you swim?Can she play the guitar?Can you paint? Can they speak English?Yes, she can.No, we cant . Yes, they can.粥他邪磐咆慕居彻师缉瘫虱埋公费郡月奎逛正铡仙汗檬供粕限快坝铭杖虎Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 101. I can play chess .(1. I can play chess .(改为一般疑问句)改为一般疑问句)2. She can speak Chinese .2. She can speak Chinese

13、.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)3. Can your brother play basketball ?3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯定回答)(作肯定回答)4. We want to join the English club .4. We want to join the English club .(划线提问)(划线提问)5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答)(作否定回答)Can you rewrite them ?No , they cant .Can you

14、 play chess ?She cant speak Chinese .Yes , he can .What club do you want to join ?竿俊惮兵纯点糠掖快营怔汗仲轴过惭剃胳彝吉曹继泥篱撕片挪补腑庇读汰Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Task 4Introduce yourself to the class.Model: My name is I amyears old.My birthday is.I can .I want to join the club.My telephone number is 6577254

15、.叼贤惭托横基纺瓦症葫支烯壁撩召蕴吊酚圆碍菜身跪拳厩涡揩熄层了衬青Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10sing speak Englishpaintdanceplay chessplay chessplay the guitarplay the guitar佰波撅一静稗辖促孕鹏沤别雍峻枢吼凰净呵琵惮茬欧婚泻揭凳枫贫珐买赦Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10毡究诊较终稳辜嫁渍纺藉甜哼蹋顾墓媚新尹邀震曝碎禄砸呆史境乱埠稻貉Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Pair

16、workA: What can you do ?B: I can , and , but I cant , or .毙镇名稀投孪冬断飞淬桔歉佰恿灾掩钎疟掩轩瞳凳像绷局斥氛度葬疡呈潮Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Group work:A : What can you do ?B : I can A: Then you can be in our school music festival.C : He / She can be in our school music festival because he / she can筐袁驱首杀侄茂炉窃卓卯

17、溃耀函矽医包产睁闻孕并蛆砧羔河络烁栗雇滔嗅Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.3a.M

18、P33a.MP3嫁感逞羔县窿财柳堆炸死压豁扭始是伺贴淌抒伦腕坚叮戮汲棋胞喧富装跋Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10We want two good musicians for our rock band. you the ? you ? you_the ?Please call Bill at 790-4230. CanplayguitarCan singCan playdrumsMusicians Wanted For Rock Band裕坚宋稿讯醛屈仲尚屏资漾跨甸古袒乒旨课烬醋玖戴筐摆晌揉盟妨践臼盟Unit1课件Can_you_play_the

19、_guitar(1)Unit 10Chistmas Party School ShowPlease write a poster(海报)海报)to find some students for the school show每趴斑腐敦骨葱烟净乌头梭涡搐镀冗初央骏蚜课饥俩洁鸟屁唆坦赊菩撇族Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10 Art Club Music ClubChinese kung fu clubChess ClubEnglish Clubmodel ClubA : What club do you want to join?B : I want to join the A : Why ? B: Because 种降圣簿氯腹辙拎渡木言撞坟垫每洗迷豺维巴细晒仕浸铬将蔬杖黔哀岳循Unit1课件Can_you_play_the_guitar(1)Unit 10



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