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1、Subjunctive Mood ()虚拟语气虚拟语气 Jack RoseRetell the story In a poker game, Jack won a third-class ticket. ticket On Titanic, he met a beautiful girl called Rose.Retell the story meet Retell the story Slowly, they got to know each other and fell in love.know&fall in love Retell the story Suddenly, the sh

2、ip hit an iceberg and it sank.iceberg , sinkRetell the story At the end of this story, Jack died and Rose was alive.dead & aliveI should sail for America,if I bought a ticket.If I had a lot of money, I could buy a ticket.If I worked hard, I might have money now.” The ticket is so expensive! How coul

3、d I achieve my American dream? Subjunctive Mood ()虚拟语气虚拟语气在英语中,表示说话人所说的话不是在英语中,表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种事实,而是一种假设假设、愿望愿望、怀疑怀疑或或推测推测,要用虚拟语气。,要用虚拟语气。 We use unreal conditional to express imagination;something that is unlikely to happen, unreal event or situation.(我们用非真实条件句来表达想象,不可能我们用非真实条件句来表达想象,不可能发生的事或不真实的

4、事件或情况。)发生的事或不真实的事件或情况。)Unreal Conditionals (非真实性条件句)非真实性条件句) if 引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句 Unreal present 与与现在现在事实相反事实相反 Imaginary past 与与过去过去事实相反事实相反 Imaginary future 与与将来将来事实可能相反事实可能相反I should sail for America, if I bought a ticket .If I had a lot of money, I could buy a ticket.If I worked hard, I might hav

5、e money.If 从句从句的谓语形式的谓语形式主句主句的谓语形式的谓语形式presentdid(were)would/could/should/might +do 与现在事实相反虚拟与现在事实相反虚拟:If I were you, I would tell him the truth.1.如果我是一名百万富翁,我会给明溪一中建一如果我是一名百万富翁,我会给明溪一中建一 座图书馆。座图书馆。 If I _ (be)a millionaire, I _ (build) a library for Mingxi No. 1 Middle School. 2. 如果我有足够的钱,我为每一位如果我有

6、足够的钱,我为每一位学生提供免费的三餐。学生提供免费的三餐。I _ (supply) free meals to the students,if I _ (have)enough money . wereWould buildhadwould supply即学既练即学既练Jack:Rose, if I hadnt won the ticket, I wouldnt have been on board.Rose, If I hadnt been on board, I wouldnt have met you.If 从句从句的谓语形式的谓语形式 主句主句的谓语形式的谓语形式pasthad do

7、newould/could/should/might +have done1) If I hadnt won the ticket, I wouldnt have been on board.2)If I hadnt been on board, I wouldnt have met you.与过去事实相反虚拟与过去事实相反虚拟:即学既练即学既练1. If you _(come)earlier, you _ _(not miss) the bus.如果你早点来,你就不会错过那辆公如果你早点来,你就不会错过那辆公共汽车了。共汽车了。2. If he _(see)you yesterday, he

8、 _ (return)your book.如果他昨天见到了你,他就会还你的书的。如果他昨天见到了你,他就会还你的书的。had come couldnt have missed had seen would have returned Before Jack died ,he said: Rose, if we were alive,I would marry you some day. If we married, we would live a happy life in the future.If 从句从句的谓语形式的谓语形式 主句主句的谓语形式的谓语形式future 1.did(were

9、)would/could/should/might +do2.should+do3. were to do If we were alive,I would marry you some day. If we married, we would live a happy life in the future.与将来事实相反虚拟:与将来事实相反虚拟: If you succeeded, everything would be all right.If you should succeed, everything would be all right.If you were to succeed,

10、 everything would be all right.(与将来事实相反)与将来事实相反)More examples 1. If you_(get)a full mark next time,I_(treat) you a gift. got/were to get/should getwould treat与将来事实相反虚拟与将来事实相反虚拟即学既练即学既练:2. If I _ (live) in the 22nd century,I_(spend) my holiday in a very different way.lived /were to live/should livewo

11、uld spend If 从句从句的谓语形式的谓语形式 主句主句的谓语形式的谓语形式 present past future did(were)had donewould/could/should/might +do would/could/should/might +have done1.did2.should+do3. were to dowould/could/should/might +do.用括号中所用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1If you _(arrive) ten minutes earlier,you could have seen them off.2He

12、is busy now. If he _(be) free,he _(go) with you. 3If you _ (invite) him to come here tomorrow,I would also come.had arrivedwerewould goinvited/should invite/were to invite A Chinese Odyssey(大话西游)大话西游)If God gave me another chance, I would say 3 words to her - I love you. If you had to give a time li

13、mit to this love, I hope it were 10 thousand years. (与将来事实相反)Classic movie line 1 至尊宝至尊宝:如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是限,我希望是-一万年一万年! If God _ give me another chance, I would say 3 words to her - I love you._ God (to) give me

14、another chance, I would say 3 words to her - I love you.(如果(如果if句中有句中有were或或should,通常省略,通常省略if而将而将were或或should提到提到 主语前变成倒装句)主语前变成倒装句)were to / shouldWere / Shouldclassic movie line 2Once I had my best love, but I didnt treasure her. When I lost her, I felt regretful. It is the most painful thing in

15、this world.If I _ (treasure) her at that time, I _ (take) so much pain.(与过去(与过去事实相反)事实相反)_I treasured her at that time, I would not have taken so much pain.had treasuredwould not have taken (如果(如果if句中有句中有had,通常省略,通常省略if而将而将had提到主语前变成提到主语前变成倒装句)倒装句)Had If 省略句省略句 在虚拟条件句中,在虚拟条件句中,如果条件句中有如果条件句中有were, ha

16、d(助动词)或(助动词)或should时,时,省略省略if可使用可使用部分部分倒装结构倒装结构, 把把were, should, had提到提到主语前主语前。若条件从句为否定句,否定词。若条件从句为否定句,否定词not应置于主语之后,而不能与应置于主语之后,而不能与were,should,had等缩略成等缩略成werent,shouldnt,hadnt置于句首。置于句首。 If I were not so busy, I would go with you.Were I not so busy, I would go with you. If 省略句总结省略句总结1.If he had tak

17、en his friends advice ,he wouldnt have succeeded again .2.If you were Liu Wei ,what would you do now?3.If he should come to our school one day , I would take photos with him.Exercise: Use inverted (倒装)倒装)subjunctive mood rewrite them.Had he taken his friends advice ,he wouldnt have succeed again .We

18、re you Liu Wei ,what would you do now?Should he come to our school one day , I would take photos with him. 我错了,我真的错了,我从一开始就错我错了,我真的错了,我从一开始就错了。我不应该嫁过来,如果我不嫁过来我了。我不应该嫁过来,如果我不嫁过来我的夫君就不会死;如果我的夫君不死,我的夫君就不会死;如果我的夫君不死,我也不会来到这个伤心的地方;如果我不来也不会来到这个伤心的地方;如果我不来到这个伤心的地方,我也不会开这家店;到这个伤心的地方,我也不会开这家店;如果我不开这家店,我也不会遇到

19、你们;如果我不开这家店,我也不会遇到你们;如果我不遇到你们,这件事也不会发生如果我不遇到你们,这件事也不会发生.Boss Tongs classic lines Im wrong, Im really wrong. I should not be married. If I am not married, my husband will never die. If my husband has not die. Scholar Lvs translationCorrect itFill in the blanks Im wrong, Im really wrong. Ive been wron

20、g from the very beginning. I shouldnt have been married. If I hadnt been married, my husband_ (not die); If my husband hadnt died, I_ ( not come) to this unpleasant place; If I_( not come) to this unpleasant place, I wouldnt have opened the wine shop; If I hadnt opened the wine shop ,I_(not meet) yo

21、u; If I hadnt met you, it wouldnt have happened.Complete my translation wouldnt have diedwouldnt have comehadnt comewouldnt have metIf you had a great deal of money , what would you do?If I had a great deal of money, I would buy a villa(别墅)别墅) for my parents.Sentence chain(造句接龙)(造句接龙)Make sentences

22、in groups of fourusing subjunctive mood in if-clauses.And the sentences must be related to each other.Then act it out one after another.Five minutes for you. Student A: “If I were a bird, I would fly highinto the sky.”Student B: “If I could fly, I would try to touch the cloud.”Student C: “If I could

23、 touch the cloud, I would have a sleep on it. ”Student D: “If I have a sleep on the cloud, I would Group workIf I were God, If I were a teacher, If I Homework1.Review the rules of Subjunctive Mood2.Finish off the exercises in Workbook on page 7 Thank you! A: Dear Mum, If I were you , I would B: Dear son, If I were you , I would Pair work : Role play



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